Military Heavy

Chapter 201 Master Pan fell ill

Chapter 201 Master Pan fell ill
Zhao Yulan pushed the door open and came in. Seeing Yang Fan, she greeted him warmly, "It's early, it's earlier than me every time."

Yang Fan smiled and said: "You are also very early, it is not yet the official working time, you are several minutes early."

The two talked casually for a few words, and Zhao Yulan's face turned serious, "You know, I heard that Master Pan has fallen ill, and is he in the hospital now?"

Yang Fan was surprised for a while, he had met General Master Pan the day before yesterday, and felt that he seemed relatively normal, not as sick.

Unexpectedly, I heard such news as soon as I went to work this morning. Apart from being surprised, Yang Fan was also very worried and asked.

"How is Master Pan's condition? Is it serious?"

Zhao Yulan shook her head lightly, and said slowly, "I don't know the specifics. Just now, when I was at work, I happened to meet Liu Hong, who was in the office of the chief teacher, at the gate of the office building. She told me about it."

Yang Fan guessed that General Master Pan's condition should not be serious. With his character of not being able to get off the front line with minor injuries, he would stick to work with ordinary illnesses.

Now I'm in the hospital and haven't come to work, maybe it's a little serious.Yang Fan thought so in his heart, and was going to ask Liu Hong in the chief teacher's office later.

After a while, thinking that Liu Hong should have gone to work, Yang Fan went to the chief teacher's office, opened the door and saw Liu Hong, and said proactively, "Sister Liu."

Seeing that it was Yang Fan, Liu Hong was very enthusiastic and poured tea for Yang Fan, "Director Yang, it's rare for you to come to my place."

Why is she so enthusiastic?
The reason is very simple, that is, Yang Fan helped her out several times before, and when Chen Shaohua came to press for the drawings, Yang Fan helped her get those things done.

Yang Fan sat down with a cup of tea, "Sister Liu, you are so polite, I don't have any serious matters, I just want to know how Master Pan is doing."

Oh, it turned out to be this matter.

Liu Hong knew it well and didn't hide it, and said truthfully: "General Master Pan's condition is not bad. The doctor went to the hospital last night. The doctor said that he was overworked and his resistance was weakened. Time will do."

No big deal.

As long as you have enough rest, you will recover slowly.

Hearing this, Yang Fan felt a lot more relaxed, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief. If his condition was really serious, his heart would be suspended.

"Sister Liu, which hospital is Master Pan in? I want to visit him."

Liu Hong said: "It's at the No.1 People's Hospital in Donghai City. I'll just go there later. Let's go together."

Of course it would be best.

Yang Fan happily agreed, and chatted with Liu Hong casually. The two made an appointment to leave at 08:30, and there were still ten minutes left, so they went back to the model office for the time being.

Seeing Yang Fan come back, Zhao Yulan asked about the situation, and she also wanted to go to the hospital to see Chief Master Pan.


In a jeep, Yang Fan sat in the passenger seat, and two lesbians, Liu Hong and Zhao Yulan, sat in the back seat. They set off together to the No. 1 civilian hospital in Donghai City.

When passing by a large supermarket on the road, Liu Hong asked the driver to stop and suggested: "I heard that this is the largest supermarket in our Donghai City. There are many things and they are cheap. Let's go buy some things."

To see a patient, you can't go empty-handed.

Of course, Yang Fan and Zhao Yulan raised their hands in favor. Everyone got out of the car and walked towards the gate of the supermarket. When they saw the four eye-catching characters of "Hongtai Supermarket", Yang Fan smiled dumbly.

He actually went to his own supermarket.

This is a large supermarket that has just been opened for a few months. It has a large area and a good location. This is the absolute center of Donghai City. Two main roads meet here, and the Donghai Department Store is opposite.

However, it can be seen that ordinary people are more willing to go to Hongtai Supermarket to buy things, and the department store opposite seems to be getting more and more deserted compared to before.

Go into a big supermarket.

Both Liu Hong and Zhao Yulan's eyes lit up. The inside is so big, the environment is so good, and there are so many products, it is simply dazzling.

Of course, there are many people and it is very lively.

Yang Fan took a look, and felt that the gap with the modern supermarket was not too big, and it had a taste of a modern supermarket.

Secretly, he nodded slightly.

I thought in my heart, my sister is getting more and more capable, and she has opened such a big supermarket again, her business is getting bigger and stronger, and her strength is getting stronger and stronger.

The two lesbians, Liu Hong and Zhao Yulan, kept amazed.

"The area is so big!"

"It's not only a large area, there are so many things here, you should be able to buy everything."


Hearing the exclamation of the two, these words floated into Yang Fan's ears, he couldn't help being happy, and smiled slightly, feeling very good.

Zhao Yulan seemed to suddenly remember something, and asked casually, "Director Yang, I heard that your sister also runs a supermarket, right?"

Yang Fan nodded, "Yes, she runs a supermarket."

Liu Hong next to her seemed to be interested, she came over and asked very curiously: "How big is the supermarket she runs, and what is its name?"

Faced with inquiries, Yang Fan really didn't want to say too much, and he never showed off anything, even in front of his close colleagues and friends, including Zhao Yulan.

I didn't want to say it at first, but seeing Liu Hong kept looking at me, waiting for an answer, I had to say: "The supermarket she runs is called Hongtai Supermarket."

Is it Hongtai Supermarket?
Liu Hong thought for a while, and said in her heart: "This is also called Hongtai Supermarket, could it be?"

Suddenly, she was startled.

I almost trembled in my heart!

Quickly asked: "This is also called Hongtai Supermarket, is it also one of the supermarkets opened by your sister?"

After asking, she was a little uneasy, because this supermarket was too big, and she had to be rich to be able to open such a big supermarket.

Yang Fan nodded and said, "Yes, this is also one of the supermarkets opened by my sister."

After receiving an affirmative answer, not only Liu Hong, but also Zhao Yulan were surprised, and the two lesbians looked at Yang Fan with shocked eyes.

They couldn't connect Yang Fan with everything in front of them.

Yang Fan seems to have never mentioned Hongtai Supermarket, so low-key!

He obviously has a sister who is so rich and has such a big career, why doesn't he mention it at all, low-key, too low-key.

Yang Fan, who doesn't show off his mountains and dews, actually has such an awesome sister behind him.

Sensing the gazes of the two, Yang Fan smiled, "This is all my sister's, not mine, don't be dazed, hurry up and buy something, we have to go to the hospital."

At this time, the two came back to their senses.

It's just that I can't calm down in my heart, and I look at Yang Fan from time to time. In addition to envy, I admire Yang Fan for being so calm.

In fact, Yang Fan owns the majority of the shares in the supermarket, but he didn't tell anyone. Even Zhao Yulan didn't disclose it at all, and this time it's the same. He clearly stated that the supermarket belongs to his sister and has nothing to do with him.

There are a lot of things in the supermarket, such as food, clothing, and other things. The three of them picked out several kinds of fruits, a bag of milk powder, and a bottle of malted milk. They left the supermarket when they felt that they were almost done.

Not long after, the three of them arrived at Donghai City No.1 People's Hospital, opened the door and entered General Master Pan's ward. This is a separate ward, relatively spacious, and the environment is not bad.

"Master Pan."

"Mr. Pan, are you feeling better?"


After the three of them came in, they put their things on the bedside table next to the hospital bed. They all looked concerned and greeted Pan Jinfu proactively.

"Why are you here, I'm fine."

Pan Jinfu seemed to be doing well, but he looked haggard and tired. Seeing the three of them, he smiled.

"I'm really fine. I didn't intend to be hospitalized at first, so I'll be fine with a few bottles of water, but Director Liang insists on me being hospitalized. Isn't this a big deal?"

Yang Fan quickly said: "Mr. Pan, the body is the capital of the revolution. I know that as the No. 2 ship enters the comprehensive stage of design, your workload is getting heavier and heavier. I see that you often work overtime. It is impossible to survive like this." .”

"Yes, yes." Zhao Yulan also persuaded, "Master Pan, you are too tired. Look, you are exhausted this time. Don't worry about the things in the institute for the time being. Just stay here for a few days."

Pan Jinfu said: "No, there is still a lot of work on hand, I can't do it without me, I plan to leave the hospital early tomorrow morning."

Leave the hospital tomorrow morning.

The three of them were slightly startled, very worried, and quickly tried to persuade them again.

After some persuasion, Yang Fan could only smile wryly, knowing that Chief Master Pan was too responsible and would never put his own body first, but always put work, that is, the design of the 052 ship, first. .


This is a respectable old military worker!
Yang Fan looked at Pan Jinfu on the hospital bed, and felt a deep respect in his heart. The older generation of military workers is so respectable.

Even a little moved in my heart, a string in my heart was plucked, Yang Fan thought in his heart, the professionalism of General Master Pan is worth learning for me, and I want to be like him, to contribute to the shipbuilding industry of the Republic Struggle and contribute all your knowledge and strength.

Not long after, footsteps came from outside the door of the ward, and several leaders of Donghai Institute, led by the leader Liang Zhiquan, opened the door and walked in.

"Old Pan."

"Old Pan, you have worked too hard."

"Lao Pan, take a good rest and recuperate well."


Several leaders comforted Pan Jinfu in this way, especially Liang Zhiquan, with a hint of blame in their tone.

"Old Pan, what should I say about you? You know that your body can't take it anymore, but you're still holding on. This time, no matter what, let me stay for a full week before talking about it."

Seeing that the leaders had come, Yang Fan, Zhao Yulan, and Liu Hong retreated quietly, so as not to affect the "education" of Chief Master Pan by the leaders.

After leaving the ward, Yang Fan felt a little heavy in his heart. He hoped that Master Pan would get better soon, and secretly decided to share some movements with him, so that President Pan could relax as much as possible.

Continue to nine thousand words today, three more, thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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