Military Heavy

Chapter 186 What is a CFO

Chapter 186 What is a CFO
The bottom segment is the base segment for the overall segment assembly.

After testing by the laser theodolite, it is horizontal, vertical and vertical without any problems. Under the command of several technicians, it is ready to hoist the next section.

If there is no laser theodolite, it will take a lot of work to calibrate such a segment.

It is necessary to check its verticality with a drop hammer, and check its levelness with a spirit level. After some strict inspections, the first segment can only be hoisted until it fully meets the process requirements.

But today, without spending too much time, the gantry crane slowly hoisted the second section, slowly hoisted it onto the berth, and began to close and dock with the bottom section.

In the afternoon, the construction berth was completely lively, some workers had already started welding, and the welding arc was shining from time to time.

A few days later, the construction stage of the slipway was fully entered.

It is foreseeable that in the coming year, this berth will be day and night, Donghai Factory will go all out, and strive to complete the construction of the first ship as soon as possible.

As for the shipbuilders, they certainly didn't have any complaints. They worked hard and worked overtime with only one goal in mind, to complete this glorious but arduous task.

This is a respectable and lovely military worker.

Yang Fan went to Donghai Shipyard again, and had just returned to the office not long ago.

It has been several months since the construction of the berth began on December 1987, 12, and everything has been relatively smooth.

Although some problems appeared intermittently during the period, they were all moderate problems, and none of the subversive major problems appeared.

After all, it is the first time to adopt the general construction method. It is normal to have some problems. After accumulating a certain amount of experience, the problems will gradually decrease and the construction efficiency will become faster and faster.

Even though it was the first time to use the general section construction method, there were some intermittent problems, but it was still much faster than the traditional tower construction method.

So far, the bulkhead sections, bow sections, sideboard sections, and transverse bulkhead sections have all been assembled and welded, and the progress is very fast.

It is now March 1988.

In another ten days and a half a month, the assembly and welding of the deck sections will begin. At that time, Yang Fan is going to take a look at it himself.

Back in the office, Zhao Yulan opened the door and walked in after not sitting for long. She knew that Yang Fan had gone to Donghai Shipyard early this morning.

"I'm back so early."

Yang Fan smiled, "I almost stayed at Donghai Shipyard for a day, and I just came back."

The two chatted, and naturally they talked about the current construction of the first ship.

Zhao Yulan said with emotion: "The construction speed of the first ship of the 052 ship is really fast. If I remember correctly, the construction started on December 12 last year. It took more than two months. I heard that the deck section is ready to be installed. Welding, I can't even imagine it."

Yang Fan said: "I stayed in Donghai Shipyard for almost a day today, most of the time was spent on building the berth, and it really only takes more than ten days to start the assembly and welding of the deck sections."

Zhao Yulan felt emotional again.

"The speed is really fast. I remember that the 051 ship was also manufactured at the East China Sea Shipyard. It took two to three years from the beginning of construction to the launch. The 052 ship was built for the first time, and the speed was much faster than the 051 ship."

Much faster indeed!
In just over two months, the assembly and welding of deck sections will begin.

If you put it like this in the past, who would believe it!

But now the facts are in front of you, you can't help but believe it.

After feeling a lot, Zhao Yulan seemed to think of something, her eyes lit up, and she said with admiration: "You were the one who proposed to use the general construction method for the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship, Xiao Yang, you are really amazing, sister Zhao Now I really admire you."

After speaking, he gave a thumbs up.

Yang Fan smiled happily, "Where, where, I just made a small suggestion. In the end, the senior management of Donghai Shipyard collectively decided to adopt the general construction method."

It seems to be the case.

But there seems to be something wrong.

Zhao Yulan didn't delve into it, but said with emotion: "Xiao Yang, why are you so familiar with the construction method of the general section, and also, it seems that you are also very good at building ships."

Yang Fan smiled again, pointing to the neatly arranged professional books on his desk and said, "I read them in books, and it seems to be beneficial to read more books."

Hearing this, Zhao Yulan smiled and shook her head.

She is in the same office as Yang Fan, and she does know that Yang Fan basically reads professional books every day, the kind that can finish a book in three to five days.

Anyway, she can't do it, and it's hard to read a book in a month. The key is that it's hard to stick to it. She often loses the count after a few days, and then doesn't read it for many days. When the interest comes, she will read it. Hold it and look through it for a few days.

The two chatted for a while.

Soon it was time to get off work, Yang Fan raised his hand to check the time, tidied up the things on his desk a little bit, and prepared to get off work.

"Sister Zhao, I'm leaving first."

After finishing speaking, he left the office, and soon left the office building, and rode his Changjiang 750 to the downstairs of his home within a few minutes.

Today is the weekend, Yang Fan knew that Jiang Yan should have come back long ago.

The No. [-] Garment Factory in Donghai City is a little far away. It takes an hour or so to come back by bus, which is a bit troublesome. She usually comes back occasionally, but she must go back on weekends, and she often returns earlier.

After parking the motorcycle, he looked up and saw that the window of his house was open, so Yang Fan knew that his wife was back.

He went upstairs happily, and sure enough the door was ajar, and a pair of clean slippers were changed at the door. After changing the shoes, Yang Fan entered the room.

"Brother Fan, you are the one who came back."

There was a sound from the kitchen, and a smell of food. Yang Fan smiled, walked over gently, and gently hugged Jiang Yan who was cooking from behind, and said softly in her ear: "A few days Didn't come back, don't you think I didn't?"

"Oh, you're so glib, the vegetables are overcooked." Jiang Yan said coquettishly.

Yang Fan smiled happily.

The atmosphere of happiness began to permeate, Yang Fan hugged his wife gently, smelled the familiar smell, and whispered some tiresome whispers.

The meals are exquisite.

Two meat, one vegetarian and one soup, the couple sat together, talking and laughing while eating dinner.

However, Jiang Yan ate very little tonight.

Mainly chat about some life, or trivial matters at work.

Jiang Yan talked a lot about her work problems, "I found that the efficiency of our factory is getting worse and worse, and our factory manager is running sales in person."

With the development of the market economy, especially the emergence of private garment factories, state-owned factories like Donghai No. [-] Garment Factory will gradually be eliminated. In the future, there are only two ways to go, either bankruptcy or asset restructuring.

While eating, Yang Fan listened with great interest.

Jiang Yan continued: "It's okay if the efficiency is getting worse and worse. I found that the intrigue in the factory is getting more and more serious, even our office is no exception."

Talking about the struggle of some people in their office.

Yang Fan thought in his heart, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and they have a small office with only seven or eight people, so there must be struggles.

This is normal. Some people like to fight and fight.

Reassured: "It's okay, let them fight, we won't participate, if you really don't want to do it there, let's resign and come back to be the proprietress of Hongtai Supermarket."

Yang Fan has mentioned this matter many times.

Because Yang Fan is not optimistic about enterprises like Donghai Garment Factory at all, and it has begun to decline now. In a few years, it is estimated that even paying wages will become a problem.

At the beginning, Jiang Yan was still a little hesitant. After all, he was an iron rice bowl at the No. [-] Garment Factory in Donghai City, eating the national food.

At the end of the 80s, it was quite popular, and many people envied those who ate national food.

But after Yang Fan mentioned the matter of asking her to resign a few times, she gradually did not resist, and also had this idea.

Jiang Yan said: "Let's work for a few more months and see if it really doesn't work, then I'll go to Hongtai Supermarket and help Sister Fang."

Now it should be called Hongtai Supermarket Chain Management Co., Ltd., and everything has gradually become formalized. I rented an entire floor in a building in the city center as the company's headquarters, and Yang Fang usually works there.

According to Yang Fan's suggestion, she started to lead the team, and she didn't need to do many things by herself, but only occasionally went to the supermarket below to have a look.

Hongtai Supermarket's strategy this year is to go out of Donghai City and open chain supermarkets in several surrounding provinces and cities. This is an attempt.

First plan to open a few supermarkets in one or two cities around Donghai City as a test. After all, the policy is not very clear yet, so I dare not take too big a step.

Generally speaking, the policy is a little looser than before, especially in a big city like Donghai City, following the principle of taking a look and letting go, so that Hongtai Supermarket can have a proper development.

Seeing that his wife wanted to go to Hongtai Supermarket to help, Yang Fan raised his hands in agreement, "You go there and do some financial work first."

Jiang Yan said: "I don't understand finances, just help Sister Fang with other things."

Yang Fan said: "If you don't understand, you can learn. If you are interested, let's go to TV University and learn some financial knowledge. Learn by doing."

"In a few years, when Hongtai Supermarket grows bigger, you will have almost acquired the financial expertise. At that time, you will be the CFO. Yes, it is best for you to take this position."

Jiang Yan asked curiously, "What is a CFO? Why have I never heard of it?"

"CFO is the chief financial officer." Yang Fan said.

Simply, Yang Fan did a simple science popularization. After listening to it, Jiang Yan finally knew what a CFO is. She smiled and said, "I don't want to be a CFO. I'm exhausted. I know I want to do something relaxing and free." kind."



You can do whatever you want. In our own supermarket, even if you just use a name, it’s fine if you don’t go to work.

Three more updates will continue today, and the first update will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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