Military Heavy

Chapter 220 Su Hai's Visit

Chapter 220 Su Hai's Visit

The first acceptance review of the 857 near-defense gun was successfully completed.

The experts left one after another, but Yang Fan was not in a hurry to go back. It was a rare time to come out, so he wanted to enjoy the scenery of the Northland.

Thousands of miles are frozen, and thousands of miles are snow drifting.

The feeling in the north is completely different from that in the south. The three of them had a good experience, such as seeing the ice sculptures and going to the ice skating rink.

Two days later, they also embarked on the return journey.

Su Hai was very enthusiastic. I don't know if it was because Yang Fan represented the East China Sea Ship Design Institute, or because of the suggestions made at the review meeting. It is probably because of the latter.

He personally sent the three of Yang Fan to the car, and held Yang Fan's hand tightly, "Expert Yang, your suggestion is very good. We thought that the design of the 857 close-in anti-aircraft gun was a success, and we were very satisfied. There is a lot of room for improvement and improvement.”

Yang Fan smiled.

The 857 close-in anti-aircraft gun is the later 730-type 30mm close-in anti-aircraft system. Now we can’t talk about the word "system". It is just a close-in anti-aircraft gun and some supporting things. Way to go.

No matter how to improve and improve in the future, Yang Fan is very clear, because he is too familiar with this close-in anti-aircraft system and understands it too well.

As a military worker, I also very much hope to see that our 052 ship can have a very good close-in defense system, and I would like to talk to Su Hai and the others about how to improve it in the future.

It's just that the time is very limited, and many things are too late to describe in detail. Even so, Su Hai and the others think the few suggestions made by Yang Fan are very good.

"Chief Designer Su, if we have an opportunity in the future, we will communicate more. In fact, I still have a lot of ideas and suggestions for the 857 close-in defense gun."


Very good!
Su Hai's eyes lit up, and he was very happy, "Okay, I'll go to Donghai Office when I have time, and I will definitely visit you once or twice."

"Chief designer Su is polite, and the words of the visit are serious. Let's sit down and have a chat and talk about the 857 close-in anti-aircraft gun."

The two are so polite.

The people around were stunned.

Especially the people from the Weapons Research Institute, they were very surprised. When did Chief Designer Su become so amiable and talkative?

Under normal circumstances, he is very serious and has strict requirements on everyone.

What now?
It completely overturned everyone's understanding of Su Hai, to be so easy-going, talking and laughing, and being polite.

The people from the Weapons Research Institute looked at Yang Fan, who was very young and chatting happily, with admiration, and thought in admiration, ah!

Such a young man with such a high technical level, the key is that Chief Designer Su seems to value him very much, and even said he wanted to visit him.

Niu X has gone to the sky!
Sensing these gazes, Yang Fan just smiled slightly, and there was no pride or pride on his face.

Yang Fan has seen such scenes a lot.

Zhang Xiaodong and Luo Liuchu also secretly looked at Yang Fan a few times, and of course they were filled with admiration.

This is our Assistant President Yang!
No matter where you go, you are so arrogant!

Yang Fan and Su Hai said a few words politely, then they shook hands tightly again, and then waved goodbye, the car gradually left, gradually went away.

It wasn't until he couldn't see that Su Hai looked away, and thought in his heart, he is really a good person, he is so capable at such a young age, and he is also very good at dealing with people, which is rare!

After finishing some things in hand, we must go to Donghai Institute, stay there for a day or two, sit down, and have a good talk with Comrade Yang Fan about the design of the 857 close-in anti-aircraft gun
We arrived at the train station smoothly.

Yang Fan and others still took the train and returned to Donghai City.

The three of them walked out of the train station happily, and their faces showed joy immediately, because they saw Wang Wei who came to greet him from a distance.

Zhang Xiaodong and Luo Liuchu thought in their hearts almost at the same time, traveling with Assistant General Manager Yang, the treatment is really good, and someone came to pick up the car at the train station so late.

In winter and at night, it would be a little inconvenient if there was no car to pick him up. Fortunately, Wang Wei was waiting at the exit of the train station early.

Seeing Yang Fan and the others, he was so happy that he almost trotted over, "Assistant President Yang, I'll help you carry your luggage."

Without further ado, he took the big suitcase from Yang Fan.

Yang Fan hurriedly said, "Thank you for your hard work, you came here to pick us up at such a late hour."

"Where, where, it should be." Wang Wei replied.

Everyone got in the car, put away their luggage, and the car started back to Donghai Station.

The next day, Yang Fan went to work.

After several days of business trip, after returning, Yang Fan was most concerned about two things. One was the design of No. 2 ship.The second is the outfitting of the first ship.

What is very reassuring is that both the outfitting of the first ship and the design of the second ship are progressing well.For example, the outfitting of the first ship has entered the final stage, and a lot of equipment has been boarded, and the same is true for many weapons and equipment, which have been installed one after another.

For this reason, Yang Fan personally drove to the Donghai Shipyard, and accompanied by Chen Shaohua, he saw the first ship under outfitting. I took a look.

Time passed day by day, and all the work was going on smoothly, and soon New Year's Day was ushered in, and then entered the first month of 1989.

The Lunar New Year is approaching.

Su Hai did what he said, and he really came to the East China Sea Ship Design Institute. He came by plane. After arriving at the East China Sea Ship Design Institute, he went to Pan Jinfu's place first.

Both of them are chief designers, and they chatted very speculatively.

Of course, the topic was about the 052 ship and the 857 near-defense gun, many of which were from a technical point of view. We talked for at least three or four 10 minutes.

After talking about technical matters, Su Hai said, "Old Pan, I came to Donghai Institute this time mainly to visit someone."


Names popped up in Pan Jinfu's mind. They were either the leaders of the institute or retired old experts.

"Old Su, who are you visiting?"

Facing the question, Su Hai laughed, "You may not have imagined that the person I want to visit is Yang Fan, your assistant, who came all the way here, just to talk to him about the future improvements and enhancements of the 857 naval gun."

Immediately, Pan Jinfu was a little surprised.

It was Yang Fan!
The chief designer of the 857 close-in anti-aircraft gun came all the way here, and he came here to visit Yang Fan.Pan Jinfu thought in his heart, Xiao Yang, you gave me another surprise, and you gave me a full face.

That's really embarrassing enough.

Su Hai came to visit!
And it was Pan Jinfu's assistant who visited.

Immediately, Pan Jinfu was in a good mood, and even had a sense of pride. He smiled happily and said, "Comrade Yang Fan is next door. He should be there now. I'll take you there."

Su Hai quickly said: "No need, I'll go there by myself."

Pan Jinfu got up to send him off, and after watching Su Hai leave, he thought to himself, Xiao Yang gave me another surprise, he is also very good at designing close-in anti-aircraft guns.

Genius, what a genius.

Just relying on my usual reading and studying, I can reach such a level, and the chief designer is willing to come and communicate with him, which is rare, very rare.

Pan Jinfu was filled with emotion in his heart and was very satisfied with Yang Fan.

in the office.

Yang Fan has been sitting there reviewing the design drawings of the No. 2 ship, looking at them very carefully, until there is a knock on the door.

"Please come in!"

The door of the office was gently pushed open. After seeing the person coming, Yang Fan was very surprised. He put down the design drawings in his hand, got up and said, "Chief Designer Su, you are here."

Su Hai smiled, "Take the liberty to come here, please excuse me, please excuse me."

Yang Fan enthusiastically said: "You can come here, why bother, I welcome you before it's too late, come and sit quickly."

While talking, he poured tea for Su Hai.

The two sat down and chatted while drinking tea.

First, they chatted casually for a while, and then gradually got into the topic. When talking about the design and development of the 857 naval gun, Su Hai asked for advice humbly.

"Comrade Yang Fan, at the last review meeting, we couldn't have a good communication due to time constraints, so don't be stingy now."

"Know everything without saying anything." Yang Fan said straightforwardly: "As long as I know, I will tell you everything, as long as you dislike me for being long-winded."

"Haha, no." Su Hai said happily.

The two chatted very deeply.

Gradually, such a pattern was formed, Yang Fan was speaking seriously, Su Hai was listening carefully, and took notes with pen and notebook.

Write something down, page after page in the notebook.

Sometimes, Yang Fan would pick up a pen and blank paper, and draw sketches while speaking, explaining how to improve the 857 naval gun in the future.

After talking a lot, Yang Fan focused on the concept of "system".

Yang Fan especially emphasized that the 857 close-in defense gun will be an organic whole. It is a system, not just a 30mm Gatling close-in defense gun. It must also be formed with search radar, fire control radar, and targeting radar. a system.

This system must also be seamlessly connected with the weapon system and combat command system on the 052 ship, especially it must be fully integrated into the ship's combat command system.

One morning, it felt like it passed quickly.

At noon, Yang Fan gave a warm treat. After eating outside, the two continued to talk in Yang Fan's office in the afternoon, while the other listened.

It's another afternoon.

It can be seen that Su Hai's expression is already a little excited, and he said in his heart more than once, this time it is too right.

It's worth it, it's worth it!

The harvest is so huge!

At this moment, he also admires Yang Fan, thinking that it would be too wasteful for Yang Fan not to engage in the design and development of close-in anti-aircraft guns.

Listening to what you say is better than reading ten years of books.

Su Hai felt this way. He never thought that he could harvest so many things in one day. He already knew how to improve the 857 naval gun in the future.

Yang Fan basically finished speaking.

Su Hai was very grateful, and held Yang Fan's hand tightly. He wanted to say a lot in his heart, but his mood was so agitated that he didn't say anything for a while.


Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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