Military Heavy

Chapter 167

Chapter 167

Jiang Yan looked at the color TV, feeling a little distressed for the money, but also happy.

Having such a color TV is completely a symbol of a wealthy family, and it is a very face-saving thing among relatives and friends.

Most of the people in the country want to save face, and Yang Fan is no exception. Within the scope of his financial resources, he bought this more than 1000 imported color TVs.

"Brother Fan, we can go back."

After finishing speaking, she found that Yang Fan had no intention of leaving, her eyes were still on those TV sets, and she seemed to have taken a fancy to a 14-inch black and white TV set.

Could it be
Jiang Yan herself was taken aback, she immediately guessed that Yang Fan might want to buy another black and white TV, no need to ask, this TV must be bought for her natal family.

"Brother Fan, it will cost more than 400 yuan."

Yeah, it's not a small sum.

Yang Fan's salary has risen again, but it has just passed the 400 yuan mark, and more than [-] yuan is equivalent to his salary for three or four months.

Who knows, Yang Fan pointed to the 14-inch black and white TV and said loudly: "Comrade salesperson, I will buy another black and white TV."

After speaking, he took out another TV ticket.

It is good to be the director of the model office of Donghai Institute. It is more convenient to get one or two TV tickets. One color TV ticket and one black and white TV ticket. The application went smoothly.

The salesperson was startled and reminded, "Didn't you just buy a color TV?"

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Buy another one for my father-in-law's house."

After speaking, he put the TV ticket on the counter, opened his handbag, took out a thick stack of "Great Unity", and started counting money again under the envious eyes of some people.

He bought another TV!
This is to buy a TV!
Not buying side dishes! ! !
Seeing Yang Fan counting the money to buy a black and white TV, many people who were planning to buy a TV sighed enviously, there is really no comparison, no comparison!

They live frugally for a 12-inch or 14-inch black-and-white TV, and save for several years before saving enough to buy the TV.

What about people?
Buy two at once!
One imported color TV and the other is also a 14-inch black and white TV.

A young man next to him probably came to buy a TV because he was married. Seeing Yang Fan counting the money, he gave a thumbs up, "Comrade, you are awesome, you are awesome!"

Yang Fan smiled, counted a stack of Great Unity, paid the money, and put the remaining few hundred dollars into his bag.

I'm not worried about safety issues. After the severe crackdown in the past few years, the current social security situation is very good, and it is impossible for anyone to steal money in broad daylight.

"Comrade, deliver this color TV home to me, and I will take the black and white TV home by myself."

Department stores can deliver goods to customers' doorsteps, but there is an additional delivery fee of five yuan. Yang Fan paid the five yuan and filled in the address of his new house, including the contact number of the office.

"Come on, let's go back."

Yang Fan was holding the 14-inch black and white TV. At this moment, Jiang Yan came back to his senses and looked at Yang Fan with big eyes.

"Here, is this really for my parents?"

"Of course." Yang Fan said with certainty, "They gave me such a beautiful daughter as their wife, I should honor them."

Hearing this, Jiang Yan blushed slightly, but sweetly.

"Then let's go back. Jiang Dan has been arguing to watch TV all day. This time, she should be the happiest." Jiang Yan said.

After the two left the department store, Yang Fan put the TV in the trunk of the Changjiang 750, fixed it with a rope, started the car, and went home.

When I returned to my father-in-law's house, it was not yet noon.

Hearing the movement, Jiang Dahai, Li Xiuzhen, and Jiang Dan all came out, and they all looked happy when they saw the TV on the car.

Jiang Dahai looked at it again and again, touched the carton of the TV, and said with satisfaction: "This brand is good, it's good, and it's still 14 inches."

Yang Fan smiled, carried the TV into the room, put it on the table, and said loudly: "Jiang Dan, go find a pair of scissors."

What do you need scissors for?

Under the puzzled gazes of Jiang Dahai and Li Xiuzhen, Yang Fan cut off the packing tape on the TV box with scissors, and then opened the carton, ready to take out the TV inside.

Jiang Dahai quickly pressed Yang Fan's hand, and hurriedly reminded: "You can't take it out now, it will not be opened until the day you get married."

Yang Fan smiled.

Jiang Yan said proudly: "Dad, this is our honor to you. We bought this TV specially for you. We bought an imported large color TV ourselves. The department store will deliver it to us in two days. Go to the new house."

what! ! !
Jiang Dahai opened his eyes wide, with an expression of disbelief!

Jiang Dan had the quickest reaction, and immediately clapped and danced: "Wow, that's great, we also have a TV at home, so I don't have to go to Xiaolan's house to watch TV from now on!"

Xiaolan is her classmate and neighbor. If she wants to watch TV, she can only watch it at Xiaolan's house. Jiang Dan dreams of having a TV in his own home.

Finally, Jiang Dahai came to his senses.

His face was a little red.

I'm so excited.

I was so excited, I didn't expect this son-in-law to be so promising, I specially bought a TV to honor him, so excited, so happy.

"Did you really buy it for us?"

Because of his excitement, Jiang Dahai trembled a little when he spoke.

Yang Fan said affirmatively: "Jiang Yan and I decided to buy it together. You have worked hard for half your life, and you should enjoy the blessings. If you have nothing to do, drink a little wine at home and watch TV for a while."


Jiang Dahai said two "good" words again and again, rubbing his hands together happily.

Yang Fan took the TV out of the packing box and put it on the top of the cabinet. It was the most suitable position and it was very convenient to watch TV.

"Dad, find a longer wooden pole, and I'll put the antenna up."

"Okay, there's one behind the house, I'll go get one."

He took a fir pole as thick as an arm and seven or eight meters long, and Yang Fan fixed the TV antenna on it and stood it on the eaves.

So, after the wiring was connected, this scene appeared.

Yang Fan was standing on the eaves on the stairs, turning the direction of the antenna, Jiang Yan was standing at the door of the house, and Jiang Dahai was watching the TV screen in the house.

This era already has cable TV.

In a unit like Donghai Institute, employees don’t need to set up their own antennas at home, because there is a cable TV signal, just plug it in.

But Jiang Dahai's family can't do it, not even in this area, so they can only set up their own antennas. Families with TVs usually have a TV antenna on the roof.

"Feeling better now!"

Jiang Yan yelled loudly to Yang Fan who was turning the angle of the antenna on the eaves. With the rotation of the antenna, the TV picture was up and down.

Sometimes there are more snowflakes on the TV screen, and sometimes there are fewer. It is necessary to adjust the most suitable angle to try to make the snowflakes on the TV screen less and the picture as clear as possible.

"A little better."

"No, not in that direction, there are a lot of noise and snowflakes."

"Okay, okay, turn a little more."

"It's okay, it's okay, the picture is very clear."


After working for a while, the antenna was finally fixed. The picture on the TV was very clear. Yang Fan went down to check it out and was very satisfied with the effect. Then he climbed up the ladder and fixed the wooden pole supporting the antenna with a thick wire. It was very firm. Only finally came down.

"Okay, okay!"

Jiang Dan was as happy as a child, shouting and jumping.

Jiang Dahai shouted loudly: "Honey, I want to have two cups of cooking some good dishes for lunch."

Feeling this happy atmosphere, Yang Fan smiled happily, and then taught Jiang Dahai and Jiang Dan how to use the TV.

Such as how to change the channel, how to adjust the volume, how to adjust the brightness of black and white, and so on.

At noon, the meal is very rich, with fish and meat.

The two masters who plucked cotton also had a mouthful. Everyone sat down to drink and eat vegetables. Jiang Dahai proudly said to the two masters several times: "My son-in-law bought a TV, my son-in-law bought a TV."

It is still the same at night.

It was another sumptuous meal, and Jiang Dahai drank two more glasses. Because he was in such a good mood that he couldn't control it, he got a little drunk and talked a lot.

Inside the TV.

The 85 version of "Shanghai Bund" is playing, Xu Wenqiang's suit and Feng Chengcheng's braid, Zhao Yazhi and Zhou Yunfa's dream combination.

Two days later.

The department store delivered Yang Fan's color TV. It was in the afternoon, and Yang Fan was in the office. The department store called and said that the TV would be delivered in an hour.

"My color TV has arrived."

Yang Fan was very happy, and soon left the office, and soon arrived at his new house, stayed in the house, and looked around with satisfaction.

For this beautiful house, Yang Fan likes it more and more, and the more he looks at it, the more he is satisfied. The decoration has been completed, including the walls are painted, the curtains are installed, and a lot of daily necessities have been purchased.

Sitting on the sofa, looking at the beautiful TV cabinet, I thought, it would be even better to put a TV in there.

Not long after, movement was heard outside.

It was a car horn.

Guessing that the car from the department store had arrived, Yang Fan went downstairs, and soon saw this truck, which was the department store delivering the TV set.

Yang Fan showed them the payment receipt, and soon, one of the delivery workers moved out a TV from the compartment.

There was more than one TV inside. Besides the TV, there seemed to be other home appliances, such as radios, washing machines, etc., and even an electric fan.

This is a car specially responsible for delivering home appliances.

After checking the model number and checking that the packaging of the TV was not damaged, Yang Fan said a few words of thanks, and then prepared to carry the TV upstairs.

Before reaching out to move the color TV, a few people came out of the corridor, obviously a family, old and young, male and female, the leader, middle-aged man Yang Fan, knew him.

Today is the third update, and the first update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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