Military Heavy

Chapter 177

Chapter 177
After Yang Fan finished speaking, he put down the chalk in his hand.

At this moment, the meeting room is very quiet!

Everyone was stunned. Yang Fan just opened a brand new door for them. It turns out that the load-bearing mobile platform can also be designed in this way. There is a kind of load-bearing mobile platform called a trolley platform.

Several seconds passed.

Chen Shaohua broke the silence first, he stood up, walked in front of Yang Fan, and said gratefully: "Director Yang, you have solved another big problem for us!"

Yes, this was originally a stumbling block in front of Chen Shaohua and the others, and it might also affect the construction of the berth of the first ship.

Now, this problem is solved!
Chen Shaohua is full of thanks.

The other technicians looked at Yang Fan with admiration in their eyes, and shouted wildly in their hearts.

so amazing!

This is Director Yang, and he really lives up to his reputation!
Yang Fan smiled, and said modestly: "It's nothing, I just accidentally saw this kind of trolley platform on a foreign language material, and just wrote it down."

"Actually, what I just talked about is only the basic principles and structure. The specific design must rely on the comrades of Donghai Shipyard."

Modesty, still modest!
Chen Shaohua was in a good mood, smiled heartily, and jokingly said: "Director Yang, you are too modest. The design and construction of the trolley-type platform is successful, and your contribution must be the greatest."

Zheng Xianxue agreed: "Yes, Director Yang has contributed the most. We are only carrying out the specific design on the basis of what you said. The basic principles and basic structure are very clear, and we will not have any problems."

In this regard, he is full of confidence.

Originally they were professionals, and the technicians of the engineering department had designed various platforms, including mobile and fixed.

The principle and structure are clear, and coupled with their professional knowledge, they can definitely design a trolley-type mobile platform that meets the requirements.

Chen Shaohua, who was in a good mood, invited Yang Fan for lunch, accompanied by Xie Xinjian, Zheng Xianxue and others, and had a very sumptuous meal in a private restaurant outside.

After the meal, Chen Shaohua enthusiastically sent Yang Fan back to Donghai Institute in person.

To be honest, the problem of the load-carrying mobile platform of Donghai Shipyard has been solved, and Yang Fan is also in a good mood, and the construction of the first ship's berth will not be affected.

A few days later.

The efficiency of Donghai Shipyard is still very high. Based on the basic structure and basic principles described by Yang Fan, they drew detailed and specific design drawings.

Moreover, Chen Shaohua and Zheng Xianxue brought these design drawings to Donghai Institute with great interest, and found Yang Fan specially.

At this time, Yang Fan was coming back from the weapon system design room, and had just talked with Zhou Ping, the director of the weapon system design room, about the design of the second 052 ship's weapon system.

The construction of the second 052 ship is only a matter of time. Although the East China Sea Institute has not started the design of the second 052 ship, some design demonstrations have already shown signs of starting.

Compared with the first ship, the second 052 ship will definitely have some changes, the biggest changes mainly include two points, one is to improve the localization rate, and the other is the application of certain new technologies.

The localization rate of weapon systems will definitely increase, and some domestic weapons will be used to replace imported weapons. Yang Fan and Zhou Ping chatted about this issue for a while.

After returning from the weapon system design office, not long after entering the office, Chen Shaohua and Zheng Xianxue opened the door and entered.

"Comrade Yang Fan."

"Director Yang."

After entering, the two happily greeted Yang Fan.

Yang Fan got up quickly and was very polite, "Mr. Chen, Minister Zheng, why are you here? You didn't call me in advance or anything like that."

After exchanging polite greetings, he greeted the two to sit down and poured a cup of hot tea for each of them.

Zhao Yulan was also in the office. It was a bit of a surprise. Unexpectedly, Chen Shaohua and Zheng Xianxue came to find Yang Fan together. One of them was the chief builder of Ship 052, and the other was the director of the Engineering Technology Department of Donghai Shipyard.

After being slightly surprised, she also greeted enthusiastically, "You two are here together. If it had been earlier, our Director Yang would not be here."

It means that by coincidence, you came here not long after Yang Fan came back.

A few words of politeness, the atmosphere is good.

Soon after, we got to the main topic. The two came together for important matters. Chen Shaohua said: "Comrade Yang Fan, according to the structure and principle of the trolley platform you told us last time, we have prepared the specific design drawings. It's drawn."

"Okay, that's a good thing."

Yang Fan was delighted for a while. With the specific design drawings, Donghai Shipyard can build the trolley platform they need according to the drawings.

Before the construction of the first ship's berth, Donghai Factory has a suitable load-carrying mobile platform, which will not affect the construction of the first ship.

Not only did they draw up the specific design drawings, they also brought the drawings.

Zheng Xianxue took out the blueprint, with a sincere expression on his face, unlike a minister, he looked like a student humbly asking for advice.

Chen Shaohua said: "The blueprint has been drawn. Comrade Yang Fan, please help us to see if the blueprint is correct and what needs to be modified."

Yang Fan was slightly surprised.

Originally, I thought that once the drawings were drawn, Donghai Factory could build the trolley platform according to the drawings. How could I know that they brought the drawings here on purpose, and humbly had to check them by themselves.


I am just a ship designer, not an expert in ship construction. I have only seen this kind of trolley platform many times and know its basic structure and principles.

Thinking of this in his heart, Yang Fan quickly waved his hands, "Mr. Chen, you are flattering me too much. How can I check it? My level in this aspect is far worse than yours."

Chen Shaohua smiled and said: "Comrade Yang Fan, you are too modest, I know you can do it, and we can rest assured that you will be in charge."


I really can't do it!
I'm really not an expert on this.

Although Yang Fan repeatedly evaded and explained again and again, Chen Shaohua didn't believe it at all. He thought it was Yang Fan's modesty, and he also said in his heart that Comrade Yang Fan is good at everything, but he is too modest.

What about Zhao Yulan next to her?
Now she finally figured out what was going on. It seemed that Yang Fan instructed Donghai Factory to design a trolley platform. Then, Chen Shaohua and Zheng Xianxue came with the design drawings and asked Yang Fan to check the drawings?
One is the chief construction engineer, and the other is the minister of engineering technology.

When the two big bosses came over, they actually humbly asked Yang Fan to check.

If it was a matter of ship design, Zhao Yulan endured it.

Well, the two big bosses came to ask Yang Fan for advice, and it seems to be okay.

But this is not a matter of ship design, but a matter of ship construction, and both Chen Shaohua and Zheng Xianxue are experts in ship construction.

Zhao Yulan couldn't bear this matter.

I can't bear it at all!

No, no, no!
There was no way, Zhao Yulan took a look at the three of them, excused herself to leave the office, and stayed here any longer. Seeing such a scene, her blood pressure would probably rise.

After refusing for a long time, seeing that he couldn't refute, Yang Fan smiled wryly and said, "All right, let's go to the reading room next door, it's more convenient to review the drawings there."

Hearing this, Chen Shaohua felt happy for a while.

"It should have been like this a long time ago. I know you can do it. What are you doing hiding in front of us?" Chen Shaohua said.

Yang Fan said in his heart, Mr. Chen, I am not as good at shipbuilding as you are, believe it or not.

Chen Shaohua definitely doesn't believe it!

If you are not good at it, how could you help us solve so many problems in the construction process, Comrade Yang Fan, you are an expert in this field.

To the reading room next door.

There are chairs and a big table here, and it is very convenient to review the drawings. In the past, Yang Fan reviewed the design drawings of the 052 ship here.

No need to remind, Zheng Xianxue quickly spread out the design drawings, and found a pressing bar to press the drawings. Yang Fan smiled wryly, and shook the map helplessly, so he had to sit down and look at the design drawings of Donghai Factory.

Gradually, Yang Fan became serious.

Now that they have sent over the drawings politely, since they have laid out the drawings, and since they have agreed to it, let's take a good look at it.

Yang Fan looked very carefully.

Not to mention, I really saw some problems and corrected them one by one.

It's not how good Yang Fan is in the field of shipbuilding, but the basic skills are there, and he is used to this kind of trolley platform, and knows its structure and principle.

Zheng Xianxue humbly recorded the mistakes pointed out by Yang Fan in front of him. After returning, he will definitely make corrections according to what Yang Fan pointed out.

Watched for more than an hour.

Yang Fan finally finished reading the whole set of design drawings, feeling relieved. Generally speaking, the design of Donghai Factory is good, and he has a very good understanding of the basic structure and basic principles of the trolley platform he talked about. There are only a few minor problems.

Zheng Xianxue carefully collected the drawings and thanked him again and again.

"Director Yang, thank you for helping me read the design drawings, otherwise, we might not discover these problems until we build or use the trolley platform."

Chen Shaohua was very happy, feeling that today was not in vain.

The harvest is still good, Yang Fan helped to point out several places.

Raising his hand to look at the time, Chen Shaohua said in surprise: "Oh, it's already noon, let's go, let's go to dinner, I'll treat you."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "You are guests, how can I let you treat me, let me come."

"No, this won't work, it must be our treat." Chen Shaohua insisted.

Zhao Yulan has already returned. After such a long time, she has calmed down a bit. She watched Chen Shaohua, Zheng Xianxue and Yang Fan walking out together talking and laughing.

I thought to myself, Yang Fan's level is really high, he even knows about ship construction, the chief builder and the head of the engineering technology department came to ask for advice in person.

Yang Fan knows everything, what other aspects does he not understand?

After thinking for a while, Zhao Yulan was surprised to find that there was really nothing that Yang Fan didn't understand. He understood ship design, ship construction, and even land joint commissioning.

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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