Military Heavy

Chapter 187

Chapter 187
The next day.

Yang Fan wakes up on time at seven o'clock in the morning. He has been used to waking up naturally at this time every day without using an alarm clock. This has formed a biological clock.

After waking up, he looked at Jiang Yan who was sleeping soundly in his arms, looked at her beautiful and delicate face, smiled happily, and got up lightly, for fear of waking her up.

He gently closed the bedroom door again, and after washing up, he started to make breakfast.

Shredded pork noodles.

There are two bowls in total, the fruit of Yang Fan's half an hour's labor, and it feels good, fragrant and very satisfying, with chopped green onion on top, and a golden fried egg.

After waiting for a while, Yang Fan smiled when he heard the movement in the bedroom, pushed the door gently and walked in, "Yan, you're awake."

"Brother Fan."

Jiang Yan smiled sweetly, put on his clothes and got out of bed, smelled it, "It smells so good, it smells so familiar, it must be shredded pork noodles."

This smell is too familiar to her.

Yang Fan often cooks her breakfast, most of which are shredded pork noodles. Jiang Yan never gets tired of eating it, and every time he has a great appetite, it is very sweet and satisfying.

"Go, go brush your teeth and wash your face, let's have breakfast once."


Jiang Yan quickly went to brush his teeth and wash his face, and then sat down to have breakfast with Yang Fan, but after taking a few bites, his brows frowned slightly.

"What's the matter, is there any discomfort?"

Yang Fan asked with concern.

Jiang Yan put down his chopsticks, "I don't know, I don't have any appetite anyway, I feel like throwing up when I see greasy things."

That's it.
Yang Fan pondered for a while, not knowing what was wrong with her, he reached out and touched Jiang Yan's forehead, and said to himself, she didn't have a fever either.

Jiang Yan reluctantly ate two more bites, and put down his chopsticks completely, "Brother Fan, I really don't have an appetite, let me eat it for you."

Yang Fan nodded, and finished eating all the noodles, feeling a little full, then went to the kitchen to wash the dishes, wiped his hands, came out of the kitchen and said, "Today is the weekend, let's go for a walk outside, how about Sample?"

The weather outside is very good. March is when everything is recovering. When the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, Jiang Yan suggested: "Let's go to a place farther away. I heard that the rapeseed flowers are blooming. There is a place where the rapeseed flowers are very beautiful. Let's go Take a look."

That's a good suggestion.

Yang Fan raised his hands in agreement, and the two went downstairs hand in hand, and set off on that Changjiang 750.

Sitting on the back seat, holding Yang Fan's waist with both hands, and gently sticking to Yang Fan's back, Jiang Yan suggested: "Brother Fan, should we consider buying a car?"

Yang Fan said: "I'm planning this matter. When I get my driver's license, let's buy a car and drive it."

In 88, there were still very few families with cars, and it was definitely a sensation that any family had a private car.

The two have already walked ahead of most people, and they are not satisfied with always riding a motorcycle, but began to consider private cars.

Does Yang Fan have the financial strength?

That's for sure. Hongtai Supermarket already has a certain strength. For the convenience of business, Yang Fang bought a car as early as last year. As for delivery trucks, Hongtai Supermarket already has several.

Yang Fan does not have a driver's license yet, and has just applied for the test.

However, before being reborn, Yang Fan had more than ten years of driving experience. With such a foundation, it is not a big problem to get a driver's license.In addition, the driver's license test in the 80s is completely different from now. If it matters, you can get the driver's book just by going through the formalities.

I rode for an hour.

The two came to the outskirts of Donghai City, where there is a large area of ​​farmland and even a large area of ​​rapeseed, which is very beautiful.

It may be because of the weekend, there are also some people outing here to enjoy the flowers, it seems that they are all from the city.

As soon as he got off the motorcycle, Jiang Yan vomited again, but he couldn't vomit, looking very uncomfortable, Yang Fan said concerned: "Yan, are you okay?"

"it's okay no problem."

After throwing up a few times, Jiang Yan waved his hand, adjusted his mood, smiled and said, "What a beautiful rape flower, let's go and have a look."

Yang Fan looked at his wife with concern. Jiang Yan also vomited once on the way here just now, but he basically didn't vomit anything. Yang Fan thought it was motion sickness.

Suddenly remembered, this should not be motion sickness, Jiang Yan never seemed to get motion sickness.

After thinking about it for a while, I couldn't figure it out for the time being. Looking at the large sea of ​​golden rapeseed flowers, Yang Fan's interest also came.

This time I brought a camera here, and it was a color camera. The two of them took a lot of pictures. Most of the time, Yang Fan took pictures of Jiang Yan, and sometimes Jiang Yan took pictures of Yang Fan.

Even asked others to help take a few group photos.

The two were in a good mood and had a great time playing. Jiang Yan didn't vomit anymore, and seemed to be completely immersed in the fun of the game.

Near noon, the two were ready to go back.

Back to my father-in-law's house, it's not far to ride a bicycle from here, about three or four 10 minutes.

Before leaving, Yang Fan looked at the large fields of rapeseed flowers and thought in his heart, in more than ten years, there will be no farmland here, but high-rise buildings.

No one knows the future development better than Yang Fan. The development of Donghai City is even more immeasurable. It will develop rapidly, and the urban area will expand, and then expand. The current suburbs will all be urban areas in the future.

Leaving on a motorcycle, Yang Fan thought in his heart that his old house will be the absolute central city in the future.

Such a good location and location should not be wasted. You can consider demolishing the old house and building a beautiful villa on this land.

There are gates, walls, and large gardens in the front and back. Having such a house in the city is definitely an enviable existence, an absolute luxury.

Yang Fan is already thinking about this matter, maybe in one or two years, at the latest two or three years, he will build a house he likes.

After half an hour.

It was not far from his father-in-law's house. At this time, Jiang Yan felt a little uncomfortable again, "Brother Fan, step aside, I seem to want to vomit again."

Hearing this, Yang Fan hurriedly stopped by the side of the road and carefully helped Jiang Yan out of the car. On the side of the road, Jiang Yan vomited again, but basically he didn't spit out anything.

Yang Fan patted her on the back lightly, and said with concern: "How about it, do you want to go to the hospital?"

Jiang Yan said: "No, no, it will be fine in a while."

Getting back into the car, Yang Fan continued to drive forward on his motorcycle. After a while, he passed by a small shop, and Jiang Yan saw jujube cake for sale.

Immediately said: "Brother Fan, stop, I want to eat jujube cake."

Sour date cake, sweet and sour, very appetizing.

Yang Fan stopped to buy some, unpacked it, and gave Jiang Yan a piece.

Jiang Yan smiled happily, and immediately started eating, looking very enjoyable.Suddenly, Yang Fan's heart moved, and he was startled.

Vomiting, like to eat sour
Immediately, Yang Fan understood that Jiang Yan was probably happy, and he was pleasantly surprised in an instant. This is a great happy event.

Noticing Yang Fan's expression, Jiang Yan said, "What's wrong, I'm so happy all of a sudden."

Yang Fan said a little excitedly: "Honey, you should be happy. I'm going to be a father, and you're going to be a mother."

Jiang Yan was stunned.

After reacting, her face was also full of surprises, and she finally knew why she always vomited, hated greasy food, and liked to eat sour food.

"Brother Fan, I'm really happy!"

Yang Fan nodded and said: "[-]% yes, I will take you to the hospital for an examination tomorrow and you will know."

The two are happy!
Especially Yang Fan, who has been thinking excitedly in his mind, I am going to be a father, I am going to be a father.
I am going to be a father!

Excited and excited, Yang Fan carefully helped Jiangyan get into the car, started the motorcycle, and arrived at Jiang Dahai's house in no time, and immediately told Jiang Dahai and Li Xiuzhen.

Hearing the good news, Jiang Dahai and his wife were also very happy.

At noon, after preparing a large table of sumptuous dishes, Jiang Dahai took Yang Fan to drink, because he was too happy, he drank too much again, Yang Fan helped him into the bedroom, and carefully let him lie on the bed to sleep.

Li Xiuzhen took Jiang Yan's hand and talked about some things that women should pay attention to when they are pregnant.

Donghai Shipyard.

Yang Fan came here very relieved, why do you say very relieved?
Because Jiang Yan took a long vacation and rested at home, Li Xiuzhen also came to live here, taking care of Jiang Yan every day, Yang Fan of course felt at ease, and didn't have to worry about things at home.


Build the slipway above.

The deck sections of the first ship are being hoisted slowly. Yang Fan, Chen Shaohua and others looked at everything in front of them with happy expressions.

Especially Chen Shaohua, "I wake up laughing from my dreams now. I didn't expect the construction speed of the general section construction method to be so fast. How long will it take for our deck sections to start welding."

Yang Fan said: "With the welding of the deck sections, there are not many sections left. Our first ship will be launched in a year at most."

After the assembly and welding of each section is completed, the first ship will start outfitting.

After outfitting is painting, Yang Fan predicts that if all goes well, the first ship will be completely completed next year, and then sea trials can begin.

After the sea trials, the first ship of the 052 ship can be delivered to the navy, which is at least three or four years earlier than the delivery of the first ship in history.

Knowing this, Yang Fan's mood was slightly agitated.

In a few months, the first ship will be fully outfitted!
Chen Shaohua was also in the same mood, and happily replied: "In two or three months, our first ship will be fully equipped."

Two or three months!

Some people standing next to him were shocked when they heard Mr. Chen's confident answer, and looked forward to it in their hearts.

First ship outfitting!
Generally speaking, outfitting and painting begins after the hull is built.Then it is officially launched. For ship construction, outfitting is a very important and critical node.

Yang Fan was also excited because he could witness the outfitting of the first ship with his own eyes!
The third update will continue today, and the second update will be delivered! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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