Military Heavy

Chapter 198 Yang Fan's Deduction

Chapter 198 Yang Fan's Deduction

All of us got out of the power cabin.

It can be seen that everyone's mood is not high, and after almost a hard afternoon, they still haven't found the root of the problem. Li Zhengjun also sighed.

Tired, hot, and unrewarded.

It's a little frustrating.

The atmosphere was dull, and they didn't speak until they got to the deck.

To everyone's surprise, Lu Guodong, Chen Shaohua, etc. were still waiting there and did not leave. Seeing everyone coming, Lu Guodong noticed everyone's expressions.

He himself smiled helplessly, as if he had expected it.

"Come on, let's go eat first."

As the leader, everyone has worked so hard for so long, and he wants to reward everyone, so he has already ordered a meal at a restaurant outside.

Including Li Zhengjun, everyone took a look at Yang Fan and knew that Director Yang was in his favor again. If there was no Director Yang, not to mention that Lu Guodong came over to invite him to dinner warmly, even Chen Shaohua would not have a high chance of coming.

At this moment, the obvious relaxation and joy on Yang Fan's face had receded, and he gradually calmed down, thinking whether the problem was really caused by the alternation of hot and cold.

Thinking seriously, basically didn't say anything, but his face was calmer, not as depressed and heavy as others.

Lu Guodong was really polite, all the cars were arranged, there were three cars in total, besides his and Chen Shaohua's respective cars, there was also a military green jeep.

"Everyone get in the car, let's go out to eat, everyone has worked hard today."

Li Zhengjun showed shame, "It's hard work, but we couldn't find the root of the problem. I feel ashamed after eating this meal."

"Where, where, I know the problem is difficult, and it's normal not to find the root cause of the problem." Lu Guodong replied.

Everyone built cars one after another, left the first ship construction berth, left the factory area of ​​Donghai Shipyard, and stopped outside at the entrance of a restaurant with a good scale and environment.

Entering the box, once the air conditioner is turned on, it is very comfortable.

"Oh, it's so cool."

"It's so comfortable."

After sitting down, everyone talked like this one after another, and they finally got better after being a little depressed and heavy, and started talking and laughing.

The meals are hearty.

But instead of white wine, it was served iced and cold, which is very refreshing to drink.Lu Guodong originally wanted to serve a bottle of baijiu, but Li Zhengjun insisted that he would continue to board the ship after eating, and Yang Fan didn't intend to drink, so there was no baijiu.

After the dishes were served, Lu Guodong, as the leader of Donghai Factory, enthusiastically invited everyone to move their chopsticks, and everyone at the table started to eat, and the atmosphere gradually became lively.

The topic of everyone's conversation was naturally related to this incident. After chatting for a while, Lu Guodong still couldn't help asking, "Director Yang, what do you think is the problem?"

Yang Fan didn't want to talk about it at first, because he wasn't [-]% sure yet, he only had some inferences in his mind, whether this was the case, and he planned to go back to the ship after dinner, and then talk about it after some verification.

What if my inference is incorrect, isn't that the case?
So Yang Fan didn't volunteer to speak out his inference, but Lu Guodong asked, thought about it, and said it out.

The top leader asked specifically, if it was still hidden in his heart, it would be a bit meaningless.

Yang Fan said seriously: "I don't know where the problem is at the moment, but I have some inferences, and I plan to go on the ship to verify after dinner."

Lu Guodong, Chen Shaohua, Xie Xinjian and other people from the Donghai factory all looked at Yang Fan in surprise, and some people probably got a little excited in their hearts.

They know Yang Fan well.

Knowing that Yang Fan would not say that if he was not sure.

Immediately, the atmosphere was obviously different. People from Donghai Factory, including Lu Guodong, all focused on Yang Fan. As for the people from Donghai Factory, after a moment of surprise, they all looked at Yang Fan and waited to continue. go on.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Yang Fan sorted out his thoughts, and then said: "I had no idea before, but the changes in the weather gave me inspiration. Now is the hottest time of the year. At noon , the temperature in the power cabin can be as high as 40 degrees, and at night, the temperature gradually drops, and in the second half of the night, the temperature is estimated to drop to about 25 degrees."

"Such a large temperature difference, one cold and one hot, has an impact on our shafting. Everyone knows that thermal expansion and contraction are also adapted to our power system."

Gradually, gradually.
After hearing Yang Fan's words, everyone's eyes lit up, it was as if their eyes were shining!

Li Zhengjun slapped his thigh fiercely and said, why didn't I think of this.

As for the other technicians, they knew in their hearts that they were too good, and they deserved to be Director Yang.

Xie Xinjian said excitedly: "It must be the reason, it must be the reason!"

Yang Fan looked at everyone, and continued: "Is this the reason, we still need to verify, Director Lu, this requires your cooperation."

Lu Guodong said straightforwardly: "No problem, we will do what Director Yang says to do, and we will do it unconditionally. Even if I, the factory manager, are asked to do something, I will do it unconditionally."

Yang Fan smiled, "It's serious, there is no need for Director Lu to do anything himself, just arrange some work."

"This is my plan. After eating, we will verify whether it is really because of the cold or heat. The method is very simple. Put a thermometer in the power cabin and record the temperature changes in the cabin."

"As the temperature changes, we measure the deviation of the shaft system. We measure it once every degree of change. If the deviation of the shaft system is found to exceed 0.05 mm, we will adjust the shaft system to ensure that no matter what temperature it is in, the deviation All within 0.05 millimeters."

Yang Fan deduced that temperature changes have an impact on the shafting deviation.

The shafting deviation value measured at a certain temperature is qualified, and as the temperature changes, it may be unqualified if it is measured at another temperature.

Everyone understood what Yang Fan meant, Lu Guodong said: "Arrange technical and quality personnel, and from tonight onwards, they will measure the shafting deviation for me non-stop. The personnel arrangement is sufficient, and a group of personnel will be replaced every few hours."

Chen Shaohua, Xie Xinjian, and Zheng Xianxue all nodded their heads, especially Zheng Xianxue, who took the initiative to ask Ying to say: "I will arrange it, and the ties don't worry."

So it's settled.

After the meal, everyone returned to Donghai Shipyard immediately, and quickly took action. Many technical and quality personnel were called to hold a meeting first.

Arrange and divide work through meetings.

In the meeting room, twenty or thirty technical or quality personnel have arrived. They probably have heard something. The meeting has not started yet, and the meeting room is very noisy. Everyone is discussing this matter.

"I heard that the root of the problem has been found."

"Yes, the root cause of the problem has been found, and Director Yang of Donghai Institute helped to find it."

"My God, it's Director Yang again."

"Amazing, really amazing!"


Everyone was discussing like this, and the buzzing sound almost spread to the outside of the conference room, until Yang Fan, Chen Shaohua, Zheng Xianxue and others walked in.

The originally noisy discussions came to an abrupt end!

Everyone's eyes were focused on Yang Fan.

At this moment, Yang Fan looked calm, walked into the meeting under everyone's gaze, and sat down in his seat.

Zheng Xianxue chaired the meeting.

First introduced Yang Fan's inference, and then divided the labor among everyone, dividing these technicians and quality personnel into 6 groups, which rotate every 4 hours, 24 hours a day.

After the task is deployed and the division of labor is done, the meeting is dismissed.

Action was taken quickly, and shortly after, a thermometer was hung in the power cabin, and several technical quality personnel began to measure the shafting deviation.

Record the measurement time, temperature, and shafting deviation on the form. According to Yang Fan, every time the temperature changes by one degree, it must be re-measured and recorded.

After measuring and recording, they were temporarily free to chat and take a break. In less than an hour, a technician reminded.

"The temperature dropped by one degree, from 31 degrees to 30 degrees."

"Quick, let's measure the deviation of the shaft system again."


Several people were busy again, recording the shafting deviation at a temperature of 30 degrees, and recording the measurement time and so on.

For the time being, we can take it easy again, as long as we pay attention to the temperature change. When the temperature dropped to 29 degrees, they measured it again and recorded it.

At this time, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening.

Chen Shaohua, Yang Fan and Zheng Xianxue walked into the power cabin, mainly to see if the measurement results were as Yang Fan had speculated.

Several technical and quality personnel saw several big bosses coming and greeted them proactively. Chen Shaohua nodded and asked, "How is the result? Is there any change?"

Several technical and quality personnel looked at me and I looked at you, with very strange expressions, until Chen Shaohua asked again, and one of the technicians said.

"We measured the deviation of the shafting in three temperature environments of 31 degrees, 30 degrees and 29 degrees, but there seems to be no change."

no change!

This is impossible! ! !
Chen Shaohua and Zheng Xianxue's faces changed, and they thought in their hearts, how could there be no change? Director Yang Fan deduced this.

Yang Fan was also quite puzzled, thinking in his heart, there should be some changes.

After pondering for a while, Yang Fan said: "Show me the measurement results."

The technician gave the measurement results to Yang Fan. It was a pre-made form, and the temperature, time, and shaft deviation were clearly displayed at a glance.

From this registration form, it can be seen that under the three temperature environments, the shafting deviation value does not change. Immediately, Yang Fan became pensive again.

How did that happen?

The third update continues today, and the third update is over, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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