Military Heavy

Chapter 216 Frightened by a piece of clothing

Chapter 216
The two also saw Yang Fan.

After putting away their luggage and getting on the bus, they greeted Yang Fan one after another. After chatting casually for a few words, the car started and headed for Donghai Railway Station.

Before the car left the East China Sea Office, Luo Liuchu noticed that the down jacket Yang Fan was wearing seemed to be very nice, and couldn't help saying: "Assistant President Yang, your down jacket looks very fit and high-grade, isn't it cheap?"

Yang Fan smiled, "If I knew you were wearing military overcoats, I would wear military overcoats too."

Did not say this down jacket.

Yang Fan keeps a low profile.

In fact, this down jacket is not simple. It was specially bought for Yang Fan in the United States when Yang Fang went to the United States to inspect a chain supermarket.

The value is so high that it is unimaginable for ordinary people in China. It is estimated that ordinary people cannot afford this down jacket with three to five years of salary.

The down jacket of this brand called "DOBIS" is known as the LV of down jackets. It is filled with top-grade goose down, which has excellent thermal insulation performance, windproof, rainproof, and waterproof effects.

Yang Fan was a bit afraid to wear it at first, but after trying to wear it twice, he found that it was fine, and no one else knew this brand at all.

I will wear it on this business trip, because considering the cold weather in the north, I don’t need to be afraid if I have it, it is not only light but also warm.

Faced with Luo Liuchu's curiosity, Yang Fan certainly wouldn't tell the truth. If he really said that the dress cost more than 1000 US dollars, it would probably scare many people.

Yang Fan changed the subject and talked about the 857 close-in anti-aircraft gun. Sure enough, Luo Liuchu didn't ask about the down jacket at all, but chatted about this naval gun with great interest.

Luo Liuchu said: "I have been to their research institute several times, and I was responsible for several technical exchanges and docking with them in the institute before. I still know a lot about the 857 naval gun."

Yang Fan smiled and said: "Although I have had technical contact with them twice, I have never been to this research institute. You are familiar with the situation there, so I can rest assured."

Zhang Xiaodong also joined in, and the three of them chatted relaxedly, while Wang Wei mainly concentrated on driving, only occasionally interjecting for a few words.

At about 09:30 in the morning, the car arrived at Donghai Railway Station.

Wang Wei took the initiative and helped Yang Fan get his luggage out of the car, and said, "Assistant Yang, when will you come back, I will come to pick you up in advance."

Zhang Xiaodong and Luo Liuchu looked at Yang Fan in surprise, almost thinking in their hearts, it's really a face, Wang Wei offered to pick him up.

Yang Fan said: "I don't know the exact time yet. It will probably take several days. I will call your car class again at that time, but it will be hard for you again."

"It's not hard, it's not hard." Wang Wei smiled.

He took the initiative to help Yang Fan carry the luggage and sent it to the station. Yang Fan took the luggage and thanked him: "Thank you, go back and drive slowly."


After watching Yang Fan and the other three enter the train station, Wang Weicai turned and went back.

Entering the train station, seeing the excitement in the waiting hall, Yang Fan thought to himself, this is the Donghai Railway Station in the late 80s.

In the 21st century, Donghai Railway Station is certainly not like this. It is full of modern atmosphere. Now, it is completely different.

Most of the passengers also wore black, blue, and gray clothes, and some carried woven bags, and some carried their luggage with a stick or pole, and the air was filled with various smells.

Yang Fan didn't dislike it at all. On the contrary, he found it very interesting. After more than ten years, such scenes will gradually disappear.

The three found a seat and sat down. After waiting for about three to four ten minutes, they began to check the tickets and board the train. Donghai Railway Station was the departure station, and there were many people boarding the train.

Yang Fan said calmly, "No rush, we'll get on the bus later."

Crowds are crowded, you squeeze each other, there is no need to join in the fun.Of course, Zhang Xiaodong and Luo Liuchu took Yang Fan's opinion as the main point.

After waiting for about seven or eight minutes, fewer people got on the bus. Yang Fan waved his hand and said, "It's almost there. Let's get on the bus too."

Yang Fan walked in front, Zhang Xiaodong and Luo Liuchu followed, the three of them relaxed and unhurried.It was completely different from the crowded scene just now.

After getting on the sleeper car, finding his own place, and putting away his luggage, Yang Fan took off his down jacket and hung it on the hook next to the window.

Yang Fan and Zhang Xiaodong are on the lower berth, and Luo Liuchu is on the upper berth. The three of them share the same position, and they are all soft berths.Luo Liuchu closed the door of the soft sleeper box.

Satisfied: "It's much warmer in the car."

While talking, he took off the general's coat and put it on his bed, revealing the handmade sweater he was wearing underneath, probably knitted by his lover.

In the 80s, most people's sweaters were hand-knitted.Zhang Xiaodong also took off his military coat, revealing the hand-knitted sweater inside.

Seeing Yang Fan's sweater, both of them were slightly surprised.

Luo Liuchu said: "Your sweater looks like a woolen sweater. I saw it in Hongtai Supermarket. It cost more than 40 yuan. I'm not willing to buy it."

Yang Fan smiled happily.

There are not many people who take sleeper berths, and even fewer people take soft sleepers. Yang Fan roughly noticed that only about half of the people take the ride, and maybe some people will come up halfway.

During the nearly 30-hour journey, there was no TV, mobile phone, etc. After chatting for a while, the three of them lay in bed reading newspapers, magazines and books to pass the time.

At noon, Yang Fan treated guests, ordered three lunch boxes, and brought out the stewed beef and other things, which made Zhang Xiaodong and Luo Liuchu very happy.

"Wow, so rich!"

"It's good to go on a business trip with Assistant President Yang, and I have something to say."

Seeing that the two of them were so happy, Yang Fan was also happy, "Such a little stuff is enough for you, after you get off the car, I will treat you to a big meal."


The two happily replied, picked up the chopsticks, and they were not polite.Although the boxed lunch on the train was not oily, and the taste was not flattering, but the rice was okay, and with the few hard dishes Yang Fan brought, it was very good.

After eating, Yang Fan took a nap for more than an hour.

In the afternoon, around four o'clock, a young man came up.He gently pushed open the door of the box, looked at it with his head, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, he put the luggage away and put the things he carried with him on the upper berth.

In this way, all four berths are full.

The young man is about 26 or [-] years old, about the same age as Yang Fan. I don't know if it's because of the same age or because of his extroverted personality. He first talked with Yang Fan.

He was not polite, sitting on Yang Fan's lower bunk, and introduced himself: "My name is Hu Jun, nice to meet you."

Yang Fan also said, "My name is Yang Fan."

Soon, the young man became acquainted with the three of them, talking about everything, chatting all over the place, very chatty.It can be seen that Hu Jun is very fashionable. In the words of the 21st century, he should be a fashionista.

He didn't wear a cotton coat like others, but a fashionable down jacket. After taking off the down jacket, he said, "It's really warm inside this car."

There is also a woolen sweater inside, which looks very fashionable.

He took off the down jacket, patted it in front of the three of them, as if there was dust on it, then carefully folded it, put it on his upper berth, and continued to sit on Yang Fan's lower berth.

There is a bit of showing off in it.

This is the most expensive piece of clothing that Hu Jun has ever worn in his life, and he is a young man, so it seems normal to show it off.

Luo Liuchu said, "Xiao Hu, this down jacket of yours is also good, just like Comrade Yang Fan's."

He didn't call Yang Fan "Assistant Yang", he probably didn't want to call him that in front of outsiders, because Yang Fan looked too young after all.

Pointing to the down jacket hanging by the car window, he said, "Is that down jacket yours?"

Hu Jun was very surprised, because not many people wear down jackets, most of them are cotton-padded jackets, and many people are proud of wearing military coats.

His down jacket is also good. Last year, he was lucky enough to go to the United States with his leader and bought this jacket. It cost more than 100 US dollars, which made him very sad.

But after buying it and putting it on, many colleagues envied him very much, and he also felt that it was very face-saving, and felt that the more than 100 dollars was worth it.

In that supermarket, he saw a lot of high-end down jackets, ranging from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars. One of the down jackets actually cost more than 800 dollars, which opened his eyes.

and many more
When his gaze fell on Yang Fan's down jacket, he was suddenly taken aback, feeling a familiar feeling, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

my God!

Hu Jun was taken aback, the adrenaline soared directly, his heartbeat immediately accelerated, his eyes fell on it and he couldn't move away, as if he was firmly attracted.

The down jacket in front of him seemed to be exactly the same as the $800 men's down jacket he saw in that American supermarket.

Yes, exactly the same.

Hu Jun finally looked away from the down jacket, and looked at Yang Fan in shock. He really couldn't connect Yang Fan, who was calm and calm in front of him, with this down jacket.

Long time, long time.

Hu Jun pinched himself secretly, and said in his heart, I must be delusional, definitely delusional, how could anyone in China be able to afford such a down jacket.

Absolutely impossible!

More than one thousand and eight hundred dollars!
Hu Jun said this in his heart, even if he was killed, he would not believe that anyone in China would wear such a down jacket, but suddenly, his eyes became straight again.

Because I can clearly see the trademark of this dress and the LOG on it.

She was dazed, as if someone had hit an acupuncture point.

Zhang Xiaodong next to him noticed the abnormality, patted Hu Jun on the shoulder lightly, and asked with concern: "What's the matter, are you okay?"

I, I, I.
"I" for a long time, Hu Jun did not say a second word.

This down jacket shocked him too much, and he kept thinking in his mind that it cost more than 800 US dollars.

More than one thousand and eight hundred dollars! ! !


Today I will continue with [-] words, and the first [-] words will be sent.

(End of this chapter)

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