Military Heavy

Chapter 218 Is he such a young expert?

Chapter 218 Is he such a young expert?
According to the arrangement in the morning, instead of going into the conference room, everyone mainly visited the research institute, focusing on the content related to the 857 close-in anti-aircraft gun.

Including chief designer Su Hai introducing the performance of this close-in anti-aircraft gun, and watching the live ammunition shooting experiment.

The morning was easy and passed quickly.

After lunch, take a short rest.

The same is true for Yang Fan. He returned to the hostel where he stayed, and had a casual chat with Zhang Xiaodong and Luo Liuchu before resting.

Obviously, the two of them were still immersed in the metal storm in the morning. Hundreds of bullets poured out in a short period of time, which shocked them a lot.

"As expected of the second-generation close-in defense gun, this firepower is simply too powerful."

"Yeah, with this kind of firepower, as long as there is a burst of fire, there will be at least hundreds of bullets, which can tear the target to pieces."

"It's so powerful that it's a mess."

Listening to the two chatting like this, Yang Fan smiled and said: "Do a good job of connecting with their technology. This close-in defense gun will be used on the 052 ship in the future, and the combat system should also be integrated into this big killer. Let it Exhibit a strong short-range defense capability."



The two nodded almost at the same time. With such a powerful close-in defense gun, they definitely hope to equip it to the 052 ship as soon as possible in order to improve the defense capability of the 052 ship.

After chatting for a while, Yang Fan waved his hand and said, "You guys also go back to your room to rest, and you have to attend the judging meeting in the afternoon."

Zhang Xiaodong said: "It doesn't matter to us, it's purely for soy sauce, just attend the meeting and listen to it from the side. You are different, you are a member of the review panel."

Yang Fan smiled, "Then you should have a good rest at noon, you have enough time, take a nap, listen to it in the afternoon, and learn more about this close-in defense gun."

lunch break.

The two went back to their own rooms, Yang Fan also took off his coat, took a nap on the bed for a while, after getting up, he knocked on the doors of the two adjacent rooms.

The two of them were not there. I don't know if they had already rested and went out, or they didn't have a rest at noon at all. I guess the latter was more likely.

Yang Fan smiled dumbly, these two guys.

I also understand them, most of them use the ample rest time at noon to go around, take a look, and let them go.

He raised his hand to check the time. Although it was still early, it was not interesting to stay in the guest house alone, so he simply went to the meeting room prepared for the afternoon review.

This is a big conference room.

In the middle is a large oval conference table with a handful of sofa chairs. There are also teacups, sticky notes, pencils and other things placed on each position, which are well prepared.

In addition to these things, the names of the review experts were placed on every position on the large oval conference table, obviously they were seated according to their number.

According to the layout of the conference room, the review experts should sit around this large oval conference table, with several rows of chairs beside it.

Those who attended the meeting should be sitting in these chairs. For example, Zhang Xiaodong and Luo Liuchu could only sit there and listen.

Because they came earlier, there were not many people in the meeting room, and almost none of the experts who participated in the review had come yet, and some people sat sporadically on those rows of chairs. Do the final deployment.

For example, arrange things on the large conference table more neatly, such as preparing slides and projectors.Although there is no such thing as PPT, slides can already be used.

Things on glass or film can be enlarged by a projector and projected on the large white curtain in front.

Yang Fan looked at it and thought in his heart that he was quite well prepared, and it could be seen that the Weapons Research Institute attached great importance to this expert review.

Smiling slightly, Yang Fan quickly saw his name, so he walked over and sat down in that seat, waiting for the start of the judging session.

As soon as he sat down, an eager voice sounded beside his ears, "Comrade, you don't sit there, you sit here."

It was a young man who seemed to be about the same age as Yang Fan. He should be a staff member. He was still playing with the water glasses on the conference table just now, and arranged them neatly.

Hearing this, Yang Fan looked over.

I saw that young man was looking at him, and pointed to the rows of chairs not far away, which meant obviously that he wanted Yang Fan to go and sit there.

Yang Fan was taken aback, and soon laughed, "Do you want me to sit there? But I should sit here."

The young man said angrily: "That's where the experts who participated in the review sat. Are you a member of the expert group? Hurry up and do it over there."

There was laughter in the conference room.

Obviously, everyone saw that Yang Fan was so young, and guessed that he must not be an expert participating in the review, but probably someone from a certain unit. As they lead over, they can at most attend the meeting and listen to it.

Since it is an audit, of course you cannot sit in the position of an expert.

A middle-aged man pointed to the seat next to him and said kindly: "Comrade, sit next to me. There is still room. I guess there will be no room later. I need to go outside and move a chair in."

Yang Fan smiled helplessly.

I said in my heart, I am really an expert participating in the review, why don't you believe it?

Seeing that Yang Fan was sitting there without moving, the young staff member got a little angry, "Comrade, which unit do you work for? It's best not to make trouble, and sit over there quickly."

"Yeah, this is a serious judging meeting, please stop making trouble, little comrade."

"There are still about ten minutes left. It is estimated that the experts will start to enter the field. Get out of that position."


Seeing so many persuasion, Yang Fan did not believe that he was an expert participating in the review, Yang Fan smiled wryly, pointed to the name on the seat and said, "My name is Yang Fan, and I am sitting here."

There was another roar of laughter all around.

Obviously, they all thought it was just the same name and surname, and someone said loudly: "It's also Yang Fan, he is an expert participating in the review, you are just here to observe."

Yang Fan really didn't know how to explain himself.

Just thinking about whether to introduce my identity, a surprised voice sounded, "Yang Fan, it's really you, why are you here, what a coincidence!"

Follow the prestige to look at the past, Yang Fan is happy.

What a coincidence!

It turns out that sometimes the world can be so small.

Isn't this the Hu Jun I met on the train?
It turned out that he belonged to this research institute, no wonder he got off at the same stop as himself.

Hu Jun was very pleasantly surprised. Holding a folder in his hand, he walked over quickly, "It's really you. I thought that after we separated, there would be passerby A and passerby B. It would be difficult to see each other again."

Yang Fan said: "It's really fate, we met so soon."

Seeing that Hu Jun and Yang Fan knew each other, the young staff member immediately said: "Hu Jun, you know each other so, please persuade him not to sit in that position, the experts who participated in the review, the leaders will come in soon gone."

Hu Jun is actually one of the staff responsible for the deployment of the conference room. He is responsible for the name plates on each position of this large conference table.

Before the meeting room started, and there were still ten minutes left, he came over with a list of experts to check whether each name was correct.

Must be correct.

If the names of the experts are mistaken, such as making a homonym or the like, it is a kind of negligence in work, and Hu Jun does not want to make such a problem.

He looked at the name tag of "Yang Fan", and then at Yang Fan himself, slightly puzzled. In his impression, experts who can participate in such a high-level review must be at least four or fifty years old, or even six or seventy years old. Normal age.

But in his 20s, he had never seen someone so young.

He knew Yang Fan's name, there was nothing wrong with that, and he couldn't help thinking, could it be that Yang Fan was really an expert participating in the review.

Immediately opened the folder in his hand, found "Yang Fan" among the members of the expert group, glanced at the basic introduction, and asked, "Are you from the East China Sea Ship Design Institute?"

Yang Fan nodded and said, "Yes, I'm from Donghai Ship Design Institute."

With such an affirmative answer, there is nothing wrong with it.

Hu Jun was a little excited in an instant, and said, my God, it turns out that the experts from Donghai Design Institute are so young, and they must be about my age.

The young staff member next to him urged: "Hu Jun, persuade him quickly, the experts are coming in soon."

Hu Jun took a deep breath to calm his turbulent mood as much as possible, and then said loudly: "This is the assistant to the chief designer of the 052 ship of the Donghai Ship Design Institute, an expert in ship design, and also a reviewer of the 857 near-defense gun. members of the expert group."

These things are in the data.

Many people gasped!
They are really experts who participate in the review!
Such a young expert! ! !
Many people were stunned. Today has overturned their understanding. Experts are not necessarily all 50, 70, or even [-] or [-] years old.

But it can be young people.

Hu Jun knew that the confirmation was correct, and the way he looked at Yang Fan gradually changed, full of a kind of respect.At the same time, I was a little excited. I didn't expect to be lucky. I took the same train with Expert Yang and chatted very speculatively.

The young staff member just now was also stunned. After realizing it, he looked apologetic, "Expert Yang Yang, I didn't know you were really a member of the expert team. I"

Yang Fan smiled generously, and said without the slightest bit of mind: "It's okay, I know it's a misunderstanding."

Seeing that Yang Fan didn't care about it, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief, apologized several times in succession, and then turned and left.

No one noticed, he turned around and wiped the sweat on his forehead quietly. Even in the winter, he broke out in a cold sweat. I can't eat, so I walk around.

Yang Fan sat in his seat, waiting for the review meeting to start.

It's just that the conference room has never been quiet, it is very noisy, and I can always hear something about myself, and I can also feel surprised eyes.

"It's really unimaginable, such a young expert."

"It's still an expert from the East China Sea Ship Design Institute. Ship 052 was designed by them."

"It's amazing, I've learned a lot today."


Hearing such words in his ear, although Yang Fan looked very calm, he was already secretly happy in his heart, and he was in a good mood for a while.


I updated [-] words today, all of them have been updated, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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