Military Heavy

Chapter 215

Chapter 215
Everyone is watching the time.

Xie Xinjian even reminded: "Old Chen, there are only 15 minutes left. It seems that there is not much hope for today."

Chen Shaohua was unwilling to give up, he looked at Yang Fan.

Yang Fan decided: "There are still 15 minutes to do the last hoisting!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand and said, "Minister Zheng, you are a technical expert, and you are an expert in hoisting, so you can direct it yourself."

Zheng Xianxue nodded, boarded the ship, and stood on the berth deck, only two or three meters away from the installation position of the main gun.

He directs himself.

"Fall, drop, stop!"

When the main gun was only about ten centimeters away from the installation base, Zheng Xianxue stopped the crane, and then directed several workers to adjust the position of the main gun, such as the angle, to align with the installation interface. , and then raised his hand to signal.

The main cannon slowly let it fall again.
Chen Shaohua, Yang Fan, Xie Xinjian, etc. did not board the ship, but stood not far from the construction slipway, just in time to see the hoisting of the main gun.

Xie Xinjian said slowly: "This time, I wonder if it will succeed?"

Yang Fan and Chen Shaohua didn't speak, neither of them was sure, they were all concerned, hoping that this time it would be successful, but they were also prepared to do the hoisting tomorrow if it failed.

The main gun finally landed firmly on the installation base, and several workers untied the lifting hooks and began to get busy.

First of all, it is still the positioning bolts. Install several positioning bolts first, and then the other main mounting bolts.

After these screws were tightened and installed, several technicians began to measure the installation size with measuring tools, and the whole site fell silent instantly, and everyone's eyes were all focused on the few measuring technicians.

Even the workers who operate the crane are different, watching carefully and waiting for the result.

After a few minutes.

One of the technicians in charge felt relieved, and shouted excitedly: "The installation size is qualified and the process requirements are met. Our main gun has been successfully installed."

The installation was successful!
The surprise came so suddenly! ! !

It never occurred to me that with such good luck, today's last hoisting was successful and fully met the technical requirements.

Immediately, appalling cheers erupted from the scene!

Seeing the people cheering on the deck and hearing the shouts in his ears, Yang Fan felt relieved, and his expression was full of joy, "Old Chen, it seems that the installation was successful."

Chen Shaohua loosened his tightly clenched fists, his expression eased, he let out a long sigh of relief, and thought in his heart, we succeeded, we succeeded!
What about Xie Xinjian?

He had rushed onto the deck like an arrow, and there was a deputy chief builder, exactly like those young technicians, cheering there.

It worked!
The main gun is installed successfully!

The news spread like a gust of wind throughout the entire construction berth, and then almost throughout the Donghai Shipyard. Hearing the good news, Lu Guodong put down his work and came quickly.

Feeling the warm atmosphere at the scene, he looked at the main cannon again, and said loudly: "Old Chen, is our main cannon really installed successfully?"

Chen Shaohua smiled and replied: "The installation is successful, and the error is completely within the technical range. For all this, we thank Comrade Yang Fan."

Oh yes!

Yang Fan contributed a lot!

Many people focused on Yang Fan, especially those young technicians, who almost regarded Yang Fan as an idol and thought about it.

Great, Assistant Manager Yang is great!

Not only pointed out the problems we had with installing this main gun before, but also proposed solutions.

Feeling a lot of enthusiastic eyes, Yang Fan just smiled slightly, his face was still relatively calm, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Lu Guodong held Yang Fan's hand tightly, and said on behalf of the entire Donghai Shipyard: "Comrade Yang Fan, you have helped me solve another big problem. Our main gun has been successfully installed, and the biggest obstacle in the outfitting of the weapon system has been removed. Moved."

Still humble.

Yang Fan said relaxedly: "Director Lu is polite, I just made a suggestion, and it is the result of everyone's hard work in the end."

Not taking credit.

Not proud.

Lu Guodong looked at Yang Fan in admiration, and thought in his heart, the young man is really good, capable, capable of being a man, a very rare talent.

What a pity, what a pity!Not our people.

We can only envy Donghai Shipyard, they have such an outstanding talent, it would be great if Comrade Yang Fan is from our Donghai Shipyard.

The main gun of Donghai Shipyard was successfully installed, and the subsequent outfitting of the weapon system has been relatively smooth, and the installation of other weapons and equipment has begun one after another.

Yang Fan occasionally goes to the Donghai Factory to see the 052 ship which has entered the critical stage of outfitting, watching it take shape little by little, and complete the outfitting little by little.

This feeling seems to be good.

Of course, the main focus is still on the design of the No. 2 ship. Now is the critical stage of the design of the No. 2 ship. Yang Fan is also concerned about some domestic weapons and equipment.

When he was fine, Yang Fan was also thinking, after the No. 2 ship, in a few years, two or three years, or three or five years, will the headquarters decide to launch the development of 052B?

Yang Fan knows that the first two 052 guided missile destroyers can only be regarded as verification or experimental types. Compared with foreign advanced guided missile destroyers, there is still a big gap in terms of technical and tactical indicators.

Starting from Type 052B, it can be regarded as a practical large-scale ocean-going destroyer.

While thinking about the future 052 ship, the phone on the desk rang, and Chief Master Pan's voice came over, "Xiao Yang, come here."

The two offices are only separated by a wall, which is very convenient for work. Yang Fan quickly opened the door and entered Pan Jinfu's office.

"Master Pan, you are looking for me."

Pan Jinfu nodded, and said straight to the point: "The development of the 857 naval gun is basically completed, and the first expert review and acceptance will be held soon. We have decided to send you to participate. How about it?"

857 naval guns!

Of course, Yang Fan is very familiar with it. This is the 052-tube 7mm close-in anti-aircraft gun on the 30 ship. The project was approved in July 1985, so everyone calls it the 7 naval gun. It was developed by a certain weapons research institute in the north.

It is the predecessor of the famous Type 730 30mm anti-aircraft gun.

Participating in the expert review and acceptance of such a close-in defense gun, Yang Fan was slightly excited, never expecting such an opportunity.

This should have been attended by the deputy chief designer of the 052 ship, or Pan Jinfu, the chief designer.

Pan Jinfu explained: "Originally I planned to attend, but it just so happens that there will be an important meeting in the capital the day after tomorrow. It is the same for you to attend on behalf of us."

That's right, Yang Fan is now an assistant to the chief designer, and he is fully qualified.

"Okay, I'll get ready right away."

Pan Jinfu said: "You are leaving tomorrow, the weather in the north is cold, put on more clothes, don't catch a cold."

Yang Fan felt warm in his heart.

Master Pan did not explain technical matters, but cared about his own well-being, just like an elder.

The next day.

Yang Fan is ready to leave. The train at 10:30 in the morning will arrive at a certain weapons and equipment research institute in the north in the afternoon of the next day. It will take nearly 30 hours by train.

At this time, the speed of the train has not been increased. If it is now, it only takes about 20 hours to get there from Donghai City by ordinary train. If it is by high-speed train, it will be faster.

The train tickets were booked in the name of Donghai Institute by the comrades in charge. There are three sleeper tickets. Donghai Institute has a relationship with the railway department. Even if train tickets are in short supply, tickets can basically be booked on the same day.

Yang Fan is not alone on this business trip.

The 857 naval gun will be equipped on the 052 ship in the future. Luo Liuchu, deputy director of the Weapon System Design Office of the Donghai Institute, and Zhang Xiaodong, deputy director of the Combat System Design Office, will go with Yang Fan.

Zhang Xiaodong used to be the design team leader of the combat system design room. He has always performed well and is willing to study hard. Coupled with Yang Fan's occasional "guidance", his professional technical level has improved rapidly, and he should now be regarded as an expert in domestic combat system design.

This year, he took a step forward and was promoted to deputy director of combat systems design.The weapon system and the combat system are closely related. Many weapons and equipment are commanded and controlled through the combat system, and the 857 naval gun is the same.

After breakfast, Yang Fan was ready to set off.

The things are ready. There is a large suitcase with clothes, socks, toiletries and other things in it. Jiang Yan helped organize it.

Now she is completely a good wife and mother, very virtuous, takes care of her husband and children at home, and reads books on accounting in her spare time.

Plus there's something to eat.

Li Xiuzhen helped prepare it. There were three aluminum lunch boxes in total, and each lunch box was full of braised beef, braised chicken legs, and braised pig ears.

In her words, the things on the train are cheap and expensive, and the things you bring yourself are better.

Instant noodles, mineral water, etc. are not popular now, and many passengers bring their own food and water bottles.

Yang Fan hugged his two-month-old son, kissed him, and waved goodbye to his family. This business trip may take several days.

Go to the East China Sea first.

When they walked into the unit with their suitcases, some people greeted Yang Fan.

"This is a business trip."

"Assistant President Yang, where are you going?"

Facing everyone's concerned inquiries, Yang Fan smiled and answered one or two sentences.Seeing the big military green jeep parked in front of the office building, he walked over.

Wang Wei from the trolley class drove everyone to the train station.

Seeing Yang Fan coming, Wang Wei got off the car immediately, enthusiastically took Yang Fan's things, and put them on the car, very diligently.

After a while, Zhang Xiaodong and Luo Liuchu came almost at the same time with their luggage.

Seeing the military coats they were wearing, and then looking at his own down jacket, Yang Fan was happy and thought, should I also wear military coats.

This kind of military overcoat was issued by the East China Sea. It was one of the benefits. It was the same style as the officers and soldiers of the army, except that there were no epaulettes. It was thick and warm.

The weather in the north is cold. At this time, it is probably freezing. Zhang Xiaodong and the others both wore this military coat to keep warm.


Today continues three more, and the third is over.

(End of this chapter)

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