Military Heavy

Chapter 184 Laser Theodolite

Chapter 184 Laser Theodolite
If you buy this "artifact", everything will be much simpler, and it can be used in many places, not only to place the tire frame, but also to assemble and weld each section, and it can also be used.

If you don't take it seriously at all, then you have no choice but to be honest, little by little, using the most primitive method, pulling the tape measure, drawing the chalk line, and may have to correct it repeatedly in the middle, which will cost a lot of time. time.

Chen Shaohua also thought of this incident, and replied, "I remember I bought it, but I need to ask if it has arrived."

Xie Xinjian is in charge of this matter. He said: "The goods have arrived. They are imported from the United States. The manuals are all in English. No one will use them. The Engineering Technology Department is organizing the translation of the manuals. It is really usable. It is estimated that it will take at least a few days."

Has it arrived yet?
Yang Fan was overjoyed and relaxed for a while. With the laser theodolite, everything will be much more convenient and the efficiency will be greatly improved. The key is the high precision.

He waved his hand and said, "What are you still translating, take it here quickly, it's just in use now."

Xie Xinjian reminded: "But that thing is in English, we don't know how to use it yet."

If you haven't eaten pork, haven't you seen a pig run?
Before rebirth, although Yang Fan didn't use the laser theodolite personally many times, he saw it a lot. Major shipyards generally use this thing.

As for the instruction manual being all in English, that was ignored. Yang Fan's English level is very high, and there must be no problem with a mere instruction manual.

"Hurry up and get it and use it, why don't you keep it for the New Year?"

Really, there is such a good thing to use, let the workers pull the tape measure to draw the chalk line, Yang Fan is a little speechless.

Chen Shaohua nodded and said: "Arrange someone to get it, and try to use it now."

Xie Xinjian had no choice but to do so, and immediately waved a technician over, and after a few words of explanation, the technician left the slipway and went to the engineering department.

Ma Shun didn't leave, but stayed by the side all the time. When he heard something called "laser theodolite", he couldn't figure it out. He didn't know what it was.

At this time, a worker came over and said loudly: "Old Ma, there is a very difficult line. Come and see if there is any local solution."

Ma Shun has been working for nearly 30 years. He has rich experience and many methods. Whenever he encounters difficulties, his colleagues are used to looking for him.

Hearing that there was a difficult line, he didn't dare to neglect it, so he told Chen Shaohua, and then hurried over.

Chen Shaohua waved his hand and said, "The laser theodolite hasn't been delivered yet, so let's go and have a look."

The three of them, including Xie Xinjian, walked over together and watched from the side.I saw Ma Shun looking to the left and then to the left, thinking.

After a while, he said slowly: "This line is very difficult to determine, it is too difficult."

Even the experienced old horse felt that there was a lot of difficulty, and the faces of the others changed slightly. A colleague reminded: "Old horse, there is not much time left for us. If it is early, it will be tomorrow, and if it is late, it will be the day after tomorrow. will be installed."

Ma Shun said slowly: "I know this."

Because he knew this, his tone was like this. There was pressure in his heart, and after thinking about it, he said: "First the easy ones and then the difficult ones. Let's find a way to draw out those difficult lines at the end."

It can only be this way.

They used to do that all the time.

Every time, it gets harder and slower as I go to the back, and sometimes I have to work overtime all night for the last few lines.

Not far away, Yang Fan saw some tricks, and couldn't help smiling easily. With the laser theodolite, everything is not a problem. This is a "magic tool" level thing.

Chen Shaohua noticed Yang Fan's expression, and asked tentatively: "This kind of line marking, the laser theodolite can solve it."

He has never seen a laser theodolite, but he just heard Yang Fan mention it last time, and he paid a little attention to it when purchasing, just to understand a little bit.

Yang Fan said relaxedly: "This kind of marking, with the laser theodolite, is not a problem, it's just a piece of cake."

So simple!
Chen Shaohua looked at Yang Fan with unbelievable eyes, and immediately he became happy, knowing that Yang Fan would not brag, since he said so, it must be so.

So, he said loudly: "Old horse, stop, don't draw the chalk line with the tape measure, and wait until the laser theodolite is delivered before you start."

The workers stopped.

Lao Ma waited for several workers to come over and asked questions one after another.

"Mr. Chen, do you really want to stop?"

"What is a laser theodolite."


They were either surprised or curious, asking like this.Yang Fan smiled slightly, began to popularize science briefly, and introduced it to them.

The laser theodolite is to introduce the laser beam emitted by the laser into the telescope tube of the theodolite, and make it shoot out along the direction of the collimation axis. Based on this, the alignment, positioning and measurement of the angle and slope, as well as the assembly and marking of large components, stakeout etc.

Simply put, a laser theodolite is a device with a laser pointing.

Laser theodolite has multiple functions, wide application, high measurement accuracy, convenient and reliable use, and has been widely used in various fields such as large ship construction, steel structure manufacturing, bridge, tunnel, high-rise building and large tower construction.

After listening to Yang Fan's introduction, everyone's expressions became wonderful.

God, there is such a good thing!
If you really have this thing, you don't need to draw a tape measure to draw a chalk line.

Someone asked, "Mr. Chen, is there really such a thing?"

Chen Shaohua happily replied: "Yes, we bought one from Donghai factory and will send it over soon, and it will arrive soon."

Hearing this, the workers all looked forward to it.

After a while, several technicians came over and brought the laser theodolite imported from Donghai Shipyard. The leader was Jiang Liang, the technician in charge of the Engineering Technology Department.

As soon as he came over, his face was full of embarrassment, "Mr. Chen, we haven't figured it out yet, and we don't know how to use it yet?"

Jiang Liang thought that Mr. Chen wanted to use this laser theodolite now, but he didn't know how to use it yet, so he needed to think about it for a few days.

The workers around didn't care about this, when they saw this strange thing, they gathered around one after another, looking at it and being amazed at the same time.

"This is the laser theodolite Director Yang just mentioned."

"Tsk tsk, you can tell it looks very high-end at a glance."


Chen Shaohua looked at the workers watching the laser theodolite, then at Jiang Liang and other technicians, his face darkened, "playing the piano randomly, the chain will be lost at the critical moment."

He is very dissatisfied.

With such a good thing, the technicians of Donghai factory can't use it.

Seeing this situation, Yang Fan smiled and said loudly: "Let me do it, and I will guide you how to use the laser theodolite."

Jiang Liang probably only heard of Yang Fan's name, but he didn't know Yang Fan himself at all, so he couldn't help but look at it, with a look of disbelief, and reminded: "Don't fool around, this is imported from the United States, and the manual is all in English. , is it expensive?"

Yang Fan didn't mind being looked down upon by others, he just smiled lightly.

Chen Shaohua's face sank again, and he glared at Jiang Liang, his neck shrank in fright, his heart trembled slightly, and he almost broke out in a sweat.

Xie Xinjian said softly, "This is Director Yang Fan of Donghai Design Institute."

Jiang Liang was stunned!
The few technicians who followed were also stunned!
Of course they have heard of Yang Fan’s name. In the technical system of Donghai Shipyard, Yang Fan is simply a god-like existence. Not only do many people know that the modular construction method of the main section of the first ship was proposed by Yang Fan. During the construction process of the first ship, many Yang Fan helped solve the difficult problems.

Finally, a technician yelled in surprise.

"It's really Director Yang Fan!"

He finally recognized it, remembering that he had listened to Yang Fan's lecture, but it took a while, and he didn't recognize Yang Fan in front of him for a while.

Seeing the reactions of these technicians, Yang Fan smiled happily and said loudly: "Would you like to fight with me?"

These technicians nodded one after another, including Jiang Liang.

Chen Shaohua said: "Follow Director Yang Fan and learn well. You must be familiar with the operation of the laser theodolite today."

So, everyone followed Yang Fan to the construction berth, and supported the tripod of the laser theodolite according to Yang Fan's request.

As for Yang Fan, he picked up the instruction manual in English, looked at the ten lines at a glance, and after only two or three minutes, he basically knew it.

This laser theodolite is basically the same as the ones he has seen, with little difference.

With a plan in mind, Yang Fan started to operate it himself. Every step was performed very slowly, explaining in detail while operating.

Everyone gathered around, including the workers.

These technicians, they stood next to Yang Fan, listened carefully, and took out their notebooks to record, and some of them drew sketches in their notebooks, marking how to operate.

Under Yang Fan's operation, a red laser beam shines out, which is very eye-catching. It almost coincides with a pink line drawn by the workers in advance, but it only begins to overlap. As the distance increases, the pink line and the laser line There was a deviation, and at the end of the pink line, there was even a deviation of about ten millimeters.

"It's so precise!"

"Old Ma, our pink line is off."

Seeing the scene in front of him, Ma Shun blushed a little. It took them a long time to draw the pink line, but there was a deviation of more than ten millimeters.

Aside from the embarrassment, Ma Shun also admired it secretly. As expected of high technology, it was so convenient and accurate. It took them half a day to complete it, as long as a laser beam was enough.

The next step is simple.

With the "artifact" such as the laser theodolite, many positions, angles, and planes have been accurately determined, which has attracted some people around me to marvel.

Looking at Yang Fan who was operating the laser theodolite, many people thought in their hearts that Director Yang really deserved his reputation and really has two brushes.

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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