Military Heavy

Chapter 197 Under Director Yang's Favor

Chapter 197 Under Director Yang's Favor

Yang Fan smiled at everyone, and then asked: "Director Li, how is the situation?"

Li Zhengjun sighed, "It's really evil. We checked many places, and they are all very normal. The installation dimensions are also in place, and the deviation of the shaft system is also within the required 0.05 mm."

That's it.

Yang Fan pondered for a while, then walked into the power cabin, and together with everyone, carefully investigated and searched for the root of the problem.

As the time approached noon, the temperature rose, and the temperature inside the power cabin was even higher. It was estimated to be over 37 degrees, and some people's clothes had already started to get wet.

The same is true for Yang Fan, because of the sweat, it is true that the white shirt is stuck to his back, but the problem has not been found.

Chen Shaohua was more generous and stayed with Yang Fan and others all the time. He was also sweating profusely, and some parts of his clothes began to get wet.

Raising his hand to check the time, Chen Shaohua suggested: "We'll be here this morning, let's go eat first, and take a rest by the way, it's easy to suffer from heat stroke."

Yang Fan nodded in agreement.

It's really not an option to act recklessly like this. He said loudly to everyone: "Everyone, stop and go to dinner first. Our President Chen treats you."

Some people laughed in good faith, put down the things in their hands, and prepared to walk out of the power cabin.

Only Li Zhengjun didn't seem to want to stop, he was still frowning slightly, thinking and checking.

Yang Fan gently tugged at him, and said with a smile: "Director Li, let's have dinner first, and then come over, how about?"

Li Zhengjun looked at the situation in the power cabin, and said a little bit unbearably: "The root of the problem has not been found yet, I can't eat."

Yang Fan comforted: "You have to eat food, besides, the temperature inside will get higher and higher, and if you continue to stay here, you will easily suffer from heat stroke."

If it is sailing at sea, or docked at the pier, the temperature in the cabin will not be so high.On the one hand, some cabins have air-conditioning systems, and on the other hand, most of the hull is soaked in seawater to cool down.

The hull is still on the berth without launching, and the temperature in the cabin can really reach 40 degrees under the scorching summer sun.

Li Zhengjun still wanted to continue.

He is a person who perseveres and will not give up easily. He has not found the root of the problem, and he is really not in the mood to eat, even though the engine compartment is extremely hot, like a big steamer.

Yang Fan tugged him again, "Let's go, it's important to eat, we'll come back when it's cooler."

Li Zhengjun shook his head with a wry smile.

Yang Fan admired Li Zhengjun very much.

He is very dedicated, and has been staying at the Donghai factory for several days. He lives in the guest house of the Donghai factory at night, and spends most of his time looking for and troubleshooting problems.

Because of this, Yang Fan couldn't bear to see him suffer from heat stroke, so he pulled him out of the engine compartment, and a group of people got off the 052 ship and went down to have dinner under the leadership of Chen Shaohua.

Did not go out of the factory area of ​​Donghai Shipyard. Under Li Zhengjun's suggestion, he was in the staff canteen of Donghai Shipyard. Originally, Chen Shaohua meant to go to an outside restaurant to eat, but Li Zhengjun just wanted to finish his meal earlier, and then continue to enter the power cabin to troubleshoot the problem. .

Chen Shaohua was very enthusiastic and polite, probably because of Yang Fan's face, he specially opened a small stove, and everyone sat down in a private room on the second floor of the cafeteria.

With the big ceiling fan blowing, it is very cool.

After sitting down, Han Jiang exclaimed, "Oh, it's finally cool, it was so hot just now."

The others nodded.

Compared with the sweltering power cabin, the environment here is like an underground and a heaven. Some people even unbuttoned their clothes to make themselves cooler.

Considering that everyone was too hot, Chen Shaohua specially ordered iced sour plum soup, and after taking a sip of iced sour plum soup, Yang Fan also said it was enjoyable.

It didn't take long for the dishes to be served one after another, which were relatively rich.

The few technicians from Donghai said that they could have a big meal under Yang Fan's light.In the past few days, there is no such treatment. Basically, they eat in the big cafeteria on the first floor, which is the same as ordinary employees in Donghai Shipyard. The only difference is that it is free.

Everyone ate and chatted.

The topic has never left the problem this time. We ate for nearly an hour and chatted for nearly an hour.

After eating, Chen Shaohua said: "Director Yang, let's go to our guest house, rest first, and talk about it in the afternoon."

Yang Fan also had this intention.

It is too hot to go to the power cabin at this time.

However, Li Zhengjun hesitated a little. He wanted to go to the power cabin now, continue to work, and continue to investigate where the problem lies.

Yang Fan saw what he meant, pulled him back and said, "You don't want to die. The temperature in the power cabin may be 40 degrees. I'm sure that you will suffer from heat stroke if you stay inside for an hour."

Li Zhengjun hesitated a little. Obviously, he didn't want to suffer from heat stroke, but he was really worried.

Yang Fan said: "Let's go, go and have a rest first."

Work must be done, but the body is also important. Under Yang Fan's suggestion, Chen Shaohua took Yang Fan and Li Zhengjun to the guest house.

Several other technicians in the East China Sea Institute were a little afraid. They knew that the level was too low to enjoy this treatment.

Who knows, Yang Fan waved his hand and said: "What are you doing in a daze, this time Donghai Factory is paying the bill, everyone go to have a rest."

Chen Shaohua smiled and said: "Yes, this time I treat guests, everyone has worked hard, go to the guest house, have a good rest, take a shower, and take a nap."

Everyone was happy and laughed kindly.

So the group went to the guest house of Donghai Shipyard, including Li Zhengjun, and another technician in charge had a room. They have been staying in the guest house for the past few days and have not returned to Donghai.

The others didn't have a room for the time being, and each of them opened one, and all of them were extremely happy, and rushed into their respective rooms, yelling and screaming.

Seeing this, Yang Fan smiled happily, obviously being influenced by them.

Han Jiang was also elated, and said a little excitedly: "Brother Fan, I'm in your light again, haha, I can have a good sleep, no, I need to take a comfortable cold shower first, it's too hot."

Yang Fan took the key and went into his room. Because he was sweating profusely, he also took a shower first, and then took a comfortable nap on the bed with the fan blowing on it.

After waking up, I called Han Jiang and several other technicians to go to the power cabin again. It is 03:30 in the afternoon and it is still very hot, but it will gradually cool down as time goes by.

"Where's Director Li?"

Not seeing Li Zhengjun, Yang Fan asked.

One of the technicians replied: "He left the guest house half an hour ago, and probably went to the power cabin."

This Li Zhengjun.

It's really not ordinary dedication!
Yang Fan admired him a little.Looking at the rested technicians, he waved and said, "Come on, let's go to the power cabin too, hoping to find out the problem."

Everyone went to build the berth together, boarded the 052 ship, and entered the power cabin again. Sure enough, Li Zhengjun was already there.

At this time, the problems in the power cabin are still relatively high, but it is a little better than at noon, and it is still tolerable.

Everyone carefully investigated, sometimes stopped to discuss together, and then continued to investigate. At around five o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Shaohua, Xie Xinjian and others all came.

And Lu Guodong of Donghai Shipyard.

Including Li Zhengjun, everyone was stunned and very surprised. They had been here for several days, but they hadn't seen Lu Guodong, but they did today.

Lu Guodong, the top leader, actually walked into the power cabin in person.

When everyone was even more surprised, as soon as Lu Guodong came in, he enthusiastically held Yang Fan's hand and said loudly: "Director Yang, thank you for your hard work. Whether the problem can be solved this time, our Donghai factory can count on you."

"Where, where." Yang Fan looked modest.

The people next to him were even more stunned, especially the technicians of the East China Sea Institute, their movements were completely frozen as if they had been hit on acupuncture points.

My heart can no longer be calm.

Keep shouting, this is the top leader of Donghai Factory!
I read it right, he didn't have the slightest airs, and shook hands with Director Yang enthusiastically.

If you say this, who will believe it?
Yang Fan didn't care too much about other people's reactions, chatted with Lu Guodong and others, and continued to work.

It may be that the space is small, and worried about affecting everyone's work, Lu Guodong, Chen Shaohua, etc. came to have a look, and then left temporarily.


A gust of cool wind blew over the sea, and the temperature also dropped several degrees, and the temperature in the power cabin also dropped a little.

Han Jiang fanned his own sweat, and said happily: "It's finally cooler, and it will be even cooler at night."

Yang Fan nodded, thinking in his heart, the temperature is hot and cold, cool at night and hot at noon, it seems more comfortable at night.

I will not go back today for the time being. I will stay in the guest house of Donghai Factory. After dinner, I will continue to investigate and try to find the root of the problem.

Suddenly, Yang Fan seemed to realize something, as if something was caught.

One cold and one hot.

One hot and one cold!
Haha, I seem to know where the problem is.Yang Fan's heart became ecstatic, and his face became relaxed.

At this time, Yang Fan admired himself a little, and finally knew where the problem might be.

He raised his hand to check the time, it was already lunch time.

Now that you have basically understood where the problem is, go to eat first, without having to work hard to find the problem.

Yang Fan waved his hand and said, "Let's go, let's go to dinner and continue in the evening."

Everyone put down their work one after another, including Li Zhengjun. It is estimated that he wanted to finish dinner earlier and come over earlier before continuing to work.

For the time being, no one has noticed that Yang Fan's face seems to be a little different, somewhat relaxed and happy.

The third update will continue today, and the second update will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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