Military Heavy

Chapter 206

Chapter 206

Yang Fan drove the car.

He opened the door, sat in the driving position, fastened his seat belt, and took a look at the condition of the car.This is a car that is at least 2000% new. Yang Fang has only bought it for a few months, and the mileage is only over [-] kilometers.

The car is almost brand new.

Yang Fan thought in his heart, such a car, in the entire Donghai City, except for relevant units and government departments, there are probably not many cars.

Among all the bosses, there are not many who can own a car, and those who can drive an imported Grand Cherokee are estimated to be very rare, and there are only a handful of them in Donghai City.

The car is so good, Yang Fan also feels a little itchy. He has been riding the Changjiang 750 motorcycle for a few years. After so many years, this car should be retired, and it is time to replace it with a four-wheeled car.

What kind of car to buy, Yang Fan has not yet decided.

This car is not bad. As soon as Yang Fan sat in the driving seat, he felt that he liked it very much, and felt eager to try it.

Knowing that Yang Fan had just obtained his driver's license not long ago, Yang Fang was still a little worried, and reminded, "Don't worry, don't be nervous, take your time."

Yang Fan nodded. He was very confident in his own driving skills. He had more than ten years of driving experience before his rebirth, and he was a proper old driver.

Step on the brake, step on the clutch, turn on the ignition, and shift to first gear.
The whole set of movements was very smooth and skillful, which surprised Yang Fang slightly, "Brother, your level is not bad."

Yang Fan smiled confidently.

Lightly lift the clutch and refuel slowly, the black off-road vehicle slowly leaves, the speed is not very fast, it is very stable.

It wasn't that Yang Fan couldn't drive the fast car, but because he was worried about bumping into Jiang Yan in the car, so the car didn't drive fast, and he tried to be stable.

After watching it for a while, Yang Fang was completely relieved, because the car drove so well that she couldn't find any faults.

"Brother, your car is actually so good, better than mine."

Yang Fan smiled, and the scene of learning his driver's license a few months ago appeared in his mind.

The first time I practiced the car, I was stunned by the coach.

This is not a novice, an absolute veteran driver.

The other students were getting familiar with the basic operation, and at most they just got in the car to experience it for a while, while Yang Fan directly tried a few reverse parking and parking, which was perfect, and practiced side parking a few times.

Others may have to learn for a few months, but Yang Fan only went to practice driving a few times, and then successfully got his driver's license. The coach said directly, this is the student he taught the most easily.

The black Grand Cherokee is a smooth ride.

Even in Donghai City, in 1988, there were not many cars on the road, and the road was unimpeded. It took 10 minutes to arrive at the No.1 People's Hospital of Donghai City on three or four.

This is also one of the largest and best hospitals in the entire East China Sea.

From Yang Fan's point of view, his wife must choose the best hospital and try to find the best doctor for the birth checkup, including the future birth of a child.

The car drove directly to the gate of the hospital. After parking the car, Yang Fan carefully helped his wife out of the car, and helped her into the hospital lobby, finding a place for her to sit down.

"Wait for me a moment, I'll go to the car first."

After a while, Yang Fan parked the car and entered the hospital hall, handed the key to Yang Fang and said, "Sister, here is the car key."

Yang Fang didn't pick up the key, but asked: "How does this car feel, do you like it?"

Immediately, Yang Fan thought in his heart, looking at this, maybe he wants to give the car to me!

Sister, this is an imported Grand Cherokee!

In 1988, such an imported car was scary!

Yang Fang smiled happily, "The car is just for you. My sister and I have that car. You can drive it."

It really was for me!

Yang Fan was immediately pleasantly surprised, of course he likes such a good car.

"Thank you, sister."

Happily putting away the keys, there is no need to be overly polite between siblings. Yang Fan knows that the scale of Hongtai Supermarket is getting bigger and bigger, and the pressure to send such a car is not too great.

Jiang Yan was also stunned, and quickly said: "Sister Fang, this is too expensive, we can't take it."

Yang Fang said: "I'm just such a younger brother, what's the matter with giving me a car?"

With a bit of domineering.

It really smells like a domineering female president. She is no longer the female village woman a few years ago. Yang Fang is completing her own transformation.

Yang Fan took Jiang Yan's hand, "Yan, sister gave it to us, we can accept it with confidence, let's go, I will register for you first, and find a doctor for an examination."

Because this is a big hospital, there are still many people who register to see a doctor. Yang Fan waited in line for more than ten minutes, and finally got the number of a chief doctor of obstetrics and gynecology. Experience, the No.1 civilian hospital in Donghai City is an expert level.

Yang Fan let out a long sigh of relief, the team has not been in vain for more than ten minutes.

After registering, Yang Fan helped Jiang Yan to the third floor. After waiting there for about [-] minutes, Jiang Yan suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

"Brother Fan, I feel a little pain, coming and going."

Yang Fang came here, and immediately said: "This may be about to give birth."

Is baby coming out?

Yang Fan held Jiang Yan's hand, both pleasantly surprised and a little nervous.

He also comforted Jiang Yan and gave her encouragement and courage.

After waiting for a few minutes, it was finally Jiang Yan's turn.

Sure enough, the chief doctor only checked a little and concluded that she was about to give birth. This was a contraction, which was a sign of about to give birth.

The doctor asked: "Are you giving birth in our hospital, or"

Without even thinking about it, Yang Fan interrupted: "Of course it will be delivered in your hospital, doctor, please help us with inpatient surgery."

In the 80s, not all of them were hospitalized, only those in good condition. Many people went home to give birth on their own. At most, the doctor who delivered the baby was invited to come to the house.

After successfully going through the hospitalization procedures and paying the money, Jiang Yan was placed in the ward, and not long after, he was sent to the delivery room.

Outside the delivery room, Yang Fan looked anxious and nervous.

Jiang Dahai is here.

After hearing the news, they rushed to the hospital with big bags and small bags. When they saw Yang Fan, they immediately asked, "How is the girl?"

It could be seen that he was also nervous, very worried about Jiang Yan.

Yang Fan said: "It's been more than an hour, and the doctor suggested a normal delivery."

If it is a caesarean section, there will usually be news within two hours, but it may not be the case if it is a natural delivery. It depends on the situation. It may be one or two hours, or three or four hours, or longer.

Jiang Dahai was very nervous. Sitting there, he took out the lighter and cigarettes several times, but he knew that smoking was not allowed in the hospital, so he put them back in his pocket.

On the contrary, Li Xiuzhen comforted her, "Don't worry too much, head of the family. This is a big hospital. The girl will be fine."

The time passed by 1 minute and 1 minute.

The anxious and nervous expression on Jiang Dahai's face became more and more intense, he walked over anxiously, and walked over again.To be honest, Yang Fan was also quite nervous, thinking all the time what happened.

"It's really not easy for a woman to have a baby. It's almost like walking through the door of hell. From now on, I will treat my wife better, love her more, and love her more."

Yang Fan thought secretly in his heart.

It felt like a century later, the door of the delivery room finally opened, and a nurse came out, and she said loudly, "Who is Jiang Yan's family?"


"We are all."

Yang Fan, Jiang Dahai, Yang Fang and Li Xiuzhen all surrounded them, each of them became nervous, thinking that something happened.

However, everyone soon felt relieved.

The nurse said: "Congratulations, the mother and daughter are safe. The baby has been sent to the nursery. You can go and see the baby first. The mother will have to wait a while before she can come out."

After the baby is born, a special nurse will take it away first, and the mother will have to do some treatment, a little later.

Yang Fan didn't go to see his child, but said to Yang Fang: "Sister, go and have a look first, I'll wait here for Yan to come out."

"Okay, okay."

Yang Fang was very happy, her old Yang family finally had a baby, she even thought in her heart, how happy she would be if her parents were both alive.

Li Xiuzhen and Yang Fang went to the nursery, where family members were needed, and the baby's clothes, feeding bottles, milk powder, etc. had to be sent there.

Seeing that Yang Fan put his daughter first and continued to wait here, Jiang Dahai was moved in his heart, and his eyes became more satisfied when he saw Yang Fan.

This son-in-law is fine.

She is so lucky to have such a good husband.

After waiting for another two or three ten minutes, the door of the mother was pushed open, and two nurses pushed Jiang Yan out.

Immediately, Yang Fan and Jiang Dahai quickly passed by.

Yang Fan looked lovingly at Jiang Yan, who was weak after giving birth, and his face was a little pale, and gently held her little hand, "Yan, thank you for your hard work."

Jiang Yan smiled happily.

Everyone pushed Jiang Yan into the ward, and after he settled down, they were about to go to the nursery to take a look. At this time, the nurse was holding the baby, followed by Li Xiuzhen and Yang Fang who were extremely happy.

Jiang Dahai and Yang Fan stood up together.

Jiang Dahai even asked, "Wife, is it a boy or a girl?"

Li Xiuzhen smiled, "What do you think?"

Jiang Dahai hugged the baby carefully, and gently pulled the diaper away. After taking a look, he shouted with joy.

"It's the one with the handle, haha, it's the one with the handle."

He himself had only given birth to two girls and dreamed of a boy.

Seeing this, everyone laughed happily.

Even Jiang Yan, who was lying on the hospital bed, was no exception.After smiling happily, Yang Fan also hugged him lightly, looked at it again and again, reluctant to let it go.

In the end, he put it next to Jiang Yan with some reluctance, and Yang Fang made some milk, and the little guy tried to drink milk for the first time.

Yang Fan looked at the little guy drinking milk and thought excitedly, I am finally a father, I am a father, I am a father!
What a joy!
Extremely excited!

Today is still the third update, and the second update will be delivered.

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(End of this chapter)

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