Military Heavy

Chapter 166 Marriage "Three Major Items"

Chapter 166 Marriage "Three Major Items"

Today is the last weekend in May.

Yang Fan and Jiang Yan made an appointment to go to a relatively large department store in Donghai City today, where they picked out some daily necessities.

Taking advantage of the time, it is the plan of the two of them to buy some things back home one after another.

Early in the morning, Yang Fan rode to Jiang Yan's house, opened the door and went in, and the first thing he saw was Jiang Yan and Jiang Dan.

"Brother-in-law, what delicious food did you bring over this time?"

Jiang Yan gave her a blank look, "Such a glutton, be careful to eat like a fat girl."

Jiang Dan made a cute face at the two, and then ran towards the backyard together.

"Yan, where are your parents?"

"It's in the backyard, making our wedding quilt." Jiang Yan replied.

The two plan to get married on National Day. As the woman's natal family, they must prepare some dowry, among which several new quilts are essential.

Today's weather is fine, Jiang Dahai and his wife invited a cotton-plucking master over to make new quilts in the backyard, Yang Fan also heard the sound of cotton-plucking.

"Come on, let's take a look."

Holding Jiang Yan's soft little hand, the two came to the lively backyard, where they were playing cotton, and Jiang Dahai and his wife were very enthusiastic when they saw Yang Fan.

"Yang Fan, you're here so soon."

Yang Fan called out "Dad, Mom" ​​and greeted the two happily. After receiving the certificate, Yang Fan changed his words.

Nowadays, the master who plucks cotton is almost extinct, and it is hard to see it anymore, but it was very popular in the 80s.

Few people buy ready-made quilts. They buy cotton by themselves, and ask the master who plays cotton to come to the door and play the quilt at home.

Jiang Haihai specially bought the cotton, the best new cotton, which is very white, soft and comfortable to the touch.

Seeing this brand new snow-white cotton, Yang Fan was very satisfied.

This quilt is so comfortable!
After watching for a while and chatting for a while, Yang Fan said, "Dad, Mom, then Jiang Yan and I went to the department store."

Jiang Hai said: "Wait a minute, I'll get the money for you."

Yang Fan quickly waved his hand, "No, we have money, how can we ask you to pay for it?"

Yang Fan is already very content with marrying such a beautiful daughter to him, and he dare not ask Jiang Dahai's money. He is ready to pay for everything that needs to be purchased, and will tell his relatives and friends that it is all Jiang Yan's. dowry.

People in this era pay attention to three things when they get married.

Which three pieces?
These are bicycles, watches and sewing machines.

Yang Fan is also planning to buy three major items, namely a color TV, a washing machine and a tape recorder.

Of course, Jiang Yan would definitely buy a watch. The bicycle was not used for the time being. Jiang Yan had already bought a bicycle after he started working, but he never had a watch.

Riding that 750 motorcycle, the two arrived at a large department store.

Before the emergence of modern supermarkets, ordinary people usually went to state-run department stores to buy large items. In a few years, with the emergence of large supermarkets, it is estimated that they would not come to such department stores, but would prefer to go to supermarkets.

The two walked into the department store.

Buy a watch first.

Holding his wife's hand, Yang Fan came to the watch counter and helped Jiang Yan choose a delicate and small ladies' watch.

There are not many styles of watches, and this should be the most beautiful one among the few ladies' watches.

Yang Fan took the watch and said, "Try it on and see if you like it."

Jiang Yan said happily: "Brother Fan, really buy me a watch, it will cost more than 200 yuan."

Yang Fan waved his hand and said, "As long as you like it, I'll buy it for you for 2000 yuan too..."

Suddenly, Jiang Yan felt sweet in his heart.

After she started working, she wanted to buy a watch for a long time, and had saved enough money to buy a watch. Before she had time, Brother Fan was going to buy this watch for her.

She happily put the watch on her wrist, looked at it again and again, and the more she looked at it, the more she liked it, especially the delicate leather strap.

"I think it looks good."

Yang Fan nodded, then took out his bulging wallet to pay, and paid for more than 20 brand new "Great Unity" in one breath.

So much money in the wallet!
Someone next to him saw the wallet and was secretly surprised.

So young, so much money, what does he do?
If only I had that much money.

Feeling the envious eyes, Yang Fan smiled slightly, thinking in his heart, what is this little money, it is only a few hundred dollars.

The maximum face value is only ten yuan, which is really strenuous.

Hundreds of dollars will fill the wallet.

Yang Fan, who is used to hundred-yuan bills and mobile payment, felt a little uncomfortable with so many ten-yuan notes in his wallet.

If the people next to him knew this idea, they would probably fall to the ground.

Comrade, this is all "great unity"!

The largest denomination of banknotes.

With so much money, I have to live frugally for many years.

After paying the money and looking at the happy Jiang Yan, Yang Fan took her to a place where TVs were sold. Most of them were black and white TVs, and they were the best sellers at present. Most people bought black and white TVs.

Why not just buy a color TV?


Where do ordinary people have so much money, it would be nice to have a black and white TV.

There are many black and white TVs, ranging from 12 inches to 14 inches. The largest should be 16 inches, and 14 inches is the most popular, which is also the mainstream.

In this era, having a black and white TV is definitely a symbol of a family's wealth. Ru Jiang Dahai's family still doesn't have a TV, even a black and white TV.

"Brother Fan, it's so expensive!"

When Jiang Yan saw the price tags of those TVs, she felt a little nervous. She had never bought such an expensive thing since she was so old.

Yang Fan smiled and patted his bag, "It's okay, I brought enough money."

I had already prepared, and I went to the bank yesterday to withdraw enough money, a total of 2000 yuan, and the wallet simply cannot hold so much "Great Unity", and the other [-] or hundreds of dollars can only be put in the bag. big stack.

This is why Yang Fan complained that there is no hundred-dollar bill now.

If only there were hundred-dollar bills, there would be no such trouble.

If others knew what Yang Fan was thinking, they would definitely have the urge to hit someone.

We don't even have a few "Great Unity" bills with a denomination of [-] yuan, but you want to have a bill with a denomination of [-] yuan.

Gently patted his bag to show that he was rich, and then Yang Fan's eyes fell on a color TV.

There is actually a 16-inch Hitachi color TV.

Then buy you.

Originally, I just planned to buy an ordinary color TV, even a 14-inch TV, but I didn't expect there to be a 16-inch Hitachi color TV here.

It's not that Yang Fan worships foreigners.

Rather, we are well aware that compared with imported color TVs, our domestically produced color TVs do have a lot of quality gaps. In two to 30 years, with the growth of the domestic home appliance industry, the quality can completely be compared with imported ones. Sometimes there is no need to blindly pursue buying imports.

In the mid-to-late 80s, if you could buy imported color TVs and your financial resources allowed, you should try to buy imported TVs.

"What about the imported Japanese color TV?"

Yang Fan pointed to the 16-inch Hitachi color TV and asked for Jiang Yan's opinion.

Jiang Yan was taken aback again. She originally thought that Brother Fan was just buying a domestic black and white TV. They range from more than 300 to more than 400. Some 12-inch domestic TVs only cost more than 200.

What about the color TV!
The scary price is 1180 yuan!

It costs more than 1000 yuan!

"Brother Fan, it's too expensive."

Yang Fan patted his bag confidently, as if saying, don't worry, I have money.

At the same time, he thought in his heart that he and Jiang Yan had obtained a certificate, and they were real husband and wife, and there were some things that could no longer be kept from her.

Find a suitable opportunity and tell her properly that he owns [-]% of the shares in Hongtai Supermarket, and if he wants to pay dividends, he will have a lot of money every year.

The supermarket run by Yang Fang is officially named Hongtai Supermarket.

In the past two years, there were still many restrictions on the development of supermarkets, but with the gradual deepening of reform and opening up, the restrictions on the development of supermarkets have been reduced.

For example, there are now ten supermarkets in Donghai City. The smallest supermarket has an operating area of ​​2000 to [-] square meters, and the largest supermarket has an area of ​​more than [-] square meters. The employees have been working for hundreds of years.

In a few years, after the South Tour speech, the development of supermarkets will no longer be limited. After so many years of accumulation, the development of Hongtai Supermarket will surely be rapid.

As the major shareholder of Hongtai Supermarket, he bought an imported color TV.

what happened?
Fully have the financial resources.

No, it should be said that it is just pediatrics.

Seeing that Jiang Yan liked this imported color TV, but only thought it was too expensive, Yang Fan made a decision in his heart, pointing to this color TV and said to the salesman, "Comrade, let's buy that TV."

The salesperson was slightly taken aback, and reminded: "Do you really want to buy that one?"

This is an imported color TV, more than 1000 yuan. It is rare for this kind of color TV to sell a few in a month in this department store.

Ordinary people basically buy 12-inch and 14-inch black and white TVs. Some buy color TVs, and they basically buy domestic color TVs because they are much cheaper.

"Yes, just take one." Yang Fan said affirmatively.

While speaking, he opened his bag, took out a thick stack of "Great Unity" and started counting the money, one, two, three.
There are some ordinary people who choose TV sets around.

Someone saw that Yang Fan had put out so much money, it didn't seem to be two thousand, at least it was more than a thousand, and he was shocked for a day.

My God, how much money!
My dear, what kind of TV is this, it costs so much money.

Someone whispered, "What kind of TV did he buy? Why did he bring so much money here?"

"That's an imported color TV, and it costs more than 1000 yuan."

Hearing this, many people were secretly dumbfounded, more than 1000 yuan, they think this is a really huge sum of money.

After counting 120 "Great Unity" cards and handing them to the salesperson, and getting back 20 yuan, the 16-inch imported color TV is considered to be Yang Fan's.

After looking at my color TV, and then at the neatly placed TVs on the container, I suddenly had an idea in my heart.

Continue to update three times today, and finish the third update, thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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