Military Heavy

Chapter 162 Design Acceptance and Review

Chapter 162 Design Acceptance and Review

"Brother Fan."

Han Jiang grinned.

Yang Fan said: "It's so early, I thought you didn't wake up."

"Brother Fan's matter, where I dare to neglect, I have already woken up." Han Jiang replied.

Now that you're here, let's go.Yang Fan waved his hand and said, "Let's go, then let's go to the cafeteria to have dinner first, I'll treat you, and we'll work together after dinner."

It turned out that the two had already made an appointment when they had dinner together in the cafeteria last night, and Han Jiang helped Yang Fan go to the new house to clean up.

The relationship between the two is very good, and Yang Fan is not polite, and directly arrests Han Jiang's young man. It is always better to have one more person to do it together.

The new house has basically been decorated, all the furniture has been laid, and the paint has been painted. It should be completely dry by now, and even some necessities for life have been bought.

"Brother Fan, you are really planning to get married."

Yang Fan said as he walked, "Yes, we will definitely get married this year. We have been sure about our relationship for so long, and we can't delay it any longer."

After a while, the two arrived at the door of the dormitory.

There, a young girl stood there. Yang Fan knew it. It was Wu Hongxia, Han Jiang's object.

Yang Fan met Wu Hongxia once and had an impression of Wu Hongxia.

"Call Brother Fan."

Wu Hongxia was a little cautious and called out "Director Yang".

Yang Fan smiled, guessing that Wu Hongxia was not as relaxed as Han Jiang was because of her role as deputy director.

Director Yang is Director Yang.

Han Jiangdao: "This is the helper I called here. The two of us will help you clean it together. We will definitely clean the house."

Yang Fan said enthusiastically: "That's hard work, let's go, let's have breakfast together first."

So the three of them first went to the unit cafeteria to have breakfast, and then went to Yang Fan's new house together.

Han Jiang had been here once before. At that time, the decoration had not yet started. Today is his second visit here. He originally thought that this place should be the same as other people's new houses.

Who knows, when Yang Fan opened the door, he was amazed!

He froze!

Standing at the door unable to move.

There was a turmoil in my heart, my God, is this Brother Fan's new house, it is too beautiful, I swear, I have never seen such a beautiful new house.

Yang Fan is also very satisfied with the decoration effect here.

The craftsmanship of Lao Pan and his son is really good, basically reaching the original design effect. This is the house in Yang Fan's mind.

Spacious and bright, beautiful and beautiful!
Using soft white as the main color, paired with the right amount of light gray and a little bit of black, these colors are matched together, and then there is the current effect.

Wu Hongxia was also dumbfounded.

She also never expected that she just came here to help with hygiene, and she never expected to be taken aback.

This is actually the new house Director Yang is going to use to get married. The bride is so blessed.

Seeing the two of them in a daze, Yang Fan smiled and said, "Come in, don't just stand there."

When he came back to his senses, Han Jiang smiled a little embarrassedly, "Brother Fan, who hired someone to decorate this, and it has such a good effect."

Yang Fan said: "I designed it myself, and then hired someone to decorate it."

Han Jiang opened his mouth slightly, and looked at Yang Fan in astonishment, as if he was talking.

Don't lie to me.

I still believe that you can design ships.

But I don't believe in the decoration design of the house. When we were in college, the teacher didn't teach this at all.

Yang Fan said: "It was really designed by me."

After entering the room, I took out those design drawings from the cabinet, "Take a look, I drew this myself, and then I asked someone to decorate it according to this."

You really designed it.

After taking a look at these design drawings, Han Jiang found that Yang Fan was not bragging, and he felt a burst of admiration in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Yang Fan is not only good at designing ships, but also knows how to design this.

While admiring him, he seemed to think of something, and immediately put on a smile, "Brother Fan, let's discuss something with you."

Seeing this expression, Yang Fan knew that Han Jiang must have something to ask himself, so he said, "Tell me, don't make it too difficult, I can't help with things that are too difficult."

"It's not difficult, it's not difficult at all." Han Jiang said: "When I get a house in the future, you can help me design it, and I will decorate the house beautifully according to your design."

I thought it was something, but it turned out to be such a thing.

a piece of cake.

Yang Fan waved his hand and said, "No problem, just come to me when you get a house."

Seeing that he was so straightforward, he agreed, and Han Jiang felt happy for a while, and at the same time, he also dreamed about when he might be able to get a new house from the unit, how it would be decorated, and so on.

Wu Hongxia next to her blushed slightly, feeling a burst of happiness in her heart.

She knew that Han Jiang would have a new house in the future, so he would definitely live with her, and Han Jiang would definitely marry her. Thinking of living in a beautiful house in the future, she also had a longing in her heart.

After a while.

The three of them started to work, cleaned the ground, and mopped it no less than twice, and wiped all the furniture and dead corners with a rag.

The hygiene of a new house after decoration is generally difficult, but the three of them worked together, and the efficiency was not bad. Before noon, the house was cleaned up.

Looking at the spotless house, Han Jiang said: "Brother Fan, are you still satisfied? If you have orders, you can call me next time."

Yang Fan said with satisfaction: "Thank you for your hard work, I think it's almost done, let's go, I'll treat you, let's have a good meal at noon."

They helped themselves to do the hygiene for a long time, and they made it so clean, it should be a treat for a meal.Not far away, I found a private restaurant, ordered several dishes, and rewarded Han Jiang and the others.

on Monday.

Starting today, in the next three days, the most important thing for the Donghai Ship Design Institute is the design acceptance and review of the 052 ship.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the huge conference room was full.

There were not only invited experts, but also some people from related units. In addition, many people from the General Command, the Military Industry Bureau, and the military came.

It's a great event!
It's also a big deal.

For the entire 052 project, it is definitely a milestone.All the leaders of the East China Sea Institute sat in the conference room, and Yang Fan sat a little behind, listening carefully to Pan Jinfu's speech.

Pan Jinfu, the chief designer, will introduce the design of the 052 ship.

What is the biggest design highlight of the 052 ship?

There is no doubt that it is modular!

Pan Jinfu's introduction was very professional and detailed. Not only the participating review experts listened carefully, but other comrades also listened carefully.

For example, some comrades in the military, while listening, they also whispered a few words in a low voice, obviously very satisfied with some designs of the 052 ship.

In addition to introducing the modular design of the 052 ship, it also introduces which new technologies are adopted, which advanced functions are available, and so on.

One morning was spent almost in meetings.

At noon, everyone had a meal in the restaurant arranged by Donghai. While eating, many people were chatting about some things about the 052 ship.

"Our ship 05 has finally completed the overall design. It is really an exciting thing!"

"It's well designed, and the modularity is the biggest highlight."

"Not only is it modular, but its combat system is also well designed."

"Its power system is also good. Using diesel-fuel combined power is definitely a great initiative."


Taking advantage of the meal, many people were talking like this, all of them looked very happy. For everyone, this was a big event.

In the afternoon, there was no further meeting in the conference room.

For the entire design acceptance and review, the meeting is not the main thing. The experts reviewing the design of the 052 ship is the most important thing. They will take a serious look at many key and important drawings.

The experts were divided into several groups, and began to go deep into each design room, communicate with some designers involved in the design, and take a look at the design drawings more.

To this end, Donghai Institute has prepared several reading rooms, prepared a large number of design drawings, and prepared some large tables to facilitate experts to review the design drawings.

Among them, the review of design drawings is the top priority.

Quite a few senior designers, or the directors and deputy directors of each design room accompanied the review. When looking at the drawings, the experts would ask some questions from time to time.

As the deputy director of the Model Office and concurrently the deputy director of the Combat System Design Office, Yang Fan of course accompanied the review, and the experts generally answered patiently if they had any questions.

In just half a day, several experts accompanied by Yang Fan were deeply impressed by Yang Fan, thinking in their hearts, although this comrade is very young, his level is not average.

In another temporary reading room, several experts are reviewing the design drawings, accompanied by Kuang Wei and several key designers from the general design office.

After reading several design drawings, one of the experts praised: "The modular design of the 052 ship is really good. It will be very convenient if we really want to carry out large-scale modernization in the future. There is no need for 'major surgery'. The modules are highly interchangeable."

"The East China Sea Institute is good. I think it is the most sensible decision for the 052 ship to be designed by the East China Sea Institute."

Several experts praised the design of the 052 ship very highly.After a lot of praise, an expert asked.

"Director Kuang Wei, is the modular design of the 052 ship the result of your collective discussion, or the decision of Chief Designer Pan?"

Kuang Wei replied: "This is Comrade Yang Fan's proposal. At the beginning of the design, Comrade Yang Fan proposed that the design of the 052 ship should be modular."

Comrade Yang Fan?

Who is Comrade Yang Fan?

A few experts, you look at me, and I look at you.

They felt very strange to this "Comrade Yang Fan", as if he was neither the leader of the East China Sea Institute nor a great expert in the field of domestic ship design.

Who is he?

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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