Military Heavy

Chapter 191 Prepare in Advance

Chapter 191 Prepare in advance (third update)

"Okay, then let's go to the factory to visit."

Accompanied by Yang Fan, Sun Baoguo introduced the situation of Jiangdong Shipyard, including its history.

Dongjiang Shipyard was established in the 15th year of the Republic of China. At that time, the factory was built with 5000 yuan. After liberation, Dongjiang Shipyard entered a new period of development.

Since 1975, it has successively built various types of ships conforming to the regulations of GL, LR, BV, DNV, ABS and other classification societies for Malaysia, Germany, the United States, Denmark, Algeria, Japan, Thailand and other countries as well as Hong Kong and Macao regions. Dozens of ships.

The strength of Dongjiang Shipyard is still relatively strong.

Under the leadership of Sun Baoguo, they visited the factory buildings, docks, shipbuilding platforms, and related shipbuilding equipment. Lunch was in the staff canteen of Dongjiang Shipyard, and they ate small stoves.

Yang Fan’s impression of the Dongjiang Shipyard was in the 21st century. After such a visit, he thought to himself, this is what the Dongjiang Shipyard looked like in the late 80s.

For example, the large factory building built in 1959, covering an area of ​​more than 11000 square meters, was the hull workshop of Dongjiang Factory in the 21st century. Now it is only a newer factory building than it will be two or thirty years later, and there are not so many equipments.

Another example is the factory building used for segmental welding in the 21st century, which is relatively new now, and does not have the historical sense of the old factory building in the 21st century.

Those new factory buildings in the 21st century have not yet appeared. In their place, there is either an empty lot or some old low-rise buildings.

After the visit, it was already afternoon.

Sun Baoguo politely invited Yang Fan into the office, made hot tea enthusiastically, and the two sat down and chatted enthusiastically.

"Director Yang, what do you think of our factory? If we want to build the 052 ship in the future, what kind of technical transformation is needed?"

Yang Fan wanted to help a group of Dongjiang shipyards.

It is hard to say whether this place will undertake the construction task of 052 ships in the future, but it will definitely undertake the construction of 054 ships, and it will be the first batch of 054 ships.

That being the case, it should be possible to prepare everything in advance.

Yang Fan said: "The conditions and strength of Dongjiang Shipyard are good, but you are more inclined to the traditional tower construction method. This construction method gradually seems a little backward and cannot keep up with the times. You must lean more on the more advanced general construction method." section construction method."

Sun Baoguo said: "The main section construction method, we are also collecting relevant technical materials to understand and learn, and we also have plans to gradually adopt the main section construction method."

Yang Fan nodded, "I deduce that in a few years, no more than 10 years at the latest, the country will definitely develop a new generation of guided missile frigates. Dongjiang Shipyard can focus on the new generation of guided missile frigates."

The country will really develop a new generation of guided missile frigates!
Sun Baoguo was shocked at first, and then pleasantly surprised. He is from a military shipbuilding company and fully agrees with Yang Fan's speculation.


How did I not think of this!

In an instant, he became happy, even a little excited. He didn't win the construction task of the 052 ship, which could be aimed at the new generation of guided missile destroyers in the future.

Start preparing in advance now, and do all the preparatory work well. Once the country decides to build a new generation of guided missile frigates in the future, it may be placed in the Dongjiang Shipyard with sufficient preparations.

Knowing this, Sun Baoguo said gratefully: "Director Yang, you're just saying something to wake up the dreamer, why didn't I think of this."

Yang Fan smiled happily.

Sun Baoguo said: "If we undertake the construction of a new generation of missile frigates in the future, what kind of preparatory work will our Dongjiang shipyard carry out?"

Yang Fan thought for a while and said bluntly, "The future new generation of guided missile frigates will definitely adopt the general section construction method. Each section will be completed in the manufacturing workshop, and then the general section will be built on the berth. Prepare."

"For example, some of your large factories, I looked at them, are all steel and concrete structures, very strong and strong. In such factories, I suggest that at least two bridge cranes of more than 50 tons be equipped to facilitate the turnover of the hull in sections."

"In addition, the technical transformation of the construction of the slipway will make it more suitable for the construction of the general section. In terms of equipment, a 500-ton large-scale gantry crane is essential. You can consider importing it now, or find a domestic professional manufacturer for construction."

Yang Fan talked a lot.

The experience is there. Before the rebirth, I was used to seeing the appearance of the major shipyards. What equipment they have and what the factory buildings look like are clear.

Speaking of these things, it’s just a random thing. The only thing to consider is that it is the end of the 80s, and some equipment is not available, so the requirements need to be appropriately lowered.

For example, the large-scale gantry cranes needed in the berth construction stage, in the long run, 1000-ton gantry cranes are of course better, but it is estimated that it is difficult to import gantry cranes of this level, so it is reduced to 500 tons.

Sun Baoguo listened carefully.

And took out a notebook to record all these things, and wrote down three full pages, while recording, feeling endlessly.

Comrade Yang Fan really deserves his reputation!

There are really two brushes!

The things mentioned seem to have opened a new door for me. It turns out that we still have so many things to do in Dongjiang Shipyard.

Yang Fan talked for nearly an hour.

After the speech, Sun Baoguo became a little excited and couldn't control his mood at all. He held Yang Fan's hand tightly and kept saying.

"Thank you, thank you so much."

Yang Fan smiled relaxedly, "It's nothing, you follow these steps, as long as it can be completed within two or three years, the construction of the new generation of missile frigates in the future will definitely be placed in your Dongjiang shipyard."



Sun Baoguo was even more excited, his face was filled with gratitude, and he shook hands with Yang Fan tightly again. Yang Fan could feel his hand trembling slightly.

It can be seen that Sun Baoguo's mood at this moment.

He politely sent Yang Fan out of the office, politely sent Yang Fan to the car, and warmly sent Yang Fan back to Donghai Institute in person.

After coming back.

Yang Fan thought in his heart, if Dongjiang Shipyard really does follow my suggestion, not only will their shipbuilding level and strength be improved to a higher level, but also a solid foundation will be laid for the construction of the 054 ship.

Time to enter February.

Donghai City has officially entered midsummer, and the weather is extremely hot. At noon, the heat emitted from the ground gives people a feeling of rolling heat waves.

The outfitting of the first ship has entered a comprehensive stage.

Deck outfitting, cabin outfitting, and engine room outfitting are in full swing. Although the weather is hot, the outfitting work has not stopped at all, and the entire Donghai Shipyard is full of energy.

The construction of the berth is the main battlefield, and a large number of workers are busy. Even if the temperature in some cabins is as high as 40 degrees, the workers do not seem to be affected much. Even though they are sweating profusely and their clothes are almost soaked, they are still motivated. full.

In a factory building next to the construction berth, some technicians are busy. In front of everyone are two LM2500 gas turbines and two imported diesel engines.

The diesel-fuel combined power of the 052 ship is powered by two gas turbines and two diesel engines. This is the first in China, and it is also one of the design highlights of the 052 ship.

Under normal speed, it is powered by two diesel engines. Under acceleration, two gas turbines will be turned on. The maximum speed of the 052 ship can reach a high speed of 32 knots.

"no problem!"

"I don't think there is any problem. It can be hoisted into the power cabin."

A group of technicians and quality personnel unanimously agreed that these two LM2500 gas turbines and two diesel engines can enter the power cabin.

Soon, the situation was reported to Chief Constructor Chen Shaohua.

In the entire outfitting of the first ship, the installation of the power system is undoubtedly one of the most important tasks, which requires the chief builder to make a decision.

Deputy chief builder Xie Xinjian personally asked for instructions, "Old Chen, two LM2500 gas turbines and two imported diesel engines can be installed on board."

Hearing this, Chen Shaohua was very happy, and made a decision: "Tomorrow morning, when the ship arrives, we will all go and have a look."

This is an extremely important job, and it is also a job with great technical difficulty, because it uses advanced diesel-combustion combined power.

This is the first application in our country!
The next day, early in the morning.

The entire construction of the berth became lively. In addition to the workers continuing to carry out outfitting, some workers also started hoisting the first diesel engine under command.

Through the steel wire rope, use the gantry crane on the berth to slowly hoist the first diesel engine, and move slowly under the tense and excited eyes of everyone.
The third one!
(End of this chapter)

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