Military Heavy

Chapter 205 The Right Person

Chapter 205 The Right Person
Everyone worked together, and all of Yang Fan's things were moved into the new office.

After seeing everyone off, Yang Fan sat in his new office with a face full of satisfaction, because the office is nice and the area is not small.

In addition to a large desk and sofa chairs for office use, there are tea tables and sofas, and there is also a large bookshelf.

The most eye-catching thing should be a large three-meter-long table against the wall, which is mainly used for reviewing drawings. The large design drawings are spread out and placed on this table, which is very convenient.

Of course, if you call several people and hold a small meeting, this table is also possible, and it can also serve as a conference table.

Not bad!
Yang Fan looked at all this with satisfaction, looked at the new office, and thought in his heart, as the assistant to the chief designer, the salary will follow.

Although there is no special car, special driver, secretary, etc., the salary and level are half a level higher than the directors of the design offices, such as half a level higher than Zhao Yulan, and only half a level lower than the deputy chief designers.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in!"

Yang Fan said loudly: "The door is not locked, just push the door and come in."

It was Liu Hong, the chief teacher's office, who pushed the door in.

The chief engineer's office mainly serves the chief designers and deputy chief designers. They don't engage in technology, but they basically serve them except for technical matters.

"Sister Liu, here we come."

Yang Fan was very enthusiastic and got up to make tea for Liu Hong.

Liu Hong quickly said, "No, I don't need to drink tea."

She doesn't dare to ask Yang Fan to pour tea for her now, because Yang Fan's current status is different, he belongs to the leadership level, which is higher than her level, so there is no reason for the leader to make tea for the people below.

After Liu Hong waved his hand, he asked, "The office was temporarily vacated and prepared hastily. I came here to ask if there is anything missing."

Yang Fan looked at his office with satisfaction, and then said: "You have worked hard, and there should be no shortage of things for the time being."

Liu Hong nodded, "If you need something, you can tell me, we will try our best to meet it."

After sending Liu Hong away, Yang Fan thought in his heart, this treatment is really good, he came here specially to ask if there is anything missing.

Yang Fan once thought that it would be great if he had a computer. Before he was reborn, he was used to using a computer for office work. However, none of the leaders in his office had a computer, so forget it.

Not long after Liu Hong left, Yang Fan's office gradually became lively.

When Kuang Wei came over, he specially came to congratulate Yang Fan on being promoted to assistant chief designer. He was very happy and sat here for about ten minutes.

Then, Shi Wei also came over and sat for a few minutes.

There was an endless stream of people coming to the door, almost non-stop all morning, all of them were colleagues who had a very good relationship with Yang Fan, such as the principal and deputy directors of various design offices, some senior designers, and some design team leaders and so on.

Han Jiang also came.

He came here when he was about to get off work in the morning. At that time, Yang Fan saw off the congratulators and happened to be alone in the office.

"Brother Fan, you are amazing, assistant chief designer!"

Yang Fan smiled, "You are not bad, you are now the deputy leader of the design team of the power system design room."

"My deputy team leader is not worth mentioning." Han Jiang said with a smile.

The two had a good relationship, they were close buddies, and there was no third person present, so they chatted very easily.

News spread quickly.

In the afternoon, Chen Shaohua from Donghai Shipyard called first, and the phone on Yang Fan's desk rang.

Picking up the phone, Chen Shaohua's extremely happy voice came from inside, "Comrade Yang Fan, congratulations, I just said it, seniority is outdated, and high technical level is the last word. If I were the leader of your institute, Whoever has a high level of technology must be the assistant to the chief designer."

He talked a lot on the phone.

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Mr. Chen, thank you, thank you."

Not long after answering the call, Lu Guodong, Zhang Guoxin and others called one after another, expressing their congratulations to Yang Fan.

When Yang Fan was a little surprised, Captain Huang Keping, the commander-in-chief of the 052 ship, actually called in person, "Xiao Yang, congratulations."

Hearing that it was Commander Huang's voice, Yang Fan was a little excited. He never thought that he would be promoted to assistant chief designer. Even Commander Huang knew about it, and made a special call.

This represents a certainty!
It also represents a kind of glory!

The relevant units below, the factories, and the institutes, even if someone was promoted to the top of these units, it is estimated that Huang Keping would not be able to call in person to congratulate him.

All of a sudden, Yang Fan's mood was agitated slightly.

"Commander, thank you."

Huang Keping first gave a hearty smile, chatted casually for a few words, then straightened his tone, and said earnestly: "Xiao Yang, you are young, and the future shipbuilding business of the Republic needs your efforts and your dedication regardless of personal gain or loss."

Yang Fan listened carefully, and assured: "Please rest assured, Commander-in-Chief, I will definitely play a role in this position and contribute my strength to the development of our 052 ship."

Huang Keping seemed very satisfied, and encouraged Yang Fanhao a few words before hanging up the phone.

Putting down the phone, Yang Fan still felt a little unreal, which was really a surprise. A leader as big as Commander Huang actually called to congratulate him.

If this is said, how many people will be envious!
The next day.

Fewer people came to congratulate Yang Fan, and fewer congratulatory phone calls, which allowed Yang Fan to concentrate on his work.

The first job I took over was to review the design drawings of the No. 2 ship.

Now that he is an assistant to the chief designer, this work has become more legitimate. The drawings that the design offices originally needed to send to Chief Pan for review were sent to Yang Fan first.

After Yang Fan reviewed the design drawings, he could sign directly instead of sending Mr. Pan there to sign.

As the days passed, the agitation gradually receded, and everyone seemed to be devoting themselves to work, including Yang Fan.

Recently, Pan Jinfu feels that his whole body is much more relaxed.

No, Liang Zhiquan, the top leader, went to Master Pan's office. After the two chatted about some other things at work, Liang Zhiquan asked, "Old Pan, how are you? Can you relax?"

This is also the main purpose of his coming here this time.

Pan Jinfu smiled and said: "It's much more relaxed. Comrade Yang Fan is really good, capable and capable. You can trust him to do a lot of work, and he can often give you a bright feeling."

Immediately, Liang Zhiquan felt relieved.

Satisfied: "It seems that our decision is wise. Let Yang Fan be the assistant to the chief designer of the 052 ship, which is perfect."

Completion is competent for this job.


This is the evaluation of Yang Fan by the leaders, and Master Pan is [-]% satisfied. Originally, he needed to do some work by himself, but now, with Yang Fan, his workload has been reduced a lot.

Tomorrow is National Day.

Yang Fan got off work about half an hour late. After reviewing the drawings on the table and sorting them out, he left the office.

When I got home, the food was ready.

This is the credit of Li Xiuzhen. As Jiang Yan is about to give birth, she has been living here for the past few days, mainly to take care of Jiang Yan and help with housework, which makes Yang Fan a lot easier.

In the evening, Yang Fan, Jiang Yan and Li Xiuzhen had dinner together. After the meal, Yang Fan volunteered to clean the dishes and tidy up the kitchen.

After doing this, the news broadcast just started, and the three of them watched TV on the sofa.

After watching the news broadcast, Yang Fan suggested: "The labor period is these few days, let's go to the hospital tomorrow and have a good checkup."

Jiang Yan's heart felt warm. She knew that other women gave birth, and they never had any checkups from pregnancy to birth.

As for her, under Yang Fan's insistence, she has gone to the hospital for several checkups, which made her feel very happy.

"Brother Fan, don't need it."

Yang Fan insisted: "I'm going to the hospital. I've already informed my sister that she will drive us to the hospital tomorrow morning."

Li Xiuzhen didn't say anything, but she could tell from her eyes that she was very satisfied with this son-in-law and liked her very much.

She knew that not only did they not have any checkups when they gave birth to their children, but even when they gave birth, they usually took place in their own home, and at most one midwife was hired.

Don't talk about rural areas now, even in some cities, women don't go to the hospital to give birth, and ask midwives to give birth at home.

National Day.

The whole world celebrated together, and Yang Fan got busy early in the morning, preparing some things, and soon after breakfast, he heard the sound of a car horn.

Yang Fang arrived in a car as promised.

Yang Fan carefully supported Jiang Yan downstairs, and Li Xiuzhen walked behind carrying her things. After going downstairs, she saw a Grand Cherokee.

Seeing this car, Yang Fan thought to himself, my sister looks like a domineering female president now, and all the cars she drives are imported large off-road vehicles.

"Sister Fang, thank you for your hard work." Jiang Yan greeted Yang Fang politely.

Yang Fang said: "Family, why are you being polite?"

While speaking, he opened the door of the car sitting in the back seat, and carefully supported Jiang Yan into the car.Yang Fan also supported Jiang Yan, and repeatedly told him, "Be careful, slow down, we are not in a hurry."

Jiang Yan and Li Xiuzhen sat in the spacious back seat, and Yang Fan originally wanted to sit in the back seat, but Yang Fang said, "Brother, you drive."

Yang Fan was slightly taken aback.

She didn't expect her sister to drive by herself, so she smiled and said, "Just drive, anyway, I have already got a driver's license."

So, Yang Fan got into the car happily, and Yang Fang opened the door and sat in the passenger seat, probably worried that Yang Fan had just got his driver's license and wanted to help Yang Fan check it out. It is convenient to remind one or two.

However, Yang Fang soon became surprised.

Today is still the third update, the first update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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