Military Heavy

Chapter 222 Everyone Started Staring at Ship No. 2

Chapter 222 Everyone Started Staring at Ship No. 2
Time to paint!

Lu Guodong waved his hand and shouted loudly: "Now I announce that the painting of the first ship is just the beginning!!!"

As soon as the voice fell!
First of all, the sky-shaking firecrackers sounded. Amidst the deafening firecrackers, the warm applause and excited shouts almost never stopped.

Feeling this atmosphere, looking at everything in front of him, Yang Fan thought in his heart, this sense of ceremony is really sufficient!
The firecrackers laid on the ground are more than [-] meters long. The sound of the sky-shattering firecrackers resounds from both ends, and they advance to the middle. pier.

After several minutes, the loud sound of firecrackers gradually subsided, and before the smoke cleared, the workers who had already taken their positions began to get busy.

Coating is divided into steel pretreatment, segmental coating, on-board coating and finished coating.

The first two parts have been completed. For example, the sub-section painting has been completed in the sub-section manufacturing workshop, and each sub-section has been sprayed with a primer. The coating on the ship only needs to be painted with intermediate paint and top coat.

Sections primed, they are iron red.

The outfitting of the 052 ship in front of me is finished, and the painting is just starting to show an iron red color. Before the painting on the ship, the craft department has formulated detailed operating specifications and procedures.

For Donghai Shipyard, the technical difficulty is not too great, the operation specification and process are very clear, very scientific, and all the technicians and workers involved in painting are also full of experience.

Some workers are doing rust removal and cleaning.

Especially for rust removal and cleaning at the large joints of the hull.Hull rust removal is divided into cleaning level, industrial level, close to white level, and white level.

Other parts only need to reach the cleaning level, because the primer has been sprayed, and this kind of large joint is required to reach the whitening level.

The workers are busy.

Lu Guodong waved his hand and said, "Come on, let's go aboard and have a look."

A group of people boarded the 052 ship, first stood on the deck, and looked at everything with satisfaction, especially Yang Fan, who looked at it from a professional perspective.

Radar, artillery, torpedoes, missiles, etc., it has all been outfitted, except for some parts that have not been painted, in fact, it is not much different from an official 052 ship.

After looking at it on the deck, everyone went into the cabins and looked at it for a long time.

Especially in the combat command room, everyone looked at it with satisfaction. The outfitting has been completed here, and everything looks decent.

Chen Shaohua said with admiration on his face: "The combat command platform here is the first in China. The entire combat command system was designed and developed under the leadership of Comrade Yang Fan."

Everyone looked at Yang Fan one after another!


This item alone fills the gap in the country.

Some people even thought in their hearts, Comrade Yang Fan is really a genius, he knows so many things, and he can't talk about such an excellent combat command system.

Sensing everyone's stares, Yang Fan smiled modestly, "It's all thanks to everyone. How could it be possible for me to complete such a huge job by myself? The strength of the collective is the result of everyone's hard work."

Everyone is smiling in good faith.

Getting along for a long time, getting to know each other better.

Everyone knows that Yang Fan has one characteristic, that is humility.

Lu Guodong smiled and said: "Okay, no matter how humble you are, you are proud. We know that without your leadership, it is absolutely impossible to design such an excellent combat command system."

What is the biggest design highlight of the 052 ship?

The first is the design of the combat system, the second is the modular and platform design, and the second is the joint power system and the use of many advanced weapons and equipment on the ship.

Everyone stayed on board for more than an hour.

The first ship successfully entered the painting.

Yang Fan knew that the painting work was not too technically difficult for Donghai shipyard, so the frequency of going to Donghai ship was less, and he focused on the design of No. 2 ship.

The node issued by the General Command is to complete the overall design in December this year, but it should be possible to complete the design ahead of schedule.

And it may be several months in advance. Donghai Institute has entered the final stage of design, and it is entirely possible to complete all designs in three to five months.

A few days ago, Commander-in-Chief Huang Keping made a special trip to Donghai City. He first went to Donghai Shipyard to see the first ship being painted, and then came to Donghai Ship Design Institute.

He had a more detailed understanding of the progress of the design of the No. 2 ship, and he was very happy to hear that the design task would be completed ahead of schedule.

What made him even more satisfied was that the design problems exposed during the construction of the first ship were all perfected during the design process of the second ship.

Everyone originally thought that Commander Huang would go back to Beijing directly after his inspection of Donghai Institute, but he didn't. To many people's surprise, he went to Dongjiang Shipyard, which is also located in Donghai City.

This has caused many people to think deeply.

In particular, the response from Donghai Shipyard was relatively large.

Because everyone knows that after the design of the No. 2 ship is completed, it is estimated that the construction of the second Type 052 guided missile destroyer will start next year at the latest.

Could it be that Commander Huang intends to hand over the construction of No. 2 ship to Dongjiang Shipyard?

I heard that Commander Huang spent almost a whole day investigating at the Dongjiang Shipyard, and praised him. He was obviously very satisfied with the Dongjiang Shipyard.

A few days later, Yang Fan went to Donghai Shipyard again.

The painting of the first ship is progressing well, and the cleaning and surface cleaning are not only completed.All areas that need to be primed have been primed.

Accompanied by Yang Fan, Chen Shaohua introduced: "From tomorrow, we will paint the inner layer of paint."

Install the painting standard of the 052 ship, which has primer, inner paint and top paint.Apply the primer first, then the interior coat, and finally the top coat.

The painting standards of each part are different, and the types of paint are also different.

For example, the types of paint include ship bottom paint, waterline paint, hull paint, deck paint, cabin paint, etc. There are many kinds. Where to paint what paint is clearly stipulated in the design drawings. Donghai Shipyard also has rich experience. .

After the two looked at it like this, Chen Shaohua actually sighed softly, "A few days ago, Commander Huang went to Dongjiang Shipyard, did you know?"

"I know."

Yang Fan nodded, and looked at Chen Shaohua a little strangely. He didn't expect him to ask this matter suddenly. What was even more surprising was that there was a worried look on his face.

Chen Shaohua said: "I heard that the construction task of the No. 2 ship will be handed over to Dongjiang Shipyard. Have you heard such rumors?"

No way!
Will the construction of the No. 2 ship be at Dongjiang Shipyard?

Yang Fan has never heard of this incident. Based on his familiarity with the direction of historical development, the No. 2 ship should still be built by Donghai Shipyard.

Has the trend of historical development changed? ? ?

There was a big question mark in Yang Fan's mind, and he also became a little worried. If there is a real change, it may not be a good thing.

Yang Fan knows the situation of Dongjiang Shipyard. Although the scale and strength are good, he has no experience in the construction method of the general section, and the construction of the 052 ship adopts the very advanced general construction method at present.

Shaking his head slowly.

Then he said slowly: "I haven't heard of this matter. You have experience in building the first ship. I don't think the second ship will be handed over to Dongjiang Shipyard."

"I hope so."

Chen Shaohua didn't have the slightest confidence. He really couldn't control which shipyard the No. 2 ship would be built by. Even Lu Guodong, the top leader, couldn't control this matter.

After Commander Huang inspected the Dongjiang Shipyard and made a commendation, the pressure on the entire Donghai Shipyard increased invisibly.

Especially the senior executives of Donghai Shipyard are very worried that the No. 2 ship will be handed over to Dongjiang Shipyard, because the senior management of the entire Donghai Shipyard very much hopes that they will still carry out the construction of No. 2 ship.

Back to the East China Sea.

Yang Fan still put his main energy into the design of the No. 2 ship, hoping that it will complete the design as soon as possible and start the construction of the No. 2 ship as soon as possible.

As for which shipyard to build, to be honest, Yang Fan hopes it will still be Donghai Shipyard, because they have accumulated a certain amount of experience in general construction methods. If the No. 2 ship is built in Donghai Shipyard, it will be much smoother, and the construction period will be shorter than that of Donghai Shipyard. The lead ship will be greatly shortened.

Two days later.

Sun Baoguo from Dongjiang Shipyard went to Donghai Institute and entered Yang Fan's office. Obviously, he came here specially to find Yang Fan.

A few months ago, he had invited Yang Fan to Dongjiang Shipyard. Not only did he learn a lot about the modular construction method of the general section, but he also followed Yang Fan’s suggestion. Ships are constructed using a modular construction method.

In a few months, they have achieved some results. Although there is still a certain distance to meet the requirement of adopting the general construction method for ship construction, there are still many changes compared to before.

This is also the real reason why Commander-in-Chief Huang specially raised his praise after visiting Dongjiang Shipyard.

Yang Fan is reviewing the drawings in the office.

As the design of the No. 2 ship gradually entered the final stage, many key and important drawings were also completed and sent to Yang Fan for review.

There are a lot of design drawings on this big table. Yang Fan spreads out one of them, and is looking at it seriously, holding a pencil in his hand, and will draw out any problematic places.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

There was a strong knock on the door. I thought it was someone from the design office who brought the drawings, but Yang Fan didn't even raise his head. He continued to look at the drawing on the big table and said loudly, "Come in."

The office door was gently pushed open.

Yang Fan felt that something was wrong, it didn't seem like the people below sent in the design drawings, so he looked up.

Immediately froze.

Then he said in surprise: "Director Sun, you are here!"

It was Sun Baoguo, the deputy director of Jiangdong Shipyard who came in.

Three more updates will continue today, and the first update will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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