Military Heavy

Chapter 223 The Cradle of the Frigate

Chapter 223 The Cradle of the Frigate
Unexpectedly, Sun Baoguo came.

Yang Fan was very enthusiastic. While greeting him, he poured hot tea and invited him to sit down on the sofa.

"Assistant President Yang, you came here uninvited, sorry to bother you."

"Where, where, Factory Manager Sun is here, it's too late for me to welcome you."

The two were so happy and polite. For the time being, Yang Fan didn't know the reason for the other party's visit, because he had never received a call from Sun Baoguo before coming.

After chatting for a few words, Sun Baoguo said, "I'm here this time, and I have something to ask."

"If you don't want to ask for advice, if you have any questions, just talk about it." Yang Fan said.

Sun Baoguo pondered for a while, and then said: "A few days ago, Commander Huang came to our Dongjiang shipyard for investigation. You should know about this matter."

Tap lightly.

At this moment, Yang Fan vaguely guessed something, and roughly understood the purpose of Sun Baoguo's visit this time, probably related to the future construction of the No. 2 ship.

It seems that there is really Dongjiang Shipyard who is eyeing the construction task of No. 2 ship.

"I heard about it." Yang Fan said: "I heard that Commander Huang praised Jiangdong Factory, and I am very satisfied with you."

Smiling happily, Sun Baoguo said proudly: "After inspecting our factory, Commander Huang highly praised our Dongjiang Shipyard in front of many people."

There is a lot of pride in the tone!
With a lot of joy!
Receiving Huang Keping's praise seems to have shocked everyone in Dongjiang Shipyard. This kind of praise is not common, especially it is even more difficult to get public praise.

Dongjiang Shipyard actually won this honor.

Before the official construction of the first ship of the 052 ship, Dongjiang Shipyard submitted the construction application, and wanted to win the construction task of the first ship of the 052 ship, but after comprehensive consideration, the upper management decided to hand over the construction of the first ship to someone more experienced in destroyer construction Donghai Shipyard.

Without getting the task of building the first ship, Dongjiang Shipyard did not want to give up, and kept its eyes on the No. 052 ship of the future 2 ship.

After obtaining Huang Keping as the commander-in-chief, the desire in their hearts became even stronger. As the top-ranked deputy director of the factory, Sun Baoguo simply came to Yang Fan's place, wanting to have a chat casually and listen to what Yang Fan had to say by the way.

Why do you want to hear Yang Fan's opinion?
Very simple, Yang Fan is not only the assistant to the chief designer of the 052 ship, but also a great expert in the modular construction of the general section. The series of technical transformations currently being carried out by Dongjiang Shipyard are mostly carried out according to Yang Fan's suggestion.

Because of this, Sun Baoguo wanted to hear what Yang Fan would say.

Sun Baoguo asked tentatively, "How much hope do you think we have for the construction of No. 2?"

Hearing this, Yang Fan smiled.

As I guessed just now, Dongjiang Shipyard really focused on the construction of No. 2 ship.

To be honest, based on his familiarity with historical development trends, Yang Fan really does not want the No. 2 ship to be placed in the Dongjiang Shipyard, but it is more appropriate for the Donghai Shipyard to still build it.

After thinking for a while, Yang Fan said, "Director Sun, do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

"Of course I want to hear the truth." Sun Baoguo said without hesitation.

Yang Fan said: "The truth may be a bit unpleasant, and honest advice is harsh, but what I said is the truth and my personal point of view."

"Well, you said."

Yang Fan said: "I think it is more appropriate for the construction of the No. 2 ship to be built by Donghai Shipyard in the future, and it should not be built by your Dongjiang Shipyard."

Straight to the point.

Straightforwardly stated his point of view.

That sounds a little uncomfortable.

Sun Baoguo's complexion changed, and he said very dissatisfied: "Why, in terms of scale and strength, we are no worse than Donghai Shipyard. They can build the 052 ship, so can we."

"I know you can do it." Yang Fan said kindly, "Listen to me first, there is a reason why the No. 2 ship will continue to be built by Donghai Shipyard, first of all."

Several reasons were listed in one breath.

Every reason is reasonable and convincing.

It seems that Sun Baoguo is also a reasonable person, he agrees with Yang Fan's words very much, he sighed softly, with helplessness and disappointment on his face.

"Then what should we do at Dongjiang Shipyard?"

Look very lonely.

The construction of the 052 ship has attracted the attention of the whole country, and it is almost the power of the whole country. Jiangdong Shipyard cannot grab the construction task for such a warship. Yang Fan understands Sun Baoguo's mood.

So, he persuaded: "Director Sun, in fact, there is no need for you to be disappointed and discouraged. I think you should take a long-term view."


Sun Baoguo's eyes lit up slightly, as if he saw hope, and immediately asked eagerly: "Tell me quickly, what plan do you have."

Yang Fan said: "There are specializations in the art field. I think it's far better to concentrate on doing one thing well than to rush to do everything."

"Dongjiang Shipyard is best at building frigates. Then you should base yourself on this aspect and work hard to improve the frigate construction capabilities and technology. I believe that in a few years, the country will consider the development of new missile frigates and new missiles in the future." How wonderful it would be for you to build the frigate, it is also a great honor and something to be proud of."

New missile frigate!
Sun Baoguo's eyes lit up again. Last year, Yang Fan mentioned the new type of guided missile frigate.

"Oops, I almost forgot."

He patted his head lightly, and said apologetically, "We all stared at No. 2 ship up and down, and really forgot about it."

"From now on, we must work hard to improve and lay a solid foundation for the construction of new missile frigates in the future." Sun Baoguo decided.

Since there is no hope for the No. 2 ship, it is better to start preparations now and strive for the construction task of a new type of guided missile frigate in the future.

At the same time, the construction of existing ships is also done well.

I used to feel a little frustrated and disappointed, but suddenly I feel better.

Sun Baoguo invited: "Assistant President Yang, when you have time, come to our Jiangdong Shipyard to take a look and give me some guidance."

Yang Fan smiled and said modestly: "I don't dare to be a director, so how about it, I will go to your factory tomorrow."


Seeing that Yang Fan agreed so readily, Sun Baoguo became happy, and said enthusiastically, "Then I'll come pick you up tomorrow, how about it?"

As a top-ranked deputy factory director, he is equipped with a special car and a special driver.

Yang Fan shook his head and said, "Don't bother, I will drive here tomorrow, and you can just wait for me in the office."

Suddenly, Sun Baoguo remembered that Yang Fan had a big off-road vehicle.

It was imported, and I heard that it was given by his sister.

It is really enviable to have such a good sister.

So it's settled.

After sending Sun Baoguo away, Yang Fan sat down again and began to carefully review the design drawings again, holding a pencil and eraser, very focused.

If there is a problem with the drawing, it will be corrected with a pencil, or marked out, so that it is convenient for the design offices to make corrections after the drawing is taken back.

If there is no problem with the drawing, I will pick up my pen and sign my name, and the design drawing can be sent to the blueprint to become an official drawing.

The next day.

Yang Fan set off early by car, arrived at Dongjiang Shipyard around 08:30, opened the door and walked into Sun Baoguo's office.

Yang Fan is naturally very familiar with Dongjiang Shipyard.

In the 21st century, most of our Type 054 guided missile frigates were built by this shipyard, which is called the cradle of frigates.

There are certain differences between the current Dongjiang Shipyard and 30 or [-] years later, but the overall layout has not changed much.

Seeing Yang Fan who came in through the door, Sun Baoguo was very enthusiastic. He made tea and greeted him to sit down on the sofa.

The two drank tea and chatted for a while.

Under the leadership of Sun Baoguo, Yang Fan visited Jiangdong Shipyard again, and gradually discovered that compared with a few months ago, the changes here are indeed not small.

It can be clearly found that they are undergoing technical transformation according to their original suggestion, and have also purchased some new equipment.

In particular, there is a large factory building, which seems to be planned to be transformed into a segmented construction workshop according to his own suggestion, and the original crane has been upgraded from 20 tons to 50 tons.

While visiting, Yang Fan will also give some suggestions of his own.

Sun Baohui recorded all these suggestions and neatly wrote them down in his notebook.Behind the two, there are several accompanying personnel, all of whom are middle-level employees of Jiangdong Shipyard.

They knew Sun Baoguo very well.

Knowing that their factory manager Sun is a relatively stubborn person, he must succeed in everything he decides to do, and generally he will not give up easily.

Everyone knows that Director Sun has long been eyeing the No. 052 ship of 2, and hopes that Dongjiang Shipyard can undertake the construction task of No. 2 ship.

Who knows, Sun Baoguo gave up after Yang Fan said a few words.Yang Fan suggested that Dongjiang Shipyard should focus on the specialized construction of frigates, and Director Sun also adopted it.

Now, everyone has seen with their own eyes that Sun Baoguo nodded in agreement with every suggestion made by Yang Fan and recorded it in his notebook.

Oh my God!

Is this still the factory manager Sun we are familiar with?

Mr. Yang's assistant is awesome!

Our factory manager Sun is almost obedient to you.

Some people think in their hearts that our factory manager Sun is not like this at all. It is difficult for others to change what he believes. Even the top leader of our factory may not be able to convince him.

Everyone was stunned and couldn't believe seeing this scene, but there was nothing wrong with it. Whatever Yang Fan suggested, Sun Baoguo would accept it.

After entering several large factory buildings and looking inside, gradually, under the leadership of Sun Baoguo, everyone came to the side of the construction slipway.

Far away, Yang Fan saw a strange yet familiar figure.

Immediately, he became interested, and his steps speeded up imperceptibly, and he walked towards the construction berth, wanting to take a look at this long-lost figure.

. . . . . .

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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