Two or three seconds passed.

Su Haicai said: "Comrade Yang Fan, thank you so much. I have gained a lot from so many dry goods. I already have a solid idea of ​​what to do next."

Yang Fan was also happy for a while.

I thought in my heart, based on the understanding of the 730-type 30mm close-in defense gun, I talked more. I hope that our 857 close-in defense gun can be quickly improved and improved, and truly rank among the world's advanced.

Maybe three or five years later, our 052 ship will be equipped with a world-advanced near-anti-gun system.

The technical and tactical indicators of a warship often have a lot to do with the weapon system. With various advanced weapon systems, this warship will not be too bad.

In the world, after many famous warships are designed and manufactured, it is not uncommon for them to have no advanced weapons to equip and develop warships and other weapons.

Satisfied, he closed his notebook, even tidied up the white paper that Yang Fan used to draw sketches, carefully folded it, and put it in his bag.

Su Hai felt very rewarded!
Yang Fan said, "Chief Designer Su, if you have anything to do in the future, just call me directly. We can also talk about the 857 close-in anti-aircraft artillery on the phone."


Su Hai nodded again and again. After returning, he has already thought about any problems in the future design and development, and will call for consultation.

This time, it can be said that the harvest is full.

It's completely rewarding!
Yang Fan gave him a huge surprise!

It never occurred to Yang Fan that he knew so much about the 857 close-in defense gun, and some suggestions for improvement were simply to the point, and they hit the point completely.

Great, great!

Su Dahai was filled with admiration. After putting away his things, he held Yang Fan's hand tightly and said thankfully, "I'm treating you tonight. Let's have a good drink."

Yang Fan said: "You are a guest from afar, or I treat you."

"No, you have to give me this face, I'll invite you this time." Su Hai insisted.

It's hard to give up good intentions, Yang Fan laughed, and didn't insist anymore, the two left Donghai Institute, found a restaurant, ordered a few dishes, ordered a bottle of wine, and ate and drank.

The time entered April 1989.

The outfitting of the first ship has been completed.

Today's Donghai Shipyard seems to be a little different from usual, even the air is filled with joy, from Lu Guodong down, everyone's face is full of joy.

Why are you so happy?

Because the outfitting is complete, the painting of the first ship will start today.

Ships are built on land and sail at sea. The steel plates and section steels used as the main materials of the hull will be corroded by the industrial atmosphere and the marine environment successively.

In order to prevent steel from corroding and prolong the service life of the hull, it is necessary to derust and paint the steel and hull.

This kind of engineering operation of derusting, cleaning and painting the steel and hull is called ship painting.In addition to the anti-corrosion of the hull, the coating of the hull also has the functions of exterior decoration and anti-fouling of the bottom of the ship.

The 052 ship adopts the general construction method.

In the stage of steel processing and sub-manufacturing, some painting work has been completed, and what needs to be done now is only painting on board.

The so-called on-board painting refers to the painting operation of the ship on the berth before launching and at the pier after launching.

Yang Fan knew that the painting of the first ship started today.

Early in the morning, Yang Fan set off in his big off-road vehicle, instead of going to Donghai Shipyard, he went directly to Donghai Shipyard.

The goal was very clear. After entering the Donghai Shipyard, he went directly to the construction slipway and parked the car in a vacant area not far away.

At this moment, although it was not yet eight o'clock in the morning, there were already many people on the berth or beside the berth.

Most of them are workers from Donghai Shipyard, and there are also some management personnel and some technicians. Some people are familiar with this off-road vehicle. When they see this vehicle, many people think in their hearts.

Assistant President Yang is here!
Chen Shaohua knew that Yang Fan was coming, but he didn't expect it to be so early, it was less than [-]:[-] in the morning, and the painting work had not started yet.

Seeing this off-road vehicle parked not far away, and seeing Yang Fan getting off the vehicle, he greeted it happily, and said loudly from a distance: "Assistant President Yang, you're here so soon. "

Yang Fan replied with a smile: "The painting of our first ship is a big event. I must witness it start painting work."

Chen Shaohua laughed.

The painting of the first ship is also a big event for the entire Donghai Shipyard, especially after the painting is completed, the construction of the first ship is basically completed.

It took so long, starting from construction preparation, to drawing layout, to steel plate cutting, to segmental manufacturing, to the completion of the general segment, to outfitting
Along the way, watching the first ship gradually take shape and gradually approaching completion, it is estimated that not only Chen Shaohua, but also Yang Fan, as well as the workers of Donghai Shipyard, will have a strong sense of accomplishment in their hearts.

After paying so much, working overtime, fighting the scorching heat in summer and the severe cold in winter, I finally paid off and achieved results.

Chen Shaohua held Yang Fan's hand tightly.

"See, the construction of our first ship is nearing completion, almost finished!"

Happy to dream!

The first ship is nearing completion!

What a proud and happy thing this is! ! !

Yang Fan seemed to fully feel Chen Shaohua's mood, smiled happily, shook hands vigorously, and said slightly excitedly: "Congratulations, the construction of our first ship is completely completed, it's just a matter of time, and it won't take long."


Chen Shaohua said confidently: "At most two months, we will finish the full painting, and then we can go into the water!"

The two talked and laughed, and walked to the side of the construction slipway.

Standing at this position, Yang Fan looked at the 052 ship happily, and thought in his heart, this is our second-generation guided missile destroyer. Although there is a certain gap compared with the world's advanced level, compared with the 051 ship, It has improved qualitatively.

The gap with the world's advanced is only temporary, because our 052 ship adopts a modular and platform design. In this design, Yang Fan is confident that there are not many foreign advanced guided missile destroyers that can be compared with the 052 ship, or even none.

Such a reasonable, advanced modular and platform design will be very convenient for future technology upgrades and replacement of related equipment and equipment.

This will save a lot of detours in upgrading and replacement. In a few years, ten years, or 20 years, our 052 ship will definitely be among the most advanced and outstanding guided missile destroyers in the world.

In this regard, Yang Fan has full confidence!
As a reborn person, with decades of ship technology knowledge ahead of the world, Yang Fan himself will not agree if our ship business cannot be advanced in the world.

I looked at the 052 ship very satisfied, and after a long time, I looked away, and asked: "Old Chen, the preparations before painting have all been done."

"It's all ready!"

Chen Shaohua replied in a loud voice, and looked at the time, "The painting work is scheduled to start at 08:30."

Yang Fan also checked the time, it was already past [-]:[-] in the morning, and it was not long before the painting started.

After a while.

There were more and more people around the berth of the ship, not only some technicians, managers, but also some workers rushed over to watch the fun, wanting to see the painting of the first ship.

Xie Xinjian, Zheng Xianxue and others also came.

What is even more exciting is that the person in charge of building the slipway came with several workers, and each worker carried a large roll of "Earth Red" firecrackers.

The rolls of firecrackers were untied and spread on the ground, at least hundreds of meters long, almost as long as the 052 ship on the berth, basically parallel to the 052 ship, separated by about ten meters distance.

Seeing this scene, Yang Fan smiled, "Old Chen, you have a strong sense of ritual, and you have prepared so many 'Earth Red' firecrackers."

The "Earth Red" firecrackers are larger than ordinary firecrackers. Each firecracker is almost as thick as a pencil. The firecrackers are big, and they are very loud when lit. If there are enough of them, a layer will be laid, and the whole ground will be red, which is called "Earth Red".

It does take a bit of ceremony!
Yang Fan also very much agrees with this.

Painting means that the building is basically completed. It is not an exaggeration to celebrate and have fun at such a milestone node.

"Look, Director Lu and the others are here."

"Really, almost all the big leaders of our factory are here."

Everyone's eyes were attracted by a few small cars, which drove over and parked in the vacant area next to the construction slipway, almost side by side with Yang Fan's JEEP off-road vehicle.

Lu Guodong, Zhang Guoxin.
All the big leaders of Donghai Shipyard are here.

It's so grand!

In everyone's eyes, under the leadership of Lu Guodong, a group of people came over. To the surprise of many people, Lu Guodong actually took a few steps forward and shook hands with Yang Fan enthusiastically.

"Comrade Yang Fan, welcome, welcome!"

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Director Lu, you are too polite."

The other leaders, without exception, all warmly shook hands with Yang Fan, which made the technicians, managers and workers next to them admire.

As expected of Mr. Yang's assistant!
Several leaders of our factory shook hands with him one after another?

Great, great!

This face is really big enough.

There is only one reason why the leaders of Donghai Factory are so enthusiastic and polite. During the construction of the first ship, Yang Fan helped Donghai Factory solve many difficult problems and won the respect of the entire Donghai Factory senior management.

Soon, it was 08:30 in the morning.

As the chief builder of the 052 ship, Chen Shaohua has been paying attention to the time. He reminded: "Lao Lu, the time has come."

Lu Guodong raised his hand to look at the time, and saw that the time on the watch was exactly 08:30, almost exactly.


Today is the third update, and the third update is sent, thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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