Military Heavy

Chapter 178 Reaching Boarding Standards

Chapter 178 Reaching Boarding Standards
After the drawings were reviewed and checked by Yang Fan, Chen Shaohua and the others happily brought back the drawings. Immediately, Donghai Factory began to build the trolley platform according to the design drawings.

They did not send the drawings to Yang Fan for review, which shows their trust in Yang Fan.

It was only at the beginning of the construction stage, Chen Shaohua specially asked Yang Fan to go over to have a look, and Yang Fan also felt that there was no problem.

Time to enter late November.

At this time, the north is already a bit chilly, and the temperature in Donghai City in the south is not bad. If it is sunny, it feels relatively comfortable and there is not much cold.

The last large-scale on-shore joint commissioning is coming to an end. This joint commissioning lasted more than three months and a total of more than [-] days. Nearly [-] problems, large and small, were found and solved.

Yang Fan came here again.

I also feel the fiery atmosphere here, and even feel the joy. The onshore joint commissioning that lasted for more than 100 days is coming to an end, and everyone is happy.

As the head of the joint investigation, Tang Jianming organized everyone to hold a summary meeting.

His voice was very resonant, "Comrades, everyone has worked hard. It took more than a hundred days. Our land joint investigation has come to a successful conclusion."

He happily introduced the situation of the land joint commissioning, especially emphasized the achievements achieved and the problems solved, and mentioned Yang Fan many times.

"Everyone knows that our large-scale land-based joint debugging experiment is relatively smooth. Why is it so smooth?"

"It's Comrade Yang Fan!"

"Without the plans and methods formulated by Comrade Yang Fan, we would not have gone so smoothly, and we are probably still struggling."

His voice echoed in the conference room.

At this moment, many people looked at Yang Fan, their eyes were full of admiration, and they thought in their hearts that Deputy Commander Yang really contributed a lot.

Take it, take it!
This is really convincing!
Many people admire Yang Fan's five-body cast, and in this land-based joint commissioning, Yang Fan's performance completely convinced everyone.

The next day.

The onshore joint commissioning base was even more lively. Pan Jinfu came in person, Commander Huang Keping came, and many people from the military also came.

Everyone sat together, after the review, they agreed that these equipments had reached the shipboard standard, could be transported to Donghai Shipyard, and could be installed on the first ship of our 052 ship.

Reach the boarding standard!

This means that the complex electromagnetic interference before the equipment has been completely dealt with, and a series of other problems have been completely resolved.

The happiest is Pan Jinfu.

At the beginning, he was the one who tried his best to carry out the land-based joint debugging experiment. Now, the experiment has finally been successfully completed. It took nearly three years and more than 800 days and nights.

Thinking of the original 051 ship, all the equipment was directly installed on the ship without being debugged on land during construction. As a result, many problems were found after use.

Later, after two years of extended tests, all the equipment of this ship was thoroughly tested, but it was very difficult to debug and correct errors after the equipment was installed on the ship.

Pan Jinfu has always felt deeply guilty about this matter.

Now, such a thing can no longer happen on the 052 ship, and the equipment that will be installed on the first ship has finally completed the land joint debugging experiment.

A few days later, some equipment began to be shipped, and it was shipped back to Donghai Shipyard from here.

At this time, the construction of the first ship of Donghai Factory began to enter a critical stage, and many hull components and multiple sections were under intense manufacturing.

Some sections have already been built and will be transported to the berth soon. The construction of the berth for the first ship before New Year's Day is not a big problem.

Chen Shaohua believes that the construction time of the berth may be advanced. Around December 12, if all goes well, the construction of the berth of the first ship will start at that time.

In the East China Sea, it is ready to start the design of the No. 2 ship.

No. 2 ship, which is the future 113 ship.

Pan Jinfu, chief designer, presided over the meeting. There were dozens of people sitting in the conference room, including principals and deputy directors, key design staff, senior designers, etc. of each design office of Donghai Institute.

Many people are overwhelmed in their hearts, and it is difficult to control.

Yang Fan was also sitting in the meeting room, and his mood was quite agitated, because this is the No. 052 ship of the 2 ship. It will start the design, and it is estimated that it will enter the construction stage in two years.

Pan Jinfu said in a loud voice: "Comrades, the general headquarters gave us two time and asked to complete the design of the No. 2 ship within two years."

He was full of energy, talking about things related to No. 2 ship.

According to Pan Jinfu, the No. 2 ship will be designed on the basis of the first ship, and major changes are not suitable. Many designs will continue to be used as usual. Maybe [-]% to [-]% of the design drawings will not be changed, but only a small part will be redesigned.

In this way, two years should be enough.

Mainly to increase the localization rate, some domestically produced new weapons and new equipment may be used on the No. 2 ship, and some new technologies may also be used on the No. 2 ship.

It is not appropriate to make major changes, this is the tone.

Yang Fan also agrees with this point. On the one hand, although we have the successful design experience of the first ship, the technical accumulation is still not enough, and the domestic industrial strength and scientific research strength are not strong enough.

Previously, General Master Pan talked with Yang Fan about the future No. 2 ship, and Yang Fan also expressed some of his own views, suggesting that many things should not be moved for the time being.

For example, the hull structure can remain unchanged, because modularization and platformization were considered in the design of the first ship. It is quite different from the first ship in history. Some disadvantages of the design have long been avoided by Yang Fan, which can save a lot of travel detour.

The power system can remain unchanged, still using diesel-fuel combined power, two imported diesel engines, and two LM2500 gas turbines imported from the United States.

The combat system has not changed much, just a small amount of improvement.On the No. 2 ship, the biggest change will be some equipment, which will change from imported to domestic.

Yang Fan seldom spoke, mainly listening carefully.

Of course, Yang Fan has a more advanced design in his heart, which can greatly improve the technical and tactical level of the 052 ship, but he can only think about it in his heart.

It is only 1987 now, not yet 1988. The domestic industrial strength and scientific research strength have determined that many designs cannot be carried out and can only be carried out step by step. It is impossible to become a fat man with one bite.

After this meeting, Donghai Institute gradually became busy again, and then held several meetings, and assigned some design tasks to the design offices.

Han Jiang seems to be relatively relaxed, because the task of the power system design room is not large, and there are only some small improvements.

Despite this, Han Jiang still got a chance. He served as the deputy team leader of a certain newly established design team. No, he happily told Yang Fan here.

"Brother Fan, you are alone, where is Director Zhao?"

Seeing Han Jiang coming in through the door, Yang Fan smiled, "She went to a meeting, why, so happy, is there any happy event?"

"Haha, there is really a happy event, you can guess."

Yang Fan didn't bother to guess, and said directly: "Don't fool me, tell me quickly, what is it?"

The relationship between the two is good, so there is no need to pay too much attention to it. Although there is a big difference in their positions, when there is no one else, they are still laughing and joking. They are absolutely good buddies.

Han Jiang was proud for a while, "The No. 2 ship is ready to start the design. Our power system design room has a small amount of tasks, but Director Zhou Ping still attaches great importance to it and re-divided the design teams. I am honored to be the deputy leader of one of the design teams."

Deputy head!
not bad.

Yang Fan was also happy for him, and said jokingly: "You want to treat me, the deputy team leader is not bad, at least a dozen people are under his control."

"Where, where, it's far behind you." Han Jiang said.

But there was no hint of discouragement in the words. On the contrary, he was very happy. To be a deputy team leader, he was already very satisfied.

As for comparing with Yang Fan.

He didn't have this idea at all, not at all, he joked more than once that Brother Fan is a freak, and the entire East China Sea exists like a monster.

He is a monster, can you compare?

The two talked and laughed, and Han Jiang even doubted: "I can become the deputy team leader, I think it may have something to do with you, probably because our Director Zhou Ping has a good relationship with you."

Yang Fan smiled, waved his hand and said, "How is that possible? I think it's mainly because you have a good level and work hard at ordinary times. Director Zhou Ping thinks you are qualified to be the deputy team leader, which is why he made you the deputy team leader."

Seems to make sense.

Han Jiang thought happily, could it be that I have performed well enough to be the deputy team leader.

The two chatted for a while, and without Yang Fan's reminder, Han Jiang took the initiative to say that after get off work in the afternoon, the two of them went to eat together.

Donghai Shipyard.

In the huge segment manufacturing workshop, three segments have already been manufactured, and several segments are still being welded, and the process is already halfway through.

For example, the welding of the stern column segment is in progress and has already taken shape. There are several segments that are being welded like this.

Tang Jianming, Yang Fan and other designers from Donghai Institute arrived at Donghai Shipyard together on behalf of the design unit. Under the leadership of chief architect Chen Shaohua, they were looking at the sections in front of them.

Chen Shaohua said proudly: "The manufacturing progress is relatively smooth, and our trolley platform has also been built, and the first section can be transported to the berth, and the construction of the berth will begin soon."

This is really exciting.

Everyone looked with great interest at the three completed sections in front of them, and at the technicians and quality personnel of Donghai Shipbuilding who were inspecting and accepting.

Tang Jianming was obviously interested, and waved his hand: "Come on, let's go over and take a closer look at a few sections."

So, a group of people walked to one of the sections.

This is the bow section, which adopts a hybrid bow design, including bow plates, steel castings, flat steel parts, stiffeners, etc.

Under the leadership of Chen Shaohua, everyone looked around the bow of the ship in a large circle, and they all looked very satisfied.

The same goes for Yang Fan, who nodded lightly. It can be seen that his manufacturing quality is good, and every weld seam is also very beautiful.

Satisfied in his heart, Yang Fan couldn't help reaching out and touching it like looking at a piece of handicraft, unable to put it down.

Chen Shaohua reminded with a smile: "Its surface has not been cleaned, there is dust and oil, don't get your hands dirty."

Yang Fan was ready to answer with a smile, it's all right, you can wash your hands later.

Suddenly, his face changed slightly, and a look of doubt appeared on his face.

Today is the third update, and the third update is over, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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