Military Heavy

Chapter 207 The Sensation Caused by the Grand Cherokee

Chapter 207 The Sensation Caused by the Grand Cherokee

"Sister, you are busy with work, go back first."

Yang Fang said: "Don't worry, the company has your brother-in-law. I will stay in the hospital today and take care of the great heroes of our Yang family."

This hero is undoubtedly Jiang Yan.

At this moment, Jiang Yan, with a motherly brilliance on his face, happily looked at the little guy in his arms drinking milk.

It wasn't until the evening, under Yang Fan's insistence, that Yang Fang reluctantly left the ward, and she probably would come over tomorrow to have a look.

As for Jiang Dahai, he also went home for the time being. Jiang Dan was at home alone, so he was a little worried.

Yang Fan said: "Dad, I will take you back."

"No, I'll take the bus, you stay here and take care of the girl." Jiang Dahai waved his hands like this.

It’s not easy to go back like this, and you have to transfer two times on the way. It’s good to be home within two hours. Of course, it’s more convenient if you drive, and one hour should be enough.

After thinking about it, Yang Fan took out his motorcycle key, "Dad, from today onwards, I will let you ride my 750."

Give me a motorcycle.

Jiang Dahai hurriedly said: "Then what about you, what are you riding?"

Yang Fan smiled and said: "My sister gave me a Grand Cherokee, and I will drive it from now on. I will give you the motorcycle, so you don't have to return it to me."

Really give me a ride!
Jiang Dahai became excited in an instant, motorcycles, there are not many motorcycles now, and the army is basically dominated by bicycles.

There is a motorcycle, which is completely a symbol of the family's wealth and status, the kind that is more face-saving when riding out.Jiang Dahai had ridden that 750 a few times before, and it felt pretty good, and he missed it very much.

Well now, this motorcycle was actually given to him.

After taking the key, looking at it again and again, Jiang Hai said: "Haha, I never thought I could ride a motorcycle. If my neighbors knew about it, they would be so envious."

Seeing that his father-in-law was so happy, Yang Fan also laughed happily, and even Jiang Yan smiled, and said: "Dad, please ride slowly and pay attention to safety."

"I know."

Jiang Dahai is very confident.

After sending off his father-in-law, Yang Fan and Li Xiuzhen took care of Jiang Yan together, and the two of them were quite relaxed. In the evening, they divided their jobs, with Li Xiuzhen in the first half of the night and Yang Fan in the second half of the night.

The little guy is very obedient, not noisy, sleeps after feeding, only symbolically cries twice when he is hungry or when he needs to change his diaper.


Yang Fan is washing diapers, washing them and drying them.These diapers are all made of old clothes by Li Xiuzhen, they are all cotton, very soft and comfortable.

Disposable diapers are rarely available now, and most people use this kind of diapers. Li Xiuzhen made a dozen of them early on, which is enough for use.

As soon as the diapers were dried, Jiang Dahai opened the door and walked into the ward with a lot of things in his hands. He looked in a good mood and was very happy.

"Dad, you came here so early."

Yang Fan was a little surprised, he didn't expect him to come so early.

Putting the things on the table, Jiang Hai said: "It is convenient to have a motorcycle. I arrived at the hospital in less than an hour."

While talking happily like this, he opened one of the bags, "I brought you breakfast, eat it while it's hot."

Then, he opened the thermos bucket again, scooped out a bowl of pig's knuckle soup and gave it to Jiang Yan, "Girl, just drink the soup, and I'll stew it for you."

Jiang Yan stayed in the hospital for six days, and then returned home for confinement.

In the past few days in the hospital, everyone took good care of her, especially Yang Fan, who stayed in the hospital for almost six days, and only came back halfway to take a shower and change clothes.

Colleagues from the East China Sea Institute came to visit the hospital one after another when they heard the news. This not only made Yang Fan thank them very much, but also made Jiang Dahai so happy that he kept smiling.

He thought to himself more than once, how face-saving is my son-in-law, so many people came, some of them are big leaders?
Tsk tsk, this face
While Jiang Dahai was happy, he also said that it was an eye-opener. The leaders of Donghai Institute and the big leaders of Donghai Shipyard have all been here.

After returning home from the hospital, Yang Fan specially invited a confinement wife, so that his wife and mother-in-law could relax.

The almost new Grand Cherokee was parked downstairs at Yang Fan's house.

In the first one or two days, the neighbors noticed that it didn't take it too seriously, thinking that it was a relative of the big boss.

At most, it’s just curiosity, or a little bit of envy. After all, in 1988, having such a big off-road vehicle was a very dignified thing, no worse than driving a luxury car worth RMB 200, or RMB [-] now.

For several days, the car was parked downstairs. Gradually, the neighbors began to chat about the car, with curiosity and envy in their words.

"Whose car is this? It has been parked here for several days."

"Could it be someone's car from us?"

Immediately, many people were taken aback, and someone immediately exclaimed, "This is impossible. We are in the family area inside the institute. Everyone is paid. Who can afford such a car?"

In this era, ten-thousand-thousand households are rare, not to mention such an imported large cross-country, it is estimated that several ten-thousand-thousand households can't afford it together.

"I also think it's impossible. This car may cost 10,000+ yuan?"

There was a sound of gasping all around.

Everyone's monthly salary is basically only 90, 10,000 yuan, or more than [-] yuan, [-]+, which is definitely an astronomical figure for them.

The eyes of many people looking at this car gradually changed, full of invisible awe.

There were a few urchins playing around the car, and an old man in his sixties or seventies scolded: "You little bastards, if you break the car, you won't be able to pay for it if you sell it."

Immediately, those urchins were taken aback and scattered like birds and beasts.

Yang Fan took maternity leave for a few days, and went to work before finishing her maternity leave.On the one hand, there is a confinement wife and my own mother-in-law at home, and on the other hand, I am worried that there are many design drawings waiting to be reviewed by myself, and a lot of work is waiting to be done by myself.

During the few days at work, I was really busy. In addition to reviewing more than a dozen drawings, I also called everyone to hold a meeting to arrange, discuss and communicate on some matters in the design of the No. 2 ship.

After going to work for a few days, Yang Fan was concerned about the first ship being fitted out, so he was going to Donghai Shipyard to take a look. Early in the morning, he drove to Donghai Shipyard.

This is also Yang Fan's first time driving to his unit.

After the car came back from the hospital, it had been parked downstairs without moving. These days, I walked to work to work.

Because it only takes more than ten minutes to walk, the distance is relatively short, and there is no need to drive at all. Today is different. After arriving at the work unit, I plan to go to Donghai Shipyard to have a look.

After going downstairs and opening the car door, Yang Fan sat in the driving seat.

This time is the time for everyone to go to work in the morning, and many people are walking or riding bicycles to go to the East China Sea.

There are also some family members who don't have to go to work, or are going to go out to buy food, or sit downstairs and chat, anyway, there are quite a few people.


Someone saw that Yang Fan opened the car door and sat in the car, and was immediately amazed. This car has been here for many days, and there has been no movement. The neighbors in the neighborhood are all guessing and discussing.

What now?
He actually saw Yang Fan open the car door and get in the car!
Someone immediately exclaimed loudly, "Look, Yang Fan got into the car, does this car belong to him?"

"Really, that is indeed Yang Fan."

"Oh my God!"

Seeing this scene, many people were stunned, and the scene immediately fell into silence. Under everyone's surprised eyes, the off-road vehicle started and drove away from the family building.

It wasn't until the car was completely gone and the news was in sight that the neighbors recovered from the deep shock and exploded in an instant.

"This car actually belongs to Yang Fan."

"It's unimaginable!"


Yang Fan drove into Donghai Institute and parked the car in front of the office building. At this time, many colleagues were surprised again.

It was the tenth day of work, and many people saw this car.

"Wow, President Yang got out of the car."

"Is this the car assigned to him by the unit?"

"That car is so beautiful."

"It's definitely not assigned by the unit. The deputy directors don't all have cars."


This car has become a hotspot and a highlight of Donghai Institute. Many people came here to take a look and feast their eyes on it. Some people who know a little bit about cars even looked at it enviously, and even gently and carefully touched it. a touch.

Imported Grand Cherokee!

It is estimated that there are not many cars in the entire Donghai City.

Our Mr. Yang actually drives such a car to work, it's amazing!
Many people's eyes are red with envy!

Many people think in their hearts, not to mention owning such a car, even if they ride it once or twice, they will be satisfied.

Yang Fan is in his office.

He knew the sensational effect of driving this car to work, so he temporarily stayed in the office and let everyone discuss it.

Now that you know that it will have a big impact and will become the focus of the entire East China Sea Institute, you still drive to work, why?

It's not for pretending to be X, and it's not for face.

It's that he really likes this car. Driving it is much more comfortable than riding the Yangtze River 750. In addition, it is a gift from Yang Fang, so it can't be parked downstairs all the time.

Take a short rest and prepare to go to Donghai Shipyard later.

But before going to Donghai factory, Yang Fan had to do one thing, if he didn't do this thing, he might cause trouble for himself.

After all, Muxiu must be destroyed by Lin Feng.

Being too ostentatious is not a good thing.

Just after taking a sip of tea, there was a knock on the door of the office, and the director of the office, Li Jiangong, came over, followed by a young man, who was the officer of the office, a subordinate of Li Jiangong.

Seeing Li Jiangong coming in, Yang Fan smiled and thought in his heart, he was going to find you, which is good, since he came by himself, it would save a lot of trouble.

As the director of the office, Li Jiangong is one of the most powerful people in the middle-level positions of the Donghai Institute. Why did he take the initiative to come to Yang Fan?


Today is the third update, and the third update is over, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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