Military Heavy

Chapter 163 Filling the gap in the country

Chapter 163 Filling the gap in the country
More than just a few of their experts.

Some experts did not stay in the reading room to review the design drawings of the 052 ship for the time being, but walked into the design rooms and chatted with some designers.

Mainly talk about some things about the design of the 052 ship.

They were surprised to find that many designers mentioned a person's name many times, and that person was Yang Fan.

Many of the experts participating in the acceptance review became curious and wanted to know who Yang Fan was, but they couldn't ask directly for a while.

Only a few experts couldn't bear the curiosity in their hearts, and finally asked Yang Fan.

When I learned that Yang Fan was the deputy director of the Model Office of the Donghai Research Institute and the deputy director of the Combat System Design Office, and was only in his twenties, I became even more curious.

They wanted to meet Yang Fan very much, and they really wanted to know what kind of young man this was.

In the evening, the guest house where the specialists stay.

In their free time, apart from chatting about today's judging matters, the experts naturally chatted with one person, that is Yang Fan.

"It's really strange. People from Donghai Institute mentioned Yang Fan many times. What kind of person is he? I really want to meet him."

"I've heard of this person. It seems to be the deputy director of the Model Office of the East China Sea Research Institute and the deputy director of the Combat System Design Office."

"Yang Fan is very young. According to people from Donghai Institute, he is only in his twenties."

"The modular design and combat system design of the 052 ship are said to be closely related to Yang Fan."


The experts chatted like this, full of curiosity about Yang Fan.

Another expert came over and happened to hear what they were chatting with. He couldn't help laughing, and broke the news: "I met Yang Fan, and he stayed with us for almost an afternoon this afternoon."



All the experts stopped chatting and looked at the middle-aged expert wearing black-rimmed glasses and a tunic suit. Someone couldn't help asking.

"Old Qi, Yang Fan really stayed with you for almost an afternoon, tell us quickly, what kind of person is he?"

Expert Lao Qi held the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose with his hands, and said: "This afternoon, Lao Liu, Lao Zhou and I have been reviewing the design drawings of the 052 ship, and Yang Fan has been with us all the time. We will ask any questions during the review process”

He briefly explained the situation, and described Yang Fan, among which there were many words of praise, "This young man is good, his thinking is very clear, his level is not bad, he can answer every question, and he answers all of them well. "

After hearing such words, all the experts gradually had a blurred image of Yang Fan in their minds, and some even thought in their hearts that the review will continue tomorrow, and I want to see what this young man looks like.

On the first day of judging, Yang Fan was known by many people.

The next day, the review continued.

In addition to a short meeting of less than two hours, the main work is the review of design materials, and the experts will be divided into several groups to carry out separately.

During the meeting, Yang Fan, who was sitting in a relatively back seat, noticed that some people always looked back at him vaguely, and then whispered a few words to the people next to them, nodding their heads from time to time.

At the beginning, Yang Fan didn't take it to heart at all.

Gradually, more and more people watched him quietly, Yang Fan was a little puzzled, they always looked at me quietly, what's wrong?

What exactly is going on!

After the meeting, the review of design drawings began, and some experts went to the reading room where Yang Fan was located to take a look and sit down.

Some people even chatted with Yang Fan and asked some questions about the design of the 052 ship. Even though they didn't know each other, they knew that the other party was an expert participating in the review. Yang Fan answered patiently without being humble or overbearing.

When it was time for lunch, Yang Fan, Kuang Wei and others sat together, and finally understood what was going on.

Kuang Wei enviously said: "Comrade Yang Fan, you are famous, I really envy you now, why am I not as famous as you?"

Yang Fan was confused and looked at Kuang Wei.

Zhao Yulan next to her smiled and revealed the mystery, "During this review process, whether it is the modular design of the 052 ship or the design of the combat system, it is inseparable from Comrade Yang Fan. Our designers have mentioned Yang Fan many times. Gradually, the experts memorized this name and became curious about our Director Yang Fan.”

After hearing Zhao Yulan finish speaking, Yang Fan smiled dumbly.

That's what happened.

Unexpectedly, with just such a review, I became famous among the reviewers!
This was a good thing, gradually, Yang Fan was in a better mood, and even smiled happily, which made Kuang Wei and others envious again.

The review of the 052 ship took a total of three days.

Among them, the combat system and the power system are the first in China, especially the combat system, which fills the gap in the country. We have never had the concept of a combat system before, let alone such a thing.

The power system is also good. For the first time, diesel-fuel combined power is used. A total of two diesel engines and two LM2500 gas turbines provide power for the 052 ship.

The two systems were reviewed individually.

It is seen that the combat system adopts a large number of computer technology to realize the transformation from mechanization to informatization, and the platform design has been given key considerations.

The expert group rated the design of the system highly.

Another name appeared in the minds of many experts.

It was this young man, under his leadership, we filled the gap in the country, and for the first time, we had a combat system on our warships.

The review went well.

Basically no major problems were found, and only a few minor problems needed to be rectified. At the acceptance review summary meeting on the third day, the leader of the expert group made a conclusion for this review.

The 052 ship successfully passed the acceptance and review of the expert group.

Amid the applause, including the chief designer Pan Jinfu and others, they were obviously relieved. After more than four years, the design of the 052 ship was finally fully completed.

From 1983 to 1987.

A total of more than 1000 days and nights, the designers of Donghai Institute, led by chief designer Pan Jinfu, driven by a sense of responsibility and mission, finally successfully completed this glorious task.

05 ship design completed!
Pass the acceptance review!

In the huge conference room, the applause continued for a long time! ! !
There are not many problems that need to be rectified, and they are all minor problems. There are no major problems. The workload is not too big, and Yang Fan is temporarily relieved.

Now, Yang Fan is ready to fulfill his promise.

At the beginning, he promised Jiang Yan that once the design of the 052 ship was completed, he and Jiang Yan would receive the certificate together.This year, Yang Fan must marry Jiang Yan.

Sitting down and thinking about it for a while, Yang Fan picked up a pen and wrote down the marriage application on the letterhead. After finishing writing, he took a look at it and felt that there was no problem.

Yang Fan belongs to the middle-level deputy of the East China Sea Institute. If he wants to get married, he needs to apply to the organization. After being approved, he will also print a marriage certificate and some related materials at the unit, and then apply for a marriage certificate with his household registration book and ID card.

Unlike now, the process of applying for a marriage certificate has been greatly simplified, as long as both parties bring their ID cards and household registration books.

Looking at the time, guessing that Master Pan should be in the office, Yang Fan took this application and went to Pan Jinfu.

Knock on the door and come in, sure enough, General Master Pan is right there.

"Xiao Yang is here, sit down quickly."

Commander Pan is very enthusiastic. A few days ago, the design review of the 052 ship passed smoothly. Once the pressure in his heart was relieved, he seemed to relax.

During the acceptance review process, he heard experts mention Yang Fan many times, so he was more satisfied and valued Yang Fan more.

In the past few days, Pan Jinfu is even thinking that he is getting old and will retire in a few years, whether Yang Fan can be trained as my successor.

This idea has not been in his mind for a day or two.

He almost watched Yang Fan grow up. In a few years, he thinks that Yang Fan's level has improved very fast, and he has completely reached the level where he can stand alone.

"Come, come, sit here."

Mr. Pan was very enthusiastic and happy, and greeted Yang Fan to sit down on the sofa, and made a cup of hot tea by himself.

Yang Fan was flattered and said again and again: "I'll do it, I'll do it myself."

Pan Jinfu insisted on brewing this cup of hot tea, put it in Yang Fan's hand, and then sat down, saying with great satisfaction: "Our 052 ship has successfully completed the acceptance review. I think highly of you."

Yang Fan hurriedly said modestly: "No, I just did some small things and made a few small suggestions."

too humble.

Still humble.

Not arrogant or impetuous.

Pan Jinfu nodded with more satisfaction, and said in his heart, the young man is really good, with a high level of technology, and a good way of life, which is worth cultivating.

After chatting for a while, he asked with concern like an elder: "Xiao Yang, you are also in your twenties, and you have been in a relationship with your partner for almost two years."

"Yeah." Yang Fan nodded, "I'm 25 this year, and I've discussed with my partner to get married this year."

"That's a good thing!"

Pan Jinfu felt a burst of heartfelt joy, completely from the heart, "Xiao Yang, Ship 052 has successfully completed the design acceptance, and there will be a little more time in the future. Hurry up and deal with personal matters, and we can also ask for a glass of wedding wine." .”

The abundance of time is only temporary.

The overall design of the 052 ship has been completed. Everyone has worked so hard for so long. It will be repaired for a while, and then it will be busy again.

With the construction of the first ship, it is estimated that the second ship of the 052 ship will start construction in the near future, and the East China Sea Institute will also make some improvements to the current design, improve, especially increase the degree of localization.

Master Pan paid so much attention to his personal affairs, Yang Fan felt warm in his heart.

Expressed his gratitude to Master Pan, then took out the marriage application from his pocket and handed it over
Today is the third update, and the third update is sent.

Ask everyone for monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, collections and other support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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