Military Heavy

Chapter 210 Weapon System Outfitting

Chapter 210 Weapon System Outfitting
"Master Pan, you are looking for me."

Pan Jinfu said: "Find a seat and sit down, there is something I want to talk to you about."

Yang Fan had a premonition that it was probably not related to the design of the No. 2 ship, but something else, and it seemed that the matter might be more important.

Straight to the point, Pan Jinfu said directly: "Our third and fourth gas turbines may not arrive as scheduled."

Yang Fan was shocked!
I was really taken aback, no one knew the seriousness of this matter better than Yang Fan, his face changed slightly, and he asked, "Do we know the specific reason?"

Pan Jinfu replied slowly: "The real reason is still under investigation. General Electric's answer is that there are too many orders, and the two gas turbines provided to us will take several months to complete."

Yang Fan didn't believe this reason.

As a world-renowned gas turbine manufacturing company with strong strength, no matter how many orders there are, it will definitely be busy.

It is not impossible to deliver according to the order requirements. Moreover, our order with General Electric has been signed several years ago, and they have already known the delivery date, so they can arrange production and manufacturing in advance.

Yang Fan said worriedly: "Don't mix political factors in it. If there are factors of the US military behind it, then things will be a big deal."

Pan Jinfu also had this concern, nodded his head and said: "The higher authorities also have this concern. It may be that the research and development and construction of our 052 ship are progressing smoothly, which has stimulated some people in the US military to deliberately instruct General Electric to delay our plan. gas turbine."

"Based on this consideration, in order to facilitate the delivery of General Electric as soon as possible, the headquarters has selected a three-person team, which will go to the United States in the near future, and urge them to deliver the third and fourth gas turbines as soon as possible."

"Commander Huang called me to communicate with me, and originally wanted to send you to go with me, but I considered that the first ship is about to start the outfitting of the weapon system and may face some technical problems, so I let you stay. "


Yang Fan nodded lightly, knowing that he really should not leave in the near future, not only the design of No. 02 ship has a lot of things to do, but also the outfitting of the weapon system of the first ship is about to start.

Weapon system outfitting is no different than other outfitting.

Its technical requirements are much higher, and all weapons and equipment are required to be installed in strict accordance with the technical requirements, and the process error is often in units of silk and seconds.

Such a strict process error is basically equivalent to zero error installation.

Back in his office, Yang Fan sat down and thought quietly, hoping that the third and fourth gas turbines would finally arrive.

It should be just some people in the US military secretly making a trip, and it is still possible to finally arrive.It is still a few years before the United States introduces a policy to restrict exports to China. If the United States introduces such a policy, the supply cutoff of gas turbines will be a foregone conclusion.

There is no such policy for the time being, it's just that some people are secretly playing tricks, and the third and fourth gas turbines should be able to arrive.

Of course, the ideal result is that after two or three years, the fifth and sixth gas turbines will also arrive. If you have six LM2500 gas turbines, you will be more proactive.If all eight gas turbines can arrive, that is the best result.

However, Yang Fan didn't dare to be extravagant and had such a good result. If he could get six sets, he would be thankful.

Donghai Shipyard.

The weapon system of the first ship is about to enter the outfitting. Before the formal outfitting, the chief builder Chen Shaohua presided over the meeting in person.

There are not only technical personnel, production management personnel, but also other related personnel, such as Zhang Shikai, chief of the armament department of Donghai Shipyard.

He is reporting to everyone, "Comrades, the weapons and equipment of each supporting factory are basically in place, including the main gun we need, and all the imported weapons and equipment are in place."

After listening to the report, Chen Shaohua personally ordered, "Starting tomorrow, we will start the formal outfitting of the weapon system."

Hearing this order, everyone was both excited and a little nervous.

Why are you nervous?

Because everyone knows that the outfitting requirements of the weapon system are very high, and the process error is required to be very small, almost zero error outfitting.

The process requirements are more stringent than the radar system outfitting.

In addition, all weapons and equipment must be aimed at a benchmark platform, which increases the difficulty of installation. Even though we know that there are not small technical difficulties, everyone is still excited.

Almost everyone knows that if the outfitting of the weapon system is successfully completed, the outfitting of the first ship will overcome the biggest difficulty, and the rest of the outfitting will only be a matter of time.

Chen Shaohua's eyes swept over everyone's faces one by one, and he felt the same in his heart. His mood was similar to everyone's, but he didn't show it on his face.

He waved his hand and said, "After the meeting is over, everyone can make relevant preparations. Here I also remind everyone that quality is the first priority, and you must not take it lightly."

After the meeting, everyone got busy.

The next day.

Today is a fine weather, a red sun rises from the east, and the sun shines on the berth. The 052 ship under outfitting has a layer of golden brilliance.

Some technicians are busy.

They were preparing for the outfitting of the weapon system. The supervisor technician, Jiang Liang, led two young technicians, and they were checking and measuring the inclination angle of the berth with a laser theodolite.

Now it's not just him, the two technicians next to him can skillfully operate a laser theodolite, and a few months ago, they didn't even know how to use it.

"Jiang Gong, did Director Yang really teach you the operation of the laser theodolite?"

Jiang Liang, who was operating the laser theodolite, stopped and said proudly: "Yes, Director Yang taught me, no, now we should call him Assistant Director Yang."

"Yes, yes, Chief Assistant."

The technician nodded quickly, and there was a bit of admiration in his expression. He had heard about Yang Fan's deeds and listened to a lecture given by Yang Fan. This young technician admired Yang Fan so much that he almost regarded Yang Fan as his idol. .

Talking about Yang Fan, Jiang Liang seemed to be in a good mood.

"After buying this theodolite, the operation buttons and the operating instructions are all in English. We are struggling to look up English words in the dictionary."

"Haha, how did I know that Mr. Yang is very powerful. He took the manual and looked at it casually, and then started to operate it proficiently. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it."

Great, great!

As expected of President Yang!

These two young technicians were overwhelmed with admiration, their eyes full of admiration.

With this laser theodolite, it has brought great convenience to the construction of the first ship. The weapon system is about to start outfitting, and it can be used to check and measure the inclination angle of the construction berth and the angle of the reference platform for weapon installation.

There are many kinds of construction slipways, including inclined slipways, horizontal slipways, semi-dock slipways, and shipbuilding docks.

The Donghai Shipyard built the 052 ship, using an inclined berth.

The so-called inclined slipway is exactly a slipway where the plane of the slipway is at a certain angle to the horizontal plane.It is also the most commonly used berth in shipyards, and the most common form.

Jiang Liang skillfully operated the laser theodolite, and after checking it, he said loudly: "The inclination angle of the ship's berth is 5 degrees 32 minutes, which meets the requirements."

Then, it began to measure the base plane of the warship's weapon installation, and recorded the measured inclination angle to prepare for the next outfitting of the weapon system.

Two days later.

The preparations for weapon outfitting are all completed, and the outfitting of each weapon can begin.

Early in the morning, Chen Shaohua, Xie Xinjian, Zheng Xianxue and others all went to the side of the slipway, and everyone will watch the hoisting of the first weapon and equipment with their own eyes.

The head of the armament department of Donghai Shipyard personally commanded the weapon equipment to be hoisted up slowly with rings and wire ropes hooked on it.

In everyone's eyes, it was hoisted onto the ship building, and after reaching a suitable position, it slowly fell towards the installation position.

After a little distance from the installation reference position, several workers began to adjust and measure. After there was no problem, it began to fall slowly.

The scene was relatively quiet, and no one spoke.

Chen Shaohua didn't say anything either, his eyes were fixed on this weapon equipment, he watched it fall slowly, and then aimed at the installation datum.

Finally, it landed firmly on the installation datum, aligned with the positioning hole, and a technician immediately took it to measure the relevant data.

Even if it has fallen steadily, no one dares to breathe a sigh of relief, because this is just the beginning, and it is not known whether it is qualified or not.

Sure enough, after taking some measurements, the technician shook his head slightly.

It does not meet the process requirements and there are installation deviations.

Therefore, the equipment was hoisted up again, adjusted again, and then slowly landed on the installation position for another measurement.

After going back and forth several times, the voice of the technician finally came, "The angle is qualified, and the installation size meets the technical requirements."

Immediately, many people let out a long sigh of relief.

Finally the installation was successful.

Chen Shaohua, whose expression was originally tense, also obviously lightened, and Xie Xinjian, who was next to him, applauded happily, and said loudly: "Okay, a good start, and it will be successful after a few back and forth."

Immediately, many people applauded desperately, congratulating the successful installation of the first weapon.

Due to the technical difficulty in installation and high technical requirements, the outfitting of the weapon system of Donghai Shipyard is not progressing fast. In December, they have only installed more than a dozen of the dozens of weapons and equipment.

Although the progress is a bit slower, the quality is still guaranteed. All the installed weapons and equipment meet the technical requirements.

Among so many weapons and equipment, what is the most difficult to install?

Almost everyone knows it.

There is no doubt that it is the main gun!

Today is the third update, and the first update is sent.Comrades who have votes, please vote for a few.

(End of this chapter)

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