Military Heavy

Chapter 219 Accepting All

Chapter 219 Accepting All
After a few minutes, some experts participating in the review entered the conference room one after another and sat down in their seats.

Typical check-in.

Some experts know Yang Fan, and they often deal with Donghai Institute.They didn't see Pan Jinfu, but Yang Fan. They were often taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized that Yang Fan represented Donghai Institute to participate in this expert review.

"Hello, Comrade Yang Fan."

"Assistant Yang, you are here."

When they greeted each other warmly, Yang Fan would often get up, shake hands with them, or chat with them happily.

Seeing this scene, many people knew that Yang Fan's identity was completely fake.Didn't you see that many experts who participated in the review shook hands with Yang Fan.

More and more people came in.

Especially the number of people attending the meeting increased, and the rows of chairs that had been prepared in advance gradually filled up with people. Zhang Xiaodong and Luo Liuchu also came in and found seats to sit down.

There was movement outside the meeting room, and I saw Su Hai, the chief designer of the 857 near-anti-aircraft gun, walking in front, followed by the two deputy chief designers, and the middle-level backbone or senior-level designers of their research institute.

After coming in, Su Hai was very enthusiastic and shook hands with the reviewing experts one by one. When it was Yang Fan's turn, he held Yang Fan's hand tightly, "Assistant President Yang, are you still used to everything? Donghai City, it's very cold here."

Yang Fan smiled and said: "It's okay, I'm still getting used to everything, the heating in the room is very good, very warm and comfortable."

After chatting casually for a few words, he shook hands with other experts one by one, and finally sat down in his seat, and the entire conference room gradually became quiet.

Su Hai gave a speech on behalf of their research institute, welcome everyone to come to participate in this review, and then introduced the 857 close-in anti-aircraft gun.

The introduction this time is much more detailed. Not only does it have a lot of technical data, but it is also rich in pictures and texts. Everyone can see clearly through the slide projection.

Many people took pens and notebooks and took notes.

As for Yang Fan, he mainly listens, and only records occasionally.Because I am too familiar with this near-defense gun, I know it too well.

Yang Fan is also quite clear about its current shortcomings, deficiencies, and improvements to be made.

The meeting lasted for more than an hour. After the meeting, the experts were divided into several groups and began to go deep into the weapons research institute to review the design drawings of the 857 near-anti-aircraft gun and understand its development process.

An expert in the military who was with Yang Fan, a senior colonel, was in his forties, and he didn't talk much, but Yang Fan found that his technical level was good.

He can often see any problems on the drawings.Of course, Yang Fan's level is also very good, and the problems on the drawings cannot escape his keen eyes.

During the two-day drawing review, Yang Fan found dozens of problems. Fortunately, there were no major problems. They were all minor problems, which could be resolved through rectification and improvement.

After the drawing review, another technical exchange meeting was held, especially the military personnel put forward some operational requirements.

Within two or three days, the fact that there was an extremely young expert in the 857 close-in artillery review expert group gradually spread, and many people discussed it in private.

"Tsk tsk, experts in their twenties really opened my eyes, but I just don't know how good they are?"

"Needless to say, it's definitely not very good."

Immediately, there was a retort from the side: "Who said that people's level is not good, expert Yang is very powerful, his level is extremely high, and he alone found dozens of problems in the two-day review of design drawings."

Suddenly, many people were shocked.

Gradually, the entire weapons and equipment research institute not only knew that a young expert had come, but also knew that the expert's level was not average.

After two or three days, there will be the review summary meeting, which is still presided over by Su Hai, and the number of people attending this meeting has obviously increased.

Many senior or key designers of the weapons and equipment research institute attended the meeting. Of course, they must listen to the opinions of the experts and what the experts have to say.

For example, what are the evaluations of the experts, what are the problems of the 857 close-in defense gun, and how to improve and improve in the future.

Among the dozen or so experts, almost half of them wore military uniforms, and the military had the most experts.The ages of the experts also range from four or 50 years old to six or 70 years old.

The oldest expert has pale hair and wears reading glasses. Judging from the wrinkles and aging on his face, he should be over 70 years old.

The youngest experts are estimated to be in their forties, except for Yang Fan.

The young Yang Fan is very conspicuous among the experts. Before the meeting started, many people would take a look curiously.

Especially those backbone or senior designers, they are not only curious about Yang Fan, but also a little bit unconvinced.Why can't we become an expert after more than ten years of technology research and development for more than twenty years? You are sitting on the expert seat when you are in your twenties.

"See, the youngest one is Expert Yang."

"Is he really that good?"

"I'm really looking forward to it. Expert Yang will say something later."


The meeting room was very noisy, but Yang Fan could still hear some words about himself occasionally, so he couldn't help smiling, what will he say later?

Regarding these, Yang Fan had already thought about it.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the review summary meeting began.

The meeting was still presided over by Su Hai, the chief designer of the 857 near-defense gun. After he spoke, the leader of the expert group also spoke for more than ten minutes.

The highlight of this meeting is of course the speeches of various experts. Several experts have expressed their views one after another.

For example, in the opinion of this 857 close-in defense gun, which aspects are still slightly insufficient, which aspects may need to be improved, and so on.

But all the questions raised are small, and there are no deep-seated big questions yet.Yang Fan listened quietly, organizing words in his mind, preparing to speak later.

After waiting for a while, feeling almost done, Yang Fan said loudly: "Let me say a few words."

Soon, a staff member sent the microphone to Yang Fan, and the conference room fell silent instantly, and everyone's eyes were all focused on Yang Fan.

Some people are thinking, Expert Yang is about to speak, what will he say?Can you get to the point?

Su Hai knew Yang Fan and gestured to Yang Fan with a smile on his face. He probably wanted to hear what the youngest expert in the expert group would say.

Yang Fan picked up the microphone, calm and unhurried, without the slightest nervousness, his face looked calm, which surprised many people.

This young man is not nervous!
So calm!

No wonder you're nervous!

Yang Fan has never seen such a big scene. This kind of situation can only be regarded as pediatrics. There is room for improvement, and some areas can be improved.”

Everyone pricked up their ears, and many even picked up pens, preparing to record what Yang Fan said.

Yang Fan continued: "First of all, I found that the 857 naval gun does not have a bomb ejection system. After shooting, the shell casings return to the magazine drum. Therefore, when you need to reload the ammunition after shooting, you need to return the full drum shell casings first, which is very time-consuming."

"I suggest designing a bomb ejection system, so you don't have to eject the shells inside the drum, which can greatly save reloading time."

This point quickly received strong support from several people in the military.

As soldiers, they are very aware of the importance of time. The ammunition in the 857 close-in anti-aircraft shell drum can be fired quickly. If it takes a lot of effort to load the ammunition, it will take a lot of time. Enemy missiles or planes are coming How to do it?

Su Hai explained: "At the beginning, I didn't consider the design of the bomb ejection system, mainly because of the principle of saving and recycling the shell casings."

Yang Fan smiled and reminded: "Master Su, it is absolutely necessary to do this. Our country will become richer and stronger, and our industrial strength will become stronger and stronger. Such a small amount of ammunition can still be wasted."

It's nothing to waste a little bullet casing, it's not worth mentioning compared with the precious time on the battlefield.

Soon, experts almost always agreed with Yang Fan's suggestion that the 857 close-in anti-aircraft gun was designed with a bomb-throwing system.

Historically, the later 730 near-anti-aircraft guns did have a bomb throwing system. Every time they fired, a lot of shell casings were thrown out at once.

In addition to this suggestion, Yang Fan made several more suggestions, all of which were supported by experts without exception.

Because he is too familiar with the 730-type 30mm close-in anti-aircraft gun, Yang Fan's proposals are of course very reasonable, and it is normal for them all to be adopted.

Others don't know.

When they saw Yang Fan put forward several very good suggestions, they were all surprised, and the originally quiet meeting room gradually became buzzing.

"It's amazing, it's amazing!"

"Expert Yang is really capable."

"I feel that among the suggestions made by the experts, only Yang Fan's is the most valuable."


Such words floated into Yang Fan's ears, a burst of pride, a burst of happiness, and also felt more face.Zhang Xiaodong and Luo Liuchu looked at the calm-faced Yang Fan, and thought to themselves, as expected of Mr. Yang's assistant, he performed amazingly everywhere.

These suggestions were all written into the review record.

At this judging meeting, Yang Fan was undoubtedly the one who caught the eye.

Some suggestions, some viewpoints, can often make people's eyes shine, including Su Hai, who thinks that what Yang Fan mentioned often hits the point.

The first review of the 857 close-in defense gun took four days, and it was finally over. Some design problems, including the suggestions made by the experts, they will work hard to rectify in the future.

All these rectifications are in place, the design is perfected and improved, and after the official prototype is manufactured, a second acceptance review may be conducted.

Three more updates will continue today, and the first update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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