Military Heavy

Chapter 214 15 Minutes Left

Chapter 214 15 Minutes Left
Chen Shaohua picked up the phone on his desk and immediately notified him.

Meeting in half an hour.

The meeting took place in a small conference room next to his office.

While waiting for the meeting, he drank tea with Yang Fan and chatted about the upcoming work, such as the hoisting of the main gun.

Gradually, he also talked about the outfitting work of the first ship. He told Yang Fan that if the hoisting of the main gun goes well and is completed within a few days, the entire outfitting work will basically not be affected. Around the next month, the first ship will be fully outfitted.

Complete outfitting!

Yang Fan was also slightly excited, knowing that after the completion of the outfitting, the construction of this 052 ship is coming to an end. After painting, it will be launched, and then a series of tests, including sea trials.

Recalling the design demonstration in 1983 to the present, it seems that everything is vivid, and our first ship is finally almost completed.

Half an hour seemed to pass by in no time.

Chen Shaohua raised his hand to check the time, stood up and said, "Comrade Yang Fan, the meeting should start, let's go."

The two entered the meeting room together.

At this time, all the people who participated in the meeting had arrived. There were about a dozen people. In addition to Xie Xinjian, Zheng Xianxue and Li Chaolin, there were also several backbone technicians, several production management personnel, and several quality personnel.

Chen Shaohua presided over the meeting in person, and said loudly: "Everyone has worked hard. After three days of hard work, the relevant data have been measured. As Comrade Yang Fan speculated, the inner diameter of the interface of the main gun installation base is affected by temperature changes. big."

After introducing the relevant situation, he said politely: "What to do next, we completely listen to Comrade Yang Fan, he is an expert in this field."


These two words, everyone here thinks that Yang Fan deserves it, only Yang Fan can be called a real expert.

Yang Fan smiled and said modestly: "I dare not be an expert. How can there be such a young expert."

There was a burst of good-natured laughter in the conference room.

Someone said: "Assistant President Yang, experts don't care about age, it's just based on their technical level."

"Yes, yes, your technical level is so high, you are an expert."

"This expert, you deserve it."

"With experts like Assistant General Manager Yang guiding us, we have full confidence in the installation of the main gun."


Everyone said this one after another, and the originally serious atmosphere suddenly relaxed a lot. Yang Fan also smiled, raised his hand and pressed down.

In an instant, the meeting room fell silent.

Everyone looked at Yang Fan seriously, and pricked up their ears. They opened their notebooks one after another, picked up pens and prepared to record, knowing that Yang Fan began to guide everyone on what to do next.

Looking around at everyone, Yang Fan said: "I looked at the measurement data, and the inner diameter of the main gun base interface is greatly affected by temperature changes, and the changes in each time period are different. The change is the slowest in the morning, and changes in the noon and afternoon. Hurry up, the changes accelerate again at night."

"This means that there is a window period for the installation of the main gun. In my opinion, the best time for hoisting is from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] in the morning. It must be successfully hoisted within this hour. If this time period passes, Then you can only start again at [-]:[-] the next morning."

There is still a window period for hoisting!
Just one hour a day.

Many people were sweating immediately, full of worry, and even thought that if they were unlucky, they might not be able to hoist successfully in ten days and a half months.

One hour is really too short!

Last time they lifted it, it took almost a day, but now it only takes an hour.

Yang Fan seemed to feel everyone's solemnity, smiled slightly, and then said jokingly: "The hoisting time is only one hour. As for how to hoist it, you are all experts, so I won't repeat it."

Immediately, everyone was amused by Yang Fan's witty smile, and the originally tense atmosphere became much more relaxed.

Next, Zheng Xianxue made specific arrangements, how to carry out hoisting, which technical essentials to pay attention to, which elite soldiers to arrange, and so on.

Thousands of miles away.

Led by Chen Zonghua, a director of the Shipping Corporation, a group of three arrived in the United States and arrived at General Motors, but the situation was not good.

General Electric Company only came forward to receive a supervisor, and no one with a slightly higher level showed up. Obviously, Chen Zonghua and others were left out in the cold.

Obviously, the other party knows the purpose of our sending people here.

The director of General Electric found various reasons and excuses. The third and fourth LM2500 gas turbines will definitely not be able to be shipped in the near future, at least three months later.

It took three months to start loading the ship, and it took another month to arrive at Donghai Port, which was at least four months slower than the arrival time required by the contract.

It means that these two gas turbines will arrive at Donghai Shipyard at least in April or May next year.

Chen Zonghua didn't dare to make a decision, so he made a phone call back to China to ask for instructions.

Huang Keping personally held an emergency meeting. After some discussions, the meeting decided to authorize Chen Zongyao and General Electric to sign a negotiation memorandum.

It is agreed that the two gas turbines will be shipped after three months. This is the last node and cannot be postponed any longer. General Electric must guarantee this node.

After making this decision, Huang Keping secretly rejoiced that the delivery date was fortunately brought forward. If the two gas turbines can arrive at Donghai Shipyard in April or May next year, it will not affect the construction of No. 2 ship.

Just, will they arrive on schedule?
This point, including Huang Keping, is not fully sure, and we can only hope that the goods will arrive at that time.

Early in the morning.

Yang Fan got up, ate breakfast at home, hugged the two-month-old boy, handed him over to the nanny, and then went out.

Instead of going to Donghai Shipyard, I drove directly to Donghai Shipyard.

Because today Donghai Shipyard will carry out the re-hoisting of the main gun, and according to Yang Fan's suggestion, it will officially start at [-]:[-] in the morning.

Before eight o'clock in the morning, Chen Shaohua, Xie Xinjian, Zheng Xianxue and others arrived at the construction slipway. As for the technicians, construction managers, and workers, they were earlier.

At this time, all preparations have been made, just waiting for the time to come.

Chen Shaohua looked at the time, it was already past eight o'clock, and the hoisting would be ready in ten minutes. At this moment, he was full of hope, but also a little nervous.

It wasn't just Chen Shaohua who was full of tension, the others were similar.

Seeing that the official hoisting time was only ten minutes away, Xie Xinjian took a deep breath, "Old Chen, to be honest, I'm really worried."

Chen Shaohua comforted: "It's okay. If we don't succeed today, we still have tomorrow. If we don't succeed tomorrow, we will try again the day after tomorrow until we succeed."

Seeing this, Xie Xinjian felt a little less worried and nervous.

One hour window period.

The time is indeed too short.

Zheng Xianxue told the technicians and workers that they should move as fast as possible while ensuring safety and quality. It would be best to lift several times within an hour.

The more lifts you do, the greater your chances of success.

An off-road vehicle drove over quickly and stopped in an open space not far away. Except for a few people such as Chen Shaohua, most people did not recognize this vehicle.

Such a car immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Wow, what kind of car is this, it looks very advanced."

"Then who is here?"


Under everyone's amazed eyes, Yang Fan got out of the car, and many people almost exclaimed.

"It's Assistant President Yang!"

"My God, Assistant President Yang actually drives such a nice car."

"Tsk tsk, that's awesome!"

Everyone's exclamation drifted into the ears, and Yang Fan just smiled slightly. This kind of situation has happened too often.In 1988, driving such a car often caused a lot of noise wherever it went.

"He's here so soon." Chen Shaohua took two steps forward, happily holding Yang Fan's hand.

Yang Fan smiled and said, "I came here directly and didn't go inside."

So that's the case.

The others also stepped forward and exchanged polite greetings with Yang Fan, all of them seemed very happy.

Many people felt that they were a little nervous and worried, but with Yang Fan's arrival, this feeling seemed to be much lighter.

Yang Fan seems to have suddenly become the backbone of everyone.

Ten minutes passed in a flash.

Chen Shaohua looked at the time, waved his hands loudly and said: "It's time, hoist, hoist!"

Everyone gets busy.

The workers hung the hook on the ring of the main gun, then slowly lifted it up, lowered it against the installation base, aligned it with the installation interface, and slowly fell, slowly falling.
Everything seemed very cautious, very careful.

After some adjustments, the main gun landed on the installation base, and finally, many people breathed a long sigh of relief.

Under the command of the technicians, several workers began to install the positioning screws and tighten a few necessary bolts. When it felt almost done, someone shouted loudly.

"Okay, how about measuring the installation error!"

Immediately, quality inspectors measured the size, and after a while, the result came out, which was unqualified and did not meet the technical requirements of the installation.

It seems to be expected by everyone.

If the hoisting is successful for the first time, then good luck.

"Hurry up and carry out the second hoisting as soon as possible."

These workers cooperated skillfully, and soon started the second hoisting, but after a lot of work, they found that they were still unqualified.

the third time.
the fourth time.
As the time passed minute by minute, there was an invisible tension in the air, and there is not much time left for everyone today.

Chen Shaohua looked at the time, and a trace of anxiety gradually appeared on his face.

Yang Fan also looked at the time and said in his heart, there is still 15 minutes to go, at most one hoisting can be done, I don't know if today's final hoisting will be successful.


The third update will continue today, and the second update will be sent.

(End of this chapter)

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