Military Heavy

Chapter 174 Wedding

Chapter 174 Big Marriage ([-])

Ten tables?
He was slightly taken aback, and quickly denied this speculation. If Yang Fang alone invited ten tables of guests, how many tables would the girl get married with?

Think about the neighbor's son who got married last year. There were only five tables in total. Many people said that the wedding was very lively.
He didn't dare to think about it at all!

Yang Fang said with a strong sense of pride, "There are quite a lot of people here who want to come to have a wedding banquet. I have already invited almost two hundred people, and there are probably a few more."

Two hundred!
Didn't it say that there were twenty tables! ! !

Jiang Dahai looked at Yang Fang and couldn't believe it, my God, there are twenty tables on Yang Fang's side alone, twenty tables!

If you add the tables of relatives and friends I have invited here, and Yang Fan's colleagues
Jiang Dahai really didn't dare to think about it anymore, because there were too many people, there might be forty tables, or even fifty tables.

In this era, marriage is generally relatively simple. If you invite some relatives and friends, most of them only have three or five tables. If you can set up seven or eight tables, it is definitely a very honorable thing.

Yang Fan was also a little surprised, he didn't expect his sister to invite so many people to the wedding.

Yang Fang explained: "Except for relatives and friends, most of them are business partners. They insist on coming. There is really no way. Many people specifically told me about this. It is unreasonable not to invite them over for a drink. .”

This is the truth.

In the business field, harmony and wealth are emphasized, and no one can be offended.Yang Fang's business is getting bigger and bigger, and she has more and more friends in the business field.

Yang Fan nodded, and then said: "I have also invited more than a dozen tables of colleagues and friends here. If we all add up, there must be more than forty tables. To be on the safe side, we have to book fifty tables. "

Fifty tables!
Even in the 21st century, this is a very lively wedding. It was a little scary in the 80s.

Jiang Dahai never came back to his senses, he was in shock and excitement, until Yang Fan asked his opinion, "Dad, we prepare fifty tables, do you think it's okay?"

Finally regaining consciousness, Jiang Dahai nodded again and again, his face flushed, and he said excitedly: "Okay, okay, okay, fifty tables is fine."

Yang Fan smiled happily.

Jiang Yan, who had been silent all this time, also smiled happily. The more lively the wedding, the more she likes it. It is estimated that every girl has such an idea.

We sat together and discussed many things.

Fifty tables are reserved for the banquet, in Donghai Hotel, which is one of the best hotels in Donghai City, and generally only high-standard receptions are placed there.

Holding a wedding banquet at Donghai Hotel is not only a symbol of financial resources, but also a symbol of status. Those who can hold a wedding banquet there are not ordinary people.

In addition to the wedding banquet, other things were also discussed. The family was happy and full of joy.

National Day is finally here.

This day is celebrated everywhere, and the East China Sea Institute is also on holiday, but today the gate of the East China Sea Institute is not deserted, but very lively, and many people come one after another.

"Lao Yang, it's so early!"

"It's okay anyway, I'll be here earlier."

Some came early and chatted as soon as they met. They all went to drink Yang Fan’s wedding wine. In order to make it easier for everyone to go to Donghai Hotel, they rented a few buses from the bus company to come here, and everyone went to work at the gate of Donghai Institute.

Gradually, more people came and waited for the bus, and they became more lively, chatting, and the topic was naturally mostly related to Yang Fan's marriage.

"I heard that this time is very lively, there may be forty or fifty tables."

"Ah, there are so many people, it's really lively. I haven't seen such a big scene in my life."

"Director Yang is really generous. How much does it cost to hold the wedding banquet at Donghai Hotel?"


Everyone chatted like this, or envious, or surprised, or admired.Before 11 o'clock in the morning, a total of three buses drove over, and everyone got on the bus one after another and headed to Donghai Hotel.

"Director Yang is really thoughtful, he specially called a car to pick us up."

"I heard that the wedding banquet is at Donghai Hotel. I was still worried about how to get there. I heard that there was a car passing by yesterday, so I was completely relieved."


Every bus was very lively. After getting on the bus, everyone chatted happily. After a while, the three buses started one by one and went to Donghai Hotel.

About three or four 10 minutes later, these buses arrived at the gate of Donghai Hotel, and everyone got off one after another. Many of them came to Donghai Hotel for the first time.

Looking at this twelve-story building, they nodded excitedly, thinking in their hearts, it's the best hotel in Donghai City, they didn't expect me to come here for dinner.

Things are also relatively coincidental.

Just as everyone was getting off the car, a convoy of eight black cars drove over and stopped at the entrance of the hotel.

Seeing the red flowers and the festive big "Xi" on each car, many people speculated that this is the team that Director Yang got married.


"My God, it's all cars. There are eight of them."

Many people were so surprised that their eyes were wide open, and they almost forgot to get out of the car. They stared blankly at the convoy, and their hearts were filled with turmoil.

They said, today is an eye-opener!
This is the true generosity!

When other people get married, it is a big deal to have a car. It is a very face-saving thing. Our Director Yang has a total of eight cars!

Under everyone's shocked eyes, Yang Fan was very handsome in a suit and leather shoes, a white shirt and a tie. After getting out of the car, he led Jiang Yan, who was in a white wedding dress, to the hotel.

After a long time, many people came to their senses and got off the bus with a little excitement, feeling like they were dreaming, with an unreal feeling, and walked into the Donghai Hotel with the crowd.

The wedding banquet was held on the sixth floor of the hotel. There were fifty tables in the huge hall.Those who attended the wedding banquet walked into the hall and were surprised to see so many tables set up.

It is the first time for many people to see someone get married with so many tables. Generally, five or six tables, seven or eight tables are good, and very few can exceed ten tables.

Where is our Director Yang?
There are fifty tables in total!

Seeing such a scene, many people were secretly speechless.

Gradually, there were more people in the hall, besides Yang Fan's colleagues and friends, there were also relatives from Jiang Dahai and Yang Fang's business friends.

For her own future business, Yang Fang has always maintained a relatively good relationship with some government officials. This time, she also invited some officials who have a good relationship with her, including some section chiefs, division chiefs, and directors.

They basically sat at a table, and one of the directors might be familiar with Donghai Institute, and he was secretly startled when he saw the table not far away.

He said to several other officials: "Mr. Yang's younger brother is unusual. All the leaders of Donghai Institute have come, including the leader Liang Zhiquan."

The administrative level of Donghai Institute is not low, including Liang Zhiquan, everyone has a level.

"Really, that's Director Liang, I know him."

These officials couldn't help looking at Liang Zhiquan and the others a few more times.

Needless to say, the people of Donghai Institute, they saw that all the leaders in the institute had come, not a few of them, and they admired Yang Fan completely.

Director Yang is really big on face!

Careful people found that in addition to the leaders in their own firm, almost all the leaders of Donghai Shipyard came, including the top leader Lu Guodong.

Outside the Donghai Hotel.

A small car with a military plate drove to the gate, and three people got out of the car. They were Huang Keping, the commander-in-chief of the 052 ship.

He was dressed in military uniform, and the stars on his shoulders were very dazzling.Following him are his guards.

After getting out of the car, he looked at the time and said loudly: "It's not too late, it seems that we can still drink Comrade Yang Fan's wedding wine."

After speaking, he smiled to himself and walked into Donghai Hotel.

The arrival of Huang Keping undoubtedly brought the atmosphere to its peak.

"Xiao Yang, you're so mean, you didn't even notify me about such a big wedding, for fear that I'd drink you two glasses of wedding wine."

Although there was a slight reproach, he had a big smile on his face and looked very happy.

Holding Huang Keping's hand tightly, Yang Fan was a little excited at this moment, it was really excited, never expected that Commander Huang would come in person.

At the beginning, I also considered whether to invite Commander Huang, but after thinking about it, although he treated me well, the level was too high.

Unexpectedly, Commander Huang came by himself!
Seeing Huang Keping with two gold stars on his shoulders, many people stood up, whether they knew him or not.

People who knew Huang Keping instantly fell in admiration of Yang Fan. What a shame it took, even Commander Huang came.

Huang Keping's stranger, who didn't know him, looked shocked and shouted in his heart: "My God, this is an officer!"

The most shocking thing was the officials invited by Yang Fang. Although they were not very high-ranking, they were very clear about the affairs of the system. They knew too well what an officer meant.

The arrival of Huang Keping brought the atmosphere of the wedding banquet to its peak!
Yang Fan politely arranged him to sit with Liang Zhiquan, Pan Jinfu and others.

At twelve noon, the wedding banquet officially began.

At this time, there are few specialized wedding celebration companies, and they can't do many ceremonies, so we can only try our best to make the wedding banquet scene more beautiful, grand, and festive.

Before the banquet started, Yang Fan held flowers and led Jiang Yan, who was in a white wedding dress, to the front of the stage, and said some words of thanks with the microphone.

Soon after, the feast begins!
The whole scene was lively and full of celebration. Everyone exchanged cups, ate and chatted, and their words were full of envy and appreciation for Yang Fan.

As the protagonist, Yang Fan also took Jiang Yan with him, holding wine glasses, and toasted everyone table by table.

Many people found that the bride was very beautiful, very beautiful!


Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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