Military Heavy

Chapter 190 You Have Little Hope

Chapter 190 You Have Little Hope (Second Update)

Sun Baoguo sighed softly.

He has been under a lot of pressure recently, and he is also very envious of Donghai Shipyard, which is also in Donghai City.

At the beginning, when the upper management decided to build the first ship, Dongjiang Shipyard also submitted a construction application, but in the end it went to Donghai Shipyard.

Seeing the gradual construction of the first ship of the 052 ship, he was very envious, or even a little jealous, and said in his heart many times.

It would be great if the first ship was built in our factory.

The construction of the first ship was already in Donghai Shipyard, and it was impossible to change it to Dongjiang Shipyard. Sun Baoguo was once a little bit disappointed.

The design of the No. 052 ship of the 2 ship was started, and it was heard that the construction of the No. 052 ship of the 2 ship might start as soon as next year, or later, the year after. Sun Baoguo became eager in his heart.

I thought in my heart, it would be great if the No. 2 ship was built in our Dongjiang shipyard.

This idea grew wildly in his mind like a weed, and recently he visited the East China Sea Institute more frequently, paying attention to the design progress of the No. 2 ship.

He heard about Yang Fan's various deeds, especially that the fact that the first ship could be built at Donghai Shipyard had a lot to do with Yang Fan.

So, he found Yang Fan.

"Director Yang, to be honest, our Dongjiang Shipyard wanted to undertake the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship, but failed to do so. The construction of the second ship of the 052 ship will be put on the agenda. We want to undertake the construction of the second ship. Yours He is an expert in ship construction, can you give us some advice."

The attitude is very humble.

He doesn't look like a deputy factory director, but he looks like a student who is humbly asking for advice.

Yang Fan was dumbfounded, and shook his head lightly, "I can't say it's an expert, I just read some books on the construction of the ship's general section, and it's just talking on paper."

"Director Yang, you are too modest."

Naturally, Sun Baoguo didn't believe in talking on paper. He had already learned quietly that Director Yang was of a very high level. Not only did he propose that Donghai Shipyard adopt the general section modular construction method, but also Yang Fan guided many construction preparations.

He didn't give up, "Our Dongjiang shipyard really wants to compete for the construction of the No. 2 ship. Director Yang, what do you think of our hope?"

Competing for the construction task of the No. 2 ship? ? ?
Yang Fan looked at Sun Baoguo and sighed softly.

Seeing this, Sun Baoguo was slightly nervous, and quickly asked: "What's the matter, don't we have any hope?"

Yang Fan said seriously: "I don't think you have much hope."

Sun Baoguo's expression changed.

A little unconvinced: "Our Dongjiang Shipyard is also very powerful. It is a military shipbuilding enterprise with decades of history. Even if it is a [-]-ton ship, we are capable of building it."

The strength of Dongjiang Shipyard is indeed good.

However, compared with the current Donghai Shipyard, there is still a certain gap in strength, especially in the modular construction method of the general section.

Donghai Shipyard has officially embarked on the road of the general section construction method. All manufacturing workshops and a lot of equipment have been transformed and improved around the general section construction method.

As for Dongjiang Shipyard, their scale is indeed not small, but they still stay on the traditional tower construction method, and the No. 2 ship will definitely continue to adopt the general section construction method.

It is impossible for the above to hand over the No. 2 ship to Dongjiang Shipyard, but it must let Donghai Shipyard, which has experience in the general construction method, continue to build.

Knowing this, Yang Fan said that Dongjiang Shipyard had little hope.

Looking at the unconvinced Sun Baoguo, Yang Fan said in a calm tone: "The No. 2 ship will continue to be built using the modular construction method of the general section. There is no doubt about it. The second ship will be built at a shipyard with experience in general construction methods."

Oh I see.

Sun Baoguo's face was full of disappointment.

He sighed softly.

As the deputy director of Dongjiang Shipyard, he knows that Dongjiang Shipyard is good at the traditional tower construction method, not the general section modular construction method.

He himself doesn't know much about this construction method, he just read some introductions from some foreign language materials and knows some superficial knowledge.

Hopes are basically dashed.

It could be seen that Sun Baoguo seemed a little depressed, and he put down his chopsticks after hastily eating a little food.

Seeing him like this, Yang Fan had no choice but to shake his head with a wry smile.

a few days later.

Yang Fan went to Donghai Shipyard again yesterday, saw the outfitting of the first ship, saw that everything was going well, and returned to Donghai Shipyard with peace of mind.

After going to work today, I made a special trip to the combat system design room, chatted with Shi Wei for a while, and just returned to my office not long ago.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

There was a knock on the door of the office. I thought it was an employee of the model office, but I didn't know that it was Sun Baoguo who pushed the door in.

Compared with the disappointment a few days ago, he looked different today, he looked in a good mood, he pushed the door open and walked in with a smile.

"Director Yang, hello."

Yang Fan stood up and said enthusiastically, "Director Sun is here, please sit down."

Zhao Yulan, who was also in the office, also greeted Sun Baoguo, and thought to herself, Director Sun came to look for our Xiao Yang again.

Although it was not as exciting as last time, there was still a little excitement in my heart. I looked at Yang Fan, then at the smiling Sun Baoguo, and then looked away.

The deputy director of Dongjiang Shipyard came to the door one after another. Many people may not believe this if it is said.

But that's what it is.

Not only did Sun Baoguo come to the door in person, but he also smiled, without any airs, not like a deputy factory director at all, but like Yang Fan's good friend for many years.

After sitting down, Sun Baoguo happily chatted with Yang Fan.

After chatting for a while, he said relaxedly: "I also figured it out. It doesn't matter if we have no hope for the construction of No. 2 ship. There will be No. 3 ship and No. 4 ship in the future. There will be more opportunities in the future."

"I went to the Donghai Shipyard two days ago, chatted with Lao Chen for a long time, and visited the Donghai Shipyard. They have changed a lot, which surprised me a little bit. It reminds us that we must take action. OK, we at Dongjiang Shipyard have to change too."

"How to change it? I already have a plan. The first step is to learn the modular construction method of the general section and improve some equipment and facilities in the factory."

After talking about some of his preliminary plans, he said sincerely: "Director Yang, I know you are an expert in the modular construction of the general section. We have a new factory building ready to start construction, hope you can give us some guidance."

Yang Fan was slightly surprised, he didn't expect the other party to come here to invite him.

Zhao Yulan looked at Yang Fan and Sun Baoguo again.

She couldn't calm down again, oh my god, Xiao Yang is so powerful, and Factory Manager Sun came here to invite her.

Looking at it like this, he almost regarded our Xiao Yang as an expert, and specially invited Xiao Yang, an expert, to visit Dongjiang Shipyard and give them advice.


Xiao Yang is so arrogant!

Zhao Yulan couldn't help admiring, the word "obedience" was capitalized in her heart, and she almost threw herself into admiration for Yang Fan.

Looking at the neatly stacked technical books on Yang Fan's desk, the scene of Yang Fan often sitting there reading appeared in his mind.I thought in my heart, I still need to read more books, it seems that I really need to calm down, read the books carefully, and learn from Xiao Yang.

Yang Fan didn't pay attention to Zhao Yulan's expression, and didn't know what she was thinking in her heart, but said to Sun Baoguo straightforwardly: "It's not a guide, Dongjiang Shipyard is very famous, I have wanted to visit it for a long time."

Seeing that Yang Fan agreed to go to Dongjiang Shipyard, he became happy.

He politely invited: "Let's go, then let's go now."

"Okay, no problem." Yang Fan said.

The two left the office together, talking and laughing as they walked outside, leaving Zhao Yulan alone in the office for a long time unable to calm down.

Sun Baoguo drove over in an army green jeep. The driver was his secretary, Xiao Qin, whom Yang Fan knew.

Secretary Qin warmly greeted Yang Fan, and after they got into the car, they started the jeep and headed to Dongjiang Shipyard.

Dongjiang Shipyard is a little far away, and it belongs to two different directions from Donghai Shipyard, one is in the northwest of Donghai City, and the other is in the southeast of Donghai City.

It took about an hour for the jeep to drive into the factory area of ​​Dongjiang Shipyard. Through the window glass, Yang Fan looked at this military shipbuilding enterprise with a history of several decades.

Dongjiang Shipyard is built along the river, and the factory area is very large. Next to it is the largest river in Donghai City.

Before restarting, Yang Fan had visited Dongjiang Shipyard many times, where the Republic's first Type 054 missile frigate was built.

At that time, the Dongjiang Shipyard was powerful and equipped with advanced equipment. What will the Dongjiang Shipyard look like now?

Yang Fan is curious and wants to see what the current Dongjiang Shipyard will look like.

Why did you readily agree to come here to take a look?

Two reasons.

The first reason is out of curiosity, I want to see what the Dongjiang Shipyard will look like in the late 80s, and how different it is from the Dongjiang Shipyard in the 21st century.

The second is for future considerations. Maybe in a few years, the country will start the design and development of the Type 054 guided missile frigate. If the historical trajectory is followed, the first Type 054 guided missile frigate will be built here.

Considering the future construction of the Type 054 guided missile frigate, Yang Fan does not mind giving some suggestions to Dongjiang Factory to make some preparations in advance for the construction of the future Type 054 frigate.

For example, it is suggested that they adopt the general section construction method in the construction of certain ships in advance to accumulate experience in this area in advance.

"Go to my office and have some tea first, or visit our factory first." Sun Baoguo asked Yang Fan for his opinion.

Yang Fan said: "Let's go to the factory to take a look."

Now that you're here, let's take a look at the current Dongjiang Shipyard as soon as possible.

As for sitting in the office to rest and drink tea, that is after the visit.


Second more!
(End of this chapter)

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