Military Heavy

Chapter 171

Chapter 171
"Director Yang, you're here so soon."

The two had a good relationship, and they greeted each other warmly when they met, and then chatted happily, such as Chen Shaohua specifically asking about the situation of the land joint commissioning experiment.

Then, he introduced with a proud face: "Our segmental manufacturing is progressing relatively smoothly. Although we always encounter various small problems, we have not encountered any major problems. The first segmental manufacturing has been nearly halfway through. The second and third sections have been welded."

Pointing to the several sections that are currently being produced, Chen Shaohua introduced them.

Yang Fan also put his eyes on them, especially when he saw that the first segment had begun to take shape, he felt happy for a while.

At the beginning, it was Yang Fan who suggested that the first ship of the 052 ship adopt the modular construction method of the general section. The construction process is to first manufacture the sections one by one in the manufacturing workshop, and then assemble and weld these sections on the construction berth, and finally manufacture a 052 ship. guided missile destroyer.

The segmental manufacturing went smoothly, and Yang Fan felt relieved.

good mood.

"Old Chen, congratulations. At this rate, the construction of the berth will be completed in a few months."

Slipway construction!
Entering this link means that the construction of the first ship has entered a critical link, and it will not be far from the official launch.

Chen Shaohua said very confidently: "We estimate that the construction of the slipway can be carried out around New Year's Day."

The two are chatting.

Wu Mingze probably saw Yang Fan a long time ago. After he finished welding a weld, he walked over happily and greeted him from a long distance away.

"Director Yang, it's been a long time since you came to our place to take a look."

There were no welding cracks anymore, he didn't feel much pressure in his heart, and he was always in a good mood and full of energy.

Yang Fan noticed that he was sweating profusely. In this hot weather, welding is really hard work.

The structure of the 052 ship is complex and the space is small. When welding in sections like this one, you often have to drill in and weld inside, and you will sweat profusely, which is very normal.

Seeing that Wu Mingze was sweating profusely and his clothes were quite wet, he quickly reminded: "Hurry up, go to the front of the fan and blow on it to cool off."

There are fans in the workshop, all of which are large industrial fans. The wind is strong, and it can cool down with just a blow.

How did you know that Wu Mingze seemed to be used to it, and said indifferently: "It's okay, it's okay, it's nothing. Fortunately, it's welding in the workshop. If it's welding during the construction of the berth, it's hard work. In summer, We often have water pouring out of our shoes."

That's scary enough.

Not to mention that the clothes all over the body were already soaked, even the inside of the shoes were full of sweat.

Previously, the traditional tower construction method was used, and most of the work was carried out in the construction of the slipway, including extensive welding operations.

Wu Mingze talked about their previous welding situation, "In some places, you have to climb in, so you crawl in like a snake. After climbing in, people squat inside and weld inside."

"We had an electric welder who did electric welding for half an hour, and then came out. It was summer, and water could pour out of his shoes."

Hearing these things, Yang Fan was in awe.

Such a harsh working environment, how respectable our military workers are, no one flinches, no one complains, and they only want to manufacture our warships.

Noticing Yang Fan's expression, Wu Mingze smiled and said, "It's much better now, we're welding in the workshop, it's much cooler."

This is true.

The construction of the berth is open-air, and it is exposed to the scorching sun in summer.Now the modular construction method of the general section is adopted, and each section is manufactured in the workshop, without the scorching sun and fans blowing, so the conditions are much better.

Even so, Yang Fan still reminded: "Mr. Chen, it is summer now, and the workers are working so hard, so the heatstroke prevention and cooling work cannot be taken lightly."

Chen Shaohua smiled, "Thank you for your reminder. We have not relaxed in the work of heatstroke prevention and cooling. Not only do we distribute mung bean white sugar and items for heatstroke prevention and cooling to the workers every week, but also popsicles every day."

Sure enough, not long.

Two workers pushed a trolley into the manufacturing site. On the trolley were several foam insulated boxes full of popsicles.

"Everyone come to eat popsicles!"

Following the shouts, many workers put down their work and started eating popsicles.

Wu Mingze brought a few popsicles over, and gave Chen Shaohua and Yang Fan each one, "Eat popsicles, it's cold and comfortable."

After speaking, he ate by himself.

Yang Fan held a popsicle and smiled dumbly. This kind of old-fashioned popsicle is probably only available now. In a few years, in the 21st century, there will be no such old popsicle.

Peel off the wrapping paper, take a bite and put it in your mouth, it's cold and refreshing.
The next day.

As soon as he got to work, Yang Fan received a call from Master Pan, "Xiao Yang, come here."

Yang Fan immediately went to Pan Jinfu's office, "Master Pan, you are looking for me."

Pan Jinfu nodded and greeted: "Make tea yourself, sit down, let's chat."

Master Pan asked me to chat.

I found him as soon as I got to work, it shouldn't be as simple as just chatting casually.

While making tea, Yang Fan was thinking like this in his mind, spinning quickly, thinking a lot at once.

Yang Fan knew that General Master Pan went to the capital for a meeting the day before yesterday and came back only yesterday afternoon. He probably wanted to talk about something related to his going to the capital for a meeting.

Knowing this, Yang Fan sat down quietly after brewing a cup of hot tea, waiting for Master Pan to speak and listening to what he had to say.

Sure enough, Pan Jinfu said directly, "I went to the capital to attend an important meeting. The headquarters of the 052 ship is already considering the construction of the No. 2 ship."

So fast!
Yang Fan was secretly surprised.

Historically, the construction of the first ship No. 112 was completed, and the construction of No. 113 ship was started after delivery. Now the construction of No. 2 ship is starting to be considered, which is really beyond Yang Fan's expectations.

Immediately, Yang Fan thought in his heart, maybe the general headquarters had considered the problem in advance, and the construction of the No. 2 ship might still be far away.

After Pan Jinfu talked about some of the situation at the meeting, he said seriously: "The construction of the No. 2 ship is a matter of time. In terms of design, we can't continue to use the current design, and we can't keep it intact. Instead, we need to make some improvements and improvements. .”

To be honest, he was not very satisfied with the design of the first ship.

Limited to the domestic industrial level and technology accumulation, in desperation, the first ship used a lot of imported equipment, and many things were not made in China.

In addition to the relatively low localization, there is also a large technological gap between the technical and tactical level compared with foreign advanced guided missile destroyers.

If you are not satisfied, you must improve.

How to improve it?
Pan Jinfu has been thinking about this issue for a long time. He has been thinking about this issue since the completion of the overall design of the 052 ship. It has been several months now.

I already have some ideas in my mind, but I still want to chat with Yang Fan.

If other people knew that General Master Pan actually wanted to talk to Yang Fan about the design of the No. 2 ship, they would definitely be extremely surprised and couldn't believe it.

Yang Fan is only in his twenties, okay?

Been working for just over five years.

He is not the deputy chief designer of the 052 ship, but just a deputy director.

Master Pan talked to him about the design of the No. 2 ship? ? ?
But Chief Master Pan really thought so. He knew that Yang Fan's level was good, and he was the best person to discuss the design of the No. 2 ship.

Yang Fan is young and his position is relatively low, so he can talk about it without any worries.

If you are talking about the future No. 2 ship with people from the general headquarters or the deputy chief designers, you may have to be more cautious and think a little before speaking, but you don't need to talk to Yang Fan.

This is why Pan Jinfu specially called Yang Fan over.

At the same time, he is very clear that Yang Fan's level is good, this young man is very thoughtful, and may have been thinking about the future No. 2 ship.

Surprised, Yang Fan also began to think about the future No. 2 ship.

Of course, Yang Fan is very familiar with the 113 ship.

It is more clear about some differences between it and the 112 ship. The biggest difference between the two is the difference in the localization rate. More localized equipment is used on the 113 ship.

In addition, some new technologies have also begun to be applied to the 113 ship. During the entire development and construction process of the 052 ship, it is a process of gradual improvement and gradual improvement. It lasted for one to 20 years, from 052, 052B to 052C, and then to 052D
Faced with General Master Pan's question, Yang Fan said: "Our future No. 2 ship must focus on improving the localization rate. As a warship, it must not be possible to blindly rely on imported equipment."

Yang Fan talked about some of his own opinions.

While listening, Pan Jinfu nodded from time to time, obviously appreciating some of Yang Fan's points of view.

Not only must the localization rate be increased, but some new technologies will also be applied to the future No. 2 ship. Pan Jinfu thought in his heart, perhaps, it is time to start thinking about the design of the No. 2 ship.

After only staying in Donghai City for more than ten days, Yang Fan went to the land joint debugging experiment base again.

As soon as I got here, I immediately threw myself into the busy work.

Everyone's mental outlook is good, because the progress is going smoothly. Yang Fan's method is very effective. Although there are complex electromagnetic interferences, according to Yang Fan's method, they are gradually being eliminated one by one.

Gradually, electromagnetic interference was gradually eliminated, and detailed test records were formed. In the future, these equipment will be installed on the 052 ship. These test records will be very good guiding documents.

The electromagnetic interference was finally eliminated smoothly. Tang Jianming was happy and full of confidence. He picked up the phone and reported to Commander Pan and the 052 Ship Command in person.

The elimination of electromagnetic interference is more than half of the success for the onshore joint commissioning. Next, there will be several major tests.

That is the key to verify the real success of onshore joint commissioning.

Only after passing the big test can the onshore joint commissioning be considered as the real end and the standard for ship loading has been reached.


The third update will continue today, and the second update will be delivered! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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