Military Heavy

Chapter 173 Wedding

Chapter 173 Big Wedding ([-])

Getting married is a big event in anyone's life.

Yang Fan has been looking forward to this day for a long time.

It will be National Day soon, and in the office, Yang Fan is personally writing the invitations, a thick stack, meticulous and very serious.

After the meeting, Zhao Yulan opened the door and walked in. Seeing Yang Fan writing the invitation, she said happily, "Comrade Yang Fan, congratulations."

Yang Fan smiled, took out the already written invitation card, and a handful of candy, "Director Zhao, come over for a meal on the National Day, it's lively and lively."

"Definitely, definitely." Zhao Yulan said with a smile.

Throughout the morning, Yang Fan basically stayed in the office to write the invitation. After finishing writing, he had to think carefully to see if there were any omissions.

This is a meticulous job. In case of a mistake, it is not good to forget others. Others may have opinions and ideas.

Why don't you invite me to get married?
Do you have a problem with me?
Knowing this well, Yang Fan was cautious and took a full morning to write more than 100 invitations, mainly colleagues from the East China Sea Institute, and there were also related units with whom he often dealt with and had better relationships.

For example, Lu Guodong, Chen Shaohua and others from Donghai Shipyard, Cao Qingsong and others from Special Steel Research Institute, and Zhong Jilei and others from Donghai Iron and Steel Plant.

Yang Fan is mainly responsible for inviting his colleagues and friends, as well as his relatives, and Yang Fang will politely notify them all.

He will be responsible for notifying the relatives and friends of Jiang Dahai.

After writing all the invitations, Yang Fan deliberately checked them again, thought for a while, and said in his heart, there should be nothing missing.

In fact, Yang Fan knew that Chief Huang Keping of the General Command was good to him, but after thinking about it, he still didn't dare to take the liberty. His rank was too high and he was far away from the capital, so let it go.

The invitations were written in the morning, and I felt that it was almost done. In the afternoon, Yang Fan began to distribute the invitations, mainly colleagues and friends in the East China Sea Institute, and went to the East China Sea Shipyard and other units tomorrow.

Yang Fan was followed by a small attendant, no doubt, it was Han Jiang, who volunteered to help, carrying a bag with written invitations, wedding candies and wedding cigarettes in it.

Yang Fan walked to the door of General Master Pan's office. Han Jiang seemed a little nervous, and quickly said softly: "Brother Fan, you can go in by yourself. I will wait for you outside."

Yang Fan glanced at him with a smile, and jokingly said: "There is nothing to be afraid of, Master Pan doesn't eat people."

Han Jiang was still a little afraid to go in, and said with a wry smile: "I'm afraid, I'm uncontrollably nervous, I've never been in Master Pan's office."

"Come on, what are you afraid of?"

Yang Fan pulled Han Jiang, then raised his hand and knocked on the door of Pan Jinfu's office. He was sitting there looking at a document, looking very serious.

Seeing that it was Yang Fan, he immediately put down the document in his hand, with a kind smile on his face, "Xiao Yang, you are getting married."

He heard about this incident and knew that Yang Fan got married on the National Day.

Yang Fan said gratefully: "Mr. Pan, thank you for taking care of me. We are celebrating our wedding. Please come over for a drink or two."

"Haha, definitely, definitely come."

After receiving the invitation and candy, Pan Jinfu was very happy and patted Yang Fan's shoulder lightly, "Xiao Yang, congratulations, I am very happy to see you getting married."

Just like an elder.

There is no shelf of the chief designer at all.

Seeing this scene, Han Jiang opened his eyes wide, and shouted in his heart:


Chief designer Pan is like this, where is the chief designer, those who don't know think he is Brother Fan's elder.

Brother Fan is awesome!

Until he came out of Pan Jinfu's office, Han Jiang was still in that shock and didn't recover for a while.

After a while, he had already left Chief Master Pan's office. He finally came back to his senses, looked at Yang Fan with admiration, and gave a thumbs up, "Brother Fan, you are awesome."

Yang Fan smiled.

Then send invitations to the leaders of Donghai Institute one by one, including the leader Liang Zhiquan, Han Jiang has been following Yang Fan.

Seeing Yang Fan walk into the leaders' office calmly, chatting and laughing with the leaders, the leaders are very enthusiastic without the slightest airs.

His heart was overwhelmed!

I said in my heart more than once, I know that Brother Fan is awesome, but I didn't expect to be so awesome, all the big leaders are so easy-going and happy, Brother Fan's face is really big, not ordinary.

He once thought about it, if he got married in the future and sent invitations to the leaders, what would happen?

After thinking about it, he became discouraged. He still knew how much he had, and even the leaders might not give him face, and most of them might not come to the wedding.

It's still Brother Fan's big face!
Can't compare!

In one afternoon, almost all of the more than 100 invitations were sent out, only a few were not sent out for the time being, because they were not in Donghai Institute for the time being, it didn't matter, and they would be sent out tomorrow or the next two days.

The next day.

Yang Fan first went to the Donghai Shipyard, and then went to the Special Steel Research Institute and other units. He was not at the Donghai Institute for almost a day.

In Donghai Institute, Yang Fan spread the news of his marriage in an instant, and many people were chatting about it with relish.

"Director Yang is getting married?"

"It's true, I've received an invitation."

"Director Yang is so good, I don't know who the new wife is, is she pretty?"


In their spare time at work, many people were chatting about this matter, and they all seemed very interested, especially some people were curious about how the bride looked like.

This is normal.

Yang Fan is so good!
At such a young age, he is not only the deputy director of the Model Office, but also the deputy director of the Combat System Design Office. He is also highly regarded by the leaders, especially Chief Master Pan.

Some people know some things, and they are chatting like this. For example, in the general design office where Yang Fan once worked, several designers are chatting happily about the news that Yang Fan will get married, and some young designers are pricking up their ears. listen.

"Director Yang is amazing. I heard that all the leaders of our institute have been invited."

"Ah, that's really amazing. I don't know if the leaders will show their face and drink two glasses of wedding wine."

"The leaders must go, including Director Liang, everyone has a good impression of Yang Fan."

Too bad!
All the leaders gave their face to drink the wedding wine, what a face it takes, the young technicians next to them gasped.

I thought enviously in my heart, this is a talented person from our design office, if I get married in the future, if I can have one or two leaders to appreciate it, I can brag about it for a lifetime.

Combat system design room.

Kuang Wei was there, chatting with Shi Wei about some things at work, probably because of Yang Fan's relationship, the relationship between the two of them is getting better and better.

After chatting for a while, Kuang Wei said enviously: "Comrade Yang Fan is really amazing, all the leaders in the institute may go to drink his wedding wine."

In an instant, Shi Wei showed a look of envy on his face, and asked with a smile: "Director Kuang, when you got married, how many leaders went to the office?"

Kuang Wei sighed softly, "I was just a small designer at that time, how can I have such a big face, I dare not invite the leaders in the institute, and I probably won't come if I invite them."

It's beyond comparison!
There is no comparison at all!

Kuang Wei thought dejectedly, he has been working as a small designer for four or five years, and Yang Fan has also been working for four or five years and has two deputy directors. If he gets married, all the leaders in the institute will go to drink wedding.

Yang Fan didn't know that many people in Donghai were chatting about his marriage, some were envious, some admired.

I'm in a good mood, almost all the invitations have been sent, so don't make a second trip.

Seeing that it was still early, Yang Fan did not go back to the East China Sea, but rode his Yangtze River 750 to his father-in-law's house.

Regarding the marriage, the two families need to discuss it again, especially the scale of the banquet. I have invited more than 100 people, and there are about fifteen tables. How many people did my father-in-law invite, and how many people did my sister invite? All need to be summed up.

Yang Fan knew that at this point in time, his sister should be at his father-in-law's house, possibly discussing marriage.

No matter how busy she is, for Yang Fang, her brother's marriage will be the most important thing, and all other things will have to get out of the way.

Sure enough, Yang Fang was there, she had just arrived not long ago.

Seeing Yang Fan coming in, Yang Fang was very happy, "Brother, you came just in time. I'm going to discuss with Uncle Jiang about the scale of the banquet."

Hearing this, Yang Fan smiled happily and sat down.

Jiang Yan was very virtuous, so he immediately poured hot tea and brought it over, then sat down quietly beside him, ready to listen to it.

Jiang Dahai's face was full of red, and he said proudly: "I heard that when the girl gets married, all my relatives and friends will come. There may be four or five tables."

In this era, when most people get married, there are usually only three or five tables, and they mainly entertain some relatives and friends. Everyone has a glass of wedding wine and has a lot of fun.

There is no wedding ceremony, wedding ceremony or anything like that.

There are four or five tables on Guangjiang Dahai's side, which is really something to be proud of, and it is also a very face-saving thing. No wonder Jiang Dahai can't hide his pride.

Hearing this, Yang Fang smiled and said proudly: "I invite more people here. Besides relatives and friends, many business friends know that my younger brother is married, so they insist on coming over for a wedding wine. It's their kindness. It's hard."

Her business is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more friends in the business field, especially those suppliers who basically rely on her for food. When Yang Fang's younger brother gets married, they naturally want to come over to ask for a glass of wedding wine.

Yang Fan thought to himself, there are about twenty tables at my father-in-law's side, and I don't know how many people my sister has invited.

How many tables will there be in total?
Thirty tables, or forty tables?

In this day and age, thirty tables are scary enough, if it is forty tables, then
Yang Fan himself was a bit afraid to think about it
Seeing what Yang Fang said, Jiang Dahai was also very curious, guessing in his mind, five tables, eight tables, or ten tables?

Today is the third update, and the first update is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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