Military Heavy

Chapter 183 Draw a tape measure to draw a chalk line

Chapter 183 Draw a tape measure to draw a chalk line
Donghai Ship Design Institute.

Yang Fan just returned to his office from General Master Pan. Just now, General Master Pan praised Yang Fan and talked about some things about the current design of No. 2 ship.

The design of the No. 2 ship has been launched, and the design of the first ship is basically used. More than 80.00% of the design drawings will not be changed, but the localization rate will be increased on the basis of the first ship, and some domestic equipment will be used to replace imported equipment. In addition, some Application of new technology on No. 2 ship.

Not long after returning to my office, I was thinking about whether to go to the weapon system design room to take a look, because their design tasks are relatively heavy, and a variety of domestic weapons will replace imported weapons.

Of course, the weapon system design room does not need to specifically design each weapon, but has specialized design units, and it is enough for the weapon design room to communicate with these specialized design units.

Mainly communicate with others, put forward some technical requirements, interface size, coordinate technical parameters, etc., instead of detailed and detailed design of weapons and equipment.

I was thinking about whether to go to the weapon system design room or have a chat with Zhou Ping, the director of the weapon system design room, when there was a knock on the door.

It was Chen Shaohua who pushed the door in!
Seeing that it was Chen Shaohua, Yang Fan was overjoyed, "Haha, why are you here, old Chen, come in and sit down."

Yang Fan was a little surprised by Chen Shaohua's arrival.

Originally thought that as the construction of the slipway was approaching, Chen Shaohua would be very busy and would not have time to come to Donghai Institute. In fact, Chen Shaohua hadn't appeared for several days.

Yang Fan, who is familiar with the modular construction method of the general section, knows that before the formal construction of the berth, Donghai Shipyard has a lot of things to do, especially the preparatory work before the construction of the berth. As the chief builder, Chen Shaohua will be very busy .

Who knows, Chen Shaohua is here again.

Yang Fan is very enthusiastic.

Chen Shaohua waved his hand and said: "I won't drink tea anymore, if you are free, come with me to our factory and help us see the preparations for the construction of the slipway."


Yang Fan looked at Chen Shaohua and asked, "Why do you want me to go there?"

Chen Shaohua said: "You are an expert in this field, and you know far more than us. You even told us about the modular construction method of the general section."

That's what happened.


I'm not an expert, I just know something about the modular construction method of the general section.

Yang Fan wanted to say this very much, but held back, because he knew that even if he said that, the chief architect Chen would not believe it, and he would definitely say, Director Yang, look at you, you are humble again.

Well, that being the case, I'll take a look.

Anyway, I haven't visited Donghai Shipyard for several days. I don't know how their preparations for the construction of the berth are going.

So, Yang Fan said straightforwardly: "Okay, I will leave today's time to you, let's go now."

Chen Shaohua was very happy for being so refreshing, he gave a thumbs up and praised: "It's refreshing, it's refreshing, then let's go now, my car is parked in front of your office building."

The two were about to leave when they met Zhao Yulan who just came in, and she greeted warmly: "Mr. Chen, you are here again."

Chen Shaohua said: "I came here specially. The preparations before the construction of our berth are in progress. We need to ask Director Yang to take a look and help us check it out."

Yang Fan smiled, and said, "Sister Zhao, then I may basically stay at Donghai Shipyard today."

She is the director of the model office. If one of them goes out, they usually have to tell the other party. On the one hand, it is to show respect, and on the other hand, it is to let the other party know where they are going.

Zhao Yulan smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay, then you can go."

Watching the two leave talking and laughing, she felt a little uneasy, and thought admiringly, Comrade Yang Fan has two brushes.

The chief builder of the 052 ship personally came to invite me!
Great, really great!

Among the other deputy directors of our East China Sea Institute, including the director, it is estimated that no one has this face, and Yang Fan is the only one who has this face.

She has great admiration for Yang Fan, and she is also a little bit envious, at least, she doesn't have such a big face.

At the same time, she knew that Yang Fan's face was inseparable from his level, because he had a real level and a real understanding of ship construction, so he would come to invite him specially.

Our Comrade Yang Fan knows even about ship building, so I don't know what else he doesn't understand. It seems that he needs to read more books.

Live to be old, learn to be old, it is true at all.

Seeing more than a dozen professional books neatly arranged on Yang Fan's desk, she took one of them and sat down to read it.

Usually, when he is free, Yang Fan sits in the office and reads a book for a while, and the reading speed is very fast. Basically, he can finish a thick professional book in three or five days, and read several books in a month. normal.

Many people who are familiar with Yang Fan know that Yang Fan's level has improved so much that he can understand almost everything, and it is inseparable from his insistence on reading books in peacetime.

Zhao Yulan flipped through this book, and she found that Yang Fan should have finished reading this book, and Yang Fan wrote some words in the blank space on some pages, which were some of Yang Fan's own opinions.

Recalling when Yang Fan first started working, some colleagues gave him the nickname "nerd", Zhao Yulan smiled.

Bookworm is not all derogatory.

Thinking of this in his heart, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he flipped through this professional book with great interest.

Yang Fan arrived at Donghai Shipyard.

After entering the factory gate, when the black car was driving in the factory area, Chen Shaohua asked, "Go to my office for a cup of tea first, or go directly to the production workshop, or simply go to build the berth."

For the construction of the first ship, Donghai Shipyard has long prepared to build a berth.

As the day of the construction of the slipway drew near, some preparations were already underway, and it wasn't long before the car drove up to the slipway.

All of a sudden, Yang Fan saw the busy workers.

They are pulling the tape measure on the berth and marking the line with chalk. Some places have already drawn the chalk line, and some places have not yet, and they are measuring the size.

You can tell at a glance that this is a preparation for installing the tire frame.

The total section construction method requires the use of tire frames.

It is an important technological equipment that is required for both segmented construction and the construction of the general berth section. It is used as a segmented outer mold during hull construction, and its surface line conforms to the shape of the outer section.

Before the construction of the berth, the tire frame needs to be installed.

Seeing the workers doing the original "handmade operation", pulling the tape measure and drawing the chalk line, Yang Fan couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

Seeing this, Chen Shaohua asked, "Is there a problem if we do this?"

Xie Xinjian, the deputy chief builder, had already arrived and stood beside him. He also said, "We've always done this. For the construction of the 051 ship, we also drew a tape measure and drew chalk lines."

He feels that whether it is the tower construction method or the current general section construction method, it is essential to draw a tape measure and draw a chalk line.

If the pink line is not drawn well, there will be no benchmark for the placement of the tire frame, and the size and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

The length of the 052 ship is more than 100 meters. With such a length, using such a relatively primitive and purely manual method requires a relatively high skill level for workers.

Because if the technology is a little bit worse, as long as there is a slight deviation, it will be far worse, causing the tire frame to shift, which will affect the build quality.

Xie Xinjian thought that Yang Fan was worried about quality, so he said proudly: "We have selected all elite soldiers, and I have emphasized quality again and again, there will be no problem."

Yang Fan shook his head lightly.

It has been seen that the level of those workers is indeed good, but this method is too primitive, even if the level is high, it seems cautious, and even a pink line is not very accurate.

The workers also noticed this, and they were redrawing the tape measure, and then several people were discussing something together, and the distance was far away, so they couldn't hear what they said.

Chen Shaohua said: "Is there something wrong, tell the old horse to come over."

Ma Shun is more than 50 years old, an old employee of Donghai Shipyard, good skills, and a squad leader. Chen Shaohua knows him, and he is usually called Lao Ma.

Xie Xinjian immediately went over and called Ma Shun over.

Ma Shun almost trotted over, panting slightly, "Director Chen, you are looking for me."

Chen Shaohua nodded lightly, and asked: "Look at what you guys are gesticulating, is there something wrong with the chalk line?"

Ma Shun did not hide anything, and said truthfully: "There is indeed a problem with one of the pink lines, and we are going to redraw it. However, this phenomenon is normal, and there will always be some pink lines that are not accurate. We will check them after we finish drawing. If it is found to be wrong, it will be corrected.”

That's what happened.

Chen Shaohua didn't criticize at all, and nodded lightly. As the chief construction engineer, he also knew that this situation was normal.

Yang Fan looked at the workers who were preparing to draw a tape measure to draw chalk lines, and asked, "Mr. Chen, I once suggested to you to buy one or two laser theodolites. Have you bought them yet?"

Seeing those pink lines, Yang Fan remembered this matter.

When the first ship first started to be built, the first process was staking out, and it was also a tape measure to draw lines. Those parts were not so long, ranging from a few meters to more than a dozen meters, unlike the entire ship, which is more than a hundred meters long. length.

The shorter the length, the lower the natural difficulty.

Yang Fan was not used to seeing people in the Donghai Shipyard use such a primitive method. In his era, he had long been used to using laser theodolites.

Not only is the efficiency high, but the key is that the precision is very high, which is far from being comparable to that of workers pulling a tape measure, and not only can it be horizontal and vertical, but also can have various arbitrary angles.

And the pure manual original operation of the workers of Donghai Factory, it can be described as magical.

I just mentioned it at the beginning. I don’t know if Donghai Shipyard bought it, maybe it bought it, maybe it didn’t.

Because there is no such thing in China now, it needs to be purchased from abroad, which is probably not cheap.


Today is the third update, and the first update is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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