Military Heavy

Chapter 209 American Attention

Chapter 209 American Attention
The two stood on the bow deck of the 052 ship, looked up at the direction of the ship building, and watched the over-the-horizon radar antenna hanging in midair.

The antenna installation position of this radar is in front of the top of the ship building.

On the top of the ship building, the highest position is the search radar, and the slightly lower position is the over-the-horizon radar. Adhering to the principle of installing the low position radar first, and then following the principle of the high position radar, Donghai Shipyard began to install this radar. .

Radar antenna hoisting.

Someone was gesticulating and commanding, the radar antenna was aimed at the installation position, and it fell slowly.

"Fall, Fall, Fall"

When the radar antenna fell to the installation position only [-] to [-] centimeters, several workers had already started to adjust the radar antenna, and then let it fall to the installation position accurately, align the mounting holes, and install the positioning screws. All the movements were very smooth. skilled.

Yang Fan looked at the scene in front of him and said proudly: "Old Chen, your workers are skilled, and the radar antenna has been installed just like this."

Chen Shaohua smiled proudly.

Several workers were already busy. After turning the positioning screws, they screwed on and tightened the other mounting screws.

The technical difficulty of radar outfitting is lower than that of weapon outfitting, and the requirements are not so high.

The outfitting of weapons is different. After aligning the position and installing it, the position and angle must be fine-tuned. For example, the angle needs to be accurate to the second level.

After seeing the radar outfitting, under the leadership of Chen Shaohua, Yang Fan walked into the interior of the 052 ship and looked at the outfitting of each cabin.

America, thousands of miles away.

The Americans know the design, development and construction of our 052 ship, and also know that the LM2500 gas turbine is used in the 052 guided missile destroyer under construction.

They estimated that, based on my country's industrial base and technological strength, it will take at least ten years to build the first 052 ship, from the beginning of design to the formal delivery.

But the reality seemed to be faster than they expected. When the first 052 ship entered the berth for construction, they began to pay close attention to it, and gradually became a little restless.

The speed of construction of the slipway seems to be faster than they predicted.

Robert is one of the heads of an intelligence department of the US military. He has been paying attention to the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship.

Today, his subordinates sent another stack of materials.

Sitting on the office chair, he took these materials and looked at them. He looked at them with a solemn look on his face. These were all the latest materials about the 052 ship.

"The method used is obviously the general section construction method, rather than the tower construction method they were good at before."

"The construction speed is so fast. Judging from these satellite photos, this warship is almost ready to take shape, and it will definitely be launched next year."

"This is definitely not a good situation for us. We must find some way to restrict their construction speed."

Robert thought a lot in his mind, and then sorted out these materials, took them out, and prepared to report to his superior, a certain big boss of the US military.

Donghai Ship Design Institute.

As the assistant to the chief designer, just now, Yang Fan chaired a meeting to discuss and communicate on some issues in the design of the No. 2 ship.

Such meetings are held once a week, forming a weekly meeting system.

Attending the meeting were not only the heads of the design offices, but also some design backbones and design team leaders, etc. Everyone sat together, and Yang Fan needed to coordinate in terms of technology, progress, and quality.

Sometimes, the design of the No. 2 ship also involves related units outside, and Yang Fan also needs to communicate and coordinate with the other party.

The number of business trips is obviously more than before, and sometimes it is necessary to go to the relevant units in person, and there are a lot of problems that need to be coordinated.

Although a bit tired, Yang Fan never tires of it and feels very fulfilled.

Chief designer Pan Jinfu saw all of this, and thought more than once in his heart, Comrade Yang Fan is really good, hardworking, technically advanced, and capable of handling affairs.

It seems that I can really train him as a successor. When I retire, the design improvement and perfection of the 052 ship in the next few years can be completed by Comrade Yang Fan.

When the country wants to develop new warships in the future, Comrade Yang Fan can also take charge of the development alone.
If someone knew that Chief Master Pan thought so, he would definitely express his envy to Yang Fan.

Master Pan's successor!
A future leader!

In this case, Comrade Yang Fan's future development prospects are immeasurable, and he may grow into one of the most outstanding ship designers in the Republic.

However, even if Pan Jinfu had such a plan in his heart, he never mentioned it to anyone, because he knew that revealing this too early would be detrimental to Yang Fan's development.

After entering November, the weather has become a bit cold, especially in the morning and evening, but in Donghai Shipyard, it is full of heat.

The outfitting of the first ship has entered a critical stage.

It's just that as the warship gradually took shape, the construction work became more and more difficult.Narrow cabins, various types of equipment and pipelines squeezed the operating space to a minimum, which caused great difficulties for construction.

But the people in Donghai Shipyard were not intimidated by this, their enthusiasm was still high, and the space was small, so they just climbed in, crawling in like snakes.

Once inside, lay pipes in tight spaces, or crouch inside and weld.The outfitting speed of the first ship has not slowed down.

Wu Mingze, the welding king of Donghai Shipyard, has been soaking in the berth almost all the time, leading a group of welders to carry out the welding work in the cabin.

In a small cabin, he was welding himself.

The sound of electric welding came from inside, and the dazzling arc flashed from the cabin from time to time. Wu Mingze was welding seriously and attentively.

This is overhead welding.

Sparks from the welding fell down, onto his hard hat, onto his shoulders, onto his clothes and pants, and sometimes directly onto his neck.

When the high-temperature sparks came into contact with the bare skin, most people might be scalded and screamed, but he seemed to be used to it, and he was still welding there.

"Master, master, come out and take a break, it's my turn to weld."

His apprentice shouted loudly outside.They had an agreement in advance that everyone would take turns welding for half an hour, because it was very difficult to carry out overhead welding in a narrow cabin.

After not coming out for so long, his apprentice was very worried.

Wu Mingze's voice came from inside, "Wait a little longer, wait until I finish welding these welds."

This wait was actually ten minutes.

It was originally agreed to be half an hour, and he had been welding in this narrow cabin for four to five or 10 minutes before he stopped welding and got out from inside.

Seeing him coming out, his apprentice hurriedly asked with concern: "Master, are you okay, it's been almost five or ten minutes."

Wu Mingze said: "I'm fine. Compared to summer, I'm much more comfortable now. If it's a hot summer and I've been welding inside for so long, water will definitely pour out of my shoes."

That is true.

The weather is strong now, not as hot as summer, it is a good time to hurry up and work.

He reminded: "The space inside is relatively small, and there are many various pipelines and lines. You should pay more attention when welding."

He exhorted like this.

His apprentice said confidently: "Master, don't worry, I will pay attention."

After finishing speaking, he took the welding torch and got in. Not long after, the sound of electric welding sounded inside. Wu Mingze breathed a sigh of relief and could take a rest.

He thought in his heart that our warship is gradually taking shape, and maybe it will be launched in a few months.

Into the water!

Thinking about launching it, he couldn't help feeling a little excited. From the beginning of construction to now, he has paid so much and worked so hard, just looking forward to it being completed and launched.


Huang Keping, the commander-in-chief of the 052 ship, seemed a little worried. It could be seen from his face that he was worried. He just received a call.

This call is related to the IM2500 gas turbine.

We signed the first batch of contracts with General Electric to order eight LM2500 gas turbines. At present, we have completed the delivery of one prototype and two formal gas turbines. According to the contract, there are two more gas turbines, namely the third and fourth LM2500 gas turbines. It will arrive at Donghai Port before December 12 this year.

However, General Electric has not yet shipped the ship, and it is now November, and it may not be able to arrive at Donghai Port as scheduled.

If it is just one or two months later to arrive in Hong Kong, then it is not a big problem, after all, our No. 2 ship has not yet started construction.

What Huang Keping is worried about is that General Electric will break the contract. If they unilaterally tear up the contract and stop delivering LM2500 gas turbines to us, it will be troublesome.

Huang Keping, who was under great pressure, thought in his heart that when the contract was signed a few years ago, Comrade Yang Fan proposed to stop the supply of LM2500 gas turbines to prevent the Americans from reneging on the contract. Sex is great.

No, no!
Huang Keping thought in his heart, we must not let such a thing find out, we must work hard to get General Electric to ship the third and fourth gas turbines as soon as possible, and transport them to Donghai Port as soon as possible.

"Wait, rely, want" probably won't work.

After thinking about it, Huang Keping decided to send a team to General Electric as soon as possible to urge the other party to ship the two gas turbines.

Donghai Institute.

Yang Fangang presided over this week's technical coordination meeting, and coordinated and communicated with the design progress and technology of the No. 2 ship.

Just after the meeting, I went back to my office, and was about to take a look at some design drawings sent over, when the phone on the desk rang.

As soon as the phone was connected, Master Pan's voice came over, "Xiao Yang, come to my place."

"Okay, I'll come over."

Yang Fan didn't think much about it, because situations like this were too common, and General Master Pan would look for him two or three times a day, mainly about the design of the No. 2 ship.

But not this time.

There are two updates today, and the second update will be sent, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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