Military Heavy

Chapter 179 Defects found by hand

Chapter 179 Defects found by hand (first update)
The part Yang Fan touched happened to be the position of a piece of bulbous flat steel in the bow section. In the construction of the 052 ship, the steel includes thin plates, medium plates, thick plates and bulbous flat steels.

Suddenly, his face changed.

At first, I thought I touched something dirty, but I touched it again. That's right, it wasn't something dirty. Suddenly, my expression became a little confused.

Logically speaking, whether it is spherical flat steel, or various thin plates, medium plates and thick plates, their surface should be very smooth and smooth to the touch, without any feeling of bulges, depressions and folds.

As for Yang Fan, he actually touched a fold.

Although it is very slight, you can't feel it if you don't pay attention, but there is no doubt that the fingertips really feel this way.

Chen Shaohua noticed the change in Yang Fan's face, he was very puzzled, and asked, "Director Yang, what's wrong?"

Yang Fan didn't speak for a while, touched it again, and then said solemnly: "Mr. Chen, come here, there seems to be a slight fold here."

Suddenly, Chen Shaohua was startled.

Folds on steel surfaces!
This is not a small problem. In rough seas, a small defect can often cause a tragedy of ship destruction, not to mention that this is the first ship of the 052 ship.

What's terrible is that this bow segment has been manufactured and is waiting to be transported to the berth, and the construction of the first ship's berth will begin soon.

Do you have to dismantle and re-solder? ? ?
It seems that it can't be removed and re-welded, it's a done deal.

Can it just be scrapped? ? ?

All of a sudden, Chen Shaohua thought a lot, and his expression changed.Just now he was very happy and high-spirited, but now he looks serious.

Still worried and nervous.

Walking over, Yiyan touched the place Yang Fan was pointing at, his hands trembled in fright, and his face almost turned pale. Fortunately, his mental quality was relatively strong, and finally he didn't turn pale.

That's right!

100% sure, it's a fold!
The situation of the two quickly attracted the attention of other people nearby, including Tang Jianming. He walked up a few steps and asked in confusion, "You two, what's the matter?"

Chen Shaohua sighed, helplessly, and said slowly: "Old Tang, come and touch this place."

At this time, Tang Jianming also realized that there might be a problem. He walked over, touched the position of the flat steel ball, and said solemnly, "This is a fold on the surface of the steel."

Are there folds on the steel surface?
Hearing this situation, many people around gathered around, and some even brought a lamp, under the lamp, they could see more clearly.

This is indeed a superficial fold.

But it's relatively slight, and you can't see it if you don't look carefully, but you can still feel it clearly if you touch it with your hands.

Many pairs of eyes looked at the position of the flat steel ball, and some people touched it with their hands. Their faces changed, some were worried, some were serious, some shook their heads and sighed slightly.

Folding on the surface of the completed section is a big problem. Some people even think pessimistically, is it possible that this section that has been built with great difficulty should be scrapped?


Many people thought about this, and their faces changed again.

As the chief builder of the first ship, Chen Shaohua was very worried and felt a little downcast. He asked in a deep voice, "Old Tang, is this situation allowed in the design, and can it be allowed through concessions?"

It would be best if he could let it go.

Many people in Donghai Shipyard looked at Tang Jianming with hope, waiting for his decision, especially a few workers, their eyes were full of hope.

For this segment, they worked overtime day and night, sweating a lot, and finally completed the manufacturing, and entered the final acceptance node of this segment, unexpectedly such a problem occurred.

If it is scrapped, all the previous efforts will be in vain. If it can be released, it is the most ideal, which means that this section can continue to be used, and can be transported to the berth for the construction of the berth.

Under everyone's hopeful eyes, Tang Jianming slowly shook his head and reminded: "Everyone should know that this is the first ship of our 052 ship, and the quality must be strictly required, and no flaws are allowed to exist. surface folding defects are not allowed."

Suddenly, the hearts of many people sank to the bottom of the valley.

These words are equivalent to a death sentence!
Chen Shaohua's mood was extremely bad, he sighed heavily, and thought in his heart, the original plan to start the construction of the slipway on the 20th seemed to be a complete failure.

Tang Jianming didn't care how the people in Donghai Shipyard were feeling, but said loudly: "Check carefully again, be sure to check whether there are other similar surface folding defects."

No way!
This is fatal!
Finding such a surface folding defect is serious enough, but what if a few more are found?

A quality supervisor at Donghai Shipyard said: "It should not be used. It is estimated that there will be no similar surface folding defects."

Tang Jianming insisted: "Check carefully, there is always no harm."

If the deputy chief designer said so, it must be carried out. Although Chen Shaohua did not want the second surface folding defect to appear again, he waved his hand and said: "Do according to the requirements of the deputy chief engineer Tang. Please check carefully for me. , don’t let go of any defect.”

The chief builder also said the same thing, and the technicians, quality personnel, inspectors, etc. next to them all took action and began to inspect seriously. Some of them even held flashlights in their hands and watched very carefully.

The huge segment manufacturing workshop, whether it is the segments that have been manufactured, those segments that are being manufactured, and those hull components, etc., are all within the scope of inspection.

After a while, an exclamation sounded!
"There is a surface folding defect here, let's take a look."

There really is a second superficial fold defect!

Chen Shaohua's heart was extremely cold, and he walked over with heavy steps, looked carefully, touched it with his hand, and remained silent for a long time.

At this moment, his heart was so heavy that he couldn't say a word at all.

Yang Fan and Tang Jianming also walked over and carefully looked at the surface fold.

Tang Jianming shook his head with a wry smile, with a look of disappointment on his face. If there is a second surface folding defect, then there will be a third and a fourth.
Sure enough, as the inspection was carried out carefully, such surface folding defects were discovered one after another, and dozens of them were found for the time being, and there may be more after further inspection.

They are very slight, and you can't find them without looking carefully. Some of them can only be felt by touching them with the help of a magnifying glass.

Anyway, no matter how slight it is, it's a genuine folding defect.

We all know that any small defect may cause the tragedy of ship crash.

The key is our new generation guided missile destroyer, which is the first ship of the 052 ship, and such defects are even more unacceptable.

Chen Shaohua was stunned, feeling that the whole sky was gray, and he never dreamed that such a thing would happen.

Such defects are found in every segment, whether it has been manufactured or is being manufactured, such surface defects are more or less found.

When such a big problem happened, it was quickly spread to the top leader, Lu Guodong.

He immediately put down all the affairs in his hands, rushed to the sub-manufacturing workshop in a hurry, and asked as soon as he got here: "Old Chen, what's going on specifically?"

Chen Shaohua sighed heavily, and explained the situation helplessly.

Lu Guodong's expression changed, he walked to one of the sections, looked at the defect marked with a red pen, looked at it, touched it, and remained silent for a long time.
Soon, Zhang Guoxin, Xie Xinjian, Zheng Xianxue and others, as well as almost the entire high-level executives of Donghai Shipyard, and the leaders of the entire sub-manufacturing workshop, came one after another.

The workers in the entire sub-manufacturing workshop all stopped, watching from a distance, many people were discussing, all with worried expressions on their faces.

"It's over, it's over, this time it's really over."

"How could such a thing happen!"

"Just a little inspection revealed dozens of flaws like that."


The workers were talking a lot, and a large number of technicians and quality management personnel entered the sub-manufacturing workshop one after another. In the sub-manufacturing workshop, there were more and more people, and the atmosphere was tense and depressing.

At this moment, no one paid attention to Yang Fan.

Yang Fan is alone, holding a flashlight and a magnifying glass in his hand, carefully looking at the surface folding defects that have been discovered.

While looking at it, it seems to be thoughtful.

Lu Guodong is the leader of Donghai Shipyard. He knew that he had to take responsibility for such a big incident, so he asked, "Mr. Tang, what should we do in this situation?"

Tang Jianming shook his head slightly, and said solemnly: "This is a big matter, and I can't make a decision easily. What I have to do now are two things. I will send someone to conduct a comprehensive inspection to see how many surface folds there are. In addition, the organization Let’s have a meeting and discuss this issue collectively.”

It seems that this is the only way.

Lu Guodong personally arranged for the person in charge of quality to be called over, told them to conduct a comprehensive and in-depth inspection, and did not miss any surface folding defects.

After arranging these, he waved his hand and said loudly: "Arrange a meeting room, we will have a meeting to discuss right away, and we must come up with a solution."

A group of us walked out of the sub-manufacturing workshop and walked towards the office building, where we were going to hold a meeting to discuss how to deal with this matter.

Yang Fan was still carefully looking at the surface folding defects everywhere, very carefully and seriously, until Zheng Xianxue found Yang Fan and called him to a meeting, Yang Fan followed everyone to the office building.

Everyone left, and there were still some technicians, quality managers, and a large number of front-line workers left in the sub-manufacturing workshop, and they immediately exploded!


Today is the fourth update, [-] words, and it is almost the end of the month. Please vote for this book.

(End of this chapter)

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