Military Heavy

Chapter 224 Hull Number "112"

Chapter 224 Hull Number "112"

long time no see!

Finally seeing you again.

Yang Fan walked quickly to the side of the construction berth, and looked at the warship in front of him with great interest. He was very familiar with it, but also a little strange.

Why do you say familiar?
Because Yang Fan has seen it many times, and even boarded it many times, he is very familiar with its performance, design features, weapons and equipment, etc.

Then why do you say it is a little strange?

Because before Yang Fan was reborn, the production of this type of warship had almost ceased, and it had already been produced and used domestically, only a few ships were occasionally built for export.It is rarely seen in shipyards, but only in military museums.

And now, it is being built in large numbers.

It is the Type 053 guided missile frigate.

The Type 053 frigate is equipped with ship-to-air missiles for the first time, a new fully automatic 100mm main gun, a fully automatic 37mm secondary gun, a three-coordinate radar, a folding anti-rolling device, and a series of new equipment such as a 18E390VA diesel engine.

The significance of the Type 053 frigate to our navy is very important.It is the first frigate of the Chinese navy that integrates many new weapons and equipment into one platform. Compared with the Type 65 frigate and Type 01 frigate equipped with only artillery and anti-submarine weapons in the navy at that time, its performance has been qualitatively improved in all aspects. It already possesses the characteristics of a guided missile frigate in the modern sense and keeps up with the development trend of the world's guided missile frigate.

It is only limited to the technical and industrial foundations, and it still has many defects and imperfections, such as relatively large defects in electronic equipment - no electronic warfare equipment, and even the most basic passive jamming equipment, although this is determined by the design era , but it does greatly reduce its survivability, especially since this type of ship should often be used as the core of formation air defense, this defect is more obvious at this time.

The Type 053 frigate, as my country's first air defense frigate, has many gaps compared with the foreign frigates with air defense capabilities in service at the same time.

Although there are many shortcomings and shortcomings, Yang Fan still likes it from the bottom of his heart.

Seeing the Type 053 guided missile frigate under construction, I was slightly excited, and walked up to it to have a look.

Apparently, the Dongjiang shipyard is using the traditional tower construction method, and is building up layer by layer, and it seems that it is close to completion.

Sun Baoguo introduced: "This is the Type 053 guided missile frigate we are building. Since more than ten years ago, our Dongjiang Shipyard has built dozens of ships."

He introduced it enthusiastically.

After listening to the introduction, Yang Fan said: "You are still very strong in building frigates, definitely one of the best in China."

Sun Baoguo laughed, very proud.

He also thinks so. Dongjiang Shipyard is indeed very capable in frigate construction.

Yang Fan thought for a while and suggested: "Director Sun, you have advantages in building frigates. Have you ever thought about making Jiangdong Shipyard the cradle of frigates?"

Cradle of frigates!

This is good!

Especially considering that the new type of guided missile frigate will also be built here in the future, that .
He was a little excited.

Holding Yang Fan's hand tightly, he said in an unsteady tone: "Can we really do it? Can Jiangdong Shipyard really become the cradle of frigates?"

Yang Fan nodded confidently and said, "I don't think it's a big problem."

Historically, Jiangdong Shipyard was indeed the cradle of frigates, and a large number of new Type 054 guided missile frigates were built here, a veritable cradle of frigates.

The people who followed them were also excited.

Very good!
The goal is finally clear!
Can become the cradle of frigates, we are still fighting for the construction of 052 ships.

Everyone showed excitement, and some people clenched their fists tightly. If Sun Baoguo and Yang Fan weren't here, they probably would have yelled uncontrollably.

Sensing the self-confidence in Yang Fan, Sun Baoguo said, "Assistant Yang, you must have some ideas, please tell us."

The attitude is very humble.

A look of humbly asking for advice.

Yang Fan smiled happily, and he was not stingy at all. If Dongjiang Shipyard wants to become the cradle of domestic frigates, how will it develop, divided into several steps, and so on.

Sun Baoguo quickly took out his notebook and recorded all that Yang Fan said.

The people next to them, they were no exception, also took out their notebooks, listened carefully, and quickly recorded.

So there was such a scene.

With Yang Fan as the center, a group of people stood beside him, including Sun Baoguo.

Yang Fan pointed Jiangshan, talking about some of his ideas, how Dongjiang Shipyard will become the cradle of frigates in the future, how to develop, how to build, divided into several stages, need to purchase and purchase those equipment and so on.

Everyone listened carefully and recorded quickly.

Yang Fan stayed in Dongjiang Shipyard for almost a whole day until the afternoon when he drove away from Dongjiang Shipyard. Sun Baoguo waved his hand and watched Yang Fan leave.

A few days later.

Dongjiang Shipyard held an office meeting. At this meeting, Sun Baoguo proposed to give up the competition for the 052 ship construction task, concentrate on development and construction, and develop Dongjiang Factory into a specialized frigate construction shipyard with strong technical strength.

He said a series of development ideas.

These ideas are mainly based on what Yang Fan said, coupled with his own experience, combined with the actual experience of Dongjiang Shipyard, and slightly processed products.

In the conference room, many people were shocked.

Then his eyes lit up again.

What Sun Baoguo said is very reasonable!

Since the construction task of the No. 2 ship is not very sure, it is better to concentrate on development and aim at the new generation of frigates in the future.

As a military worker in the shipbuilding industry, everyone knows that with the smooth development and construction of the 052 ship, coupled with our domestic economic development, it will be a matter of time before the country launches a new generation of guided missile frigates.

It may be three years, it may be five years, and it may be ten years at most. We have full confidence in this.

At this meeting, the high-level executives of Dongjiang Shipyard had a heated discussion, and then formed a meeting resolution, and the whole factory unanimously agreed on the road of developing into the cradle of frigates.

Later, Yang Fan heard about it.

Immediately, I was extremely happy in my heart. Dongjiang Shipyard started to prepare for the construction of the new frigate in advance. Will our 054 ship come out in advance?
In fact, the design, development and construction of the 054 ship began at the beginning of the new century, and it was affectionately called "new youth".

It is now 1989, and it seems too early to consider this issue, but Yang Fan does not think so, and feels that it is very necessary to start the work related to the 054 ship in advance.

day by day
The painting of the first ship of the 052 ship went very smoothly. By May, the painting work was basically close to the end, and the whole ship looked decent and very beautiful.

As the painting is about to be completed, the issue of the hull number of the first ship has been put on the agenda, and many people are discussing what kind of hull number the first ship will adopt.

Whether it's Donghai Institute or Donghai Shipyard, whether it's middle and high-level leaders, or ordinary employees, everyone will talk about the string number.

Donghai Ship Design Institute.

As the assistant to the chief designer, Yang Fan presided over the weekly meeting of the No. 2 ship again, at which some tasks were deployed and some issues were communicated.

The design of the No. 2 ship has entered the finishing stage, and it is estimated that the entire design will be completed in two to three months. At this time, the design workload is still increasing.

A lot of work needs to be summarized and sorted out, many designs need to be reviewed internally, and a large number of design drawings need to be printed.

The regular meeting was originally held once a week, but Yang Fan temporarily changed it to twice a week. Even so, this meeting lasted for nearly two hours, solved many problems, and arranged and deployed a lot of matters.

The meeting is over.

Many people left the meeting room with their notebooks, ready to carry out work according to the deployment of the meeting, but there were also quite a few people who did not leave for the time being and were going to take a break, such as smoking a cigarette or the like.

Luo Liuchu, the deputy director of the Weapon System Design Office, was quite addicted to cigarettes. He took out a pack of cigarettes and opened them. Everyone distributed one, and he lit one himself, taking a deep breath.

Seeing this scene, Yang Fan just smiled and didn't say anything.

Smoking is not allowed during the meeting, this is a rule set by Yang Fan, and everyone unconditionally implements it.

Why make this rule?

The main reason is that there are many people during the meeting. This small meeting room can seat 30, NO.[-] people, and the space is relatively crowded. If there are a few people puffing, what about the other non-smokers, let alone some attending the meeting lesbians.

As soon as this regulation was announced, it immediately received strong support from several female comrades, especially Zhao Yulan, director of the model office, who praised it as a good rule.

Those who are addicted to smoking, if they want to smoke in the middle of the meeting, they can only quietly go outside for a couple of puffs, and then quietly come in to continue the meeting.

However, many people can still hold on until after the meeting, and then take out their cigarettes and light them up, smoking one enjoyablely.

Luo Liuchu took a puff of cigarette and said with a smile, "Assistant President Yang, this rule of yours has suffocated us."

The others laughed kindly.

Yang Fan also smiled, packed up his things and prepared to leave, leaving the meeting room for them to smoke here, but just as he closed his notebook, someone asked.

"Assistant General Yang, the first ship of Ship 052 is about to complete its full painting and will be launched soon. Do you know what its hull number will be?"

Yang Fan said: "I don't know for now, you can guess."

Many people immediately became interested. Talking about the hull number of the first ship was a topic they were very keen on, and there has been a lot of discussion recently.

It seems good to chat about this topic of interest to everyone while smoking a cigarette.

Someone immediately asked, "Will our first ship use a hull number like '001'?"

Today is the third update, and the third update is over, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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