Military Heavy

Chapter 189 First Ship Outfitting

Chapter 189 First ship outfitting (first update)
Sun Baoguo didn't say anything all the time, as if he really just wanted to get to know Yang Fan, and after chatting for a while, he got up to leave.

"Director Yang Fan, then I won't bother you."

Yang Fan got up and saw them off, and sent them away.

When Sun Baoguo left the office building of Donghai Institute, Xiao Qin, the secretary who had not said anything, finally couldn't bear it anymore, and reminded softly: "Leader, why don't you just say it directly?"

"No hurry, take your time." Sun Baoguo said with satisfaction, "I think it's good this time, at least I've become acquainted with Director Yang."

One is born, the second is cooked.

With this meeting, if we meet again next time, it will be easier to talk about some things, and we will be able to talk about some topics in more depth.It seems that Sun Baoguo is still a very particular person.

Donghai Shipyard.

Today, the first ship began to enter the outfitting process. Early in the morning, the entire construction berth was very lively. There were not only a large number of workers, but also many technical and management personnel.

Not far away, a car drove over, and Chen Shaohua and Yang Fan got out of the car.

Yang Fan of course wanted to take a look at the first ship being fitted out.

Chen Shaohua understood this very well. He arrived at Donghai Institute early, picked up Yang Fan politely, got out of the car, pointed to the 052 ship in front of him and said proudly: "All sections are assembled and welded. Starting today, We are officially entering the outfitting stage."

The so-called outfitting is the installation of various equipment and systems.

The outfitting of the 052 ship includes a lot of things. In addition to weapons, radars, combat systems, etc., there are also engine room equipment, navigation equipment, etc., as well as various pipelines and lines. This will be a big project.

According to the work area and content, it is divided into deck outfitting, cabin outfitting, engine room outfitting and electrical outfitting, etc.

Chen Shaodao: "For the outfitting of our 052 ship, we still adopt the regional outfitting method according to your suggestion."

Donghai Shipyard is no stranger to outfitting.

All kinds of ships built before also need to be outfitted, such as the previous 051 ship, which needs to be outfitted, but the regional outfitting method proposed by Yang Fan is different from the previous traditional outfitting.

The regional outfitting method is also one of the contents of the modular construction of the general section.

It is divided into several process stages, outfitting purchase, unit assembly, subsection outfitting, ship outfitting, etc.Before outfitting on board, the procurement of outfitting parts, unit assembly and section outfitting have been completed.

Now to start the outfitting of the ship.

The advantages of the modular construction method of the general section are reflected again. Many things of outfitting have been completed in the manufacturing plant, and only the outfitting on the ship can be carried out on the berth.

Chen Shaohua invited: "Come on, let's go aboard and have a look."

Yang Fan also had this intention.

The two talked and laughed, and boarded the 052 ship, which was starting to be outfitted, wearing hard hats, taking a look here and there.

It can be felt that the workers are full of energy and full of passion.

Yes, this is the first ship of our 052 ship. It is a matter of great pride for the workers to participate in its construction.

The 052 ship adopts a modular design, and the whole ship is divided into several functional areas and functional modules. When the two entered a cabin, they found several workers and technicians, and they were discussing something.

Soon Yang Fan understood what was going on.

They were installing a certain pipeline, but after this thick stainless steel pipe with special bending was brought over, they found that there was a little assembly interference.

Due to interference, it cannot be installed temporarily.

After understanding what was going on, Yang Fan said, "Show me the design drawings."

One of the technicians opened the design drawing. Yang Fan looked at it and measured it himself with a tape measure. There was no problem with the manufacture of this pipe and it fully met the requirements of the drawing.

"There is a problem with the blueprint, the size should be 2mm shorter."

There are tens of thousands of design drawings for the 052 ship. With so many design drawings, no one can guarantee that there will be no mistakes.

At least in the past few months, Yang Fan has discovered several problems in the design drawings at Donghai Shipyard, all of which are minor problems.

In addition to the problems on the design drawings, there are also some problems in the rationality of the design. Yang Fan recorded all of them in his notebook.

Based on these records, refinements and improvements can be made in the design.

This time he found a problem again. Yang Fan took out his notebook and recorded the problem. After returning to Donghai Institute, he must ask the relevant designers to make changes.

It is normal to find problems and make changes and improvements. Only through continuous improvement and improvement can the design gradually improve.

Seeing that there was a problem with the design drawings, the technician from Donghai Factory asked worriedly, "Mr. Chen, Director Yang, what should we do next?"

Yang Fan smiled, "The size on the design drawings is two millimeters shorter. I will change this size. If this pipe has to be sent back to the manufacturing workshop for rework, then come back for installation."

Chen Shaohua waved his hand and said, "Do as Director Yang said."

As for Yang Fan, he took out a pen, changed the size on the design drawing, and signed his name and date.

Design drawings cannot be changed casually, but what should we do if problems are found at the manufacturing site?

This means temporary changes to the design drawings, which can be changed and signed by the designer. This is what Yang Fan did.

After solving the on-site problem, Yang Fan and Chen Shaohua continued to watch on the ship.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, Huang Keping, the commander-in-chief of the 052 ship, accompanied by Lu Guodong and others, also boarded the 052 ship for formal outfitting.

Time to enter October.

The first ship of the 052 ship has been outfitting for almost a month, and all the work is progressing smoothly, and some equipment has also begun to be installed on the ship.

Yang Fan basically visits every now and then, and will help solve problems in a timely manner, whether it is a design problem or a construction process problem.

I didn't go to Donghai Shipyard today, because Zheng Baoguo from Dongjiang Shipyard came again, and this time he was alone without a secretary.

He gently pushed the door open and came in, showing a smiling face, "Director Yang, it's great that you are here."

Of course, Zhao Yulan knew Sun Baoguo from Dongjiang Shipyard, and she said softly "Aiya" with a look of surprise on her face. She never expected that the deputy director of the shipyard would come to the model office.

Immediately, the surprise on his face turned into excitement.

She was a little excited about the arrival of such a great leader.

Immediately greeted warmly, and quickly poured tea, "Director Sun, I didn't expect you to come to our model to handle it. I really didn't expect it."

Sun Baoguo smiled, "I'm here to find Director Yang."


Zhao Yulan looked at Yang Fan, her eyes seemed to say, Director Yang, you are very familiar with Director Sun.

Yang Fan nodded lightly. At this time, how can he say that he is not familiar with him? This is the second time he has dealt with Sun Baoguo.

Zhao Yulan looked at Yang Fan, and felt a burst of emotion in her heart. Our little Yang, at such a young age, actually maintains a good relationship with so many great leaders. Lu Guodong and Chen Shaohua from Donghai Shipyard, and this time Sun Baoguo from Dongjiang Shipyard came to visit.

Zhao Yulan, full of emotions, guessed that Director Sun might have some important matters to discuss with Xiao Yang, so she excused something and left the office, leaving the place to Yang Fan and Sun Baoguo.

"Director Yang, are you busy recently?"

With a smile all over his face, Yang Fan already had a premonition that Sun Baoguo needed his help for something, otherwise, it wouldn't be like this.

However, he is a very high-ranking deputy director of Dongjiang Shipyard, and he is only the deputy director of the Model Office of Donghai Institute. What can I do to help?

Yang Fan couldn't figure it out for the time being.

Sun Baoguo didn't mention anything, but chatted happily with Yang Fan like an old friend, such as the design situation of No. 052 ship of 2 ship.

Such as the modular construction method of the general section, such as some situations of their Dongjiang Shipyard, and so on.

Yang Fan was a little surprised that Sun Baoguo seemed to be very interested in the design progress of the No. 2 ship, and he also knew a little about the modular construction method of the general section.

After chatting for a while, Sun Baoguo looked at the time and said very politely: "Director Yang, it's almost noon, let's go out for a light meal together."

Yang Fan hesitated a little.

He became more and more certain in his heart that Sun Baoguo must have some business looking for him, and it was hard to refuse the other party's invitation.

After all, he is a deputy factory director, and his rank is much higher than his own. It seems inappropriate to refuse such a warm invitation to dinner.

Seeing Yang Fan's hesitation, Sun Baoguo became even more enthusiastic, "Let's go, just have a light meal, we won't go far, it's at the gate of Donghai Institute."

A number of private restaurants have been opened one after another at the gate of Donghai Institute, and some of them have a good environment, and they are indeed good places to eat.

Good intentions are hard to come by.

Yang Fan thought for a while, then nodded and agreed, "Okay, let's eat something casually, but I must declare in advance that I can't drink alcohol, and I have something to do in the afternoon."

"Okay, no alcohol."

Seeing that Yang Fan agreed, Sun Baoguo was very happy, and he left the office, the office building, and the gate of Donghai Institute with Yang Fan with a smile.

Not far from the gate, I found a restaurant with a good environment. Sun Baoguo politely ordered several dishes, which were very hearty.

The two sat down, ate and chatted.

Feeling almost done, Sun Baoguo finally got to the point, "Director Yang, are you free recently? If it's convenient, I invite you to visit our Dongjiang Shipyard."

Please let me go to Dongjiang Shipyard to have a look!
Yang Fan was slightly startled, he didn't expect Sun Baoguo to invite him to dinner, it was such a thing.

Well, not right!

Yang Fan's reaction was quick, and he immediately realized that there must be something deeper than just looking at it.

After realizing this point in his heart, Yang Fan said: "Director Sun, what's the matter, you can just get straight to the point."


The first!
(End of this chapter)

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