Military Heavy

Chapter 213 There is still a window period

Chapter 213 There is still a window period

Feel everyone's eyes.

Yang Fan said in his heart, he dare not take advice.

With a humble look on his face, Yang Fan said to everyone: "It is basically certain that temperature changes have a great impact on the installation of the main gun. Let's find a conference room and I will talk to you slowly."

That's a good suggestion.

Chen Shaohua wanted to hear more about what they should do next. He waved his hand and said, "Then let's go to the Engineering Technology Department now, Minister Zheng, and you are responsible for informing the relevant personnel attending the meeting."

Certainly more than just a few people on the deck, relevant management personnel, relevant technical personnel, quality personnel, etc., must be notified in place.

The group got off the deck, and soon after, they entered the Engineering Technology Department. It took a while before the meeting started. In an office next to the meeting room, Chen Shaohua and Xie Xinjian accompanied Yang Fan to drink tea and chat.

In the words, the gratitude is very obvious.


Thanks to Yang Fan's suggestion, I measured the installation size of the main gun again.

Otherwise, do you really think that the installation is successful and a big event has been done?

During this period of waiting, the news spread invisibly, not only in the entire engineering technology department, but also in the ears of other construction managers and quality personnel.

The installation of the main gun failed!

It will be affected by temperature changes!

Yang Fan rushed over from Donghai Institute and pointed out this problem.

Great, really great!

Many people were chatting quietly about this matter, and everyone admired Yang Fan very much. Almost no one thought about this problem. Yang Fan thought about it, and re-measured the installation size to let everyone know the truth.

After about ten minutes, the meeting was held.

Chen Shaohua presided over it himself, looked at the people sitting, and said loudly: "First of all, we must thank Comrade Yang Fan, otherwise, the problem will be more serious, and there will be quality problems in our main gun installation."

As soon as the words fell!
There was thunderous applause in the conference room, and everyone applauded to thank Yang Fan, and the applause lasted for a long time.

Everyone's eyes were all focused on Yang Fan, either with excitement, admiration, or gratitude
Under so many gazes, Yang Fan was neither arrogant nor impetuous, and his face was relatively calm, as if this was an insignificant matter.

The warm applause didn't stop until Chen Shaohua raised his hand and pressed down when he felt that it was almost done.He continued to speak loudly: "There is a problem with the installation of our main gun, what to do next, please Comrade Yang Fan give us guidance."

Under everyone's enthusiastic gazes, Yang Fan stood up and said modestly: "I dare not be a guide, so I will give you some advice on what I think should be done for your reference."

"The first thing to do is to lift the main gun from the installation base, then measure the diameter of the base for 24 hours and record the relevant dimensions."

"The interface of our main gun is very precise. The error of docking the main gun and the base cannot exceed 0.2 mm, but the hull will change at different temperatures. The steel plate of the 052 ship is thinner than that of traditional warships. This change It's even more obvious."

"This change due to temperature will affect the diameter of the base. The installation must be carried out when the deformation of the inner diameter of the base is the smallest. I suggest that the inner diameter of the base be measured 24 hours a day, every hour, and always measure At least three days."

"Record the actual size when measuring, and record the time of measurement, such as measuring at zero point once, measuring again at 1 o'clock, then 2 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 4 o'clock...and so on."

"On the second day, we started measuring from 20:1, then 20:2, 20:3, 20:4, 20:20, and so on. On the third day, we staggered another 40 minutes, starting from [-]:[-] start."

"After three days, according to the measurement results, we will discuss the hoisting of the main gun, but one thing is that the hoisting of the main gun must be carried out when the inner diameter of the base changes the least."

The meeting room was very quiet.

Yang Fan spoke in a sonorous voice, and everyone listened carefully and recorded carefully, and many people recorded everything almost verbatim.

Some people also found that when Yang Fan was speaking, the discipline in the conference room was better than when Chief Construction Engineer Chen was speaking.

Yang Fan finished speaking.

This kind of silence was still maintained in the conference room until Chen Shaohua broke the silence. He deployed: "Do as Comrade Yang Fan said, we will remove the main gun, hang it from the installation base, and then arrange for people to measure it 24 hours a day. and record."

After a series of tasks are deployed, the meeting is over!

Soon, everyone got into work, and Yang Fan, accompanied by Chen Shaohua and others, went to the construction berth again, and returned to Donghai Institute after watching the main gun hoisting with his own eyes.

For the next three days, Donghai Shipyard strictly followed what Yang Fan said to measure the size. As the size of each time point was measured, the technical and quality personnel involved in the measurement became more and more admired by Yang Fan. .

"Look, it's exactly what Assistant President Yang said."

"Yeah, the size has really changed, and the change is not small."

"This is a high level. It can accurately predict the influence of temperature changes on the inner diameter of the base."


After understanding that temperature changes do have an impact on the installation size of the main gun, these technical and quality personnel did not dare to neglect in the slightest, carefully measured and recorded the size at each point in time.

Donghai Ship Design Institute.

After returning from Donghai Shipyard yesterday afternoon, Yang Fan did not plan to go to Donghai Shipyard for the next two days, because he knew that they would conduct detailed measurements according to his suggestion.

After reading a few design drawings of the No. 2 ship in his office, he went to each design room to see the progress of everyone's design. If someone asks a question, Yang Fan will patiently answer it, and often Very detailed and thorough.

Back in the office again, it was around ten o'clock in the morning.

Knowing that Commander Pan might be in the office, Yang Fan went over to chat with Pan Jinfu about the design of the No. 2 ship for a while, and after talking about the design issues.

Pan Jinfu asked with great interest, "Xiao Yang, I heard that you went to Donghai Shipyard yesterday and pointed out the problem with their main gun installation."

Yang Fan briefly explained the situation.

Master Pan nodded approvingly, "An hour ago, Lu Guodong from Donghai Shipyard specially called to express his gratitude to our Donghai Institute."

Hearing this, Yang Fan smiled happily.

Unexpectedly, even the top leaders of Donghai Shipyard specially called to express their thanks, and said modestly: "They are too polite. I just discovered this problem and pointed it out. The specific work is done by them Donghai Shipyard."

Pan Jinfu smiled happily, and thought in his heart, Xiao Yang is really good, as always, he is humble, he does not take credit, he is not proud, he is a very good young man.

Three days seemed to pass in a flash.

Chen Shaohua specially called and told Yang Fan that the three-day measurement had been completed and a detailed record had been formed, and invited Yang Fan to take a look.

Without further ado, Yang Fan drove to Donghai Shipyard.

Chen Shaohua had already made hot tea politely, and was already waiting there.

Seeing Yang Fan push the door and come in, he immediately looked happy, "You came here so soon, come, sit down and drink tea first."

After taking the brewed hot tea and sitting down, Yang Fan smiled and said, "I drove here by myself. The journey was smooth and we will arrive soon."

It is good to have a car, it is very convenient to go wherever you want!
This era is not useless, at least the traffic conditions are good. In a city as big as Donghai City, there are few traffic jams.

Chen Shaohua looked at Yang Fan enviously, and said in his heart, yes, Comrade Yang Fan has his own car, and that big imported JEEP is much better than my small car that has been driven for more than ten years.

After taking a sip of tea, the two chatted for a while. Yang Fan looked through the survey records of Donghai Shipyard. According to his suggestion, it was not bad at all.

The time of day, measured real values, etc., are clear and clear, and there are several pages in total.

After reading it, Yang Fan had a pretty good idea.

Chen Shaohua also asked, "How is it?"

Yang Fan put these pages of data on the coffee table, and said confidently: "From these measurement data, it can be seen that temperature changes have a relatively large impact on the inner diameter of the main gun base interface, and there are differences in the speed of daily changes. "

"The pattern is more obvious. The change is the slowest in the morning, becomes faster at noon and afternoon, and becomes faster at night."

Change can be fast or slow!

It's so complicated!

Chen Shaohua asked a little worried: "Then what should we do?"

Yang Fan said: "The hoisting of the main gun must be carried out in the morning. I think the change is the slowest from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] in the morning, which is most suitable for the hoisting of the main gun. After this time period, it must be stopped. If the hoisting is not qualified within the time, then you can only wait for the next day."

Only one hour of lifting time per day!

There is still a window period.

If you miss this time slot, you can only wait for the next day.

In addition to being surprised, Chen Shaohua also said in his heart that this time he has increased his knowledge, and there is still a window period, which must be completed within this hour in the morning.

At the same time, he was also worried.

Last time they hoisted the main gun, at least a dozen times before and after, constantly adjusting and trying, they were busy for almost a whole day, and it was not until almost evening that the hoisting was finally "successful".

Now there is only one hour of hoisting time.

If you miss this village, you can only wait for the next store, which means you have to wait until the next morning.

It took a long time for Chen Shaohua to accept this window period.He also knew that since Yang Fan said so, he could only complete the hoisting in this hour.

After thinking for a while, Chen Shaohua said: "We will immediately call a meeting with relevant personnel, Comrade Yang Fan, you also participate, and give us some guidance."

Hearing this, Yang Fan smiled dumbly.

I want to be a guide again!


Three more updates will continue today, and the first update will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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