Military Heavy

Chapter 181 The Fold Mark Disappears

Chapter 181 The Fold Mark Disappears (Part [-])

It was quiet for a while, and finally, the sound of buzzing discussions sounded, and some people couldn't help it, and they whispered there, talking in low voices.

"Why is there no meeting?"

"Look, it's all back again."

"Have you found a solution to the problem?"

Realizing that a solution to the problem might have been found, many startled themselves and looked over in disbelief.

Many people gradually surrounded them invisibly, forming a large circle. In the center of this large circle were Lu Guodong, Yang Fan and others.

"It seems that there is a way."

"Really, it seems that there is really a way."

After vaguely understanding these points, many people showed surprise on their faces, and some people even thought about their toes, stretched their necks, and pricked up their ears.

The top leader Lu Guodong personally directed, and the leader of the sub-manufacturing workshop personally arranged, found a piece of bulbous flat steel with the same surface folding defect, cut off the piece with the defect, and arranged a fitter with the best level. polished.

The surrounding workers, technicians, and quality personnel finally understood what was going on. They were happy at first, but now they behaved differently. Some people were optimistic about this method, while others expressed doubts.

"Impossible, how can it be so simple."

"Even if it's polished smooth, doesn't the fold go deep into the metal structure?"

"I don't think this will work. It's a temporary solution, not a permanent cure."

Many people shook their heads one after another, and they were really not optimistic about this method, but there were also some people who maintained hope and held different opinions.

"It might work."

"I don't think it's unreasonable. The key is to look at the depth of the fold."

"I believe this method is effective."

People who are positive about this method, they say, with hope on their faces, praying that this method will succeed.

"A little more polish here, same here."

Yang Fan has been watching the master fitter grinding with sandpaper, and even couldn't help but give him a few words.

The old master didn't know Yang Fan, but when he saw Lu Guodong and Chen Shaohua accompanying this young man, he didn't say anything, and carried it out unconditionally.

I just couldn't help muttering a few words in my heart, who is this young man? He is so arrogant. Director Lu and Mr. Chen are personally accompanied by the construction engineer. The young man said to do this, and several big leaders followed his ideas.


This is the most arrogant young man I have ever met.

Although I muttered in my heart, my hands didn't stop. This old master's level is not bad. The parts with folding defects were sanded very evenly and smoothly with sandpaper. situation in place.

"Director Yang, do you think it's okay?"

The director of the segmental manufacturing workshop saw that the master fitter had finished polishing, so he asked this in person, his eyes were full of hope.

He naturally hoped that this method would be effective. It has been several months since the construction of these sections started, especially in the hot summer, when the workers were sweating profusely and their clothes were drenched.

That scene is vivid in my mind.

If the method is effective, all the fruits of their labor will be affirmed, and within a few days, these completed sections can be transported to the berth to start the construction of the first ship's berth.Those segments that are under construction can also continue.

It's a tragedy if the method doesn't work.

The consequences will be very serious.

So there was hope in his tone, and he was talking to Yang Fan like this.

Other people also looked at Yang Fan one after another, including Lu Guodong, Chen Shaohua and other senior executives of Donghai Shipyard, they all hoped that this method would be effective.

In the eyes of everyone, Yang Fan smiled confidently, walked up to the polished flat steel, took a flashlight and a magnifying glass, took a careful look, touched the polished surface with his hands, gently Nod lightly.

"I personally think it's almost done, and now it can be sent to the metallographic analysis room for further inspection."

Hearing this, many people quietly let out a sigh of relief.

No problem, as long as the metallographic analysis is done.

Lu Guodong waved his hand and said, "Come on, let's go to the metallographic analysis room now, I want to know the result as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, he strode ahead, followed by others, including Yang Fan, Tang Jianming, Chen Shaohua, Zheng Xianxue and others. At least seven or eight people followed to the metallographic analysis room.

More people stay here temporarily and wait for the news.

Because it is impossible for dozens of people to flock to the metallographic analysis room, because it will not only affect the metallographic analysis, but also cannot accommodate so many people.

After watching Director Lu lead everyone out of the sub-manufacturing workshop, the whole scene became noisy, and everyone was discussing this matter.

"I don't know if it will work."

"God bless, it must be successful."

"I see Xuan, there is not much hope."


There are still different people with different viewpoints, not to mention those production workers, even technicians, administrators and quality personnel, they also have different viewpoints.

Half and half.

About half of the people bless Yang Fan with this method, and about half of the people doubt it. In the huge workshop, it is impossible to be quiet at all. There are many people talking and talking, which is very noisy.

In this kind of noise, there are various atmospheres, there are worries, doubts, depressions, and hopes!

Metallographic analysis room.

There are professional testing equipment and instruments here, as well as professional technicians. Seeing Director Lu coming here in person, the people here dare not neglect at all. The personnel carried out metallographic analysis on this piece of bulb flat steel.

Under the electron microscope, the metallographic structure of the metal is very clear.

Magnified 500 times, no problems were found.

Magnified 1000 times, no problems have been found.

Then zoomed in to 2000 times, still no abnormalities were found.

Inside the metal structure, there is no trace of folding at all, the metal structure is well-proportioned, and nothing is found.

The technician said in a loud voice: "There is no problem. Metallographic analysis shows that the fold marks on the surface have not penetrated into the metal structure."

That is to say, the metal folding marks on the surface are only on the surface, and they are not deep at all. Sanding can completely eliminate the defects of such folding marks.

All the high-level executives of Donghai Shipyard seemed to have been hit by a huge surprise, especially Chen Shaohua, who became excited instantly, and his face flushed a little.

As for Lu Guodong, he thought he heard it wrong, so he specifically asked, "Is there really no problem? Did you find any defects?"

The technician replied affirmatively: "Director Lu, there is indeed no abnormality found. From my experience, this kind of folding marks should only exist on the surface of the bulb flat steel, and there is nothing found in the metal structure."


Lu Guodong even said a few good words, and his tone was full of excitement. Obviously, even the leader, seeing such a gratifying result, he was excited.

Although he has been in a high position for a long time, he has long been able to hide his emotions and anger, but when he heard the very positive result, this kind of heartfelt excitement was still uncontrollable.

What about the rest?

Not to mention, for example, Xie Xinjian, the deputy chief construction engineer, clenched his fists, waved his arms, and shouted like a young man, his face full of surprise.

Zheng Xianxue, basically the same, with a look of surprise on his face, said loudly: "Haha, haha, there are no fold marks in the metal structure, there are no, haha"

The entire metallographic analysis room was full of worry and solemnity just now, but now, this atmosphere has been swept away, and it is full of excitement and surprise in an instant.

Yang Fan also smiled reassuringly.

Before going to a meeting to discuss this issue, Yang Fan looked carefully at some fold marks. They all have one thing in common, that is, the fold marks only exist on the surface of the metal and should not penetrate deep into the metal structure.

Of course, this is just Yang Fan's inference, and he is not [-]% sure, so at the meeting, when Lu Guodong asked, Yang Fan only said it was his own suggestion.

It is recommended to use sandpaper to remove such fold marks.

Sure enough, Yang Fan's eyes are very sharp, the fold marks only exist on the surface of the metal, and do not go deep into the metal structure.

Although they only exist on the surface, if they are not polished and removed, it will definitely not work if they are allowed to exist. Such slight fold marks will cause metal fatigue cracks. Once such a situation occurs, it will be fatal to the 052 ship of.

This crease must be fully eliminated.

Lu Guodong was so happy, he walked up to Yang Fan, held Yang Fan's hand excitedly, and said gratefully, "Comrade Yang Fan, you helped us again."

Yang Fan said modestly: "Why you and us, we are all for the 052 ship, and I just made a little suggestion."

"You, you"

Lu Guodong's face was full of joy, he didn't know what to say, but that kind of gratitude really came from his heart.

Thank you, even Chen Shaohua said some words of gratitude, Lu Guodong waved his hand and said: "Let's go, let's go to the section manufacturing workshop, comrades are still waiting for our news."


"What if they knew that this folding defect could be removed by sanding."

"Let's go, let's go, go to the subsection manufacturing workshop."

Everyone was very happy, their faces were full of joy, and the group left the metallographic analysis room and headed towards the sub-manufacturing workshop again.

Yang Fan walked in the middle of the team, and his heart was also full of joy, not because he helped Donghai Factory solve another problem, but because the construction of our first ship would not be affected, and there was no need to re-manufacture those sections and the berth of the first ship. Construction can start smoothly.


The third shift will be issued first, and those who have monthly tickets will help to vote for a few.

I didn't save the manuscript, and it was originally only three chapters, but think about it, today Monday is approaching the end of the month, so I have to rush anyway.

The fourth is to open the code at night, and I will post it to meet everyone as soon as I finish writing.

(End of this chapter)

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