Military Heavy

Chapter 164

Chapter 164
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Pan Jinfu was slightly taken aback, and soon, surprise appeared on his face.

Yang Fan said: "Mr. Pan, I am planning to get married this year. This is my marriage application. I hope the organization will approve my marriage."

Yang Fan can also be regarded as a middle-level deputy at Donghai Institute, so this application is necessary.

Looking at it happily, without saying a word, Pan Jinfu picked up the pen and signed the word "Agree" and signed his own name.

Strong and powerful!

"Xiao Yang, congratulations."

Pan Jinfu solemnly sent the application to Yang Fan and expressed his congratulations.

Yang Fan expressed his thanks, sat down with Chief Master Pan for a while, and after chatting, took this application to the office of Liang Zhiquan, the leader of Donghai Research Institute.

Very smooth.

Liang Zhiquan not only signed without further ado, but also happily congratulated Yang Fan, and emphasized that he must be treated to a glass of wedding wine on the wedding day.

In one day, Yang Fan not only submitted the marriage application to Donghai Institute, but also produced the supporting materials. As long as he made an appointment with Jiang Yan, the two of them could choose a day, and bring relevant materials, ID card and household registration book to get married first.

Donghai Second Garment Factory.

Ask any young worker who is the most beautiful in their factory, and nine out of ten will tell you that Jiang Yan in their factory is the most beautiful.

Not only is she beautiful, but she is also a college student.

Such a girl is like a star in Donghai No. [-] Garment Factory. Although Jiang Yan is very low-key, many people know her, especially the young workers.

Of course, Jiang Yan has many suitors or secret lovers.

Yu Zhou is one of them. The first time he saw Jiang Yan, he couldn't extricate himself deeply, from the very first crush to the present pursuit.

He thought he was the most likely to catch up with Jiang Yan, because his father was the deputy director of the No. [-] Garment Factory in Donghai City.

Today, Yu Zhou wrote another hot love letter, and was going to send it to Jiang Yan again. Although they didn't confiscate it every time, he persevered.

With this love letter in his pocket, he walked confidently to the door of the big office of Jiang Yan's department. He unexpectedly found that it seemed to be quite lively inside.

A few female voices came out. They were talking about something. After hearing a few words, Yu Zhou's face changed. Jiang Yan was going to get married.

Jiang Yan is such a beautiful girl, and she is also a college student. Once the news of her wedding comes out, some people will definitely talk about it, not to mention the big sisters in her office.

"Xiaojiang is going to get married, so I went to the factory office to prepare all the proof materials."

"It's all right now. If it gets out, most of the young guys in our factory will be hit hard."

Such words came out from the big office, accompanied by a burst of happy laughter, Yu Zhou's expression changed suddenly.

From being full of confidence just now, his face turned a little pale all of a sudden.

Where did he dare to go in? Yu Zhou felt extremely uncomfortable, and finally turned around and left. When he left the building, he saw a happy Jiang Yan from a distance.

If it was normal, he would definitely come forward to strike up a conversation, this is a good opportunity.

But now he doesn't dare, and hides far away.

Monday, August 1987, 5.

This day is also May Fourth Youth Day.

Yang Fan specially asked for a day off, drove his Changjiang 750 motorcycle out early, and soon arrived at Jiang Yan's house.

The two families have already made an appointment. Yang Fan and Jiang Yan will go to get the certificate today. First get the marriage certificate. The wedding will be held on the National Day.

Yang Fang is happy, her younger brother is getting married.

She is very busy, but today she pushed off a lot of things. Together with Xie Guoqing, she chose a good restaurant in Donghai City, and specially asked for a private room. After receiving the certificate, she wanted to celebrate Yang Fan.

"Brother Fan!"

Hearing the sound of the motorcycle, Jiang Yan was like a happy lark, with a face full of happiness, and he was the first to open the door and come out.

She specially changed into new clothes and simply dressed up, looking more beautiful than usual.

Seeing the beautiful Jiang Yan, Yang Fan felt a burst of emotion in his heart. He wondered how many wooden fishes he had smashed in his previous life, so he could marry such a good wife in this life.

"Yan, I have everything ready."

While talking, get out of the car.

At this time, Jiang Dahai, Li Xiuzhen, and Jiang Dan all came out, their faces were filled with joy, even Jiang Dan, a ghost, was different.

She bounced to Yang Fan, stretched out her hand and said, "Brother-in-law, I want candy."

Yang Fan smiled, he was ready for a long time, unwrapped one of the packs of white rabbit toffee, grabbed a few and stuffed them in her hands, and then each grabbed a handful for his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

"Is it only sugar? I want something else."

Peeling off a piece of candy and putting it in his mouth, Jiang Dan looked like a ghost, and stretched out his hand to ask for something else to eat.

Yang Fan smiled again, "Yes, yes, I bought you sour plum powder for you."

After finishing speaking, he took out a large bag of sour plum powder from the motorcycle bucket. There seemed to be dozens of small bags inside, enough for Jiang Dan to eat for a while.

"Wow, there are so many, brother-in-law, sour plum powder is my favorite."

After getting such a big bag of sour plum powder, Jiang Dan was completely happy, and he called "brother-in-law" sweetly every bite.

Sour plum powder is a snack that many children like. It is sweet and sour. It comes in a small package. When you tear open the package, there is a small plastic spoon inside. One package can be eaten for most of the day.

"Be careful on the road, we will meet at the hotel." Jiang Dahai reminded.

Li Xiuzhen also explained to Jiang Yan, stuffed the household registration book into Jiang Yan's hand, and watched Jiang Yan get on the motorcycle.

"Uncle Jiang, we will be back as soon as possible."

Yang Fan was happy while starting the motorcycle, and waved loudly.

After a while, the motorcycle gradually moved away and disappeared from sight.

Suddenly, Jiang Dahai found that his eyes were a little wet, and wiped them gently with his hands.

Li Xiuzhen was similar, the corners of her eyes were moist, and she quickly wiped them with a handkerchief.

Jiang Dan, who was happily eating sour plum powder, saw that his parents seemed to be crying, and was very puzzled. He stopped and asked, "What's wrong with you."


It's because of pleasure!

My daughter has found a good home!

The couple are very satisfied with Yang Fan, the son-in-law.

Today is a good day, the May [-]th Youth Day, there are many newcomers who come to register for marriage. Near noon, the two finally received their marriage certificate as they wished.

When he came out, Yang Fan held Jiang Yan's hand, his eyes were full of tenderness, "Honey, we can go shopping hand in hand in a fair and honest manner from now on."

Jiang Yan rolled her eyes coquettishly, and her face was also full of happiness.


Got the certificate!
Especially Jiang Yan, who had a dream since he was a child, that he must marry Brother Yang Fan when he grows up, and now, this wish has come true.

Sitting on the back of the motorcycle, she stretched out her hand, gently hugged Yang Fan's waist, and gently pressed against Yang Fan's firm and warm back.

Starting today, the two are officially husband and wife!
Love each other forever!

According to the prior appointment, Yang Fan rode to the restaurant, took Jiang Yan's little hand, and walked into the reserved box.

Yang Fang, Xie Guoqing and Xie Dong, Jiang Dahai, Li Xiuzhen and Jiang Dan, they were waiting there early, waiting for good news from them.

Seeing the two people looking happy and walking in hand in hand, whether it was Yang Fang and Xie Guoqing, or Jiang Dahai and Li Xiuzhen, they became a little excited in an instant.

After entering, seeing everyone looking at him, Yang Fan took out a brand new marriage certificate, waved it up, and put it on the table.

Immediately, Yang Fang and Jiang Dahai each picked up a marriage certificate and looked happily. Jiang Dahai even looked at it and said repeatedly, "Okay, okay, okay"

I don't know how many "good" words I said before I gave Li Xiuzhen the never-to-be-tired marriage certificate to take a look as well.

After reading the marriage certificate, Jiang Dahai specially handed Jiang Yan's hand to Yang Fan's, and said with a straight face: "Yang Fan, starting today, Jiang Yan will be handed over to you."

Yang Fan was moved in his heart, "Uncle Jiang, don't worry, I will treat Jiang Yan well, love her well, and take care of her."

Jiang Yan looked happy, but lightly poked Yang Fan.

Yang Fang also reminded with a smile: "Brother, why are you still called Uncle Jiang?"

Everyone laughed happily, Yang Fan quickly changed his words, "Dad, don't worry, I will treat Jiang Yan well."

Jiang Dahai smiled, very relieved and satisfied.

Not long after, a sumptuous meal was served, and a large table was full.Not only food, but also good wine, Jiang Dahai is drunk again
Donghai Shipyard.

In the subsection manufacturing workshop, there was a lot of excitement. The first section of the 052 ship started welding. Wu Mingze led several welders. Teacher Xie Xinjian and others are all there.

For Donghai Shipyard, today is definitely an unusual day, and it is also a very meaningful day. Sectional welding has finally started!

The arc was shining, and the sound of electric welding was transmitted to everyone's ears, which seemed so wonderful.

Chen Shaohua thought in his heart, thanks to Yang Fan, if it wasn't for him, the Donghai factory might still be subject to welding cracks, and it would be impossible to start the welding of the first segment.

He watched it for a long time and was reluctant to leave.

If it wasn't for Xie Xinjian's reminder, he would probably want to watch it a little longer.

Xie Xinjian said: "Old Chen, Minister Zheng and the others should be almost done. We can go to the East China Sea Office. When the time comes, we will need your signature."

Looking at the sections during the welding, Chen Shaohua finally waved his hand and said, "Go, let's go to the East China Sea Institute and bring back all the design drawings of the 052 ship."

Ship 052 completed the design acceptance review very smoothly, only some minor problems need to be rectified. At present, all these minor problems have been rectified.

The East China Sea Ship Design Institute will hand over a design drawing to the East China Sea Shipyard. Zheng Xianxue and the others went to the East China Sea Institute early in the morning. Now, Chen Shaohua should also go there.

Three more updates will continue today, and the first update will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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