Military Heavy

Chapter 180 Yang Fan's Suggestion

Chapter 180 Yang Fan's Suggestion (Second Update)
"Hopefully there will be a solution to the problem."

"I have been working overtime for more than a month, don't let the hard work go to waste."

"Oh, seeing that the construction of the slipway can start, something like this actually happened."


In the sub-section workshop, the pot was completely exploded. The leaders went to a meeting, and the workers were all talking about this matter. Many workers even went to see the marked defects.

"It's really inconspicuous. If you don't look carefully, you really can't find it."

"Who discovered this, it's amazing!"

"We have been working for so long, but we have not discovered it, even our quality personnel have not discovered it."


Similar problems have occurred no matter the segments that have been manufactured, the segments that are being manufactured, or the hull components, components, etc.

in the conference room.

Soon it was full of people, including almost all the high-level executives of Donghai Shipyard, as well as a large number of key technical personnel, key quality personnel, and leaders of the sub-manufacturing workshop.

Tang Jianming, Yang Fan and others, representing the design unit, were also sitting in the meeting room. This meeting was presided over by Lu Guodong, the leader of Donghai Shipyard.

In fact, he was also in a bad mood, very heavy and stressed, but it wasn't particularly obvious on his face, but he could still feel it from his tone of voice.

"Comrades, this is very unfortunate for us. No one thought that such a problem would occur at this critical moment."

Briefly talked about the situation, and then said: "The problem has already appeared, what we have to do now is to take measures to minimize the loss."

Clear thinking.

At this time, the first priority is indeed to minimize losses.

He asked: "Old Chen, can we rework the sections that have already been built?"

If it could be reworked, that would be the best, and the loss would not be too great.

Chen Shaohua had a bitter look on his face, "It's almost impossible. Rework means cutting out the defective steel and then re-welding it with non-defective steel. Not only is the workload huge, but the quality is difficult to guarantee."

Zheng Xianxue also proved this point. He said: "The meaning of rework is not great. It is better to start manufacturing each section again. This can not only ensure the quality, but also get back the lost time as soon as possible."

Segments are remade, that is to say those that have already been made, they will all be scrapped.

It took several months to make this!

Suddenly, Lu Guodong's heart was filled with bitterness.

He really didn't want to go to this step. If he really took this step, not only would the construction of the berth originally planned to start on December 12 be postponed for several months, but it would also be difficult for their Donghai Shipyard to hand over business to the higher authorities.

How to do?
What should I do!

Lu Guodong's originally calm face finally changed, showing a more obvious look of anxiety. He looked around the entire meeting room, hoping someone would stand up and say loudly, I have a solution.

Unfortunately, no such miracle occurred.

Almost most of the people lowered their heads one after another. Even Tang Jianming sighed helplessly.

Originally thought that the first ship would enter the gratifying berth construction link in a short time, but how could such a thing happen.

This is simply fatal!

Seeing everyone like this, Lu Guodong sighed, and was about to look away, suddenly, he was slightly stunned, so many people lowered their heads, but Yang Fan did not.

Not only did he not lower his head like everyone else, but his eyes were clear and his face was calm.Lu Guodong thought in his heart, maybe Comrade Yang Fan has a way.

Just thinking about it in his heart made him startled.

If Yang Fan really has a way, that would be great.

This idea couldn't be suppressed in his mind, and finally he couldn't help it anymore, looked at Yang Fan and asked, "Director Yang, what can you do?"

Following this question, many people who had lowered their heads raised their heads one after another, and looked at Yang Fan in unison.

Sensing everyone's gaze, Yang Fan smiled slightly.

In the eyes of everyone, he simply stood up and said loudly: "I have a suggestion, which may solve the current problem."

Many people were stunned!

Especially those who are familiar with and understand Yang Fan, after a moment of shock, they are full of hope in an instant, and feel that surprises seem to come suddenly!
Director Yang generally doesn't brag or speak big words.

That being said, there must be some certainty.

Chen Shaohua didn't speak at first, because he was in an extremely bad mood, but now, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he asked uncontrollably, "Director Yang, do you really have a solution?"

Yang Fan smiled and said: "There is no way to talk about it, I just have a little suggestion, first try it according to my suggestion, I don't guarantee that it will be successful."

Good advice!

It's better than having nothing to do, nothing to do.

Chen Shaohua said eagerly: "Hurry up, hurry up, tell us quickly, what kind of suggestion is it, we will implement it immediately."

Yang Fan didn't hold back, and said directly: "Just now I watched for a long time in the segmented manufacturing workshop, and all these surface folding defects appeared on the bulbous flat steel without exception, and all kinds of thin plates, medium plates, and thick plates did not have this problem. , we know that in terms of manufacturing process, bulb flat steel is different from various thin plates, medium plates, and thick plates.”

"The surface folding defects we have discovered now should have appeared during the forging process of the bulbous flat steel, that is to say, they have already appeared in the steel factory, not when Donghai Shipyard manufactured and welded these sections."

"I know a little about the forging process of bulbous flat steel, and with the surface folding defects I saw just now, I speculate that these surface folding defects are very shallow, and should be very shallow. We can send some workers, each with a magnifying glass, Folding those surfaces down with sandpaper and sanding it smooth."

So simple!
Is it ok to just sand it smooth?
Shouldn't the problematic flat bulbs be cut off and re-welded, or simply scrapped, and start a new section?

Many people looked at Yang Fan with expressions of disbelief.

Someone couldn't help but said: "This should not work, how can it be so simple."

There is also humanity: "Any small defect may cause the ship to be destroyed. We cannot let any defect flow down, let alone allow defective sections to be welded to the first ship."

Yang Fan smiled again, "This is just my inference. To be on the safe side, we can find several pieces of bulbous flat steel with the same surface defect, smooth the surface fold marks with sandpaper, and then conduct metallographic analysis. Is there any problem? , it will be clear whether the defects are eliminated.”


Metallographic analysis is possible!

Donghai Shipyard has a metallographic analysis room, which can completely conduct metallographic analysis on the metal structure. If there is any problem, it can be checked through metallographic analysis.

Many people's eyes lit up.

Hope rose in my heart.

Of course, some people think that Yang Fan's method is unreliable, it's simply whimsical, and the surface folding defects are so easy to eliminate.

"I'm afraid this method won't work."

"Yeah, how can it be so simple."


These people shook their heads and said this one after another. They basically didn't believe that this method was feasible. They seriously doubted the feasibility of this method and were not optimistic about it.

Chen Shaohua knew Yang Fan very well. He knew that since Yang Fan made such a suggestion, it was probably feasible. He said loudly: "Everyone calm down, will it work? Don't you know if you try it?"

Yes, just give it a try.

Tang Jianming also agreed: "I think it is [-]% feasible. Maybe these surface folds are just on the surface of the flat steel."

One is the chief builder.

The other is the deputy chief designer of the 052 ship.

Both of them said so, and they both agreed with Yang Fan's suggestion. Lu Guodong's heart lightened slightly, as if the pressure had subsided a lot invisibly.

He waved his hand and said, "In this case, let's try it now. There is no need to continue the meeting. Now we all go to the manufacturing site."

He was the first to get up.

Everyone left the meeting room, out of the office building, and walked towards the sub-manufacturing workshop. This should be the shortest meeting, only one or two 10 minutes before and after.

Zheng Xianxue trotted a few steps, caught up with Yang Fan, and asked tentatively: "Director Yang, this is really good, it can really eliminate those tiny folds on the surface."

His heart was up and down, uneasy.

Looking forward to it day and night, after everyone's continuous efforts day and night, some sections have finally been manufactured and will be transported to the berth for construction. He is happy.

Suddenly such a big event happened, and so many surface folding defects were found. He was once pessimistic and disappointed, thinking that all the built sections would be scrapped and the construction would need to be restarted.

Now that Yang Fan gave such a suggestion, he saw hope all of a sudden, but he was worried that the hope would be shattered and he had no joy. It was really difficult for Zheng Xianxue to calm down.

Will it work?

Zheng Xianxue prayed in his heart, God bless, this method must be feasible, otherwise.
He didn't dare to think about it. If this method didn't work, it would be too scary. The manufactured sections would be scrapped, and the construction of the berth that was about to start would be postponed for several months.

Lu Guodong walked in the front, followed by 30 to [-] people. Such a large group of people walked into the segment manufacturing workshop and went straight to the completed segments.

In the sub-section workshop, some technicians, quality personnel, and a large number of workers have already exploded, and they are all talking pessimistically and worriedly about what happened just now.

Seeing Lu Guodong and others coming in, the original noisy voice stopped abruptly, and many people watched Director Lu and others coming over.

Many people have a big question mark in their minds.

Didn't they go to a meeting?

Why did they come again in less than 10 minutes? ? ?

The second one is delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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