Military Heavy

Chapter 202 Chief Designer Assistant

Chapter 202 Chief Designer Assistant
The news that General Master Pan fell ill and was hospitalized quickly spread in Donghai Institute, and many people showed signs of worry, and were very worried about General Master Pan's physical condition.

"Hey, Master Pan actually fell ill."

"He works so hard. I heard he often works late."

"I hope you get better soon."


Many designers were chatting in such a private manner, their voices were full of worry, and they all hoped that Pan Jinfu would recover sooner.

Some middle-level managers, such as directors and deputy directors of various design offices, including some senior designers, went to Donghai City No.1 Civilian Hospital to visit the respected General Master Pan.

Yang Fan saw all this.

In awe!

I know very well that General Master Pan can win so many people to take the initiative to visit him, not because of his high position, but because of how much he is loved in everyone's minds. Everyone does it from the heart, not flattery or flattery. of.

"If one day I fell ill and was hospitalized, I would be able to win so many people to visit me, that would be no regret." Yang Fan once thought so in his heart.

To the surprise of many people, the next day, someone actually saw Pan Jinfu appearing in Donghai Institute. After only staying for two nights and one day, he insisted on leaving the hospital, and did not stay for seven days as Liang Zhiquan asked.

When Yang Fan heard about this incident, he was surprised and admired the chief designer even more. This kind of professionalism is enough to make people very moved.

Yang Fan learned about it from Zhao Yulan.

She had a piece of information to send to the chief teacher's office. She passed by the door of chief teacher Pan's office, and was very surprised to see that the door was ajar.

Master Pan is not hospitalized, why is the door of his office open?

Looking inside through the crack of the door, I immediately saw Pan Jinfu sitting in the office looking at the design drawings seriously.

This, this, this.
Master Pan is really out of the hospital!
Zhao Yulan, who was slightly startled, also felt admiration in her heart. Chief Master Pan is so dedicated to his work. He could obviously rest in the hospital for a week, but he didn't.

Feeling a little restless, she went back to the model office. Before she could sit down, she said, "Director Yang, Chief Master Pan has really returned from the hospital. I just saw him reviewing the design drawings in the office."

Hearing this, Yang Fan was stunned for a while, but he didn't expect Master Pan to do what he said.

After a long, long time, Yang Fan calmed down, thinking in his heart, this is a respectable elder, for the sake of the Republic's ship business, he doesn't care about his own body at all.

Influenced by Master Pan's spirit, Yang Fan is more devoted to work and maintains high efficiency every day.

in the office.

The leader, Liang Zhiquan, was there, complaining, "Lao Pan, it seems that my words may not be effective. I asked you to stay for a full week, and you were quietly discharged from the hospital in just two days."

Pan Jinfu smiled, "There is no way, there are many things waiting for me to do, especially after the No. 2 ship enters the comprehensive design stage, there are more things I need to do."

"For example, a large number of design drawings need to be reviewed, many meetings need to be attended, such as technical exchanges with external units, such as."

Liang Zhiquan raised his hand to interrupt, "Stop, stop, I have convinced you, and many things can be handed over to others, such as deputy chief designer Tang Jianming and Zhang Bo, they can also do it."

Pan Jinfu smiled bitterly, "The two of them are not relaxed, and they have a lot of things at hand."

Liang Zhiquan said: "The design of the first ship of the 052 ship has a greater workload. I don't think you are so busy and under so much pressure."

Pan Jinfu said: "That's different. The workload of the design of the first ship is indeed much greater, but there are also many people involved. In addition, the design cycle is long. The general command gave us five years to do, and the design of the second ship It has only been given for more than a year, and now it is September, and it is only one year and three months before the design is completed."

It seems so.

As the top leader, Liang Zhiquan still knows this. Although the No. 2 ship does not need to be designed in many places, the design of the first ship is used as it is, but the workload brought together by Pan Jinfu is not much less than when the first ship was designed.

As the chief designer, he has many things to consider and worry about, such as where to improve and perfect the design, and the pressure is relatively high.

Long time, long time.

Liang Zhiquan sighed, "Continuing like this is not an option. You will be exhausted sooner or later. I suggest adding the post of chief designer assistant to help you share some things."

Chief Designer Assistant!

Master Pan's eyes lit up slightly, and he agreed: "This is a good suggestion. Adding an assistant to the chief designer may really help me do something."

A few names also came to mind.

There were several veteran directors of the design office, and several expert chief designers. In the end, it was Yang Fan's name that remained in his mind.

Yang Fan!

This comrade is good!

He is very satisfied with Yang Fan and knows that he is fully qualified for such a position. The only worry is that he is too young and may not have enough qualifications.

The ideal situation is to have sufficient qualifications and profound technical attainments.

Yang Fan is very familiar with and understands the 052 ship, and has a high technical level in ship design, which is undoubtedly qualified.

But what about seniority?

Pan Jinfu seemed a little hesitant, unable to make up his mind.

Liang Zhiquan is very powerful. Looking at Pan Jinfu's expression, he knew that he might have several candidates, so he couldn't help asking, "How is it? Is there anyone to choose?"

Pan Jinfu hesitated for a moment, "There is one person who has a good technical level and is very familiar with the design of the 052 ship, but he is just too young."

Is it too young?
That is a young man.

Liang Zhiquan immediately thought of someone, "Lao Pan, you mean Yang Fan!"

The first thing he thought of was Yang Fan.

The two coincided with each other!

Pan Jinfu nodded and said, "Yes, it is Yang Fan. This young man is not bad. I am very happy to have him as the chief designer assistant."

Young, indeed too young!

I started working in 1982, and now it is 1988. I have only been working for more than 6 years, and I have only just turned 27 years old.

27-year-old assistant to the chief designer!

Both Liang Zhiquan and Pan Jinfu feel that they are indeed too young.

After hesitating for a while, Liang Zhiquan suggested: "We don't make a decision on this matter, let's discuss it at the office meeting, the principle of the minority obeying the majority."

"I think it's okay." Pan Jinfu nodded.

Then, Liang Zhiquan had already talked about taking a good rest, and repeatedly confessed that he must have a good rest. In the past few days, Pan Jinfu was strictly forbidden to work overtime, and it was even more strictly forbidden to stay up late.

The news gradually spread in the East China Sea.

An assistant to the chief designer will be added to the institute to undertake some matters in the design of the 052 ship, and to help Chief Pan, who is under a lot of work pressure, share some affairs.

I don't know how the news spread, but it spread quickly anyway, and many people are discussing it, especially some young designers, who are more willing to talk about it.

"Assistant Chief Designer, this position is very high!"

"I estimate that it is definitely above the directors of each department, and it may be basically equivalent to the deputy chief designer."

"Tsk tsk, I don't know who can be this assistant."


These young designers, anyway, feel that they have no chance of aspiring to that position, and they are just a melon eater. When talking about this topic, they can let go and don't need to be restrained.

On the contrary, the chief and deputy directors of the design studio, and the expert chief designers, they seemed more cautious and rarely talked like this, but deep down, they held a glimmer of hope.

In private, when there are no people, they will chat about this topic among their acquaintances. For example, after a meeting, many people have left, and there are still three or five people who have not left. They are not design studios. The chief and deputy directors are senior chief designers.

"Old Zhou, you have a chance this time."

"No, no, it's almost fifty, and I'm getting old."

"Old Liu should have a chance. He is just in his early forties, and his technical level is not bad."

"I can't, not even the director of the design office, how could it be my turn."


They talked like this, and they seemed to be more humble than the other. In fact, there was a bit of desire deep in their hearts, and of course they hoped to go further.

In this life, if you can be the assistant to the chief designer, how much would it be!

Chief Designer Assistant!
Just think about it, it's enough to make people's blood boil, anyone who feels that they have a little hope, is more or less full of longing deep in their hearts.

Model do.

Of course Yang Fan heard about this matter, but he just smiled and basically stopped caring because he felt that this matter had little to do with him.

In the 80s, even at the end of the 80s, the atmosphere of ranking seniority was still too strong. It’s not that you have a high level, you can get in, but you have to look at your qualifications first. Yang Fan has a deep understanding of this.

Zhao Yulan came back from the meeting, seemingly in a good mood. After sitting down in her seat, she said, "Director Yang, we are going to promote an assistant chief designer in our office, do you know?"

Yang Fan smiled, his face was calm, "I heard."

Zhao Yulan looked at Yang Fan, "Don't you have any ideas? I think you are the most suitable assistant to the chief designer."

Yang Fan shook his head with a smile and said, "Sister Zhao, don't make fun of me. I'm only in my twenties. Where can I find a chief designer assistant in his twenties? At least he must be in his thirties or early forties. .”

Oh too.

Zhao Yulan nodded in agreement. She also knew that qualifications are too important. Even though Yang Fan's technical level is indeed very high, he is too young, in his twenties.

He even thought in his heart that it would be great if Yang Fan was in his thirties, and the position of chief designer assistant must be his.

What a great opportunity!

What a pity, what a pity!
Knowing that Yang Fan had no hope, Zhao Yulan felt deeply sorry, she shook her head herself, and the eagerness in her eyes quickly faded away.

Today is the third update, and the first update is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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