Military Heavy

Chapter 172 The First Exam

Chapter 172 The First Exam

Today, the atmosphere at the land-based joint debugging experiment base seems to be a little different.

Yang Fan came to the experimental base again, and immediately felt the tense atmosphere just like before the war. Almost every technician was in this state.

In the entire base, the number of military personnel has increased, especially the weapon control, which has been replaced by military personnel.

Yang Fan knew that this time was unusual.

The first big exam is coming soon.

In the morning, military personnel began to hoist the missiles, install the ship-to-air missiles on the missile launcher, and meet the standard that they can be launched at any time.

The entire base attached great importance to this big test, including Tang Jianming.In addition, everyone has worked hard for so long, and I also want to see how the effect is.

The big test will be the best way to test the fruits of your labor.

In addition, including the East China Sea Research Institute, the 052 ship headquarters, etc. are paying attention to this big test, as well as the high-level military, they have great hopes for the 052 ship, and they also want to see how the big test goes.

Can it pass smoothly?
Tang Jianming didn't dare to take it lightly, but regarded it as a major event. No, he was calling all the backbone technicians of the entire base to hold a meeting.

As the interim deputy commander, Yang Fan also attended the meeting.

Tang Jianming said loudly: "Comrades, it's time for a real test for us. This is the first real big test since our onshore joint commissioning. We must hit the ground running and pass it once."

The positioning of the 052 ship is regional air defense and long-range security.

Almost all shipboard equipment is located at the land-based joint debugging experiment base, including weapons, radar, communication, etc., so many devices form an organic whole, can it achieve regional prevention and control and remote warning?

"This big test is not an open book, but a complete closed book. We will not know in advance the time and path of the target aircraft flying over the monitoring area. Everything must rely on our radar. Starting today, all radars will be turned on to monitor our surrounding area. "

He said loudly, and made a series of deployments, the purpose is to strive for success and hand in a satisfactory answer, because everyone is paying attention.

The land joint debugging experiment has been going on for so long, and there are several quizzes, basically in the form of "opening the book", knowing the path and time of the target drone or target ship in advance, and only requiring to find the target, not hit the target.

"Comrades, we have to be highly nervous this time, and we must not take it lightly. In addition to finding the target drone, we must also hit the target."

Must hit the target!

The technical backbones who had participated in the quiz several times before all changed their faces slightly, a little out of their expectation, and they actually asked to hit the target.

This time, it will be live ammunition!

Someone was stunned and thought, no wonder the anti-aircraft weapons were equipped with live ammunition, and the operators were replaced by military personnel.

Tang Jianming made a series of deployments and made a lot of requests. Suddenly, the atmosphere in the entire meeting room was completely different.

The originally quiet conference room suddenly became uncontrollably noisy. Almost all the technical backbones who participated in the meeting were talking a lot, and their expressions were slightly nervous.

"It's actually live ammunition, it's actually live ammunition!"

"Yeah, it seems that this time it must succeed."

"Such a big test is really stressful. I hope I can successfully hit the target."


Tang Jianming seems to fully understand everyone's feelings. After working so hard for so long, when it's time to hand in the answer sheet, can he pass the first big exam with flying colors?
After the meeting adjourned, the entire land-based joint commissioning and experimental base became tense, everyone took their positions, and everyone was divided into two groups, working in shifts to monitor the surrounding areas and sea areas 24 hours a day.

All radars are turned on, including the sea, air search radar, warning radar and so on.

Until the evening, everyone did not relax at all.

The entire land-based joint debugging experiment base is brightly lit, and the antennas of several large radars are slowly rotating, monitoring the surrounding area.

Tang Jianming, Yang Fan, etc. walked into the terminal command room again. Here, no matter whether it was the military controllers or the base technicians, they were all nervous and closely monitoring everything.

A competent technician reported: "Mr. Tang, no abnormalities have been found for the time being."

Hearing this, Tang Jianming nodded slightly. It has been four or five hours since the afternoon, and he has not found anything, and he is also under pressure.

I once thought that the military leaders would not let the target drone fly over our monitoring area in the middle of the night. If it was really the middle of the night, the difficulty would increase exponentially.

Because everyone is sleepy in the middle of the night, it is inevitable that there will be times of negligence. If the target plane flies over during the nap time, then this time the big test will be a failure.

"Everyone pay attention and don't relax." Tang Jianming solemnly explained.

hundreds of kilometers away.

This is a military base. In the command room, several senior officers of the military are discussing. Someone reminded: "Lao Luo, don't let the target drone take off. Are you planning to fly there quietly in the middle of the night?"

Someone also said worriedly: "If that's the case, the requirements for Tang Jianming and the others will be raised invisibly. If they fail, everyone will look bad."

"Yeah, everyone is paying attention to this big exam. We can't raise the difficulty too high. Moderation is fine. The main thing is to ensure success."

Hearing the reminder from his colleagues, Lao Luo, who was in charge of commanding the take-off of the target drone, smiled, "What are you in a hurry for? On the battlefield, the enemy doesn't care if it's the first midnight or the second midnight. You have no way of knowing when the enemy passes by." Your monitoring area."

The truth is this.

However, Lao Luo didn't want to end up with a failure in the first big exam, after thinking about it, he looked at the time and felt that it was almost the same, and ordered: "After half an hour, the target drone will take off from the airport and fly according to the scheduled route. "


A comforter next to him immediately answered loudly, and then went to convey the order.

Lao Luo and the others have already planned the flight route. It is not very easy for the radar of the 052 ship to find and lock the target.

According to Lao Luo, the difficulty should not be too low or too high, it must be moderate.The difficulty is too low to test the results of the land joint commissioning test. The difficulty is too high. If it fails, it will be a blow to the land joint commissioning experiment.

Orders were delivered quickly.

Half an hour later, the target plane quietly took off from a certain military airport, flying higher and higher and further away in the night.

This is an unmanned aircraft.

There are ground personnel to control it, and the military radar has been monitoring it, but the land-based joint debugging experiment base has no idea that the target aircraft has taken off, let alone its aircraft path.

It was past nine o'clock in the evening.

The land-based joint debugging experiment base is still brightly lit, without any slack, and everyone feels as if they are facing an enemy.

Tang Jianming, Yang Fan and others were all in the terminal control room, staring at the instruments and radar screens, hoping to find the target earlier.

The control personnel are also meticulous and focused.

The time passed by one minute and one minute.

Some people may be thinking, maybe the target drone will not appear in a short time, probably after 12 o'clock in the evening.
Nine ten and one minute.

There was a discovery on the air-warning radar, and a controller reported loudly: "Target found!"

Suddenly, all the staff were shocked.

Find the target, identify the target, lock the target
The military personnel started a series of manipulations. The radar antenna outside was rotating, and the missile launcher was also rotating. The missile pointed obliquely into the distance, revealing its majesty in the night!
"Report, the target has been locked and the launch status has been reached!"

Tang Jianming personally ordered and said loudly: "Launch!"

The soldier in charge of the missile launch pressed the launch button vigorously. In the land joint test base, a ship-to-air missile soared into the air, roaring, dragging a long flame, and flew into the distance.

At this moment, everyone's hearts became tense invisibly.

God bless, must succeed.

Be sure to hit the target!
Yang Fan's face was very calm and composed, he didn't show any obvious nervousness like the others, but there was also a little nervousness in his heart.

In addition to this nervousness, it is more self-confidence.

He is very familiar with these shipboard equipment, and he is very clear about their performance. He knows that although such a big test is difficult, it should not be a big problem to pass it smoothly.

After a while.

The entire terminal control room cheered.

Successfully hit the target!

In the sky dozens of kilometers away, the missile successfully hit the target drone, and a beautiful fireball bloomed in the sky, which was very beautiful.

Although everyone couldn't see such a scene, the radar showed that the missile hit the target. At that moment, everyone could hardly bear it.



Some people who were originally sitting on the chairs stood up suddenly, their faces were red, and they shouted excitedly while waving their fists vigorously.

No one noticed, Tang Jianming breathed a sigh of relief quietly, and the stone hanging in his heart finally fell to the ground completely.

The first big exam, passed successfully!

He said to Yang Fan: "We succeeded, we passed, and we handed in a satisfactory answer sheet."

Yang Fan smiled, very happy and relaxed, "Mr. Tang, our hard work has finally paid off. We successfully passed the first big exam."

Yes, passed without a hitch!

How exhilarating, how exciting!
After looking at everyone, Tang Jianming shouted loudly: "Comrades, open the soda, I'll treat you, let's have a good celebration."

A few boxes of iced soda were already prepared, and someone moved in immediately. Each person took a bottle, opened the lid, and took a sip. It was refreshing and refreshing on this hot summer night.

After the first big exam, he handed in a satisfactory answer sheet. Yang Fan felt relieved, and after staying for a few days, he temporarily returned to Donghai Institute.

There will be several more such big tests until all the equipment meets the standard for boarding the ship.

Time flies
After the hot summer, the weather in Donghai City has gradually become cooler, and the National Day will soon be ushered in.

Yang Fan is going to get married on National Day.

Today is the third update, and the third update is sent.

Another [-] words, I ask everyone for support such as monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, collections, etc.

(End of this chapter)

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