Military Heavy

Chapter 188

Chapter 188
Two months seemed to pass in a blink of an eye.

The time has entered May of 1988.

Today, Yang Fan got up early as usual, saw that Jiang Yan had already woken up, and said softly, "Sleep for a while, don't rush to get up."

Pregnant people sleep more than ordinary people, so Jiang Yan adjusted his sleeping position and continued to sleep late.She has already taken a long vacation.

Anyway, the efficiency of Donghai No. [-] Garment Factory is very poor. It doesn't matter if there is one more person or one less person. It is not difficult to ask for leave.

After being pregnant for several months, her stomach is already slightly swollen, which can be seen in thin clothes.

After Yang Fan woke up, he soon saw his mother-in-law, she obviously got up earlier.

"Mom, you got up so early."

Li Xiutouzhen said: "I'll go buy breakfast for you and the girl, and I'll be back soon."

After speaking, she went out the door.

Yang Fan smiled lightly, feeling warm in his heart, his mother-in-law is nice, she lives here at least four or five days a week, besides taking care of Jiang Yan, she also helps with this and that, such as all kinds of housework are almost done by her packaged.

Get up early every morning and prepare breakfast.

Yang Fan looked at the kitchen, the porridge was cooked, and a few eggs were cooked, he felt warm, the old man is really nice, he has already made these.

After washing up, Li Xiuzhen came back and bought steamed stuffed buns, deep-fried dough sticks and the like, plus boiled porridge and eggs. The breakfast was very rich.

"You eat first, are you going to work?" Li Xiuzhen said.

Yang Fan said: "The two of us eat together, just leave some for Jiang Yan, she probably needs to sleep again before getting up."

After breakfast, Yang Fan said hello to his mother-in-law, and went to Donghai Shipyard first. Soon after, he went to Donghai Shipyard.

The construction of the first ship of the 052 ship is what Yang Fan cares most about. Since he entered the construction of the berth, he has to go to have a look at it every now and then.

Accompanied by Chen Shaohua, Yang Fan came to build the berth again.

At present, the construction of the hull is nearing completion. Yesterday, the hoisting of the last section, which is the superstructure section on the deck, is already being welded.

Except that there is no outfitting and painting, our first ship has already taken shape, all the sections are in place, and the workers are doing assembly and welding operations.

Looking at everything in front of him, Yang Fan was very satisfied.

The construction speed is really fast!

From December 12 last year to the present, in less than 18 months, all the sections have been assembled and welded, and they are about to enter the outfitting process.

Chen Shaohua invited: "Come on, let's board the first ship and take a look on it."

Yang Fan wanted to go up and take a good look a long time ago, so he nodded and said, "Yes, let's go up and take a look."

Wearing hard hats, the two boarded the deck of the 052 ship, looked and looked, and walked into some cabins and units inside, looking at it for a long time.

"Hello, Mr. Chen."

"Hello Director Yang!"

There were quite a few workers on the ship who were working, and when they saw Chen Shaohua and Yang Fan, they greeted Chen Shaohua and Yang Fan enthusiastically and proactively.

Yang Fan saw Wu Mingze again.

The welding king of Donghai Shipyard was leading a group of people to carry out welding operations on the ship. Some workers climbed into the narrow cabin and welded there seriously.

Listening to the sound of electric welding and seeing the dazzling welding arcs, Yang Fan thought to himself, the construction of our first ship is going well, and I really look forward to his launching sooner.

Far away in the capital.

The headquarters of the 052 ship is also paying close attention to the construction of the first ship, and the commander-in-chief Huang Keping is asking his secretary.

"Has the daily newspaper from Donghai Shipyard been sent?"

In order to learn more about the construction of the first ship, starting last month, Huang Keping asked Donghai Shipyard to report the construction progress to the general headquarters every day, and the daily daily report was sent by fax.

The secretary replied: "It was just sent, I'll go get their daily report right away."

"No need." Huang Keping said, "Just talk to me briefly."

The secretary said: "According to the Donghai Shipyard's report, the last section of the first ship has been hoisted the day before yesterday, and it is currently undergoing assembly and welding. It is estimated that they will be able to start the outfitting work in about ten days."

First ship outfitting!

Hearing that Donghai Shipyard will be able to carry out outfitting in ten days or so, Commander Huang Keping was slightly excited and said with satisfaction: "Their progress is really fast!"

"Yeah, it's a bit beyond our expectation. We didn't expect that the construction speed of the main section construction method can be so fast. If this is the case, there should be no problem in launching it into the water next year for sea trials."

Sea test!

Sea trial next year!

The excitement in Huang Keping's heart became stronger, he nodded in satisfaction again, and said with certainty: "Next year's sea trial, there will be no big problem."

A person appeared in his mind, and he thought to himself, Comrade Yang Fan has made another contribution. If he hadn't proposed to adopt the modular construction method of the general section at the beginning, how could our first ship be built at such a fast speed.

Nice young man!
Think long term!

Alas, he is just a little too young, otherwise, he could be placed in a more important position and let him play a greater role.

After thinking about it for a while, Huang Keping said: "It seems that maybe next year, the year after at the latest, we can start the construction of the second 052 ship."

The original plan was to build the second 052 ship after the delivery of the first ship. According to the current situation, the delivery of the first ship will be greatly advanced, and the construction of the second 052 ship can also be appropriately advanced.

"Inform Donghai Shipyard that after the first ship starts fitting out, I will go and have a look in person."

"Okay, I'll notify you right away."

Donghai Ship Design Institute.

Yang Fan sat in his seat, read the book for a while, and thought in his heart, let's go to the weapon system design later to see how the weapon system design of the second 052 ship is going, and which domestic weapons are selected.

After taking a sip of hot tea, when he was about to go out, there was a knock on the door, and Li Jun pushed the door in. "Director Yang, someone is looking for you. The other party said it was from Dongjiang Shipyard."

Dongjiang Shipyard!
Of course Yang Fan knows about this shipbuilding company. Like Donghai Shipyard, they are a military shipbuilding company with a long history and great strength, and they are also one of the largest shipyards in Donghai City.

"What do people from Dongjiang Shipyard want me to do?"

Yang Fan was a little puzzled. In his impression, he had rarely been to Dongjiang Shipyard in recent years, and had not dealt with them much.

They actually came to the door specially. They didn't know who the person was and what position he held in Dongjiang Shipyard.

Now that they have come to the door, they can't hide behind closed doors, right? Yang Fan waved his hand and said, "Where are they, bring them in."

Soon, Li Jun brought in two men. The man walking in front was about 40 years old, of medium build, and very energetic. He could tell at a glance that he was a leader.

The man behind is very young, in his twenties, carrying a briefcase.

Li Jun introduced: "This is our Director Yang Fan, the person you are looking for."

The leading man was full of smiles, took two steps forward, and took the initiative to hold Yang Fan's hand, looking very happy, "Director Yang, I have heard about you for a long time, and we finally meet."

"you are."

The other party was very strange, Yang Fan asked himself that he had never seen him before, and looked at him suspiciously.

The man smiled, and quickly introduced himself, "I'm Sun Baoguo from Dongjiang Shipyard, and this is my secretary, Xiao Qin."

The young secretary Qin shook hands with Yang Fan quickly, "Director Yang, hello."

Yang Fan was slightly taken aback, but he didn't expect it to be Sun Baoguo.

Although I have never met Sun Baoguo, I still know the main leaders of Jiangdong Shipyard. Sun Baoguo is a deputy director of Dongjiang Shipyard. Rich builder.

Such a big leader actually came to the door in person.

Yang Fan smiled enthusiastically, "So it's Director Sun, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Li Jun stared blankly at everything in front of him, screaming in his heart, my God, this is actually a director of Dongjiang Shipyard.

It should be the deputy director.

This is also the main leader of Dongjiang Shipyard!
He actually came to the door in person, with a humble attitude, to find our Director Yang.

Director Yang is bullish!
Such big men also came to him.

Li Jun was stunned and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Yang Fan ignored Li Jun, who was in a sluggish state, and warmly greeted Sun Baoguo and his wife. When he was about to stand up and pour tea, Li Jun finally came to his senses.

Quickly picked up three cups, brewed three cups of hot tea, and then exited the office.

After he got outside, Li Jun still couldn't calm down for a long time. He kept thinking about how high the rank of the deputy director of Jiangdong Shipyard was in his mind.

It seems to be at the same level as the deputy director of our institute.

He actually came to find our Director Yang in person.

Inside the office.

Yang Fan was warm and hospitable, and the atmosphere became more relaxed. The two sides chatted happily, but they didn't know the purpose of the other party for the time being, and the content of the chat between the two sides was quite extensive.

After chatting for a while, Sun Baoguo said: "Director Yang, we have heard of your name for a long time and wanted to get to know you a long time ago. Today, we happened to come to Donghai Institute, so we came to sit with you by the way."

Is it that simple?

Yang Fan didn't believe it.

As the deputy director of Dongjiang Shipyard, I usually go to Donghai Ship Design Institute several times a year. Every time I came to Donghai Institute, I didn't come to Yang Fan for a sit-down. Today, how could it be just by chance?
There must be something.

The other party didn't say anything, Yang Fan didn't bother to ask, he chatted with the other party casually, and gradually talked about the lead ship of the 052 ship currently under construction.

Talking about the construction of the first ship, Yang Fan noticed that Sun Baoguo's eyes showed envy. Noticing this look, Yang Fan was thoughtful.


The third update continues today, and the third update is over, thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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