Military Heavy

Chapter 203 It's Him

Chapter 203 It's Him
Yang Fan really didn't pay much attention to this matter.

But in the Donghai Institute, this matter has been a hot topic for several days in a row. Many people are chatting about this matter, and even some "National Organization Ministers" have listed several candidates.

For example, Zhang Shichang, a professor-level senior engineer of the East China Sea Institute, might have served as the deputy chief designer of the 052 ship, but he was ultimately unsuccessful.

For example, the young and promising chief designer Wang Zhiyu is one of the youngest chief designers of Donghai Institute, only in his 30s.

For example, Zhou Ping, director of the weapon system design office, and Kuang Wei, director of the overall design office.

There are several people in total, and according to the inferences of some "National Organizations and Ministers", the future chief designer assistant must be born among these few people.

Of course Yang Fan also heard this, just smiled and didn't care, because he felt that he was too young to have a chance at all.

Today, Yang Fan went to Donghai Shipyard again.

Accompanied by Chen Shaohua, once again boarded the 052 ship which was being fitted out, and saw its outfitting situation.

Everything is smoother and progress is faster.

The ship building has basically taken shape, and most of the outfitting in many cabins has been completed.

After looking around, Chen Shaohua said proudly: "In a few months, we will start the outfitting of the weapon system."

Weapon system!

Yang Fan was slightly excited.

He is familiar with ship design and ship construction, and he fully understands the weight of weapon system outfitting in the whole outfitting.

The 052 ship has dozens of weapons, including naval guns, torpedoes, various missiles and so on.These weapons will all be installed on this warship one after another.

And the technical difficulty is very high.

While Yang Fan was excited, he did not forget to remind: "These weapons, such as naval guns, torpedoes, and missiles, all have a reference platform for installation, and the error range of installation is very small, such as the angle error is calculated in seconds. "

Chen Shaohua nodded slightly.

The outfitting of the weapon system is indeed very difficult, but he is confident and said with a smile: "We are not worried, because we have you."

Hearing this, Yang Fan laughed.

After laughing happily, Yang Fan said modestly: "I am not a god, and not all problems can be solved. You are the experts in weapon system outfitting."

"Where, where, in front of Director Yang, how dare we call him an expert."

The two talked and laughed. After seeing the outfitting of the first ship, they disembarked the warship together. They did not leave for the time being. They stood not far from the construction berth, looking at the warship with satisfaction.

After chatting about the outfitting for a while, Chen Shaohua changed the subject and asked: "I heard that your Donghai Institute is planning to add a post of assistant to the chief designer. Is there such a thing?"

Yang Fan looked at Chen Shaohua in surprise.

Unexpectedly, this matter actually spread to the East China Sea Shipyard, and I thought it would be spread within the East China Sea Shipyard.

"Mr. Chen, have you heard about this incident?"

"I've heard about it." Chen Shaohua said, "It's not just me, several senior executives in our Donghai Shipyard, including Director Lu, have heard about it."

"I also talked about this matter with Lao Lu today, and we both felt that it is not suitable enough for you to be the assistant to the chief designer."

Yang Fan quickly waved his hand, "I can't. I have only been working for a little over 6 years, and I am only 27 years old this year. How could it be possible for me to be the assistant to the chief designer?"

Chen Shaohua smiled.

He didn't say anything more, maybe Yang Fan's qualifications were not enough, but he knew that Yang Fan's technical level was very high, so Yang Fan's job was perfect.

As for the question of qualifications.
This may be a problem, but it is not the main problem. The key depends on the meaning of the senior leaders of the East China Sea Institute. If the senior leaders of the East China Sea Institute agree with Yang Fan, then this is not a problem.

After staying in Donghai Shipyard for most of the day and seeing the outfitting situation, Yang Fan returned to Donghai Design Office, entered his office and sat down. It was already past four o'clock in the afternoon.

Like this, it is almost normal to go to Donghai Shipyard every few days to take a look, as short as two or three days, as long as four or five days.

Generally speaking, Yang Fan is very familiar with the outfitting situation of the first ship. Seeing that the outfitting of the weapon system will start in two or three months, Yang Fan is a little worried.

Because the installation requirements of the weapon system are very high.

The installation error of each weapon is required to be very small, and the error is calculated in units such as seconds and wires.

In actual combat, these weapons will produce a huge reaction force, and they must also withstand the test of complex marine environments and weather conditions. If there is a slight error in installation, the consequences will be unimaginable.

While thinking about the installation of the future weapon system, Zhao Yulan came in, and after seeing Yang Fan, she hurriedly said, "Just come back, Master Pan has something to ask you, and said that he will go there as soon as you come back."

"Oh, Master Pan is looking for me."

Yang Fan thought to himself, "Could it be something related to the design of No. 2 ship?"

Thinking of this, he immediately left the model office, opened the door and entered Pan Jinfu's office, "Master Pan, you are looking for me."

Pan Jinfu was immersed in writing something, when he saw Yang Fan, he immediately put down the pen in his hand, "Find a chair for yourself, and I'll talk to you a little bit."

Seeing that General Master Pan seemed more formal, Yang Fan thought in his heart, could it be something about the design of the No. 2 ship, so what could it be?

After Yang Fan sat down, Pan Jinfu's face became even more serious, and he even looked a little serious, and asked: "The institute decided to promote a person to be the assistant to the chief designer. You have heard of this matter."

Yang Fan nodded, "I heard."

Pan Jinfu said: "This afternoon we held an office meeting at work, and we collectively discussed who should take up this position. Everyone agreed that you are the most suitable."

I? ? ?
I will be the assistant to the chief designer?

This is simply a pie from the sky!
Yang Fan was stunned for a moment, this was really unexpected, he didn't think about it at all, because he was too young and not qualified enough.

At first, I thought it was the director of the design office, or some expert-level professor or senior engineer, or at least a director-level designer.

I didn't expect it to be myself!
Pan Jinfu looked at Yang Fan, and seemed a little dissatisfied with Yang Fan's reaction, "Why, don't you want to be my assistant and help me share some work."

"no no."

Yang Fan quickly said: "I am very happy to help you share the work, but this is too unexpected. I really didn't think about it, and I was not prepared at all."

Pan Jinfu smiled.

Have a good laugh.

Stand up, and lightly pat Yang Fan on the shoulder, "The appointment should be officially announced tomorrow, work hard, and contribute your strength to our 052 ship."

Yang Fan also stood up.

Loudly said: "Please rest assured, Master Pan, I will definitely do a good job and contribute all my knowledge and strength."

That's right.

Pan Jinfu nodded in satisfaction, and then talked with Yang Fan for about one or two minutes, which was regarded as a formal talk with Yang Fan in his representative office.

Leave General Master Pan's office.

At this moment, Yang Fan finally became ecstatic in his heart, he was really happy, really happy!
Chief Designer Assistant!

I actually became the chief designer assistant!

This is simply a dream that I never thought of!
Who doesn't want to make progress? Yang Fan also wants to make progress, and to reach a higher position. Only with a higher position can he contribute more to what is in his mind.


Liu Hong from the chief division's office opened the door, saw Yang Fan in the corridor, and asked curiously, "Director Yang, what's the matter, so happy?"

Yang Fan realized that he was a little too happy just now.

Hastily smiled and said: "It's nothing, I suddenly remembered an interesting incident just now, I just thought it was very funny."

Of course Yang Fan would not tell the truth.

The official appointment has not been announced yet. In the whole firm, except for the leaders of the firm, only I know about this matter, and Yang Fan will definitely not show it off everywhere.

Low key, low key.

Smiling at Liu Hong, Yang Fan happily went back to his office, leaving Liu Hong with a puzzled look on his face, this is really the case, didn't you lie to me?

I just saw that you were very happy.

The next morning.

Just as soon as he got to work, Fang Qiusheng, the chief of the personnel department, received a call from Xiao Jingqing, the deputy director in charge of personnel.

Hearing that it was his immediate superior, Fang Qiusheng's spirit was shocked, and his attitude was very humble, "Good morning, leader."

He had a premonition in his heart that the leader called as soon as he got to work, probably because he had something very important to do. He remembered an incident that had been raging in his mind for the past few days. Everyone was discussing who would be the assistant chief designer in the future.

The names of several people appeared in his mind, and he felt secretly fortunate, because he had already sorted out the personnel files of those people, and he could send them to the leader at any time if he wanted them.

He guessed that the leader's call so early was probably related to the appointment of the chief designer assistant. Maybe the leaders had already held an office meeting and had a result.

who can that be?

Of course Fang Qiusheng also wanted to know, and quickly ran through the names of those people in his mind.

On the phone, Xiao Jingqing's voice came, "Section Chief Fang, the office meeting yesterday afternoon discussed the candidate for the chief designer assistant."


It really is this matter!
I don't know who will be the lucky one who will be honored to be the assistant to the chief designer?
Fang Qiusheng kept quiet and listened with his ears pricked up. The voice on the phone continued, "After group discussions, and following the principle of the minority obeying the majority, Comrade Yang Fan from the model office will be the assistant to the chief designer."

It's him!

It was Yang Fan!
An extremely young face appeared in Fang Qiusheng's mind, and he was very astonished. He never thought that Yang Fan was the lucky one.

Chief Designer Assistant!
Almost half a foot into the senior leadership in the institute, the level is higher than the directors of the design offices, but only half a level lower than the deputy chief designer.

This young man is awesome!
While being astonished, Fang Qiusheng was filled with emotion!
Of course, there is also a bit of envy.


Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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