Military Heavy

Chapter 200

Chapter 200
"Is it really okay again?"

Chen Shaohua looked at Yang Fan with obvious surprise in his tone.

Yang Fan smiled, "I think it's ok, as long as you are ready for the test run, you can conduct the third test run at any time."

"We have prepared the best." Chen Shaohua replied.

The news spread quickly, and many people in Donghai Shipyard heard about it, especially some technicians, who had been looking forward to it for a long time.

I worked so hard to find out the root of the problem before, and then spent two consecutive 48 hours, and paid so much for this test drive.

"It's finally time to test drive again."

"I hope this trial run will be successful."

"I'm sure the test run will be successful this time!"


Many people were discussing it enthusiastically, and they were full of hope for the next test run. Not only these technicians, but also the entire management of Donghai Shipyard were paying attention to this matter.

More than five o'clock in the afternoon.

Although the residual temperature of the heat wave has not completely receded, it is slightly cooler than at noon. In the power cabin, some people are busy making final preparations and inspections.

"I think it's okay."

"I don't think there is any problem."


Several technicians quickly unified their opinions, and one of the technicians in charge stepped out of the power cabin, went to the command room of the ship building, and reported loudly.

"Report to the commander-in-chief, everything has been checked correctly, and the test run can be carried out. Please issue an order for the test run."

Chen Shaohua nodded in satisfaction, and said loudly: "Test run again immediately!"

In the command room, there are Yang Fan, Xie Xinjian, Zheng Xianxue and others who are all slightly excited, including Yang Fan, because the third test run is about to start.

After a while, everyone felt that the power system had started, and the command room became lively. While chatting, everyone waited for the test run to be completed.

Zheng Xianxue said, "I'm really a little nervous."

Xie Xinxin said: "I am also a little nervous, but I am more hopeful."

Yang Fan smiled slightly, with confidence in his eyes, will this test drive be successful?Yang Fan is more than [-]% sure.

If there are no accidents, the test drive will definitely be successful.

After a while, even Lu Guodong, Zhang Guoxin and others came, and walked into the command room of the ship building, all of them were in a good mood.

Lu Guodong even said: "Our test drive should be successful this time, if it is not successful, then it is really a ghost."

Everyone laughed happily.

The atmosphere is relaxed, chatting, waiting for the completion of the test run.

Not long after, everyone felt that the test run seemed to have stopped, and Zheng Xianxue was the first to say loudly: "It seems that the test run has been completed."

Xie Xinjian suggested, "Shall we take a look?"

Lu Guodong looked at everyone, and then said: "If the power cabin is bigger, it doesn't matter if we all go there. There are so many people in the power cabin. We can't squeeze it in. We just wait here for the results."

Inside the engine compartment.

Shortly after the test run stopped, two technicians cooperated and skillfully disassembled the transmission shaft with tools, and carefully removed the bearing bush.

At the moment, the atmosphere is a little tense.

The power cabin was also very quiet, and other people watched the bearing bushes being removed nervously, not daring to let out a breath.

One technician even sweated on his forehead, wiped it quietly, then stretched his neck, stood on tiptoe and watched, praying.

God bless, God bless
This time it must be successful, and nothing will go wrong.

When the atmosphere was extremely tense, someone finally couldn't help asking, "How, how, how is the situation?"

The two technicians in charge have been silent for a long time, looking at the bearing bush carefully for two to three minutes.

Finally, the tension and worry on their faces faded away, and they smiled at each other, obviously relaxed and happy, one of the technicians in charge said loudly.

"The bearing bush is as bright as new without any wear and tear. Our test run was very successful!"

As soon as the voice fell!
The others were stunned for two or three seconds, and then burst into cheers in an instant.

Raise your arms and shout!

The test drive was finally successful!
The two technicians in charge looked at each other and smiled again, completely ignoring that the bearing pad was full of engine oil, and took the bearing pad to the command room of the ship building.

Everyone is waiting for news.

Lu Guodong even raised his hand to check the time, and guessed in his heart, it should be almost the same, and those technicians should be coming soon.

Within 2 minutes, the sound of footsteps came, and the two technicians in charge looked happy, walked into the command room with vigorous steps, and reported almost in unison.

"Reporting to the leaders, the test run was very successful, and the bearing bush did not wear out at all."

it is good!
Very good!
Hearing this news, everyone's slightly suspended hearts fell to the ground. Everyone was extremely happy. They are all great leaders. They didn't show joy, sorrow and anger on their faces, but this news is really exciting!
Even Lu Guodong, including Lu Guodong, could not remain calm after hearing the news. The joy on his face was more obvious.

The test drive was successful!
Finally succeeded!

Everyone gathered around with happy faces, looking happily at the bearing bush that was sent over. Whether it was Zheng Xianxue or Xie Xinjian, they looked at it seriously regardless of the fact that the bearing bush was full of engine oil.

Zheng Xianxue said affirmatively: "The bearing bush is not worn at all, and it is still as bright as new."

The news still spread quickly. In a short period of time, many people heard this exciting news, and they all became happy and relieved.

When they got off work, there was an army of bicycles rolling at the gate of the Donghai Shipyard. These off-duty workers were riding bicycles while talking about this matter.

"Old Liu, I heard that the third test run of the power system was successful."

"Really, this is great!"


As the news spread, the entire Donghai Shipyard seemed to be invigorated, and the atmosphere was completely different.

Donghai Ship Design Institute.

In the office, Pan Jinfu is still looking at several design technical documents. With the comprehensive design of the No. 052 ship of the 2 ship, although the overall design workload is not large, and more than 80.00% of the design drawings do not need to be changed, but because the design It's only been a year and a half, and with General Master Pan, his workload is still relatively heavy.

He hasn't got off work yet, and continues to be in the office.

The phone on the desk rang, and Lu Guodong, the head of Donghai Shipyard, called himself, "Old Pan, I want to thank you again this time."

Pan Jinfu's reaction was also very fast, he immediately knew what was going on, and said loudly: "Director Lu, could it be that the third test run has been successfully completed."

Lu Guodong said loudly: "It's finished, very smooth, very successful, and there is not a single bit of wear on the bearing bush."

After briefly introducing the situation of the test run, Lu Guodong continued, "Director Yang Fan did an outstanding job. If it wasn't for him, we would still be struggling to find the root of the problem."

On the phone, after chatting for several minutes, Lu Guodong was full of gratitude, the kind from the bottom of his heart.

After putting down the phone, Pan Jinfu thought to himself, "Xiao Yang is good, and he has solved another big and difficult problem. As the design of No. 2 is gradually in full swing, should we give him a little more burden?"

But Pan Jinfu was a little hesitant and couldn't make up his mind for the time being, because Yang Fan was too young. He started working in 1982 and had only six years of work experience.

Out of love for Yang Fan, Pan Jinfu let Yang Fan work as the deputy director of the Model Office for several years.

Wait and see again.

He really wanted Yang Fan to go further, but considering that Yang Fan was too young, he didn't do that in the end, and he planned to talk about it after a while.

Yang Fan returned to Donghai Institute from Donghai Shipyard.

After solving the problem of shafting alignment, the stumbling block at Donghai Shipyard was removed, and they went all out to outfit the first ship.

For two consecutive days, Yang Fan felt more relaxed.

I didn't go to the East China Sea Shipyard anymore, but focused on the design of the No. 2 ship, such as paying attention to the development progress of those localized equipment.

I didn't go to Donghai Shipyard, but I still have a good understanding of the construction of the first ship. I also know that Commander Huang Keping went to Donghai Shipyard again yesterday to inspect the outfitting of the first ship.

Chen Shaohua specially called to tell Yang Fan that Commander Huang learned that it was Yang Fan who solved the thorny problem of shafting alignment, and praised Yang Fan in front of all the high-level executives of Donghai Shipyard.

After receiving such a call, to be honest, Yang Fan was also in a very good mood, and once again received public praise from Commander Huang.

Others estimated that it would be difficult to get such praise once in a lifetime of work, but Yang Fan was praised by Commander Huang every so often. Apart from Yang Fan, there should be no other person.

The days passed day by day, the hot August will soon pass, and the slightly cooler September will soon be ushered in.

Yang Fan occasionally went to the Donghai Shipyard to pay attention to the first ship in the process of outfitting. Seeing that there were no major problems in the outfitting process, he was very relieved and spent most of his time and energy on the design of the No. 2 ship.

At this time, the design of the No. 2 ship has also entered a comprehensive stage, and many things are being developed, especially the weapon system design room, which is relatively busy.

Today, Yang Fan went to work as usual. He first entered his own office of the model office and was going to sit down for a while, and then he was going to the weapon system design room to see the progress of the design.

If you encounter any problems during the design process, as long as you ask, Yang Fan will answer enthusiastically, and point out some design errors or inappropriate points one by one.

The entire weapon system design room, as long as they see Yang Fan coming, they are very welcome, and they will humbly ask for advice if there are problems in the design.

Before she had time to go to the weapon system design room, after Zhao Yulan came in, she told about the situation that surprised Yang Fan, and then she became a little worried.


The third update will continue today, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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