Military Heavy

Chapter 211 This is a stumbling block

Chapter 211 This is a stumbling block
Knowing the difficulty of installation, Donghai Shipyard held a special meeting before installing the main gun.

The meeting was chaired by Zheng Xianxue, Minister of Engineering and Technology.

Chen Shaohua, Chief Constructor, Xie Xinjian, Deputy Chief Constructor, etc. all participated in this meeting. In addition, there were many technicians and management personnel.

Zheng Xianxue said: "Comrades, everyone knows the technical difficulty of installing the main gun. The interface of the main gun is very precise. To connect the main gun and the base, the error cannot exceed 0.2mm. Call it a challenge."

He introduced the difficulty of installing the main gun.

In addition to high technical requirements, there is another point, that is, the berth is inclined and has a certain angle, which undoubtedly increases the difficulty of installation.

As the berth tilts, the hull tilts accordingly.

If the hull is horizontal, the difficulty of installation is much less, but the hull is inclined, and the gun mount is also inclined, which means that you must lift the main gun at an angle, and then align and install it. If the main gun is not hoisted at an angle, It may cause the beginning part to go in, but the back part will be stuck.

Zheng Xianxue still has a few brushes technically. I saw him pick up chalk and draw a schematic sketch of hoisting on the prepared blackboard.

Draw the tilt angle of the main gun hoisting, and then indicate how to hoist it, how to connect the interface, and then control the error to a minimum.

After talking about this, Zheng Xianxue asked: "Everyone, do you understand how to carry out hoisting?"


"I understand."

Everyone nodded one after another, temporarily knowing how to carry out the inclined hoisting of the main gun.

Deputy Minister Li Chaolin even said: "For the inclined hoisting of the main gun, we designed and manufactured a special spreader. With this set of spreader for hoisting, the main gun can be tilted and the interface can be docked."

After speaking in this way, Li Chaolin suggested: "Mr. Chen, we have basically done all the preparations, and we can carry out hoisting today."

Zheng Xianxue showed hesitation.

Chen Shaohua asked, "Minister Zheng, what's your opinion?"

Zheng Xianxue said: "The last time the shafting of the power system was aligned, it reminded me that the installation of the main gun this time, I am worried that it will also be affected by the temperature."

Affected by temperature!
Immediately, some people showed solemn expressions, and they were also worried about this aspect like Zheng Xuexian.

In the last installation of the power system, the shafting deviation value was obviously within the technological range, but it was obviously affected by the temperature. As the temperature increased and decreased, the originally qualified shafting deviation value would become unqualified.

If it wasn't for Yang Fan, I don't know when the reason will be found out.

After learning the lesson from that time, Zheng Xianxue seemed more cautious.

Li Chaolin was much more courageous, and reminded: "It is winter now, the temperature difference does not change much, and the influence of temperature can basically be ignored."

"Yes, I think it is also possible to ignore the influence of temperature changes."

"I read the weather forecast. The lowest temperature today is 8 degrees, and the highest temperature is only 14 degrees. The temperature difference is only 6 degrees."


Many technicians have expressed this opinion, most of them think that the temperature change is small and will not affect the installation of the main gun.

Chen Shaohua is not technically involved, and he was a little uncertain in his heart. After looking at everyone, he said, "Then let's vote with a show of hands. Those who agree to install the main gun will raise their hands."

Immediately, almost more than half of the people raised their hands.

Chen Shaohua said again: "Those who advocate not installing the main gun for the time being, please raise your hand."

Including Zheng Xianxue, only a few people raised their hands.There are also some people who did not raise their hands twice, probably holding a wait-and-see attitude.

Seeing that most people advocate the installation of the main gun, Chen Shaohua said: "Then let's have a try and try to install the main gun."

He has an attitude of trying.

I said in my heart, what if the installation is successful, take a step back, if the installation fails, we will talk about it at that time, and it will not be too late to find a solution.

So, the matter was settled and the installation of the main gun was carried out.

Only Zheng Xianxue felt a little uneasy, still thinking about the influence of temperature when the power system was installed a few months ago.

Donghai Shipyard began installation of the main gun.

The preparations are quite sufficient. The main gun has been transported to the side of the berth and can be hoisted at any time. In addition, a special sling is specially designed and manufactured.

A large group of people also came to the slipway, including Chen Shaohua, Xie Xinjian, Zheng Xianxue, Li Chaolin, etc., as well as some supervisor technicians.

Hoisting begins.

Several workers hooked the hook of the special spreader on the lifting ring of the main gun, and in the eyes of everyone, slowly hoisted the main gun and moved it towards the bow.

On the bow deck, several workers were already there. When the main gun slowly fell and was only a little away from the installation benchmark, several workers made serious adjustments.

After some adjustments, the main gun landed firmly on the mounting base.

The technical quality personnel began to measure the installation size. According to the process requirements, the error should not exceed 0.2 mm.

Compared with such a large and heavy main gun, 0.2 mm is a very high requirement, which is also the main reason for the difficulty in installing the main gun.

Soon, the technician in charge of measuring the installation size smiled wryly and shook his head. The installation error reached 0.75 mm, which was unqualified.

Maybe everyone has no hope of a successful first-time installation. After knowing that it is unqualified, they are not discouraged and start the second hoisting again.

After some hard work and a lot of time, it was still unqualified, and the installation deviation exceeded the range of process requirements.

The third time, the fourth time, the fifth time.
Busy from morning to afternoon, and then the sun began to set.

Everyone can't remember how many times they have been hoisted, and so far, none of them have passed the test.Xie Xinjian was a little discouraged, and raised his hand to check the time, "Old Chen, I'm going to get off work soon, let's start hoisting tomorrow."

Chen Shaohua shook his head slowly.

To be honest, he was a little reconciled.

He has been busy for so long, spent so much effort, and tried to lift it at least a dozen times, but all failed. He wanted to try again.

So he said: "Try again, if it doesn't work, try hoisting again tomorrow."

try again!
After hearing the order, the workers and technicians began to operate again, and they seemed to be more cautious and careful, because everyone knew that this was the last chance for today, and if it still failed, they could only wait another day .

Time seems to pass slowly.

It feels like a long time has passed. After everyone’s hard work, the main gun was hoisted to the base again. After the workers screwed on the positioning screws, the technical quality personnel began to measure and check the installation dimensions.

After some inspection, everyone showed joy on their faces.

Actually installed successfully!
The size deviation is only 0.16 mm, which is completely within the process requirements.

It worked! ! !
In an instant, cheers broke out at the hoisting site. After working for almost a day, the main gun was finally installed successfully. Whether it was ordinary workers or technicians, they all shouted with joy.

Hearing such a cheerful voice, Chen Shaohua's heart lightened inexplicably. The main gun was actually hoisted successfully, which is considered a major event.

Among the outfitting of many weapons and equipment, the installation of the main gun is undoubtedly the most difficult, and it is known as the obstacle to the outfitting of weapons and equipment.

This stumbling block was actually removed.

The main gun installation is successful!
Zheng Xianxue looked at the main gun installed on the bow deck, and then at the cheering everyone. He felt unreal.

I kept saying in my heart, is this a success, is it really a success?

Li Chaolin next to him happily patted Zheng Xianxue on the shoulder, and said happily: "Old Zheng, do you see that our main gun has been installed successfully, haha, it's a success!"

Zheng Xianxue looked at the hoisted main gun, and at the joyful faces of everyone, and finally came back to his senses.

With the successful installation of the main gun, it seems to have given Donghai Shipyard a shot in the arm. Even at night, the building berth is brightly lit.

The outfitting workers, technicians, and construction managers are all full of energy, no matter how hard or tired they are, it doesn't seem to matter at all.

Donghai Ship Design Institute.

Not long after Yang Fan went to work, he sat in his office and thought to himself that the Donghai Shipyard is outfitting the weapon system. He heard that the installation of the main gun is going to start in the next few days, and he plans to go to the Donghai Shipyard today to have a look.

Of course, Yang Fan knows the technical difficulty of installing the main gun, and the installation error cannot exceed 0.2mm. Such a requirement is extremely high.

What problems will Donghai Factory encounter when installing the main gun?

Yang Fan is most worried about the impact of temperature changes on the installation of the main gun. He knows that the high-strength alloy steel used by the 052 ship is thinner than that of traditional warships. The change in temperature will affect the caliber of the main gun base. Before the main gun, it is necessary to continuously measure the caliber of the main gun base to explore the relationship between the change of the exit caliber and the change of temperature.

Just thinking about going to Donghai Shipyard to take a look later, the phone on the desk rang, and as soon as the phone got through, Chen Shaohua was very happy.

"Comrade Yang Fan, I have good news for you."


Feeling that Chief Constructor Chen was so happy, Yang Fan also became interested, "Tell me quickly, what is the good news."

Chen Shaohua laughed, "You may not have imagined that our main gun has been successfully installed. After almost a day of hard work yesterday, the hard work finally paid off. Our main gun has been installed."

The main gun was installed successfully.

Donghai Shipyard actually only took one day!

In Yang Fan's opinion, it will take at least a few days, and it will take at least two or three days to monitor the temperature in the front and measure the diameter of the installation base.


We must go to Donghai Shipyard now to see what is going on.

Yang Fan couldn't sit still, hung up the phone and hurried out of the office.

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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