Military Heavy

Chapter 182 This is a Physical Work

Chapter 182 This is a Physical Work (Fourth)

The group of us walked into the sub-manufacturing workshop again, and the noisy and lively workshop suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at Lu Guodong and others.

Many people were thinking in their hearts while watching everyone walk in.

"I don't know what happened to the result?"

"Hey, Director Lu, Chief Construction Engineer Chen and the others seem to look pretty good."

"Could it be."

Noticing everyone's looks, many people became eager and hopeful, especially those front-line workers, who realized that they might not have to work overtime and worked so hard to recreate each section, they quietly looked at each other , exchange eye contact.

Feeling everyone's eyes, Lu Guodong smiled heartily and said loudly: "I want to tell you a piece of good news. The method suggested by Director Yang is very effective. After the fold marks on the steel surface are polished, the metallographic examination shows that they have completely disappeared."


This is great!
In an instant, the worry, solemnity and depression just now were swept away in the entire sub-section workshop, replaced by a kind of strong excitement, and many people were excited and shouted.

"Wow, the fold marks are gone."

"Haha, these segments don't need to be scrapped, we don't have to work hard to recreate these segments."

"I didn't expect that these crease defects can really be eliminated by grinding."


The originally quiet segmental manufacturing workshop suddenly became lively, which is definitely great news for many people.

Lu Guodong said that this is the method suggested by Director Yang. Many people want to know who Director Yang is and why he is so powerful.

"Who is Director Yang!"

"See, it's the young man standing next to Director Lu."

"You are so young, you only look like you are in your twenties, yet you are so powerful."

"Thanks to him, if it weren't for this method he came up with, we might have to recreate the segments."


Whether it was the front-line production workers, or those technicians and quality personnel, they all looked at Yang Fan with gratitude in their eyes, and thanked them from the bottom of their hearts.

Especially those front-line workers, they were very grateful, because they thought they would have to work hard for several months to re-manufacture those segments, but there was no need.

This kind of gratitude is hard to describe in words.

No, some workers shouted loudly, "Director Yang, thank you!"

"Director Yang!"

"Director Yang!!!"


After someone started, many people shouted loudly, and some shouted while waving at Yang Fan.

At this moment, Yang Fan's heart is warm.

It was just a small suggestion, and the people of Donghai Shipyard were so grateful. Yang Fan smiled at everyone and waved in response.

The atmosphere at the scene gradually reached its peak.

Lu Guodong smiled and joked, "Comrade Yang Fan, you seem to be more popular than me as the factory director."

Yang Fan smiled happily, "Thank you everyone, everyone is so enthusiastic."

The people around laughed kindly, and they all laughed happily, and their hearts were already very relaxed, and there was no such pressure as before.

After relaxing, Lu Guodong said: "Old Chen, it's time for us to arrange someone to polish these fold marks, and polish them all clean."

Chen Shaohua nodded in agreement, and asked for Yang Fan's opinion, "Director Yang, what do you do next, do you have any good suggestions?"

Yang Fan thought for a while and said: "Since the defects of folding marks on the steel surface can be eliminated by sanding, the next step is relatively simple. Select a group of fitters with good skills and give each of them a flashlight and magnifying glass. Sandpaper, their main work for some time to come is to sand the crease defects found.”

"Okay, that's what we'll do." Chen Shaohua replied.

Yang Fan reminded: "This may take a lot of time, it may take more than a week, or even ten days, but don't worry, it will not affect the upcoming construction of the slipway."

All the sections, no matter they have been manufactured or are being manufactured, it doesn’t matter if there are such fold marks defects. After careful inspection, if there are fold marks defects, they can be smoothed with sandpaper.

The problem is not big.

It's just a little more work.

Lu Guodong smiled heartily, and said loudly, "I never thought that this would be a manual job."

The people around laughed happily again.

Physical work is good, Donghai Shipyard has enough workers.

If it is technical work, then it is not necessarily the case. They need to be solved. How to solve them will probably take a lot of brains. It is better to work physically.

As the chief builder of the first ship, Chen Shaohua called the director of the section workshop over and ordered: "Do as Director Yang said just now, and arrange for someone to polish all the fold marks."

"No problem, I'll arrange it now."

Such a simple method can effectively eliminate the defects of folding marks on the steel surface. The workshop director was very happy and immediately went to arrange everything.

Not long after, some people in the sub-section workshop got busy, holding flashlights and magnifying glasses, carefully looking for all the folding marks on the surface of the spherical flat steel, found them, and polished them smooth with sandpaper, and touched them with their hands after polishing. , check with a magnifying glass.

Chen Shaohua specially called Yang Fan, "Director Yang, come over and see if this kind of polishing is okay."

There are several creases that have been carefully polished and smoothed by the workers. In order to show politeness, Chen Shaohua specially asked Yang Fan to come and have a look.

Yang Fan was very happy. He looked at these smooth creases for himself, gave a thumbs up, and praised: "Your workers are of a good level, and they are polished very smoothly."

Hearing this, Chen Shaohua smiled reassuringly.

052 ship headquarters.

After reading a document, Commander Huang Keping casually asked, "The berth of the first ship will be built at No. 20. I want to see it myself."

The construction of the berth is a very important milestone in the construction of the entire first ship, just like the start of construction and launching of the first ship.

As the commander-in-chief, Huang Keping planned to go to Donghai Shipyard to take a look no matter how busy he was.

His secretary replied: "Donghai Shipyard has officially set the construction time of the berth on December 12, and has officially reported to the headquarters."

Hearing this, Huang Keping said with satisfaction: "Okay, Donghai Shipyard is good, and the time node has been advanced again. It seems that the construction method of the general section is really good, and it is much more efficient than the traditional tower construction method."

The General Command originally planned to start the construction of the first ship before June 1987, 6. As a result, Donghai Shipyard moved ahead several months, and now it is preparing to start the construction of the berth, which is earlier than the scheduled time.

No wonder Commander Huang Keping is in a good mood.

Seeing that Mr. Huang was in a good mood, his secretary mentioned something, "Sir, a few days ago, something happened at the Donghai Shipyard, which almost prevented the construction of the slipway from proceeding as scheduled."

"Oh, what's the matter?" Huang Keping wanted to hear.

This is not a good thing. The secretary is very clever and has never mentioned this matter. The main reason is that he is worried that Mr. Huang will get angry. Now that Huang Keping is in a good mood, he took the opportunity to mention this matter.

"It's like this. A few days ago, Comrade Yang Fan of Donghai Design Institute found that there was a fold mark defect on the surface of the bulb flat steel used for a certain section of the finished section in the section manufacturing workshop of Donghai Shipyard."

Said the matter simply.

Immediately, Huang Keping paid attention to it. Although he knew that this problem should have been perfectly solved, he still asked with concern: "What happened later? How did Donghai Shipyard solve this problem?"

The secretary said: "It's still Comrade Yang Fan. He suggested using sandstone grinding to eliminate the fold marks on the steel surface. After sanding and smoothing, and then through metallographic analysis, the fold marks on the surface completely disappeared. This problem is perfect. solved."

After listening, Huang Keping felt relieved.

I thought in my heart, fortunately, it was solved so perfectly. If this problem is not solved, seeing the construction of the slipway is getting closer, it will be a terrible big problem.

I was also satisfied in my heart, and thought approvingly, Xiao Yang again, this comrade is really good, has a level, and can always think of a way at critical moments.

The only thing is that he is too young, and he can train for a few more years, and when he is a little older, he can increase the burden and let him go to a more important position.

Huang Keping was very satisfied with Yang Fan.

east sea shipyard

As the day of the construction of the slipway approached, the originally deserted construction slipway gradually became lively, and many workers were busy, sitting on the slipway and preparing for the construction.

Chen Shaohua first visited the construction berth, and met Xie Xinjian who was there, and the two chatted about the upcoming construction of the first ship berth.

After chatting for a while, Xie Xinjian made a suggestion, "Old Chen, this is the first time we have experienced the modular construction of the general section. We have been crossing the river by feeling the stones. The construction of the slipway is very important. I still have no idea. If we can Invite Comrade Yang Fan to come and take a look, then I will feel more at ease."

At the beginning, it was Yang Fan who suggested that the 052 ship adopt the modular construction method of the general section from the first ship. Each section and some components of the hull are manufactured in the workshop, and then the general section is constructed on the berth until the first ship. The ship launched.

In addition, in order to improve the knowledge and understanding of Donghai Shipyard's technical system on the general section modular construction method, Yang Fan once gave lectures to the technical staff of Donghai Shipyard, and described the general section construction method in more detail.

In the eyes of the Donghai shipyard, Yang Fan is an expert in the modular construction method of the general section. He is a genuine expert. From the beginning of the construction of the first ship to the present, he has also helped Donghai shipyard solve many problems.

Hearing Xie Xinjian's suggestion, Chen Shaohua's eyes lit up, he slapped his thigh and said, "Yes, Yang Fan must be invited over, let him take a look at it for us, and help us check it out."

"Old Xie, keep an eye on this place. I'll go to Donghai Office now and invite Comrade Yang Fan here politely."

"No problem." Xie Xinjian said, "Inviting Comrade Yang Fan over as soon as possible is the first priority, there is nothing more important than this."

Four more, twelve thousand words!

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(End of this chapter)

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