Military Heavy

Chapter 204 The 27-year-old Chief Designer Assistant

Chapter 204 The 27-year-old Chief Designer Assistant
"Section Chief Fang, Section Chief Fang, are you listening?"

Deputy director Xiao on the other end of the phone was a little dissatisfied and shouted several times in a row.

Fang Qiusheng reacted, "Leader, I'm listening. Our personnel department will print out the appointment and dismissal decision immediately, and post it as soon as possible."

After hanging up the phone, the astonishment in Fang Qiusheng's heart has not completely receded. The appointment and dismissal in the firm this time was completely beyond his expectations. It did not happen among the rumored few people at all, but Yang Fan was the chief designer. assistant.

27 years old!

Became the chief designer assistant at the age of 27!

What a big winner in life!

After feeling a lot of emotion, Fang Qiusheng called Zhao Jinjin over, gave some instructions, and specifically said: "Hurry up and print it, stamp it and post it as soon as possible."

It took several seconds for Zhao Jinjin to react, "Okay, I'll do it now."

Obviously, he was also shocked when he heard the news, and he never thought that Yang Fan would be the assistant to the chief designer.

Back in his office, it took at least a few minutes before he picked up a pen to draft this personnel appointment and dismissal decision. There was no way, it would take him so long to fully recover from the shock.

Fortunately, there is a ready-made template for this kind of personnel appointment and dismissal decision, and the content is only a few sentences. After drafting, I looked at it and felt that there was no problem before printing it.

Wu Liyi is a young designer of Donghai Institute, also 27 or [-] years old, he is one of the people who are most interested in the topic of chief designer assistant.

In the past few days, in his spare time at work, he would always talk about this topic with his colleagues, and he was always beaming with great interest.

He happened to have some personal business, so he took two hours off and was about to go out to deal with it. He pushed his bicycle past the bulletin board in front of the office building, and saw Zhao Qianjin who was posting something.

He knew Zhao Qianjin, and asked curiously, "Officer Zhao, what are you posting?"

Zhao Jinjin also knew Wu Liyi, so he posted the newly released personnel appointment and dismissal document with paste, and replied: "A personnel appointment and dismissal decision has been posted, you can take a look."

Hearing this, Wu Liyi pushed his bicycle a few steps forward and saw the document that had just been posted. It was a document with a red header.

"Appoint Comrade Yang Fan as the assistant to the chief designer of the 052 ship, and remove the deputy director of the Model Office and the deputy director of the Combat System Design Office."

Seeing the above content clearly, Wu Liyi was shocked!
Don't move at all!

As if being tapped on an acupuncture point, the whole figure was completely frozen there, eyes fixed on the document, and the mouth was opened wide enough to stuff an egg.

After posting the decision on appointment and dismissal, Zhao Qianjin glanced at Wu Liyi and nodded in satisfaction, as if the other party's reaction was expected.

At the beginning, when he first heard that Yang Fan was the assistant to the chief designer, his reaction was actually the same.Looking at Wu Liyi who was in a daze, he smiled, then left and returned to the personnel department.

In front of the posting board, Wu Liyi stood there blankly, as if the picture had been frozen.

Until someone came over, patted him on the shoulder, and said puzzledly: "What's wrong with you, are you all right?"

"It's all right." Wu Liyi was still a little awkward when he spoke, and the shock in his heart hadn't completely subsided. He pointed to the appointment and dismissal decision and said, "Take a look at this document."


This person was puzzled at first, and seemed careless, but when he saw the above content clearly, he let out an "ah" first, and then he was also frozen there.

There were always people coming and going in front of the office building. Some people saw the scene in front of the poster board and came to take a look curiously, so they were also shocked.

Gradually, the number of people in front of the posting board gradually increased. Many people looked shocked, and some people couldn't believe their eyes.

Wu Liyi pushed his bicycle and left. He originally asked for leave to do some personal affairs, but he didn't have the mind to do his little personal affairs, so he rushed into their design room.

As soon as I rushed in, regardless of the fact that my colleagues were all immersed in their work, they shouted loudly, with a very excited tone, "Everyone stop, the appointment of the chief designer assistant has been announced, and it was just posted on the bulletin board."

So fast!
Is this coming out?

Everyone put down their work and looked at Wu Liyi one by one. A few people stood up, "Really, have you really come out? Who will be the assistant to the chief designer?"

A personal name emerged in many people's minds. These people are considered the most likely, and they are also the ones selected by the "National Organization Ministers".

Is it Zhang Shichang?
Could it be Wang Zhiyu?

Maybe Director Zhou Ping.
Seeing that his colleagues were all looking at him, Wu Liyi laughed triumphantly when he announced the result, and said loudly: "You may not have imagined that the assistant to the chief designer will be the director of the model office, Yang Fan."

No way!
How is this possible?
It was like a few drops of cold water dripping into hot oil, and the pot exploded in an instant. Many people couldn't believe it, and some even questioned loudly.

"Impossible, impossible at all, how old is Yang Fan, he is only in his twenties."

"Wu Liyi, today is not April Fool's Day."


Seeing that so many people didn't believe it, Wu Liyi was not in a hurry, but said: "The decision on personnel appointment and dismissal has been posted, and it's on the bulletin board in front of the office building. Go and see it and you'll know."

Immediately, everyone believed it. Wu Liyi didn't seem to be lying.

So, everyone was shocked, and exclamations sounded in the big office, because the news was too shocking and beyond everyone's expectations.

Tsk tsk, the 27-year-old assistant to the chief design office.

As expected of Yang Fan!

Suddenly reached a height that many people can't reach in a lifetime.

The news quickly spread throughout the East China Sea Fleet Design Institute. Almost everyone in the office was talking about this matter. It is estimated that some people will find it difficult to put their minds down and devote themselves to their work for a while.

"I really didn't expect it, I didn't expect it!"

"Amazing, amazing, I became an assistant to the chief designer at the age of 27."


While being shocked, many people were very envious and admired. Some even remembered that they were just playing soy sauce when they were 27 years old, and they immediately admired Yang Fan.

There are also some people who were surprised and said some different voices.

"Yang Fan has only been working for more than six years, and his qualifications are not enough."

"That's right, at least you have to work for more than ten years."

This kind of voice was quickly refuted by many people. Some people said: "It has been ten years since the reform and opening up, and it is ridiculous to still engage in the old-fashioned qualifications."

"The cadres are becoming younger. This may be a trend. Young people work hard and have opportunities. Director Yang is a good example."

"Director Yang Fan is the assistant to the chief designer. I don't think it is suitable enough. I support this decision in the institute."

"I also agree, very much. Comrade Yang Fan's technical level is obvious to all. I think it is more than enough for him to be the assistant to the chief designer."


The entire East China Sea Ship Design Institute was almost boiling, and most people were talking about this matter, but our protagonist Yang Fan, the wind was calm, and he didn't show any excitement.

Are you organizing your stuff in the office?
Zhao Yulan looked at it again and again, and said in her heart, if it were someone else, she would probably be too excited. Where is our Director Yang?
A face of calm.

It seems that this matter has nothing to do with him.

Couldn't help it anymore, Zhao Yulan reminded: "President Yang, you are now the assistant to the chief designer, the personnel appointment and dismissal documents are posted outside, and almost everyone in the Donghai Institute is talking about this matter, many people I'm extremely envious."

Yang Fan smiled slightly, "I know."

After finishing speaking, continue to organize things, and later move these things to the new office. As the assistant to the general manager, there is a new office, a separate one, next to the office of the general manager.

Zhao Yulan shook her head, thinking in her heart, our Comrade Yang Fan is really calm, if it were someone else, he would have been too excited to control his mood, or simply too happy to close his mouth from ear to ear.

No wonder he can serve as the assistant to the general manager. It is estimated that few people can match his calmness alone.

After a while.

There was a knock on the door, and Li Jun came over, "Mr. Yang, what items need me to move, I will help you move them to the new office first."

"You came just in time."

Yang Fan needed someone to move things, pointed to those books and said, "Move these books to the new office for me and put them on the bookshelves."

"Okay, okay."

Li Jun happily moved some books away first.

There are many books, including professional books on ships, many professional magazines and periodicals, and some other books. There are not hundreds of books, at least more than 100 books. It is estimated that Li Jun needs to carry them back and forth several times.

But he was never tired of it, and he went back and forth, helping to move all these books to Yang Fan's new office.

Zhao Yulan also came to help, and after a while, other people from the model office also happily came over, either helping to move things, or congratulating Yang Fan on his promotion to the chief designer assistant.

Even the air seemed to be full of joy, and the others were all beaming, as if they were happier than Yang Fan.

Looking at everyone, Yang Fan said loudly: "We will have dinner together at Baiweiyuan in the evening, so we all come."

Baiweiyuan is a private restaurant not far from the gate of Donghai Institute. The environment is good and the dishes are delicious. Yang Fan plans to treat guests there.

Zhao Yulan hastily said: "This time, President Yang doesn't need to personally pay for it, and we will pay for the entertainment expenses of our model. Let's celebrate Comrade Yang Fan together."


Today is the third update, and the third update is over, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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