Military Heavy

Chapter 217 Metal Storm

Chapter 217 Metal Storm
Luo Liuchu also noticed something was wrong, and asked, "Are you okay, what's wrong?"

Hu Jun did not answer.

He looked at the down jacket, trying to control the agitation in his heart, and said to Yang Fan with difficulty: "You can show me that jacket."

He wanted to confirm, because seeing someone wearing such an expensive down jacket in China was really unacceptable, and he would rather believe that he was wrong.

Yang Fan smiled, knowing that someone finally recognized his dress.

This made Yang Fan a little surprised. In this era of underdeveloped information, there are actually people who know it.

He waved his hand and said, "Don't look at it, it's just a piece of clothing, what's there to see."

It has always been Yang Fan's principle not to show off or show off.

But Hu Jun didn't want to give up, "Show me a look, I just want to make sure it's the brand 'DOBIS'."

After speaking, regardless of whether Yang Fan agreed or disagreed, he got up and brought the dress over. After looking at it, his face flushed and his hands trembled.

Oh my God!

Really "DOBIS" down jacket!
One piece costs more than 800!
With such a big reaction, Zhang Xiaodong and Luo Liuchu certainly guessed something, and they almost asked in unison: "Why, what's so special about this dress?"

Hu Jun hadn't fully recovered from the extreme shock, and murmured to himself: "DOBIS down jackets cost more than 800 US dollars a piece."

Luo Liuchu asked: "What down jacket, what is more than 800 dollars!"

Zhang Xiaodong also asked, "What are you talking about? Why can't we understand?"

Hu Jun took a deep breath, tried to calm down a little, and then said: "Don't you know that this down jacket is unusual?"

It's just a piece of clothing, what's the difference?

Luo Liuchu said: "This is a down jacket. Although it is a bit expensive, it is not outrageous. The price in Donghai City is only 80 to 100 yuan, and the expensive one is only more than [-] yuan."

Ha ha
80 yuan?

Hu Jun shook his head with a wry smile, and then said: "This is a down jacket that can only be bought abroad. There is no such brand in China. Guess how much such a piece of clothing costs?"

Zhang Xiaodong and Luo Liuchu looked at Hu Jun.

"Do you want two or three hundred yuan?"

Ha ha
Two, 300 yuan?Hu Jun laughed again, and broke the news: "I went on a business trip to the United States last year. I saw a down jacket exactly like this one in a local supermarket. The price was more than 800."

More than 800? ? ?

my God!

Whether it was Luo Liuchu or Zhang Xiaodong, they were all stunned. This completely overturned their perception that there are still such expensive clothes in the world.

More than one thousand and eight hundred.

The two thought in their hearts almost at the same time, even if they don't eat or drink, they can't afford such a piece of clothing with a year's salary.

Mr. Yang's assistant Niu Cha!

Quietly, wearing such expensive clothes.

It doesn't matter if the clothes are expensive, but he never shows off, never shows off.

After a long while, Zhang Xiaodong tentatively asked: "This dress really costs more than 800 yuan, which is too expensive!"

Hu Jun said: "I'm talking about more than 800 US dollars, not more than 800 RMB."

In an instant, Zhang Xiaodong and Luo Liuchu were even more shocked, their eyes widened. They thought it was 800 RMB.

It turned out to be more than 800 US dollars!

U.S. dollars!
Zhang Xiaodong and Yang Fan have a good relationship. After being shocked, he also asked, "Do you really want so much money?"

Yang Fan smiled, his eyes were calm, and he didn't show off at all, "Maybe, I don't know the exact price, my sister bought it for me when she went abroad."

Yang Fan's sister.

Yang Fang, the owner of Hongtai Supermarket!

Whether it's Zhang Xiaodong or Luo Liuchu, they both know who Yang Fan's sister is. This is almost an open secret in Donghai.

Hongtai Supermarket is also relatively well-known in Donghai City. There are more than a dozen large supermarkets in Donghai City alone, and there are also branches in surrounding cities.

No wonder!
Then this dress may really cost more than $800.

Both of them knew that Yang Fang bought a JEEP off-road vehicle for Yang Fan to drive, so such a piece of clothing was a sky-high price in the eyes of others, but if Yang Fang bought it, it would be normal.

It's great to have such a sister!

Zhang Xiaodong looked at Yang Fan enviously, and Luo Liuchu was basically the same.

Hu Jun looked at the three of them, but he didn't fully understand. He only heard that this down jacket seemed to be bought by Yang Fan's sister abroad.

He is very curious, who is Yang Fan's sister and what is her identity, and she can buy a down jacket worth more than 800 US dollars.

But he and Yang Fan just met by chance, and he was ashamed to inquire deeply if they didn't tell him.

The shock in my heart didn't subside for a long time, and I couldn't bear it, so I could only climb onto the upper bunk and lie there alone, digesting what happened just now.

The next afternoon.

Yang Fan and the other three began to pack their luggage, they will soon arrive at their destination and get off the car.

When Wei Wei was in an accident, he basically lay on the upper bunk all the time, and only occasionally came down to sit and walk Hu Jun, he also started to pack his luggage.

"Are you going to get off at this stop too?"

Hu Jun nodded, "So we got off at the same stop."

They all laughed. They spent nearly a day together and talked about a lot of topics, but they didn't go deep, and they didn't ask where they got off the bus.

We've arrived at the station, get off.

Holding his suitcase, Yang Fan walked in the front, waved away from Hu Jun, followed by Zhang Xiaodong and Luo Liuchu, and the three left the station together.

"Look, the man who picked us up."

Luo Liuchu had sharp eyes and saw the person holding a sign to greet him. It was a middle-aged man with a young man beside him.


Yang Fan waved his hand, went over to exchange some polite greetings with the other party, and then the three of them got into the car.Before coming, Yang Fan contacted the other party and told him which train the three of them took.

Because he was an expert who came to participate in the 857 naval gun review, the other party was very enthusiastic and enthusiastic. He not only arranged people and cars to meet him at the train station, but also arranged a single room.

Each of them has a single room, and the three of Yang Fan lived in their guest house. The environment is acceptable. Compared with the freezing weather outside, the heating inside the room is sufficient and very warm.

The next day.

The Weapons Research Institute began to organize the expert review of the 857 close-in defense gun. Yang Fan was an expert participating in the review. Although Zhang Xiaodong and Luo Liuchu were not included in the review expert group, they also represented the design unit of the Donghai Institute and will attend the review meeting.

Before the review meeting, everyone participated in the first prototype of the 857 close-in anti-aircraft gun.

In front of this initial prototype, Su Hai, the chief designer of the 857 close-in anti-aircraft gun, introduced their research and development results with pride in his tone.

This is the second generation close-in defense gun.

Due to the weak technical force base, the small-caliber naval gun technology of the Chinese navy has always lagged behind the world's advanced level. The main ships such as the 051 destroyer and the 053 frigate, as well as a large number of missile boats and escort boats, can only use Type 61 25mm double-mounted anti-aircraft guns. , mainly with dual 57mm naval guns and dual 37mm naval guns.

This naval gun is comparable to the level of the Second World War.

At the end of the 70s, my country developed the Type 76A 37mm double-mounted automatic anti-aircraft artillery, which adopted a fully enclosed structure and could use the 342 gun sight radar to strike aircraft or missile targets within a distance of 3000 meters, becoming the standard shipborne near-anti-aircraft gun at that time.

This is the first generation of close-in defense guns, but compared with the multi-barreled Gatling close-in defense guns commonly equipped in countries around the world at the same time, its technical performance has fallen behind.

The Type 052 guided missile destroyer needs a near-anti-aircraft gun with better performance. Obviously, the Type 76A 37mm dual-mounted near-anti-aircraft gun can no longer meet the requirements.

Therefore, the development of the 857 near-anti-aircraft gun was officially named as the 730 30mm near-anti-aircraft gun. It adopted a 7-barrel Gatling design and used 7 30mm rotating barrels. The maximum rate of fire can reach 4200 rounds. every minute.

Su Hai loudly introduced their research results.

Seeing this prototype, to be honest, although there was no expression on his face, Yang Fan was still a little excited inside.

He is too familiar with the 730 30mm close-in anti-aircraft gun.

Maybe its performance is not considered advanced in the world now, but after continuous improvement and perfection, the 730 30mm close-in defense gun is definitely one of the most outstanding and advanced close-in defense guns in the world.

What the future 052 ship needs is such an excellent close-in defense gun.

Su Hai's voice was so loud that everyone could hear it clearly.

He introduced that the 857 near-defense gun has 640 rounds of ammunition, and the rate of fire can be divided into three levels of high, medium and low. sent every minute.

Under the control of fire control radar and photoelectric tracker, it has multi-target tracking and calculation capabilities, and can track and strike multiple targets at the same time. It has the ability to intercept supersonic missiles below Mach 3500. The maximum interception distance for aircraft targets is 2500 meters. Missile target maximum intercept distance is [-]
After introducing the basic performance in detail, the next thing is the highlight of this morning.

The test firing of this close-in gun.

The scene was completely quiet. Many people wore anti-noise earmuffs, and some simply covered their ears with their hands, looking excitedly at the near-anti-aircraft gun not far away.

This is the prototype.

It is mainly used for design verification and experimental purposes, and it is not a formal prototype, but there will not be much difference between the test launch and the formal prototype.

In everyone's eyes, the gun barrel of this prototype spit out long flames, the seven gun barrels rotated at high speed, and a large number of bullets poured out.

Several micro-drones were smashed to pieces, and none were missed.

Everything is issued in an instant!

Except for Yang Fan, other than Su Hai and his research participants, it is probably the first time for the others to see such a scene, and they were all surprised, including those military personnel.

my God!

so amazing!

This is a proper metal storm.


Continue today with [-] words, and send the second [-] words.

(End of this chapter)

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