Military Heavy

Chapter 176 Let me tell you 1 lecture

Chapter 176 Let me talk to you

Looking at all this, Yang Fan knew that if there is no suitable load-carrying mobile platform, it will really affect the construction of the first ship's berth.

At the beginning, it was Yang Fan who proposed that the first ship adopt the modular construction method of the general section. He also roughly evaluated the equipment status of the Donghai Shipyard, and basically believed that they met the requirements of the modular construction method of the general section.

But Yang Fan is not a god, and there may be times when he was negligent, and he didn't think about the load-carrying mobile platform for the time being. Suddenly, Yang Fan himself blamed himself a little.

I thought in my heart, load mobile platform, maybe I should help Donghai Shipyard think of a way.

After scolding those technicians for a while, Chen Shaohua also knew that it was not an option to continue scolding. In the current situation, he must come up with countermeasures as soon as possible.

If it really affects the construction of the berth because there is no suitable load-carrying mobile platform, then there will be a big problem. As the chief builder, he probably won't be able to communicate with the top.

Chen Shaohua's face was a little ugly.

It looks a little gloomy.

This shows his mood at the moment.

Maybe he also realized that his face was a little ugly, Chen Shaohua's expression eased, and he said apologetically, "Director Yang, I didn't control it just now, I made you laugh."

Yang Fan smiled without hesitation, "I completely understand your feelings. If it were me, the construction of the berth is approaching, and there is no suitable load-carrying mobile platform, and I will probably get anxious."

Chen Shaohua sighed helplessly: "The problem may be serious, please don't affect the construction of the berth because of this incident."

If the construction of each section and hull components is completed one after another, it will fully meet the requirements for the construction of the berth, and because there is no load-carrying mobile platform, it will be really big.

Chen Shaohua did not want this to happen.

After thinking for a while, he waved his hand and said, "Let's go, let's go to the Engineering Technology Department and ask what's going on. Today, they must give me a satisfactory answer."

After finishing speaking, he stepped out of the workshop.

Yang Fan had no choice but to follow, and went to the Engineering Technology Department of Donghai Shipyard together.Along the way, Yang Fan has been thinking about the design of the load-carrying mobile platform.

Before he was reborn, he had been to the shipyard too many times, and he had seen various mobile platforms, not to mention those with a load of hundreds of tons, even those with a load of thousands of tons.

Although it is impossible to design a detailed design drawing, a rough design sketch should still be possible.

A load-carrying mobile platform appeared in Yang Fan's mind.

That is the trolley platform!

It is mainly used for the transportation of each section, and transports each section from the manufacturing workshop to the construction berth. Yang Fan remembers the structure and principle of this platform quite clearly.

Along the way, they were all thinking about the trolley platform and hardly said anything.

Chen Shaohua didn't care about this. He focused on the load-carrying mobile platform, and walked into the Engineering Technology Department with great strides.

Seeing Chief Constructor Chen, someone originally wanted to say hello, but felt that the situation seemed wrong, and quickly flinched in fright, who dared to say hello.

"Zheng Xianxue, he is there, tell him to come and see me!"

Not seeing Zheng Xianxue for the time being, Chen Shaohua shouted angrily. After a while, Zheng Xianxue appeared and said with a smile, "President Chen, you are looking for me."

Chen Shaohua was very angry, "What's the matter with you, I have repeatedly asked about the load-carrying mobile platform, you answer me, the problem is not big, but it hasn't been figured out yet."

Immediately, Zheng Xianxue understood what was going on.

He explained: "Mr. Chen, Lao Li has always been in charge of the load-carrying mobile platform, me."

Chen Shaohua interrupted with a wave of his hand, "Don't talk about this, I want to give a clear answer now, when will you be able to design and build the load-carrying mobile platform."


Zheng Xianxue didn't know how to answer for a while, because he was not responsible for this matter, so after hesitating for a while, he could only say: "Then I'll call Lao Li and the others over, please wait for a while."

Arranged for Chen Shaohua and Yang Fan to sit down in his office, and made tea by themselves, Zheng Xianxue went out.

After sitting down, Yang Fan still didn't say anything, and was still thinking about it. Relying on the memory in his mind, he kept thinking about the structure and principle of the trolley platform.

The trolley platform is a kind of load-carrying mobile platform.

In the construction of modern warships, it plays the role of transporting each section to the construction berth, and is a very important craft equipment.

Gradually, the memory in his mind became clearer, Yang Fan saw a blank paper and pen on the table next to him, no matter what 21 [-], just take it and use it.

Holding a pen, I write and draw on the white paper from time to time. If it feels wrong or unsatisfactory, I erase it with an eraser and draw again.

Chen Shaohua only glanced at it, because he didn't know what Yang Fan was drawing, and he didn't pay attention to it. He was mainly thinking about the load-carrying mobile platform.

After taking a sip of tea, he couldn't sit still.

Anxious, with a serious face, walking back and forth in the office, walking back and forth...

Thus, such a scene appeared.

Yang Fan sat there thinking seriously, carefully drew the sketch, erased and drew, and revised after drawing.Chen Shaohua walked back and forth with a serious face.

After ten minutes.

When Chen Shaohua got a little impatient, Zheng Xianxue, Li Chaolin, and several technicians followed, two of whom Yang Fan saw in the segmented manufacturing workshop not long ago.

After entering, Zheng Xianxue accompanied Xiaoxin, "Mr. Chen, Lao Li and the others are here."

Li Chaolin was terrified. Knowing that Mr. Chen was dissatisfied, he got angry and explained: "It's like this. We have always regarded the design and construction of the load-carrying mobile platform as a major event. We designed a roller conveyor platform before, but there is There are many problems, and now we are going to design a chain transmission platform."

Chen Shaohua was very angry and said impatiently: "I don't care what kind of transmission platform you design, I only have one requirement. Before the construction of the berth, there must be a suitable transmission platform. If it affects the construction of the first ship's berth, who will impact, who is responsible.”

Li Chaolin looked embarrassed, "Mr. Chen, we need time, maybe."

Chen Shaohua lost his temper again, and asked loudly: "You mean that there is no guarantee that there will be a suitable load-carrying mobile platform before the construction of the berth, isn't it?"

No one dared to speak up.

Including Zheng Xianxue.

From this point of view, if the construction of the first ship's berth is affected, accountability will be pursued. Zheng Xianxue, as the head of the Engineering Technology Department, may be the first person to be held accountable. In addition, there is also the specific person in charge, Li Chaolin.

The atmosphere is very dignified.

Even a little pessimistic!
No one is sure that a suitable load-carrying mobile platform can be designed and built in just two months.

Everyone lowered their heads.

Seeing this, Chen Shaohua sighed helplessly. He knew that the construction of the berth of the first ship was affected, and it was probably a certainty.

At this time, Yang Fan spoke.

Yang Fan wanted to take care of this matter and help a group of Donghai Shipyards. After all, he was the one who proposed to adopt the modular construction method of the general section.

Yang Fan said: "Everyone, don't be too depressed. I have seen a load-bearing mobile platform in a foreign language document. Maybe it can be used for the mobile transportation of each section of our 052 ship."

Everyone looked at Yang Fan one after another.

Some people even showed unbelievable expressions on their faces!
Zheng Xianxue knew Yang Fan very well, and knew that Director Yang would not have said these things if he was not fully sure, so he immediately saw hope.

Like a drowning person, suddenly grabbed a life buoy.

I am happy and excited!
"Director Yang, do you really have a solution?"

Sensing everyone's gaze, Yang Fan smiled and said, "I saw it in foreign language materials. It is called a trolley platform. It is mainly used for segmented mobile transportation. I still remember the structure and principle clearly."

Very good!
This is simply a turn of events!

At this moment, even Chen Shaohua was excited, his face was red, and there was no ugly expression on his face. He tried hard to control the excitement in his heart, held Yang Fan's hand and said, "Director Yang, tell us quickly, the trolley What kind of platform is it like?"

Feeling that Chen Shaohua's hands seemed to be trembling slightly, Yang Fan said loudly: "No problem, where is the blackboard, let me tell you about the principle and structure of this trolley platform."

"We have a blackboard in our conference room."

Zheng Xianxue led the way, and everyone followed, and soon arrived at the meeting room next door. There was indeed a blackboard there, which was probably used for meetings.

After turning on the lights in the meeting room, everyone sat down one after another, and Chen Shaohua did the same. After sitting down, he said loudly: "Call all the technicians related to the design of the load-carrying mobile platform, and come and listen."

Soon, several technicians came in and sat down.

Yang Fan picked up the chalk, looked at everyone, and then began to talk about the design of the mobile platform of the trolley.

This kind of platform will be widely used in the future. Yang Fan has seen it too many times. Although he is not a professional designer in this field, he has seen it a lot. It is no problem to briefly talk about it with everyone.

So, while talking about its principle and structure, I drew a sketch on the blackboard.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this."

"Why didn't I think about such a design?"

"I get it, I get it now."

Everyone listened and recorded in their notebooks, and each of them suddenly realized that they finally understood the structure and principle of the trolley platform.

Even though Yang Fan is not a professional technician in this field and just talked about some basic things, Zheng Xianxue and Li Chaolin are professionals.

Some things, just a little bit.

Gradually, the atmosphere in the entire conference room was completely different, and everyone looked at Yang Fan completely differently.

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(End of this chapter)

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