Military Heavy

Chapter 165 Respectable Military Worker

Chapter 165 Respectable Military Worker
Donghai Ship Design Institute.

What is the most important thing today?

There is no doubt that it is to hand over the design drawings, a complete set of design drawings, to Donghai Shipyard. After these drawings are dried, they are sorted and packed into dozens of large boxes. The total weight of the drawings is more than one ton.

Zheng Xianxue led his people to the East China Sea Shipyard early on behalf of the East China Sea Shipyard.

When handing over the drawings, the counterpart unit is the chief engineer office, but the model office is also involved. Yang Fan has carefully checked the drawings. The drawing number section of the drawing is pasted on the outside of each box, and the same box contains the same drawing. Sectional drawings.

Everything is correct.

Yang Fan said to Zheng Xianxue: "Check it yourself, I think there should be no problem."

Zheng Xianxue is happy!

This is the design drawing they have been looking forward to day and night, and it can finally be shipped back to Donghai Shipyard. They no longer use sketches, but have a formal blueprint.

"It has been checked twice, and there is no problem, there must be no problem." Zheng Xianxue said happily.

Looking at the blueprints for packing, Liu Hong also felt relieved. What she was most afraid of was that Chen Shaohua would come and demand the blueprints. Finally, the formal blueprints could be handed over to Donghai Shipyard.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, Chen Shaohua arrived.

Seeing this box of blueprints was like seeing a treasure. I walked up to these blueprints, looked at them again and again, and then opened one of the boxes by myself, and looked at the design blueprints inside happily.

We finally have an official blueprint!
Don't worry about not having drawings anymore!

Feeling bursts of joy in Chen Shaohua's heart, he walked up to Yang Fan and held Yang Fan's hand tightly. At this moment, he was a little excited.

As the chief builder of Ship 052 and the deputy director of Donghai Shipyard, Chen Shaohua was really excited and couldn't hold back his excitement.

"Comrade Yang Fan, thank you, thank you very much."

Feeling his excitement, and feeling his hands trembling slightly, Yang Fan knew Chen Shaohua's mood at the moment, and quickly said: "Where, where, what we should do."

Be polite.

Thanks again.

Chen Shaohua finally walked in front of Liu Hong, and said apologetically, "Comrade Liu Hong, I have offended you a lot before, so don't take it to heart."

There is such a side? ? ?
Bandit Chen actually apologized to Liu Hong!

Liu Hong herself was surprised, she was taken aback for a moment, and after she came to her senses, she was also happy, "Director Chen, it's all for the public affairs, I didn't take it to heart at all."

That's good, that's good!
Chen Shaohua felt relieved, then waved his hand and said, "There is no problem with the drawing, it is complete, then I will sign it."

He signed the handover document on behalf of Donghai Factory, and immediately, the scene burst into cheers, and there was a burst of warm applause.

Especially the people from Donghai Shipyard, including Zheng Xianxue, applauded vigorously.Their faces were either happy or excited.

Affected by this, Yang Fan also applauded, feeling happy for Donghai Shipyard in his heart.

Before the applause stopped, Chen Shaohua said loudly: "Comrades, load the blueprints on the truck and transport them back to our Donghai Shipyard!"

Before the words were finished, everyone took action, especially a young technician who was the first to carry the first box of drawings and strode outside.

In the open space outside, there was already a large army green truck parked. This was a military vehicle with soldiers loaded with live ammunition.

Boxes of blueprints were transported to the car, almost filling most of the car.

After dozens of boxes of blueprints were loaded into the car, several technicians climbed into the car to guard the precious blueprints, and the rest got into another army-green jeep, including Zheng Xianxue.

Before leaving, Chen Shaohua held Yang Fan's hand again, "Haha, we finally have the blueprint. We have waited too long for this day."


For these official drawings, Donghai Shipyard is simply looking forward to the stars and the moon.

For the official drawings, Chen Shaohua came to urge him many times.

Well now, the complete set of drawings can finally be shipped back to Donghai Shipyard.

Yang Fan can fully understand Chen Shaohua's mood at the moment, "Mr. Chen, congratulations. After you have the official drawings, I think the construction of the first ship will be smoother."

Chen Shaohua said: "Our subsection manufacturing workshop has already started the welding of the first section, and in a few days, it is estimated that the welding of the second section will start."

This kind of progress is really fast!

No wonder when Chen Shaohua told Yang Fan about this matter, his tone was full of pride.

Yang Fan also became happy, the first section of the first ship, and immediately said: "Tomorrow I will go to your factory to see the welding of our first section."

"Welcome, I'll come pick you up tomorrow morning."

"No, I'll come by myself." Yang Fan said.

"Also, come directly to the manufacturing site, I'll wait for you there." Chen Shaohua said.

Then, he shook hands with Liu Hong and others one by one, and then, with a wave of his hand, happily got into his small black car.

Yang Fan watched the people from the Donghai Shipyard go away, thinking in his heart that the official drawings of the 052 ship had finally been handed over to the Donghai Shipyard.

The next day.

Early on, Yang Fan asked for a car and went to Donghai Shipyard.

In the segmented manufacturing workshop, Chen Shaohua was already there.Yang Fan walked into this large workshop and saw the first segment being welded at a glance.

There are a lot of workers on the production site, which is a bit strange, but there are not many technicians, it seems that there are only one or two people, which is very different from usual.

Soon, Yang Fan suddenly realized.

The official blueprint of the 052 ship has been shipped back to Donghai Shipyard in its entirety. From then on, the technical staff of the entire Donghai Shipyard should be busy.

They must compile the corresponding process regulations according to the design drawings in the fastest time, and use these process documents to guide the construction of the 052 ship.

This is a big project with a lot of work.

No wonder there were fewer technicians at the production site, but there were a lot of production workers. With the difficulty of welding cracks being overcome, the Donghai factory turned on its full horsepower again.

"Comrade Yang Fan!"

From a long distance away, Chen Shaohua took the initiative to say hello, and strode over, shaking hands with Yang Fan tightly.

Proudly pointing to the section that is being welded, he said: "See, this is the first section we manufactured. The welding has been going on for several days, and no welding quality problems have been found so far. The progress is very good. smoothly."

Good luck!

Yang Fan is relieved, Chen Shaohua is happy!

The two walked to the front of the section being welded together, pointing to this section, and Chen Shaohua introduced it.

For such sections, according to the modular construction method of the general section, there will be more than a dozen of the 052 ships. After these sections are manufactured, the boarding platform will be welded like building blocks, and the construction efficiency will be higher than that of the traditional one. Tower construction is much faster.

While listening to Chen Shaohua's introduction, Yang Fan looked at the segment during welding, his eyes hardly leaving.

Gradually, Yang Fan realized something was wrong, and after watching it for a while, he felt emotional!
What a respectable military worker!
The arc is shining, and the sound of welding has never stopped.

Under the leadership of Wu Mingze, several welding workers were busy, and two of them were performing overhead welding.The so-called "overhead welding" means that the welding part is higher than the top of the head, and the head must be raised and the neck is welded.

Such welding is very difficult.

More critically, the welding part is above the head, and the welding sparks will fall down, and a large number will fall on the top of the welder's head, neck, and shoulders.

Sparks falling from welding are hot!
This kind of sparks falling, most people can't bear it.

The top of the head might be a little better, protected by a helmet, but what about the neck, what about the face.
The scorching hot sparks fall on these parts and directly contact the skin. When it is hot, it will be a blister, and when it is hot, it will be a bag.

Yang Fan sighed!

The two welders, as if they didn't care at all, let the scorching sparks fall and focused on welding all the time.

Yang Fan admires it!

I was moved again in my heart, what a respectable military worker!

For our 052 ship, I don't care about my burns, and I don't care about my body, welding there.

Chen Shaohua said slowly: "Although we have done a lot of preparatory work before, some large-scale tooling has not been done in time. Such overhead welding is inevitable."

Yang Fan was silent for a long time
Not long after, Wu Mingze finished welding a few seams. He should have seen Yang Fan and Chen Shaohua a long time ago. He temporarily put down the welding torch and walked over.

Yang Fan noticed Wu Mingze.

Maybe he didn't pay attention before, didn't observe so carefully, but this time Yang Fan could see clearly that there were some scars on Wu Mingze's neck and face.

There are new additions and some old scars.

Apparently, this was all done during electric welding, but he didn't mind it at all, as if he thought it was quite normal.

What a respectable military worker!

Seeing the scars on Wu Mingze's face and neck, Yang Fan was moved again.

Wu Mingze didn't seem to realize that there was anything wrong with this, and he didn't take these scars to heart at all, but came here happily.

"Mr. Chen, Director Yang, the welding of the first segment is going very smoothly."

Chen Shaohua nodded reassuringly, and specifically asked: "We must ensure the welding quality, especially pay attention to welding cracks."

Wu Mingze replied: "There will be no more welding cracks. Director Yang's method is very effective, and there have been no welding cracks so far."

That's it.

The weldability of this new type of steel is relatively poor, and the most worrying thing is the welding quality, especially welding cracks.

The welding of the first section was tense and smooth, and Yang Fan felt relieved, thinking in his heart that from now on, each section of the 052 ship will be welded one after another, and perhaps the construction of the berth can begin before the end of this year.

At Donghai Shipyard, Yang Fan stayed almost all day.

Not only watched the welding of the first segment, but also walked into each production workshop accompanied by Chen Shaohua, checked the production situation, and went to the slipway for the construction of the first ship again.

Beside the slipway, the two exchanged a lot about the modular construction of the general section.


The third update will continue today, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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